THIE AfCHIGAN DAILY r, i THE BEST DRESSED MEN have their clothes made-to-measure. It is not a fallacy to say that clothes reveal their origin even to the casual observer. And there's an air of dis- tinction to our clothes that can come only from years of experience in tai- loring garments. We have satisfied your friends, why not you? G. H. WILD COMPANY Leading Merchant Tailors State St. THE MICHIGAN DAILY EEARMENia Official newsaper at the UniversityCWo ]Michigan.. Published eve y morning except Monday durizig the university year. Entered at the post-ofmce at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. S PJI' TOwgu i s I Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier or mail, $2.5o. Want. ad. stations: Quarry's, Students ' Spply Store, The Delta, cor. Packard and State. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. Francis F. McKinney......Managing Editor WOULD YOU BE HAPPY? Then buy a HANDY DESK CALENDAR You may also need a" ""National" or Excelsior Diary Plans Mien for Concert to Be Given Feb. 18 in Hill Auditorium for Refugees in Russia. e Complete Line e of 'I DIARFIES 1 i i John S. Leonard...........Business Manager Plans are progressing for the con- E. Rodgers Sylvester News Editor gert to be given under the auspices of Toni C. Reid ..............Telegraph Editor the Armenian Students' club in Hill Verne Burnett ...........'elegraph editor Auditorium on Friday evening, Feb- E.P. Wright.......... ,..... Sports E*ditor ruary 18. Three of the best Armenian J. C. B. Parker.........Assignment Editor vocalists will come to Ann Arbor at Conrad N. Church ...... .......ity Editor Pdwin A.Hyman. ........ ity ditor that time, and also a prominent Ar- Lee Joslyn..................y Editor enian violinist. The proceeds of this Cordon D. Cooke........Statistical "ditor entertainment will be sent to the Ar- menian refugees in Russia. EdwKirk Wte..c......Auvertisng u r The committee in charge of this Y. R. Althseler..... . Circulation Manager concert has been announced, and in- C. V. Sellers.................Accountani C. T. Fishleigh ..Assistant Business Manager t'ludes Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, chair- man, Charles W. Sink, W. H. Tinker, Night Editors Leonard W. Nieter William . Newton Miss Helen Humphreys, '1G, Harry Earl Pardee illi- t. uOrt Gault, '17L, William Holland, A. H. Reporters Koumjian, '16M, and R. J. Blum, '18. If. A.Fitzgerald *T. TStader I The committee has already succeed- Waldo R. Hunt dlolda Ginsberg Martha Gray Nat Thompson ed in securing more than 20 patron- W. R. Atlas R.!'cI )lua~d' E. A. Baumgarth L. S. ThompsonIesaes. Am ng thenm are Dean Myra B. Bruce Swaney F . L. Ziegler Jordan, Mesdames Harry B. Hutchins, R., J. Blum A. F Paley C S. Huntley A,~Shoenfield Mortimer E. Cooley, Alfred H. Lloyd, Business Staff Henry E. Riggs, John R. Allen, J. A. Albert E. horne Rosce Rar C. Hildner, J. R. Nelson, John R. Ef- E. C. Musgrave F. N. Sutter finger, Junius . Beal, Warren P. Lom- K. S. MeColl MxelCti ..Campbel, I). .Csn bard, George Burke, Horatio J. Ab- George Nobil bo l, G. W. Millen, W. H. Butts, A. W. Office Supplies in general. The greatest stock in the County Main St. Pr VNIVEFRSITY B330Rt' ORES State St. f I SN'S STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE ......p. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. Cars run on Eastern time, one hour faster ian local time. Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 8:io a. . aril hourly to 7:ro p. m., 9:10 p. m. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8:48 a. m. and v *ry two hours to 6:48 p. m.; to Lansing, 48 P. in. Local Cars, Eastbound-5 :35 a. m., 6:40 a. M., :o5 a. m., and every two hours to 7:05 p. M., :o; p. in., 9:~o5 p. n., 10:45 p. mn. To Ypsi- nti only, 8:48 a. n. (daily except Sunday), :2o a. in., i2:o0 p. M., 6:o5 p. in., 11:1s p. ., 1 :15 a. m., 1:30 a. m. Local Cars, Westbound-6:12 a. m.., 7:50 a. ., and every two hours to 7:5o p. n., io :a0 mi., Iz:2o a. in. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869 Capital...........$ 300,000.00 Surplus..........$ 150,000.00 Resources over .... $3,000,000.00 Banking in all branches Main Offiee, N. W. Corner Main and Huron Sta. Branch Office, 707 North Univ- ersity Avenue. We Have a FULL LINE OF Cut Flowers and Plants For All Ocoasions. COUSINS & HAL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVEI Phone 115 SATURDAY, JANUARY b, 1916. Night Editor...'.. William F. Newton IF WE MIGHT SUGGEST Stalker, G. Carl Huber, Charles Sink, N. S. Hoff, Henry Tatlock, C. Fetter and L. A. Barrett. W. N. BUSRAB WORKERS CONVENE Iait lit Ine Up Iien for Aral'ian Ios. pital inCampaign. Coal Coke Lumber Planing Mill Specialties Interior Finishing ignS a inga=k January 0 of last year a set of of o ficial suggestions looking toward the In e livsrab campaign, a meeting for all regulation of the J-Hlop and its at- iested studen, w e hel in in terested students will be held in tendant houseparties were sent around McMillan Hall Sunday afternoon at to the various organizations on the4 :30 o'clock. campus. The idea, according to the The campaign for the Ara ba word ofthesuggstinswas o mke Tho ampignfor he ra:an hos- words of the suggestions, was to make pital will be held early next semester the Hop a "wholly desirable event in and it is likely that a cai mpaign fea- the life of the university," and to ;uring Raymond Robbins 0l also be keep it "free from all objectionable ;ti ed. features." We heartily agree with 'The meeting Sunday afternoon will these aims, and still more with the e - en over to inforn'a' discussion promise that in another year such lefite plans will b? adopted at a changes might be proposed as seem ater session. All mei who wish to wise.-laidthe Busra> movemeiit areurged To our way of thinking last year's' to attend the meeting. instructions were a little too presump- tuous to meet with much approval. Great Prosperity in Steel Trade The provision that the names of all New York, Jan. 7.--Prosperity in the chaperones be sent to the Hop com- steel and iron trade led the United mittee, and the suggestion that long States Steel Corporation to decide to- aftermaths in the fraternity houses day to increase the wages of its com- immediately following the Hop may nmon laborers about 10%, effective be done away with, smack more of February 1. The proposed increase rules governing a house of correction will affect about 240,000 men, and will than an approved social function of swell the annual pay roll about $15,- college students. 000,000. At all events last year's party proved safe and sane, and it seems as though Install Officers this alone would be sufficient in justi- Officers for the ensuing year were fying the recently appointed faculty installed Thursday evening, of Ann committee in acting on broader pre- Arbor Encampment No. 7, I O. O. F., sumptions. and an invitation accepted to confer the Patriarchal degree for For Har- .,~ * * * * * , * , , * mony Encampment No. 11, in Detroit, Doctor Cumming-s' .S est * Saturday evening, Februarq Ii. FLOWERS FOR Corsage Bouquets Baskets of Flowers FLANDERS E4 MRS. Phone 294 4 Open Sundays, 9 to 12 The Beauty of My Business is A co mplete Litte of Drig Stiffdrias, _+Koks Carid!*es, Perftrnes ALL OCCASIONS Floral Designs From 75c to $15.00 Flower Shop 213 EAST LIBEREIY STREET FLOWERS DELIVERED r Liberty and MainI JN O. Phone 2494 J. SAUER 310 W. Liberty ALBERT MANN, Drgst 213 Soxith MaIn St. A n. Arbor. Mich. .... We have on display a full line of Foreign Cloths for Even- ing Wear. Silk vests i Do you drive winter? You should. an automobile in the It's convenient. Full Silk Lined Fifty Dollars and up. D. E. GRENNAN REAL CUSTOM TAILOR 606 E. LIBERTY STREET You can heat your garage safely and economically with a SAFETY GAS GARAGE HEATER. Approved by insurance companies. partment Paper and Envelopes All Departments LOOSE LEAF PAPER "Any Size,, FOUNTAIN PENS SOLD AND REPAIRED SCHLEEDE 340 S. State for P'reveniting the Spreatd. of La Grippe: 1. Avoid associating with those who have it. * Women's Organizations * Washtenaw Gas Co. SAM BURCHFIELD & co Fine Tailoring * 2. Hold a handkerchief be- * House representatives are asked to * fore the mouth when coughing. * attend Mrs. Fox's lecture at 9:00 this * 3. Keep regular hours. morning in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. * 4. Eat good food. * Junior Play lyrics must be hand- * 5. Avoid congested places, * ed in before the last Friday of this * such as moving picture houses * month. * and billiard halls. * Mrs. Emma Fox, official parliament- * 6. Avoid fatigue. Get plenty * arian of the state federation of * of sleep. * women's clubs will speak to Ann Ar- * 7. Get plenty of fresh air. * bor women at 9:00 this morning in * Ventilate your room night and * Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. * day. * Town women as well as students * * * * * * * * * * * * are invited to hear her and the organ- ized houses are urged to send rep- resentatives. Mrs. Fox will give some Hugo Pant, '92, Is Memorial Speaker. practical points on parliamentary Judge Hugo Pam, '92, of the Chicago usage. Appelate court, will lecture on "The Jewish Congress" at the open meeting of the Menorah society in Newberry Hall Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Judge Pam spoke before the organ- ization last May on "The Schoolhouse as an Agency for Social Service." His address was well received and he was engaged to speak this winter. In additon to the lecture Sunday evening,dthe nominatingtcommittee will present nominations for the offi- cers of next semester. The election ® will be held on January 23, the last meeting of this term. YPSI HAS DISCUSSION HOUR NOTED SOCIALIST TO LECTURE Coimparison of Rules With 5. A. V. Secure Eugene V. Debs to Speak Here Slio's Normal Students Under Auspices of iter-Col- Have Freedom4 t SL * t Ypsilanti, Mich., Jan. 7.--At a meet- ing of the Self Government associa- tion of the Normal college Wednes- day morning, an hour was given over to the discussion of the rules of that institution by the members of the student body, the faculty absenting themselves from the room during the time the discussion was carried on. The rules of the college were com- pared to those that govern the women students of M. A. C. and it was de- cided -that much more freedom be al- lowed the normal students. The 10:00 o'clock rule about women being in their rooms caused much dis- cussion, because, as some of the wom- en put it, out of town escorts were not able to be on hand for the first performance of the movies, and as the second shows lasted until 10:15, the girls had to leave before. the filn had run its course, if they were to keep within the law. The rules voted upon were practically the same as governed the college last year. "s""" """ S TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT 5 Typewriting SuppliesI Hamilton Business College State and Williams Sts. HUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Ju t* right for two students; $4,000 takes otablished. business clearing over $200 per month. If you mean business, write Michigan Daily, Box XX. nov27tf Ten cents rents a good Eastman ko-' dak, any size you want. Lyndon's, 719 N. University. Union Secures Services of New Chef The Union has secured the serv- ices of a new chef, Anton Nazzucchel- li by name. He was secured by Den- nis Donovan, steward, from the Ho- tel Review, New York City, which hotel has the reputation of turning out very fine cooks. Donovan had an- other man in view for the position but failed to get him and so the pres- ent chef was obtained to fill the vacancy. Dr. Cone to Lecture to Mich. Dames Dr. Lee Holt Crane, associate pro- fessor of organic chemistry, will give a lecture on. "Household Chemistry" before the Michigan Dames association jt 7:45 o'clock Monday evening, Jan- uary 10, in Newberry Hall. All stu- dents' wives arecordially invited to be present. eg', a~e Clety. Eugene V. Debs, probably the best known socialist in this country, has been secured by the inter-Collegiate Socialist Society of the University of Michigan, to give a talk in Newberry Ha1 on Monday evening, January 17, at 7:30 o'clock. The society will hold a special meet- ing on next Thursday evening in or- der to take up the matter of arrange- ments for the coming of Debs. There will also be a special program for the meetings. If the plans of the Socialist Soci- ety materialize, there will be a great many prominent socialist'speakers brought here in the near future. Mr. Debs is the second of the series, John Spargo, who spoke recently before a Sunday "Y" meeting being the first speaker. La - Stiideits l'ws Bar Exinnations Jlarry S. Adler, '16L, J. L. Donnelly, 'ICL, C . Dowell, ' OL, 0. B. Haff, '15, and 0. V. Seed, '15L, have all been notifled that they passed the Missouri State bar examinations which they took in Jefferson City, Mo., December 20 to 22. They were the only five students in the Michigan Law School to take the Missouri ex- Prominent Publisher Dies of Apoplexy New York, Jon. 7.-Charles Welborhe Knapp, former publisher of the St. Louis Republic, died of apoplexy this afternoon while at work at his desk in the office of the New York Times, of which he became treasurer on Mon- day. He was 69 years old and when he resigned as publisher of the St. Louis Republic to come to the Times, lhe had been connected with the Mis- souri paper for 48 years. Now e too soon to mak~e arrange- for our Taxi service for the J- Stark 2255. tf With Rest Wishes for the New Year we are pleased to state that our ever increasing business proves to our en- tire satisfaction that Michigan men are pleased with our service. Stark Taxicab & Transfer Co., 2255.