El $L AlLY The Michigan Daiy Phlones :-Editorial 2414 Busiuess 960 TIELiEGR~APH SERVICE BY TE NEW YORK SUN NEWS OF THE WORLD AND THE CAMPUS 1, VOL. XXVI. No. 69. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS INFORMATION FAR RMDPN9L ON PERSIA CASE, DIFFIC'LTIES IN WAY TIANDTINOrSEEM '14171INCREASE OF SAFE ON1 SENATE'S ATTITUDE DOUBTFUL Announced that 3:6 Persons, Includ-p ing Passengers and Crewt Not Accounted fort Washington, Jan. 6.-The difficultiesv in the way of a safe handling of thet Persia case seem to be increasing in-t stead of decreasing. Developments to-c day make it look as if the UnitedL States will be dependent chiefly upond Austria' for information in regard toa the sinking of the British vessel whicht resulted in the death of American Con- sul McNeely.t If Austria disclaims all responsibil- dty and denies that any of her sub- marines sank the Persia, the United States probably will never be able to prove that the destruction of the ship was the work of an undersea boat, orl to fix the responsibility for the act.r United States Consul Garrels at Alex- andria reported to the State Depart-t ment today that the affidavits which he had gathered from the survivors of the Persia were not beyond that in-3 corporated in his early dispatches. This means that the American consul at Alexandria has been unable to findE anyone who would make affidavit to having seen a submarine in the neigh-~ borhood of the Persia. So far as the State Department knows, the only thread of tangible evidence that has yett been obtained is fom one of thel British officers on the Persia, who has been quoted as saying that he was "under the impression" that he saw the ripple of a submarine. Even in regard to the statement of3 this officer, accounts have differed. One version indicates that he was un- der the impression. that he had seena the wake of a torpedo. The other is; that he had seen a ripple on the water such as is made by a submarine per- (Continued on Page Six) WILSON SUPPORTS MONROEDOCTRIN Outlines Pan-American Policy Before Scientific Congress in Washington. FAVORS USE OF ARBITRATION Washington, Jan. 6.-President Wil- son outlined his Pan-American policy in an address to the members of the Pan-American Scientific Congress, in Continental Memorial Hall tonight. He declared the purpose of the United States was always to maintain the Monroe doctrine on its own respon- sibility, and disclosed the steps le thought all the republics of this hem- isphere ought to take as a means of conserving their common interests and promoting their common sym- pathies and ideals. Briefly these steps are: (1) Guar- antees of political independence and territorial integrity of every American republic; (2) an agreement to settle all outstanding boundary disputes by arbitration or other amicable pro- cesses; (3) an agreement that all disputes be handled by patient inves- tigation and settled by arbitration; (4) an agreement that no state shall permit a revolutionary expedition against the government of another state to be outfitted within its boun- dary, nor permit munitions of war to be exported to such revolutionary use. Ford Party Balks at Classic Dancers. Copenhagen, Jan. 6.-The steering committee of the Ford peace delega- tion refused the invitation to attend a meeting of the local society of Es- peranto, on the grounds that airily clad classic dancers would appear on the program. The majority of the peace party were in favor of attending the affair, but obeyed the sentiment of the leaders, especially Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones. Croix de Guerre Has Great Honor' In the French army, one of the honors for which all strive is the croix de guerre, which was the tribute paid to Richard N. Hall, ex-'15, who re- cently gave his life while engaged in his duty of driving an automobile am- bulance in the mountains of Alsace. In a letter received from the elder of the Hall brothers, Louis, some time ago, the following description' of the ceremony was given: "On my way down to headquarters the other day in the afternoon, I passed through one of our little towns, just in time to be on hand for the formal ceremonies for our sec- tion's decoration, and joined the few who were there to represent the sec- tion while our commander received the croix de guerre. Three. squads of men with their officers were lined up, forming a large open square. In due time, our divisionaire, a lieuten- ant colonel, drove up in his car and the ceremony began. "He read the wording of the cita- tion. Then our commander, a Har- vard man named Hill, stepped out close to the divisionaire, and we stood just behind him. The colonel pinned the croix de guerre on him, and an- other, for the section, on our French lieutenant. That done, the colonel made a very appreciative little speech on the work we had done, saying that while he knew that those who were to take our place (the English) would, do their duty, we had done more than our duty, praise for which was be- yond the power of words to express. "This all took place in a little square in front of an old and inter- esting church. Of course the colonel's little speech made us all pretty much pleased." Louis Hall, who was engaged in the same work as his brother Richard, in- tended to sail for the United States last Saturday on the French liner "La- fayette." For some reason, however, the steamer did not leave her port, so Dr. L. P. Hall and Mrs. Hall are not sure of the date of their son's ar- rival, The bullet-riddled side of the can- vas automobile top, which covered the ambulance presented by the Dartmouth students, is being brought back as well as the steel helmet which was worn by Richard Hall at the time of his death. The helmet will be presented to the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, of which Hall was- a member while at Michigan. Dr. Angell Gets Birthday Letters Former Pupils, Diplomats and Politi- cal Leaders Send Congratu- latory Messages. Among the many incidents which have served to brighten the eighty- seventh birthday of President-Emer- itus Angell, not the least effective were the letters and remembrances from former students and friends. One of the most highly cherished of these remembrances came in the form of a letter from a man who had been a student under Doctor Angell at Brown University. This particular person had been a rather stubborn student, whose real acquaintance with Doctor Angell had begun with his own sudden determination to leave the university. Doctor Angell learned of his de- termination to leave, and going to the young student, he managed to per- suade him to remain in the university. At the time, it was hard for the young man to realize that he was being be- friended, but since his graduation he has many times thanked his bene- factor for "forcing an education upon him." This chance meeting with the young man resulted in an . acquaint- ance that has remained unbroken to the present day, despite the fact that the first meeting occurred more than 55 years ago. Among the gifts received by Doctor Angell from former students was a box of oranges from Florida, this remembrance coming from a young woman, a graduate of the University of Michigan. Despite the fact that Doctor An- gell receives a great number of let- ters and telegrams of congratulation on the occasion of his birthday from many officials, these from his old students are greatly appreciated. * I "Thousands of Michigan al- umni will be rejoiced to know that Dr. Angell has reached his * eighty-seventh ear inf ill health and mental vigor. That *hIe may long 4e spared is th * wish of his many devoted * friends and admirerw U "It rarely comes to one to exert upon his generation the W influence that has been exerted by this great and good man. To * have known him intimately and to have been able to profit by his example. I vii~ard as one ofl my most fart unmie experi- - --iresident Ilutchins. * ROU.TINE MATTERS TAKE UP REGENTS' ATENTION 9T SESSION OF B0OD :i e e k E~~ ~ ~ * *_ ---- :e * a * * * BRIT*ISH CABINET MEMBERS RESI6N O N C O N S C R I P T I ONTH ~ : Q ~ ' A T R D C S O T lilt F F :1]T AFTERi DECISION OF NATIONAL LABOR CONGRESS BiLL PASSES FIRST READING, eI oa New Appointments Are to Add to U1niversity Faculty. IMade President-Emeritus James B. Angell President - Emeritus Reminiscent Before Eighty - Seventh Birthday With the accumulated experience of1 more than three quarters of a century behind him, and with a faith in hu- manity sorely tried by conditions ex-1 isting at present in more than half of the civilized world, President-Emeri-] tus James Burrill Angell, who today celebrates his eighty-seventh birthday,3 was optimistic as to the future of humanity, when interviewed yesterday. "I have gone beyond the stage where I feel that I have the right to prognos- ticate, with so many other young mena around," he said, when asked to make a prediction of future greatness for the university. "I am sure, however," he continued, "that the university has a wonderful opportunity before it if it continues to enlarge with the same de- gree that it has increased its scope during the past few years." In remarking on the international significance of Michigan, Dr. Angell recalled with a great deal of amuse- ment some of the conditions prevail- ing at the university when he as- sumed its presidency in 1871. "At that time," he said, "practically the only foreign students here were about 30 Japanese, and they devoted nearly all of their spare time to horseback rid- irg. If I remember rightly, they al- most had a corner on all the available riding horses in Ann Arbor. Some of, tho e men have become very promin- ent in Japanese politics since that time, and one of our Michigan grad- uat- was, for a long period, minister of education in the Japanese empire. " the first thing I did, officially, when I assumed the presidency in 1871." le continued, "was to lay the , cornerstone of the main building of University hall. The two wings had been built before I came to Ann Arbor,: and what is now the administration building was an afterthought." He also mentioned that during the yearsf he had guided the university, the total aspect of the campus had changed as regards buildings, the museum, 'T'ap- pan Hall, the chemistry laboratories and-b6e medical building having been completed during his years of active service. He vouchsafed this informa- tion in answer to a question as to whethtr the passing of many of the' old buildings made the campus seem a different place to him. In speaking of his life immediately after his graduation Dr. Angell hu- morously stated that because of a throat infection, then thought to be serious, some congregation had been saved from the necessity of listening to him preach. He said that it had been his original intention to become a minister,' that he had already en- rolled in a theological seminary and had engaged his room, when he was informed that the condition of his throat would prevent his becoming a preacher. He then made the interestingstate- ment that during part of the next year when he had determined to fol- low engineering as a profession, he was engaged in laying some of the pipes that go to make up the present water system of the city of Boston. Dr. Angell is at present the oldest living graduate of Brown University, having been graduated as one of a class of 27 in 1849. He mentioned the (Continued on Page Six) J-iOF CMMITTEE G'1 EN USE OF (1Y31 FOR BI NUA, PRI31 POUR ADDITIONAL NURSES A RE PROVIDED FOR UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Minor routine matters occupied to a great extent the attention of' the board of regents at its meeting in the law building yesterday. A bare quor- um to conduct business was present, Regents Hanchett, Sawyer and Gore being absent as well as State Super- intendent of Public Instruction Keel- er. Regents Clements, Sawyer, Leland and Hanchett were appointed as four members of the board of trustees of the state psychopathic hospital in Ann Arbor. New Appointments Made Several appointments to the uni- versity faculty were announced. Dr. John F. Blinn was appointed instruct- tor in pathogenesiw in the Homeopath- ic Medical college. Mr. Frank B. Williams of New York City, was ap- pointed non-resident lecturer in land- scape design to give four lectures on "City Planning and the Law." Mrs. Fred Stevens, of Detroit, was reap- pointed for three years to the board of governors of the Martha Cook build- ing. Chas. L. Boyce was appointed lecturer in telephone engineering. Carl O. Sauer, who just received his Ph. D. at the University of Chicago, was selected to fill the position of the' newly created instructorship in geo- graphy for the second semester. This is the first time that aSpecial instruc- tor has been used to teach geography, the work falling in the past to the lot of the geology faculty. Dr. Lee H. Cone was given a leave of absence, without salary, to do professional 'work with the Dow Chemical company of Midland, Mich., and Dr. Oliver Kamm was appointed instructor in organic chemistry. Prof. H. C. Sadler was chosen to represent the university at the meet- ing of the board of directors of the American Society of Aeronautical n gineers at New York City on Janu- ary 12. Beal Will Accept Vaughan's Portrait Regent J. F. Beal was selected by the board to accept the portrait of Dean V. C. Vaughan, of the Medical School, now being painted by Gari (Continued on Page Six) :l itorial Opinion in London Indicates That Conscription Bill Is Unsatisfactory London, Jan. 6.-The conscription bill passed the first reading in the House of Commons tonight by a vote of 403 to 105. Prior to this vote the following men resigned from the Brit- ish cabinet, because they were unwill- ing to abide by a resolution adopted at the day's session of the labor con- gress, recommending that the labor party in parliament should oppose the conscription bill at all stages: Arthur B enderson, president of the board of, education and leader of the labor par- ty in the house of commons; William Brace, parliamentary under-secretary for home affairs and also a labor lead- er; George H. Roberts, lord commis- sioner of the treasury and labor whip in the house of commons. There are now four vacancies in the coalition ministry,. Including that caused by the resignation of Sir John A. Simon, home secretary. Gossip al- ready is busy over the probable sue- cessors of the outgoing ministers. The resignations of Mr. Henderson, Mr. Brace and Mr. Robertson were the direct outcome of the labor congress action which was followed by a two- hour conference among the parliamen- tary labor leaders. The national labor congress, repre- senting some 3,000 trade union mem- bers of Great Britain, today took the action that was expected of it on the compulsion bill and came out in a strong opposition by a vote of 1,998,000 to 783,000. It decided to pass a resolution demanding the withdrawal of the bill in the house of com- mons. About 900 delegates, represen- tatives of 400 trade unions of Great Britain, where in their seats when the (Continued on Page Six) GEIRMA1N TROOPS O*N SO'UTHDRVNBC Russians Pierce Enemy's Position in Immediate Vicinity of Czernowltz. INVASION OF GREECE PLANNED RHODES SCHOLARSHIP AWARMED TOWA. PEAR Michigan Wins Oxford Scholarship for Third Successive Time For the past three years, the Rhodes scholarships at Oxford for the state of Michigan have been awarded to stu- COFFIN FELLOWSHIP ACCEPTED Fellow Must Devote Time to Research in Highway Engineering. Final acceptance has been made by the university of the fellowship in highway engineering which was given by Howard E. Coffin, '03, president of the Hudson Motor Car Co. The fellowship as accepted provides for an amount of $1500 for a period of two years. The conditions attached dents in the University of Michigan. to the gift are that the fellow in William A. Pearl, '16, the is latest way engineering devote at leas winner of the £300 scholarship, while of his time to research and the the honor was gained by Percival part of his other work on hig Blanshard, '14, and Hessel B. Yntema, engineering. who received his A. M. in 1914, in the A probable division of the moi years 1914 and 1915 respectively. $750 a year, a third or which Blanshard is now in Arabia, accord- be retained for expenses in' ing to the latest information, while during the research. The rem Yntema is still at Oxford. $500 will be allowed the fello Six men were eligible for the schol- expenses. arship examinations held by the com- mittee on selection on Dec. 30, but With best wishes for the New only four appeared before the exam- we are pleased to state that ou iners. The committee .selected Sid- increasing business proves to oi ney Cooke, of Alma College, now study- tire satisfaction that Michigan ing journalism at Columbia University, are pleased with or service. as alternate for Pearl, the 1916 winner. J Taxicab & Transfer Co., 2255. high- t hall major ghway ney is h will .olved aining w for i f r y s 1 i r WHAT'S GOING ON i TODAY Junior Engineers' dinner, Union, 6:15 o'clock. Poetry club meets, 518 Monroe street, 7:15 o'clock. Jeffersonian Society meets, Jeffer- sonian hall, 7:30 o'clock. Webster Society meets, Webster hall, 7:30 o'clock. Fresh Engineers dance, Granger's, 9:00 o'clock. Alpha Nu meets, 401 U hall, 7:00 o'clock. TOMORROW Mrs. Emma Fox speaks, Sarah Cas- well Angell hall, 9:00 o'clock a. m. Weekly Union dance, 9:00 o'clock. Mid-west debating squad tryout, 302 N. W., 8:00 o'clock. ,t Petrograd, via London, Jan. 6.-It appears probable, according to advices from the front, that the Austro-Ger- man forces at the southern extremity of the fighting area soon will be forced back about 40 miles to the line running through Kolomea, Stanislaw and Taligk as the result of the steady advance of the Russians between the upper parts of the River 'tripir and the Roumanian frontier. Already the Austrians are reported to have re- moved their base from Czernowitz to- ward Kolomea. Russians Advance Near Czernowlitz London, Jan. 6.-The Times learns from its Petrograd correspondent that the Russians have pierced the enemy's position in the immedite vicinity of Czernowitz, compelling their oppo- nents to fall back to their secondary line and definitely assume the defensive. Invasion of Greece to Begin London, Jan. 6.-Despatches receiv- ed here from several sources today in- dicate that the invasion of Greece by the armies of the central powers is about to begin. The report of yesterday in the Frankfurter Zeitung that Feld Marshal von Mackensen had been (N- dered to move against Saloniki, has been partly corroborated by state- ments from Athens, Saloniki. Accord- ing also to the Saloniki despatch the Allies are making preparations to meet such an attack. Italy Spends 61,000,000. Rome, Jan. 6.-ThE- war cost Italy $561,000.000 up to Jan. 1, according to statistics just made public. These expenses have been covered by war loans and tayxes, Year r ever mr en- Men Stark .