THE MICHIGAN DAILY COSMOPITAN..LUBST DISCUSS MANY ISSUES AT NINTH CONVENTION Plan to Exchange Students and Professors and Establish Lecture Bureau E. RODGERS SYLVESTER GOES AS MICHIGAN REPRESENTATIVE MANY DISTINGUISHED MEN FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY IN ATTENDANCE Many plans for strengthening the already rising feeling for cosmopoli- tanism among the colleges in this country were discussed by speakers of nte at the ninth annual convention of the Corda Fratres Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs held last week at Holyoke House, Cambridge, Mass. Chief among these were the plans for the international exchange of profes- sors and students, and the establish- ment of a cosmopolitan lecture bureau by different clubs. The latter plan is already being tried by Michigan with much success, and it was on the strength of this success that the plan was suggested for national acceptance. Michigan was represented by E. R. Sylvester, '17. Prominent Men Among Speakers. Prominent among the speakers were Charley D. Hurrey of New York, chair- man of the central committee for pro- moting friendly relations among over- sea students of the Cosmopolitan clubs, Dean Burton of the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, Dr. George Nasmyth, preside'nt of the As- sociation, F. B. Foulk, editor of the Cosmopolitan Student, and President Lemuel H. Murlin of Boston Univer- sity. - Student Exchange Important Issue. The interchange of students was one of the main issues of the conven. tion. "What this interchange ef- fects," said Mr. Durrey, in his address on that question, "may be seen in the transformed public mind towards China, by which the Chinese in the United States have been raised above the cooley or laundryman class in the thought of the people to that of thinking, educated men, capable of }eat friendships." Mr. Hurrey then 'told of the ways in which the Cos- mopolitan clubs are able to help in establishing a better international feeling among students from other countries in the United States. First impressions, he said, count. greatly, and the clubs might send representa- tives to the boats to meet the students when they arrive, welcome them, and makesthem feel at home in this country almost from the 'start. . The clubs might also help find satis- factory living conditions for these new- comers, many of whom now live among surroundings which do not have the right reaction on their character. It was suggested also that the foreign student be helped in his selection of studies and enrolling in the university. Again the University of Michigan at- tracts notice, having already a bureau of informuation for foreign students, under the direction of Professor Hild- ner, which gives aid to students in finding rooms, selecting courses, and even suspends payment of tuition when the student is not able to pay it. Pan-American Relations Discussed. The relations with Pan-American countries were discussed in the Wed- nesday session by Mr. P. A. Campos o Porto Rico, president of the Harvad Cosmopolitan'Club. Mr. Campos said that the attitude of the United States toward Cuba after the war with Spain had been a potent influence in deter- -mining the general feeling in Span- ish American countries toward the United States. The session ended with a dinner att the Harvard Union Thursday. At a luncheon given at the Twentieth Cen- tury Club, President Lemuel H. Murlin of Boston University, representing the universities of the east, was the prin- cipal speaker. "The foundation of cosmopolitanism," he said, "is to know how to get along with our neighbor, and that means how to treat eachI other as gentlemen, coming togethert with charity and courtesy. The greatt business of the college is to train men to be gentlemen rather than lawyers, academicans or to fill other materialt offices. Cosmolitan clubs in college help men to find their way up and to see the best in each other. Cosmo- politanism makes patriotism take on3 a new and higher form. -' Prof. Lorch Addresses Women at Dorn Professor Emil Lorce of the Archi- tecture department gave the first of a series of talks recently at the Mar- tha Cook building relative to the archi- tecture of that building. He spoke' of the traditions of dormitory architec- ture and explained some of the basic ideas of the Gothic style. At The Theatres- FACULTY MAN HASI ARTICIF PRIwTrr' "iiE 1i'RTJI OF A NATION." I I I U L "Tie Birth of a Nation," produced by David W. Griffith, the foremost of H. 1. Sensenmai directors and pioneer of the new art, on Children suggested by Thomas Dixon's novel, of "The Clansman," and which is creat-, ig a furore in the large cities IIECMiIif ENDS throughout the country, began a lim- ited engagement at the Detroit Opera Mr. H. L. Sen Fouse, Detroit, Michigan, on Monday department has evemin, January 3. Throughout its letter on the stny there, in addition to the evening books to thei errormances there will be a daily mat- December 30. inee given starting on Tuesday after- Thy letter wa pon. Iment upon an e: The play contains 5,000 scenes, pre- 1ect, which app sents 18,000 actors and 3,000 horses, number, by Pa cost $500,00 for actual production ex- eminent essayist pense and took eight months to pro- editor of the Na dule. Some of the greatest battles of "Books of th the Civil War are reenacted. A repro- says Mr. Sensem duction of Atlanta as it was in 1864 thirst for advent is built up to be destroyed by fire, in tin boy a meth( the picture of Sherman's march to the thirst. What w sea. Lee and Grant are shown at Ap- tion and a pro pomattox; Ford's theatre, Washington, tion." reproduced to the smallest detail for, As exam les LL I 11111I1LU Jn Contributes Letter fs Books to Issue Nation. BOYS,' S T 0ItIES I semann of the rhetoric s contributed a long subject of children's Nation magazine for as written as a coin- ssay on the same sub- peared in an earlier aul Elmer More, the t who is now advisory ation. s Jesse James type," mann, "do not incite a Aure. They only show hod for satisfying the e need, then is dire- MiCHIGAN WOMEN HOLDCONFERENCE Vocational Meetings Scheduled for Next Wveek i Sarah Caswell Ange;ll hal.> bY. FEl 5 A MONG SPEAKERS v women will hold their second Anuual Vocational Conference ia Sarah Caswell Angell Hall January 13, 14 al 15. At this time speakers will comei from different parts of the country to present lines of work open t0 women Wiich are less well known than teaching. This year a special effort is being made to discuss voca- tions for which training is offered on the campus, such as medicine, den- tistry, actuarial work, and pharma- ceutical chemistry. Governor Ferris will speak at the Friday afternoon session and Dr. Earl Barnes, a prominent educator, will appear on the same program. Miss Mary Snow, the research secretary of the intercollegiate Bureau of Occupa- itons in New York, will speak on Thursday night, and will remain for consultation throughout the Confer- ence. Mrs. Gary Wallace, of the edi- torial staff of th Ladies' Home Jour- nal, will also speak. There wiM be a Thursday afternoon s:.-siwn, an open meeting Thursday evening, a session Friday afternoon, and a Saturday morning session clos- ing with a luncheon. Suffragette Girls at the Maesti Theater This week CAMPUS LAWNS BEING CUT UP; )IUST REGARD "PLEASE" SIGNS per kind of satisfac- President Harry B. Hutchins yes- terday announced that persons have1 of the kind of bOV ban rlcaaiio li Pn" " on the Lincoln tragedy. story Reconstruction pictorialized in the these actual South Carolina scenes, climax- "Robi jg with a series of Ku Klux Klan rides ress," commandeered a county for a week Tales and cost $10,000. Wonderful artil- Count tery duels in which real shells-cost- Sense ing $80.00 each, were used. Miles of tioti trenches--thousands of Confederate eual and Federal fighters appear-" war as tales it actually is." Jonat Throughout it all there is a beau-~ tiful love story, the romance of theItali "Little Confederate Colonel," Ben Rop Cameron, with the northerner Elsie up al Stoneman, and that of the Unionist Biace captain, P hil Stoneman, with Margaret tared, Cameron, the South Carolina lassie. On the musical side, Mr. Griffith has attempted and carried out what was previously unheard of in connection with motion pictures. This was the ynchronizing of a complete symphonic scare with the appearances of the im- portant characters and the enactment Af the principal scenes. This magni- cent instrumental music is played by a large orchestra of 30 experts who ire carried en tour with the company. )ajestfc Has Another Star Bill. Another bill that contains every ele- mnent of pleasure is announced to open at the Majestic tonight. It is filled with novelty and originality and a very clever farce on "Votes for Women" heads the bill. A most orig- inal and clever sketch is also included in the offering. A combination of satire and musical 2onedy is found in "The Suffragette girls." This is a short musicalcom- edy in which ten people take part, in- eluding a bevy of pretty chorus girls. Described as the funniest act in vaudeville, "Won By a Leg" will be presented by Gordon Eldrid and his company. This is an act which has ueen made for laughing purposes only, for it is a farce pure and simple. The lines are bright and clean and antirely free from the crassness and characteristics of a great majority of similar offerings. Senator Francis Murphy is called 'The Chairman of the Committee." As an orator, Murphy is in a class by him-- self. The Senator discusses every .opic of moment under the sun, from the European war to the Panama canal tolls question, Bryan, woman's suf- rage, and everything else that is now laiming the attention of the public. Cress and Doris is one of the very 'est inown acts in vaudeville. It is >ne of those comedy affairs which has ?een well received wherever shown. fhey sing and dance and talk a little. An acrobatic act which deserves the title of a real novelty is that of the JeLassio Bros. Their offering con- tains a real surprise which would spoil the pleasure of those attending were it to be told. This is a Euroean im- portation which has an international reputation. Nance O'Neil Comes in Movies. The very latest hit of the screen, "A Woman's Past," will be seen at the Majestic Sunday. The play was writ- ten by the famous John King and con- tains a cast of exceptional merit. Be- sides Nance O'Neil, who plays the lead- in role, there also appeal several of the best known artists of the day. kmong them is Alfred Hickman, who ' :jes his debut. Mr. Hickman became .imous as "Little Billy" in "Trilby" and since the days of that success he i'as appeared in many notable produc- tions of the times. Another Yankee May Be Persia Victim London, Jan. 5.-The American em- :assy has received a'report that the hev. Homer R. Salisbury, an Ameri- :n, was a passenger on the Peninsula Ad Oriental liner Persia which was ink in the- Mediterranean, and that n was not among the survivors. I pxu ic iLt -t tuy een dtisregardaing the PYlease- signs which he thinks best suited to on the campus and that the lawns ends Mr. Sensemann names have suffered as a result. If the plan nson Crusoe," "Pilgrim's Prog- of the Board of Regents to system- Cooper's "Leather Stocking ratically improve the campus is to be and Hale's "Man Without a successful, the earnest cooperation ry." Of the latter story Mr. of the student body and of the faculty mann says, in conclusion, "Pa- is necessary, according to President sm has no stronger guardian; its Hutchins. is to be found only in such Superintendent Marks says that the as the Bible stories of David and "Please" sins should not be ignored han and Ruth and Naomi." in the winter season, because walking ALPIA THI SOCIETY WILL HEAR PREPAIWEINESS AND PEACE TALK Alpha,Nu debating society will pro- weekly meeting Friday night. H. 13. Teegarden, '17, will preside at the sent the following program at its piano, C. E. Bailey, '17, will speak on preparedness, J. J. O'Conna, '19, will speak on pacificism, and R. T. Bannen '17, will speak on practical methods for preserving peace. The program will be followed by a general discussion by the members. The meeting will take place at 7:00 o'clock in room 401, U-Hall. -on the unfrozen surface of the lawns Michigan was represented at the ins Continue Success in North is especially ruinous to the grass. conference of the American Yfathe. Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 5.--Allen ne, Jan. 5.-New positions higher matical society at Ohio State univer- Nixon, a member of the Arkansas leg- ong the ridges which ascend from We print Anything, from your Name sity, Columbus, O., December '0-Janu- islature, was shot and killed from am- sa to Rochetta have been cap- on a Card, to a Book. The Ann Arbor ary 1 by Secretary lopkfns of the en-I bush according to advices reaching says an official report. Press. (*) gineering college. here today from Ozark. Clearance Prices on [tart Schaffner & Marx Fie Clothe IT'S too goodanoppor. tUnity to miss; the prices are reduced to make it pay you handsomely to take these goods now. Lots of other things in our big Clearance Sale that you want. 1-4 off on entire stock of Men's Overcoats. 20% and 1-4 off on entire stockof Men's Suits (including Blues and Blacks). Extra special on Men's Hats Values up to $4 &-aZ~ca~e Sale price $2 LUT CLOTHINGSTR The Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes