E MICHIGANAl AIL THlE BEST DRESSED MEN I_ ' y u have their clothes made-to-measure. It is not a fallacy, to say that clothes reveal their origin even to the casual r observer. And there's an air of dis- tinction to our clothes that can come only from years of experience in tai- loring garments. We have satisfied z ~your friends, why' not you? G. H«.IWILD COMPANY Leading :Merchant Tailors State St. Y I Flowers For Christnmas It Will 'Grow In uWater CHRISTMAS CARDS, The Nosat, Corxplete Li0ne i n i te City THlE MICRHIGaAN' DAILY Of icial newspaper at the: University oil Mrichigan. Pu.blished cve: y morning except Monday during the univer-sity year. lEntered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class 'matt~er. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptioils: by carrier or mail, $2.$0o. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Students' Supply Store, The Delta, cor. Packard and State. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. Francis F. McKinney. .. Managing Editor John S. Leonard.......... Business Manager lE. Rodgers Sylvester News Editor Tomn C. Reid ...........clegraph Editor Verne Burnett ..... ...egraph Editor E. ]'. Wright .:.............,....Sports Editor J. C. B. Parker .......Assignmnent Editor Joseph J. Brotherton .... ......City Editor Conrad N. Church...... .......City Editor Edwin A. Hlyman.............:City Editor Lee Joslyn ........ ..... C4),..it Editor Irwin Johnson... ....A"Ir. Eficiency Board Gor'lon 1). Cooke.......... Statistical Editor J. I,. Stadeker .......... Supplement Elditor tedward Mack .........Advertising Manager Kirk Whit.. .......... Publication :.la nger Y. R. Althseler.... Circulation Manager Ci. V. S'ellers...........Accountant C. T1. Fishleigh . .Assistant Business Manager Night Editors Leonard WV. Nieter Wiliam F. Newton Reporters II A. Fitzgtrald William 11.. Fort Waldo R. Hunt Golda Ginsberg Martha Gray Nat Thompson Jacob M. B~raude W. R. Atlas Earl Pardee I:. T1. McDonald Fe. A. Baumigarth 1.0. S. Thompson, Bruce Swaney I,.IL. Ziegler R. J. B~lumn A. F Paley C S. llIuntley A. Shoenfield .Business Staff Albert IF. homne Roscoe iRau E_. C. Musgrave F. M. Sutter K. S. McColl Maxwell Cutting George Nobil TUESDAY, DECEMBE~R 21,11915. Comejimn and Lock Over Our Line SHEEHAN'S STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE 1 DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. Cars run on E±astern time, one .hour faster than local time. . Detroit Limited and Express Cars-S :io a. m. an'd hourly to 7:10_ P. In., 9:1,0 p. mn. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-S :48 a. m, and every two h furs to 6 :48 p.in.; to Lansing, 8:48 p. Ill. Local Cars, Eastbound-5 :35 a.,in., 6 :40 a. m., 7:o5 a. mn., and every two hours to 7:05 pi.in., 8 : o P. im., 9:05 p. i., 10:45 P. In. To Ypsi- ,anti only, 8:48 a. III. (daily' except Sunday),; 9:2o a. in., 12z:05 p. mn., 6-.o5 p. in., 11:15 p. in., 1:15 a. in., 1:3o a. In. Local Cars, Westbound-6:x2 a. mn., 7;:o a. m.,, and every two hours to 7:50 p. °i., 10:20 P- ., 1, 2:2o a. im. The Anno Arbor. Savings Bank / Organilzed 18691 Capial ..... . $ 00 0J 0 0 Sur ha--~ ------ ,0 RO urePo_ ..9 _h,000 We Have 'a FULL LINE OF Cat Flowers and Plants For All Occasions COUSINS &HALL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 1 15 INight Editor...William P. NewtonI TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITING AND ,SHORTHAN4D MIMsEOGRAPHIING yi t g for Ike Type Jvrif&" 0. D M ORRILL L322 S. State St. Coalwoke Lumber P'laning Mill Specialties fnte rior Finishing JNO" J. S AUVE. I ilone s 1.10 '71V TT LiYG1 lJ :. _ - . WISHING YOU A MJERRY CHRIIST. -. M AS ANI) A HAP.* PY NEW VYEAR. CARPENTER '14 VISITS DAILY Last Year's .11anaging Editor Hone Front Columbia IH. Beach Carpenter, '14, ex-'17L, managing editor of The Michigan Daily last year, spent yesterday in Annl Arbor visiting The Michigan Daily office in the afternoon. He stopped over on his way home from New York, where he is studying at the Columbia University, Law School.- CABINET CLU'B OF MICHIGAN TiO l)A NC(E IN WASHIJNGTON, lD.C. Members of the Cabinet club -,vial hold their fourth annual Christmas dance on Monday, December 27, at the Raleigh Hotel, Washington. The Cap- itol City boys expect to have a large number of the Michigan alumni out for the occasion. It is hoped that the faculity members, who. are attending the Pan-American Scientific conven- tion .in Washington at that time will be able to attend. Mr. and Mrs. James Baird will act as chaperones-Mr. Baird was captain of the Varsity football team in 1895. The Cabinet's special car will leave Ann Arbor for Washington. at 3 :15 o'clock this afternoon on the New York State special. "'IThNTI'ON STUJDES !" jFor quick MESSENGER CALL see last ad on BACK OF TELEPHONE DI- RECTORY. Phone 795. 4'17E. Thieves Relieve Granger of Roll "The female of the species" is an old expression used In various ways to express various things. It has been Iused so many different times in so many different ways, that it was thought no new use existed. But, strange as it may' seem, another use has been found. Before the members of the State Grange in one of the meetings last week In Hill auditorium stood a man and his wife, two humble and forlorn figures. The speaker told their story. They had come to the city full of trust and innocence and as a result the old man had been relieved of his pocketbook. The amount he had left would not be suficient for him to take his wife to a "movie." So. as the speaker told it, the broth- ers and sisters of the Grange hadtak- en compassion on them and had united in raising a sum to take care of them during the rest of their stay. As she finished her speech, she delivered into the hands of the old man 2 bright, new dollar bills. There was a pause, then the old man spoke:, "I'm going to give my money to my wife this time," he said. "I amn doing this for two reasons: In the first place, I guess that I am get- ting too old to take care of even my- self; and in the second place, the bills are safer with her, for God only knows where a woman keeps her money." "The female of the species s"-well ihdure it out for yourself. SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL CARS Following is -a list of the special cars 'which will leave Ann Arbor this afternoon from The Michigan Central station : One extra coach to Chicago .. 1:17 One extra coach to Illinois ..... 1:17 One extra coach to Chicago .... 2:29 One extra coach to Detroit on Wolverine. ...........2:42 New York State special train.. 3:15 Cabinet club's special, car for Washington, D. C........... 3:15 Kentucky club's special cat for Louisville..........3:15 One extra coach to Detroit .... 5:00 Grand Rapids club's special cars 5:59 One extra coach to Detroit .... 6:05 Two special sleepers for Hough- ton and Calumet ........6:05 One extra sleeper for Chicago . .1028 PHIOE NIX CUB AEK !PLAN TO GIVE ANNUAL DETROIT DANCE Thle sixth annual Christmas party of the Phoenix club will be held at 9:00 o'clock Wednesday, December 29, in Detroit at th Riverside Tem- ple, corner of Baker and Hubbard streets. The affair is informal. Tick- ets may be obtained from Phoenix men at the door. All Michigan stu- dents may consider themselves cor- dially invited. IWomens' .Organizations Josephine Pockman, '18, Constance Winchell, '18, and Marie Fluegel, '18, have been awarded their "M" arm- bands for excellence. in . gymnasium work. The award was made in accordance with the honor point system recently introduced in the department of phy- ~sical education, to those who have 30 points. to their credit. H vreaThe M ichigan Main St. WAH' State St. Ui-Mversity Bookstore Ueyrnn .dd o'o; I'WS D i s n o t so m u c h . in [ Iiio d ;y iilot of tlhing . s, asin,3 U 13 being shore o2 what yo, d know. [ fl Know "VEVT an' yo , '4 1 be slicre f onyour tobacco wisdom.U The Beauty of My Business Is [ FLOWERS FLOWERS FOR Corsage Bouquets Baskets of Flowers MRS. FLANDERS Phone 294 Open Sundays, 9 to 12' ALL OCCASIONS Floral Designs From ,75c to $15.00 Flower Shop 21S EA ST LIBERTY STRELT~ FLOWERS DELIVERED A Complo~t. Liue of Drul S undiries, Kodaks Candles, Perfurmes ;al 213 Souzth Mgmdn St. Araun Arbor. Miah.I FOR 1916. EASILY THE BEST EVER PUT OUT. IMANDSOME CHRENISTMAS GIFT PUT IN ENVRI4QPE POR' MAILING Price, 50 A Jl ow At holidaL; xue l'or e]el t'en of a Dress Suit more than any oa~terseaon)f the year. It',, the time when you need tile bey-t, and on ly the best. CrA fiustom :Ta"loed _;e';.Suit will leave no chance for embar asx; it Or seil (ConscI~vousness. 41 Do you drive winter? You sho~ld. an automobile in the It's {convenient. $50.00 D. EGRENNAN REAL CUS0M TAILOR 6 3 E.L .1 YSTREET You, can heat your garage safely and economically with a SAFETY GAS GARAGE HEATER. Approved by insurance companies. -J Depa e taperand nvelopes All Depurtmenu1s .qUNT AIN PENS SOLD AND REPAIR ED Wash tenaw Gas Co. , F.c SCLE E 340 S. State ' ! SA.. M BURGH FIELDI &CO* The FIRST and BEST Tailoring Establishment in Ann Arbor NNOUNC We have an exceptionally fine aind varied line of Wooki' g to shows you this Fall. SAtURHILD& YC. WuliAN4 1 REPORT OF SECRETARY LANE *ADVOCATES NEW MINING~ LAWS Washington, Dec. 20. - Secretary Lane in his forthcoming annual re- port speaks of the necessity for a, new set of mining laws. "The old code;" he says, "is so laborate and complicated that the best of brains cannot -tell what'the law is. The truth seems to be that between mining engineers and mining lawyers the rules of the game have been re- fined into obscurity; and if Congress were to say to the President that he might select' three men familiar with. mining laws and miners' diffi- culties to. suggest a new mining code to Congress, it would, I believe, be giving in earnest a new freedom to the mining industry." Students, for tke UesL safe, speedy, reliable economical Parcel and Mes- senger service, call 2028. nov3tf Shoes repaired while you wait. 0. G. .Andres, 222 S. State. dec20eod Ecclesiastli C{on t Suspends Pastor Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 20.-The ec- clesiastical court which tried the Rev. George Chalmers Richmond, rector of St. John's Protestant Episcopal church in this city, on charges of conduct unbecoming a clergyman and violation of hiis ordination~ vows, to- day rotur-uedl a 'vertlivt recommnending that 1w be suspendled fr om the per- formanc_- of his chuirch duties for one year. TIC: trial Was ..t.the rsl of contro- versy <<.'d friction , >_.etwelthe Rev. Mr. ih ndad iBlihpRhilelander over thie econduct of affairs in St. John's churchl.