The ich igan Daily 'hones :-Editoril2141 Business 960 T ELEGRAPH SERVICE BY T HE NEW Y'ORK SUN F wommmoz VOL. XXVI. No. 67. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS SECURE CHARLS MORGANOF PENN, TO DIRECT OPERA MANY RECENT PLAYS SUCCESS- FUL UNDER NEW MAN'S (,UIiDANCE HERE FROM JANUARY 10 TO14 Has Taken Ptart in Campus Produc- tions of University of Pennsyl- vania in Former Years Charles F. Morgan, Jr., of Phila- delphia, actor and director of many recent and popular theatrical pro- ductions, has been secured by the 1916 Union Opera authorities to direct this year's production. Morgan comes highly recommended and the plays he has staged niark him as a man of con- siderable ability, and one who will be able to make ,the 1916 Opera a suc- cess. The latest play he has staged is "Princess Pat," which is now run- ning at the Court Theatre, New York City. Morgan is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and from youth up showed inclinations for his chosen profession. A fey details from his letter to Homer Heath, of the Michigan Union, will give an idea of his interest in theatrical work and the plays he has directed in late years. In his letter he.says, "As the methods and general conducting of the Mask and Wig club of Pennsylva- nia, and the Mimes of Michigan, are very similar, my natural drifting into the business of professional stage di- rector would perhaps be the most in- teresting to your student body." He then goes on to relate the part he took in campus productions at the University of Pennsylvania. The fact that Morgan has taken part in uni- versity plays himself makes him all the more able to handle such per- formances. During the last few y rs he has staged such productions as "The Rose- maid," "The Spring Maid," "Over the River," with Eddie Foy, "All For the Ladies," with Sam Bernard, and "Sweethearts," with Christie ac- Donald. The new director wi. be in Ann Arbor from January 10 to 14, at which time the weeding-out process of the cast candidates will be made. At this time the first chorus tryouts will be held also. The successful candidates who will try out for the cast parts met Theron D. Weaver, general chairman, yester- day afternoon, and were given scen- arios, so that they can study the parts assigned them. The men who will write the iusic time today by phone or letter. Plans are being made for at least four trips for the Opera, but no defi- nite contracts have been made as yet. VILLA'S FORCES SURRENDER El Paso, Texas, Dec. 20.-Francis- co Villa's revolutionary faction in Mexico today surrendered to. the de facto government, was incorporated into the Carranza force and all organ- ized rebellion against the newly estab- lished government in Mexico in the northern part of the Republic thus ended. As a first act following peace terms in El Paso today the garrison in Juar- ez opposite El Paso took the oath of allegiance to Carranza this afternoon. Temporarily there are no changes in officials. General Villa declined to surrender. The surrender was made by his offi- cers following their decision to re- nounce him. The peace agreement was signed at noon today in the Car- ranza consulate in El Paso. Major Moton to Succeed WashiNgton New York, Dec. 20.-Major Robert R. Moton, who has been connected with Hampton Instirute of Hampton, Virgi ia, for 25 years, was today chosen principal of Tuskeegee Insti- tute to succeed the late Booker T. Washington, by a committee of five, appointed by the trustees of the in- stitute for the purpose. Major Moton is 48 years old and a native of Vir- ginia. His theories of the negro are similar to Booker Washington's. Complete Plans 1 Forand Bounce Encouraged by the success of for- mer ventures, plans for the third band bounce of the season are now under way. In order to secure suit- able talent for this event, tryouts will be held directly after the vacation. .This will be the first bounce given under the regime of the recently elected officers, who are as follows: W. E. Mathews, '18L, president; R. H. Halstead, '18, vice-president; A. J. Burt, '1W, secretary; E. F. Merrill, '18, treasurer. The Governing Board: L. C. Courtright, '17; N. Gray, '17A, and L. G. Field, 118. Practice of the band is to be held each Wednesday evening. On Satur- day, January 8, a special meeting will be held in the band office at 4:00 o'clock. BRITMN PLANS TO BUY UP ISECURITIES Chancellor of Exchequer Hopes to A void Second Loan, in United States ANGLO-FRENCH BONDS CAUSE The announcement by the British government of its intention to take over American securities now held in mreat Britain, paying for them in five per cent Exchequer bonds, is herald- Ad as the most important financial operation since the placing of the Anglo-French loan. By this mobilization of American securities the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer hopes to avoid the further expedient of placing a second loan !iii the United States. The low price at which the Anglo-French bonds are now selling, and the fact that but 60 per cent of the issue has been dis- posed of, has tended to cause the British government to look else- where. On this side of the water there is an added element of strength since there will be less danger of in- dividual sales flooding an already heavily-loaded market. WILSON STILL ASPIRES TO SERVE AS MEDITOR Intimations from Heads of Warring Factions Show That Peace ltay be Brought About Washington, Dec. 20.--President Wilson has not yet abandoned hope of being of service in bringing the war in Europe to an end. In a communication addressed to the League for World Peace made public today, replying to the sugges- tion that the time is now propitious for making overtures to the warring powers, the president said: "I am following the developments of sen- timent in Europe with regard to the war with the utmost sincerity and hope of being of service." Although the president's attitude toward the European situation is that of watchful waiting it is known that he is not of the opinion that the time has yet arrived when a renewal of the mediation suggestions would be regarded with good grace by the allies. The League for World Peace, of which George H. Schibley is president, and David Starr Jordan one of the vice-presidents, interprets recent ut- terances of officials of the. contending governments as the expression of a desire to bring the struggle to an end. The immediate occasion for this optimistic view is the speech of the German chancellor who insisted that the terms of peace must provide that war shall not return. This the league asserts in its letter to the president is in harmony with utterances of the British premier, Mr. Asquith, and the French premier, M. Briand. NEW TRUST PLANS TO SAVE AMERICAN PACIFIC TRADE Our Pacific trade is to be saved. A new company-the American Interna- tional corporation, capital $50,000,000 -has announced that its first step will be the purchase of the entire re- maining fleet of the Pacific Mail Steamship company., ACTIONOF SENATE ASSURESI817 HOP "Powers That Be" Approve Petition us Recommended by Senate Council at Recent Meeting DECISION RESTS ON DETAILS The 1917 J-Hop is assured, follow- ing the granting of the petition by the university senate at its meeting last night. The senate approved the pe- tition in the same form in which it was recommended by the senate council at a recent meeting. The granting of the petition is subject to the settlement of the de- tails of the affair by the committee on student affairs, of which Prof. L. A. Strauss is chairman. The petition, which was drawn up by Kemp S. Burge, president of the junior literary class, with the signa- tures of the other junior class pres- idents, was approved by the senate council on November 10 and recom- mended to the university senate. CITY ORINANCE BUMPS - OUT-OF-TOWN EALES City Dads Decide to Tax Salesmen, Who Cater to Retail Trade in Or- der to Protect Local Merchants 1 Fraternity jewelers, out-of-town1 clothing merchants, and all other salesmen catering to the retail stu- dent trade will be hard hit by an ordi- nance now before the ordinance com- mittee of the common council of AnnC Arbor, and which will be passed at the next meeting. This proposed ordi-~ nance, whose passing is being held up only because of a technicality, re-1 quires that every transient merchant selling his goods at retail, pay a tax of $25 every day for the first five days. and $10 per day for every other that he is in town.- The purpose of this ordinance is t protect the Ann Arbor merchants who are being outsold by merchants who do not even pay taxes to the city, and thus do not deserve city trade. It does not include the farmers who come to the city with their own products, nor the traveling men who are represent- ing wholesale houses, but will hit' every other salesman who comes to Ann Arbor. COPENHAGEN PROHIBITS FORD MEETING TO GAIN SYXPATHY Christiania, Dec. 20.-Henry Ford has received information that he would be prohibited from holding meetings in Copenhagen, it was learn- ed today. He will go there within a week however to select the delegates to accompany his peace party to The Hague. DESCRIBES CAP DAIS LIFE An interesting description of lifei at the civil engineering camp, Camp Davis, was given by Dr. C. B. Stouf- fer, of the University Health Service, at the sophomore engineer's smoker last night at the Union.] M. C. Wood, '17L, with A. J. Gor- netzky, '17L, at 'the piano, gave sev- eral impersonations, while a .few violin-piano numbers were furnished by Dean DeButts, '18E, Halstead Cot- tington, '19L, and Hoyne Howe, '18E. Several classical piano selectionsi were given by Robert Erley, '18E. Re- freshments and smokes were present in abundance, and the success of the first soph-engineer event points for- ward to a most promising outlook for the class. Economist Attacks United States. 0- That the United States is in imme- diate danger of being attacked by Japan, is a theory attacked by Mr. J. E. Baker,-of the economics department in an interview yesterday. "In the whole state of California there are only 45,000 Japanese," said Mr. Baker. "Alarmists who wish to create a false impression state with apparent conviction that a great many of them are acting as spies for the Japanese government. The facts are that although there may a few GOOD FELLOWS ARE CONTINUING WR Money and Clothing Donation Sill Being Turned in at "Daily" Offices TO CELEBRATE FOR CHILDREN Despite the fact that the actual so- licitation work of the Good Fellow campaign has come to an end, ar- ticles of wearing apparel and money continued to be turned in at The Daily office yesterday. According tc a partial report of the Federated Charities, almost 200 garments have been received at their office up to last night in addition 'to numerous other articles, all the result of the Good Fellows on the campus. At several parties held Saturday nighj and last night, special Good Fellow dances were held and in all about $20.00 was realized from this source. In addition many individuals have made contributions of money, and- while no definite report can be issued at this time, it is almost cer- tain that more than $100.00 have been received from various sources by the Good Fellow Editor up to and includ- ing last night. The annual Christmas celeblrhtion for the Ann Arbor children, which is held by the city, will take place next Friday noon in a large hall down town. At this time, the children will be served with a real turkey dinner and will be presented with stockings which have been filled with candy and presents, partly as the result of the Good Fellow movement. A large party will also be held at the University hospital some time during this week, and for that pur- pose a dozen Christmas trees are re- quested. Any organizations on the campus having trees which they are willing to give for this purpose, ar asked to call Mrs. Vernon{ at 1435, nA the trees will be called for. I-Hop Committee PlansW ig Dance The J-flop committee, after a care- ful consideration of possibilities, has at last completed its arrangements, Contracts for decorating, music, and programs have been drawn up and are now ready to be signed. While the committee refused to di- vulge the exact nature of their plans, it is understood that they are entirely new to the University of Michigan. The music, especially, is to be en- tirely original and conducted on ' a1 different plan than ever before. The beautiful color effects produced last year through the use of artistic dec- orating will be excelled in this year's Hop, if the plans now under way aret uninterrupted. The committee be- lieves that the success or failure of this chief function of the college yeart is due in no small degree to the har- many in color and design that is pro-t duced by the decorators- Although no intimation was givenc as to the character of the programs, to be used, it was stated that they would be of an entirely novel form., APPOINTEGIE COMMITTEE HEADSi ENGLAND MAY BE BEATEN, ADMITS CABINET MIN'ISTER 1MVID LLOYD .(EORGE U'llCES THAT ALLIES EXERT EVERY EFFORT PETER OF SERBIA NEAR DEATH Berlin Reports Her Submarines 'Have Sunk 5.9 Per Cent of Entire British Tonnage London, Dec. 20. -David Lloyd George, minister of munitions, made a strong address in the house of com- mons today in which he prophesies that if Great Britain and her allies do not make new and greater efforts, they will be defeated. It was the first direct official statement that the cause of the allies is in great danger and that military operations have not gone as they should. "The superficial facts," he said, "are against us, but the fundamental facts are in our favor." He declared that the whole question of victory or defeat harped back to the matter of munitions. New factories for the out- put of guns and explosives are lying idle for lack of men, At the present moment the minister of munitions needs 80,000 . skilled workers to operate the factories, and 2,000 or 3,000 unskilled laborers. For want of such an army of workers fac- tories which might very well turn the allies' reverses into sweeping vic- tories are gathering dust. "Unless we quicken our move- ments," asserted the minister of mu- nitions, "damnation will befall the great cause for which so much blood has been shed." He said that the sit- nation has now boiled itself down to simply a question, "shall the war be ended in a yrear or shal1 it be allow'ed/ t inger o&. It i for labor to sup- Trau fer British TIri p. from ifa Londoi, Dec. 20. - The Briti S-ib-Committees to Take Charge Work in Each Separate Department of DEBATE ADIVEIlTISING QUESTION Appointments of the various sub- committee heads of the engineering exhibit have been made, and those selected met last night to discuss general plans for, the exhibit, -and to carry certain questions to the advis- ory board. This board, not yet com- pleted, consists of faculty men ap- pointed by the hbead of each depsrt- m ient. The 'te n sected by General inn rman Clark andiia de~ kpartincnt Iwxi ch they~ rere are:- nivie. ti ti t< n UOI SPHINS GUESE, C. hamansA W trical engineerig, A. V. Crenell; Withd raw i. chemical engineering,. . Archer; TIh following ollicial statement re' ', e. ,LITTLE O BRIDAO PD arnean aruauic.cwiiewig )oa l'AUth op tSui a d(1 ir" ticl n 1?1ring, Tgarding his step 1was issued ber K. W1 ," ?ri .' (a} en i..t day. 1"A the rp te;va n President and Mrs. Wilson Enierwe' But For Short Auto Ride I A. MeColl, publicity, G. n-ac, h er with he r gll n In Afternoon The men appoinledl will in turn ap- Ifcirred with hnsigtiiicant. casnai tins o Hot Springs, Va., Dec. 20.-Visitors point sub-'muiits which will take t at the Virginia Hot, Springs eager for charge of the work in each s-prate their first glimpse of President and department. inio sohomore and Mrs. Wilson, did not get it until after freshmeu ces v:i elect men to a luncheon today, When they left their represent tihe various classes. lt isartob ithetisi medi apartment for the first time since their the intention of ihe geneal chairman arrival yesterday morning, and went to leave th- exhibit nearly entirely in . the hands of the sub-committee lIe ito an for one of the long auto rides of I will act mainly as an advisor, from Alai h which the president is fond. syta t7 , $_ It was a quarter after two when A question which came up at last sa that o nll the limousine bearing his oeit nights meeting is: Shall commercial rt crest, which, preceded the president concerns be allowed to give exhibits v ve t r cld3 e e oia .°- here from Washington and which for advertising purposes? This qus- eAlthough cis tem sl n winr brought him and Mrs. Wilson - frem tion is one that will be taken to the A i rmovalmi 0 a ler the station to the homestead yester- advisory oard as well as the one of day morning, took up at the lower allowing exhibits from other depart- 1Pter is expecting.todie aon hi driveway between the golf links and ments to be held in nJnnetion with reoHe tndro t abandon hi tennis courts north of the rustic the enginering exhibit. An art ex- bridge near the Sulphur Springs hibit and a forestry exhibit are to be cept an invitation ot his sisenlaw Little groups of people on the golf considered in this conn1tion. t to Italy. links and terraces then saw two se- -- set -r-l feltaog Ih : rctno cret service guards .come on the bal- AWAITsREP'NOTE reTe andit has et been er cony of the president's suite while eile s Snppie ar beine ben t three others emerged from the side --- bnia dil fro Daly w h l- entrance of the wing of the hoiel in Washington, Dec 20.--The United which are the President's and Mrs. States is now marking time for Aus- paia r wha tion ro Wilson's apartments and patrolledi tria's reply to the president's second vi;ions wit' the the short strip of walk between tlie Ancona note The reply apparentlya entrance and the car. must come in one of three forms: rearei h eadt a a After half an hour, at a quarter io first, a cou1lante with the reiter- three, the president and his brid eiii- aed demas of t United Sta es; t old ally came through the doorway and second, a sernce of diplomatic r-r-j neffts n r got into the waiting motor. A secret f lations; third, a repudiation by the I (Continued on Page Six) Vienna goveneiut of the Italian ad- nal statewent which said th7 tatt theeoryhat'Alon a peoed after she had come o a standstill and while te Itslian troos Need Fear Japan silboayrd. Amlerican no :I which has Een dis- 1t' ~ > pa1211ed o Vi@nni and w ich is prob- spies among these people, th, 'fua< ,bly in the hands of the Austro-Hur r hed majority of them are hard wring garian government foreign officials by c laborers with little thought of a.S - this time seems to leave no other so- thing -but making money." ru of the ontroersy. Mr. Baker went on to say thl wthile ..-- I i o t isza t ency. in business matters, the Japanse ale Fthfim r t of Uid Stales Ii I treated in the most civil man'r y I)uluth in, Nov. 20.- Henry , a r o the people of California, social they Faye Greene, for six years United are received in a half-hearted fasion, States civil service commissioner at -if, indeed, they are received at all. ir. Washington under Presidents Roose rm Baker resided in California ' v- veiii and Taft, di here today, aged V s of '6t' eral years and is well acquainn-- i!h ~o He xas a native of North Caro- general c nditions in that stt ha and came 1- - 1 . n, in. o ae hix a - (Ollunntu oI Pag Six :5