K THE MICHIGAN DAILY TEN MINUTES AT THE WALK-OVER SHOP Let It be a KODAK We're selling more high-grade K 0 D A K S than ever we but still have a complete line to show youl. LYD N 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY -OTHE KODAK STORE OF ANN ARBOR- rt I GYMNASIUM SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN--RUBBER OR LEATHER SOLE Prices 70c to $1.90 per pair rK u In which a wise Ch r is tin as shopper can settle his or her gift problems to their utmost satisfaction ztnd spend less money than they expected to spend s~L~~ Just received a New Basket Ball Shoe for ONLY $3.00 PER PAIR-HEAVY SUCTION RUBBER SOLE ... .. sa-.. w.nwwA a Iq t i a IN BUYING FOR WOMEN--Walkover Boudoir Slippers, Comfy Slippers, Party Slippers, Patent, Satin, Bronze or Dull Kid and Phoenix Silk Hose. FOR MEN -Walk -Over House Slippers, Moccasins, Soft Pullman Traveling Slippers in soft leather cases, Skating Shoes and Phoenix Hose: R. J. HOFFSTETTER, Prop. 115 S. Main Street Alakes Photographs with Correct Color Values of Paintings,, of Drawing s in Mono,1chrome or Poli=- S wwiill1 ch'rome, and of Colored Objects. i as Ph-oto- graphed "',Ore (Irigin al iManuiscripts con Parch- 713 E Univ. Ave. meeit than vary one else ini the State. I- lame Portraiture a Specialty. CITY TO MOTORIZE FIRE D'EPARTM'ENT With the uldimate intent-on of comi- pletely motorizing the fire department of Ann Arbor, the common counll sev coral weeks aogo a uthorized the pur'. chasing of two new- motor wagons this year., These two nachines, a combin- ation truck and engine to carry the ladders. etc., and a. comnbination hose and pumping wagon to carry the hose and the pumping machinery, have been ordered and will be delivered for use by the first of the year. The acquisi- tion of these two machines with these which are exp~ectedl to follow eery year will cause a com~plete reor,;aiiza- lion of the fire department. The second step in this reorganiza- tion will come soon after the two ma- chines are delivered and will be the abandoning of the fire buildin- 1o- catecd on East U~niversity avnuo, next to the Tappan school. The machines and men nhow located there will beC moved to the dowrn town stat ion and, will be used there in conjunction with the old1 machinery now there as a sort of auxiliary departmenht. It is the intention of the city, how- ever, to either remodel this building for future use, or else to build a new station farther out from the old build- ing, The down town station will also be completely overhauled and equip- ped with the latest devices to go with the new engines, 'The machines have been ordered from the American La France Com- pany of Elmira, N, Y., who make the American La France mhachines-ma- chines which are ranked a6 the best for this kind of service--and will cost $13,750,.'rhe machines which are to be ordered every year until the equip- mient is as complete as possible will also be from this company. )1lN0l1Al1 OFFERS PRIZE j 1'0 STUDENT ESSAYISTS ARCADE S1iowss at 3, 6 :30. 8 :oo, and o9-3o t'. M. Monday, Dec. ao- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle in "'lie Whirl of Life." Six parts. Also Charlie Chaplin in "Shangliicrl." Twenty cents, Tuesday,. Dec. 2I-TomI Wise in "Blue Grass," comedy-drama in five parts. V quitable. Wednesday. IDec. a2--Florence Rockwell in "Body and Soul," 5 pasts. Thursday, Dec. '3 - Henry Kolker in "The Bridge," or "The Bigger Man," -part Metro picture. I NEW DELTA CAFE -U- Quality-Variety-Values tAMND8 JEWELER Tai:~ SCLND AE 3E RIO NARgIJ ILVERSMIhS NAip SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIE3D 2201FACULTY MEN TAKE UNIONMEMBERSHIPS~ Latest reports on the Michigan Union faculty campaign show that more than 220 life-memberships have been se- cured by the various committees. As many of the departments have not y(et been canvassed, according to Prof. H, V4. Riggs, general chairman, it is suspected that almost the entire facul- ty will support the project. No effort has been made on the part of those waging the campaign to solicit other than life memberships, although in some instances extra contributions have-been made. Campaign work in the law depart- ment is nearly completed, and almost' the entire faculty of that department has contributed, to the building fund. In the civil engineering department, all but one faculty member has con- tributed, while all but three have con- tributed in the law department and the mechanical engineering depart- nment. Professor Riggs hopes to have a summary of the work done thus far by next week, which will show pre-, cisely those departmental committees which have been busy soliciting life memberships and those that have so- licited little. P'ENNSYLVANIA COMMFITTEE IS NOW CONSIDERING NEWV COACHI Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 18.-The foot- ball committee of the University of Pennsylvania, which will select a coach for Pennsy next year, held a long meeting Friday, but failed to come to any conclusion on the man who is to be the head coach. The three names which were most frequently mentioned were William M. Hollenbach, who has been coach at Penn State for the past few years; Robert Folwell, who has held the same position at W. & J.; and Dr. M. S. Bennett, hte coach at Haverford Col- lege. The football schedule for 1916 was [also discussed at the meeting. Wilsoni Asks Classmates to Dine Princeton, Dec. 18-President Wood- row Wilson, of the class of '79, has in- vited the other members of his class to dine with him at the White House next Tuesday. 119 E. LIBERTY STREET TEA DANSANTS EVERY AFTERNOON 2:30 P. Mi. 5:00 P. M. SUNDAY EVENING LUNCHEONSa 500 POP. MATS. WED. & SAT. soc to $1.50 GARRICK DETROIT Week Beginninj STomorrow, Mor Night. Nights So~ to $2.00 EXTRAORDINARY GRAND OPERA SEASON STARTING TOMORROW. SIX NIGHTS. MATS. WED.-SAT Devoe-Detroit andGarrick Management Present the LAR'EST ITAVE iN " OPERATIC ORGANIZATION IN AMERIC WMiT E TWNT Y [ U 9 1OPEAN 'AND AMERICA 31~A~C 5a, VS AZ D ~OPERA ORCHESTRA BRILLIANT SIN GINO CHORUS AND BALLET FEATURE' ELABORATE SCN NIC, COSTUMING AND PROPERTY EFFECTS REPERTOIRE: Monday-AIDA; Tuesday-LU CIA; Wednesday Matinee-FAUST; Wednesday Eve--RIGOLETTO ; Thursday--CAVALL~'ERIA and PAGLIACCI ; Friday-LA TRAVIATA; Saturday Matinee--TALES OF HOFFMAN; Saturday Eve-IL TROVTORE. Prices-soc to $2; boxes $2.5o; Matinees, soc to $z.50; boxes $2.a Note: This is the Distinguished Organiation chosen to reopen the BOSTON OPERA HOUSE in September. The operas will be presented at this theater pre- cisely upon the same plan of, excellence as at Boston. Special New Year Attraction-One Week Beginning D~ecember :17 EVENINGS AND SATURDAY MATS. Soc TO $2.00. THE PASSING SHOW OF 1915 THE GREATEST OF ALL WINTER GARDEN SHOWS. A 'Riot of Beauty, Regiments of Girls, Oceans of Fun, Miles of Scenery. George Monroe, Howard & Howard, Marilynn Miller and 122 Others-Mostly Girls. Popular Mats. Wednesday and Thursday, Best Seats $1.00 Seniors Meke your .p poin'tm eits with DAINEW.%St(_ NICKELS as sooun as possible for lb., MICHIG ANENSIAN PICTURE (You'll have to do it eventually; why not now?) 334-336 So. STATE ST., ANN ARBOIL Copyright Hart Schafifner Mar Varsity Six Hundred Young men designed it THIS overcoat carries out the style ideas of the best dressed young men in college and business; Hart Schaffnr. & Marx young mien designers achieved it; it's easy to see why the young men of America have pro- nounced it an emphatic hit. Short length ; shaped-in waist ; single or double-breasted models Lutz Clothing Store The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx (Continued fron iPag;e One) of Old Testament Prophecy. Q. The Jewish Conception of Immor- tal ity. 10. The Jewish (Conception of Atone- tmen t. 11. Woman in Jewish literatulre. 1-2.rThe Yiddish dialect. 1-1) The Contribution of the Yiddish, Drama to the Modern Dramatic Move- ment. l~roliibit s Afini l Professionalism Columbus, 0., Dec. 18.-Graduates of Ohio State university who have re- ceived a Varsity "0" will be prohibit- edl from p~laying p~rofessionial football alter graduation, except on permais- sion of the athletic board, unlder pen- lty of losing their privileges as mem.- bers of the Varsity "0" association. The objection to professional playing was that it reflects on the university. Coilumbia Requires Swimming Tests New York, Dec. 18.-The physical education departinent of Columbia university is making a, special effort to have all freshmen pass a swimming test during their first year in col- lege. The test includes diving, swim- ming and swimming under water. G~ermnl Officil Denies Mlexican Plot Berlin, Dec. 18.-The German gov- ernment officially disclaims any rela- tions with the so-called. German agents Iwho are alleged to be attempting to foment fresh disorder-s in Mexico and to create a situation calculated to in- crease the tension between the United states and Mexico.. In support of this repudiation, a statement from as official source calls attention to the fact that, following similar action by Washington, the German government, several week ago, instructed its minister in Mexic Ito recognize Carranza as the de factc government of Mexico. The feeling in Germany is that the allegations concerning the allegeLc German agents represent another an( perfectly obvious effort to create dis- -I cord betweeni Germany and the 'jniter dy States. 'e- The government is confident that ItfI considerable mischief already has been done, and consequently the officialE are anxious to make Germany's posi- nts tion clear. My informatiohi on thesc points is fromi absolutely reliable Pisources. Shirts made to order.-G. H. Wile Company. State St. Tailors. Somebody back home will appreci- ate a box of Maize and Blue choco- lates. Be sure that they are the best, get them at Bloomfield's. dec19 4)VEILCOAT8 S anai rain coas from the 80450e of &uppenhelmer, on Wae by N. F. Aba Co., Main street oct6eod-wed Learn the new fox trot at the Packard Academy. Nov. 20-tf Drop Into Reule, Conlin & Flege store for your clothes. 46'TENTION STUIDIES!" For quick MESSENGER CALL s last ad on BACK OF TELE~PHONE 1 RECTORY. Phone 795. 4'17E, Call Lynadon for good pictures. GLOTES for men, best known makes at reatm able prices, on sale by N. F. Allen Co., Main street. wed-e i" . ..r. .r. MAJESTIC THEATRE 1l THREE DAYS Com. Mon. Night Lyndon'sr for Kodaks, fims, finish1- Students, for the most safe, s ing. Openi Sundays, 9:3 to '1:30 only.{ reliable economical Parcel and sengter service, call 2028._ 2255 2255 2255 2255 CHRISTMAS Eve-rything in Christmas pi We set glass. C. H. Major & Cu. for mien. N. F. Alien Co., Clothi Phone 237. . edtcdec2l Min S ;mt.F speed I Me nov2 esen iers. ~AMP I GIRLS! finest Buds from the Garden of Bliss. (0 eSEPTEMBER MORN"9 The Big Musical Comedy Hit. SOMxE OF THE SONG HITS THAT G~O WITH A A AN "When a little Boy 1Lo yes a Little Girl" "fit Berlin" 1"O1! You September Hlorn" "I've a Girl in Every Town" "E,,ver'ybody's 'tango Crazy" "liy Cornfield Queen" "A Share-Ri1b front the Butcher Shop of Life" "Beautiful D~reamis I'm Dreaming" "Tile Sun Shade Girl" I'nhere is the Pleasure in Wine and Song If thle Woman is Not There" AND JUST TO THINK--SAME POPULAR PRICES TO DAY (SUNDAY) .3Q-r3--7i --830V P. M" A GREAT PICTURE FREDERICK PERRY And a Distinguished Cast of Players in 'The Family Stain' Founded on Emile Gaborlau's Cele- brated iDeteetive Story "The Widow LcH omge" Exciting from start to finish. Never so many thrilling situation~s SEATS - lee emu.I1S WEi WuauTC VRIIl TA LnUDAD AuninneIr:flTUG ATITIPA - I 2/ *b' ArMkk '1fi'' 7 7