THE DAILY N1S OF THE WORLD AND THE CAMPUSe Daily Piones :-Editorial Business 'i'TEGpAPH SERVICE NEW YORK SUJ VOL. XXVI. No. 66. ANN ARBOR, MIPHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1915. PRICE F! ___. r4 STUDENT ACTORS SCORE BIG HIT IN BARRIE PLAY COMEDY 'LUll ILAYERS WIN AP- PLAUSE: ALL PARTS WELI HANDL El) REALISTIC SENERY PLEASES Phyllis Povah and Morrison Wood Show Remarkable.Ability in Leading Roles- In the production of Sir James Barrie's comedy, "The Professor's Love Story," at the Whitney theatre last evening, the Comedy club scored an unquestioned success, if the appre- ciation of the audience is to be re- garded as a standard of judgment. The play was free from the uneven- ness usually attendant upon amateur dramatics, and stilted or awkward ac- tion was absent from the cast as a whole. r The leading roles, filled by Phyllis Povah, '16, and Morrison Wood, '17, were handled in the professional man- ner traditional of their performances. Both seemed to excel in those scenes which called for greater dramatic in- tensity and the final act gave full scope to their ability. Pauline 0. Emerson, '16, as Dow- ager Lady Gilding, and Leon M. Cun- ningham, '16, as Dr. Cozens; as well versed in the ways of the heart as in medicine, also starred in their re- spective parts, while Inez M. Goze, '17, a Scotch lassie wooed by the- canny Pete and the cannier Henders, interpreted by Chester E. Fordney, '16, and Arthur J. Adams, '16, sup- plied the humor of the "relief" periods of the play. The brogue, difficult to imitate, was well executed by all three. Humphrey Springstun, '17, as Sir George Gilding, and "member of Par- liament," delivered his lines of point- ed remark with an inflection that "got across" the footlights in unmis- takable fashion. Helen P. Ely, '16, and Mary L. Johns, '16, in the respect- ive roles of Lady Gilding and Agnes Goodwille, with Clay W. Wilber, '16, as Dr. Yellowless, a physician who found "cherchez la femme" an un- known quantity in the medical field, creditably completed the cast. The costuming was notable in taste, and the scenic and light effects were artistically arranged. The scene of the second act was especially attract- ive, and the curtain-rise on the real- istic field of stacked corn and scat- tered hay was greeted with applause. The production was well attended and the approval of those who wit- nessed the play was a tribute not only, to the actors but a significant comment upon the thoroughness of the efforts of Stage Director Edward Sachs. ASK O.UR, TO SUPPLY BRAKES An ordinance compelling the D. U. R. to provide air brakes for the city cars in Ann Arbor will be brought up for its third reading Monday night when the common council meets, and according to the law, can be voted upon at this time. Whether it will or not is indefinite since the D. U. R. has requested an audience with the committee before the ordinance is brought up, and this consultation may not be held until Tuesday. Unless the D. U. R. is able in this consultation to present good reasons why this should not be passed, it is expected that it will become an ordi- nance as soon as the council is al- lowed to vote upon it. So set are the members of the council in passing it, that it may possibly be brought up for the vote before the D. U. R. con- sults with the committee. This proposed ordinance was- neces- sitated because of the "great possi- bility of an accident due to the in- ability of the motormen to bring ,heir cars to a very abrupt stop, especially when they are heavily loaded. The location of the tracks throughout the city and the condition which they are usually in adds to this possibility of serious accident. B ring loliday (heer to lIIny Hones; Students Give Generously With tilesatisfaction of having made certain that no family will be without Christmas cheer next Saturday morn- ing, the actual solicitation work of the Michigan Good Fellows was brought to a close last night. The Good Fellow autos made sever- al trips to fraternity and sorority houses yesterday afternoon and col- lected a considerable amount of clothes, books and other useful ar- icles that will go toward helping along the %iristmas spirit in many Ann Ar- bor homes. The collection by the au- tomobiles has been going on for two days, and according to the committee in charge, all the houses have not been covered and it will be necessary to make several trips sometime Monday.I Up to late last night, almost a hundred dollars had been collected by the Good Fellow Editor in addition to the work done by various individ- uals and organizations about the cam-. pus. This presages a successful repe- tition of the enterprise next Christmas. The money and articles which have been collected have been given over to the local charities for distribution, and when th distribution has been completed a statement of the entire Good Fellow fund will be rendered and published in The Daily. MENORA OFFERS PRIZE TO STUDENT ESSAYSTSC To Award $200 in Effort to Stimulate Greater Interest in Competi- f tive Writing According to its usual custom, the Menorah society of the university will1 offer its annual prize of $100.00 for the best essay submitted on any subjecti approved of by Prof. R. M. Wenley,< of the philosophy department, who isz chairman of the committee of award. In addition to this the society will offer an extra prize of $100.00 in an1 effort to stimulate greater interest in competitive writing among students of3 the university.- "Contrary to the opinion seemingly held by students," said Prof. I. Leot Sharfman, president of the Intercol-t legiate Menorah association, "the com-i peptition is not confined to Jews or members of the society, but is open to all undergraduates of the univer-; sity." The following are the conditions of the competition as drawn up by the committee of award: I. Competitors may write on any1 subject approved by the chairman of the committee of award. II. The competition is open to all undergraduate students of the Uni- versity of Michigan. III. Each essay is to be designated by a motto or fictitious name, accom- panied by a sealed envelope containing the fictitious name and the name of' the author. These, envelopes will not be opened till after the committee has reached its decision. IV. All essays, to be accepted for the competition, must be in the hands of President Harry B. Hutchins not later than May 15, 1916. They should be left at the President's office. V. Essays of sufficient merit, wheth- er or not receiving a prize award, will be published in the Menorah Journal. The committee of award consists of Professor R. M. Wenley, chairman, Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of Detroit and Professor I. Leo Scharfman. The following is a list of subjects suggested by the committee. Essay- ists do not necessarily have to select one from this list. It is issued merely to aid prospective competitors in mak- ing a choice. 1. National Readjustments: A Study of the Jewish Stake in the European War. 2. Economic Aspects of Jewish Life in America. 3. Jewish Agricultural Enterprise in the United States. 4. Jewish Education in America. 5. The practical Aspects of Zion-1 ism. 6. Prophets and Prophecy from the Standpoint of the Jew. 7. The Midrashic Element in the New Testament. 8. The New Testament in the Light I. (Continued on Page Six) 'Good Fellows' Lnd Campaign Bishop Charles D. Williams of De- troit, who will speak at the Union service In Hill Auiditorium at 7:00 o'clock tonight. 'GERMANS START DRIE ONSALOIMI Allies Rely on Strong Defense to Turn Back Attack of Teutons MOVE SERB CAPITOL TO ROME Athens, Dec. 18.-The German drive on Saloniki will begin before the end of the coming week, and the first battle probably will be staged about 20 miles north of the allied encampments. The foregoing information came from per- sons close to the German embassy.. Strong works, begun before the end of the coming week, and the first battle probably will be staged about 20 miles north of the allied encamp- ments. The foregoing information came from persons close to the Ger- man embassy. Berlin, via Wireless to Sayville, Long Island, Dec. 18.-Austro-Hun- garian troops have captured 13,500 Montenegrin and Serbians in the last five days' fighting on Montenegrin soil, it was officially announced. In their fierce resistance to the invaders the Montenegrin soldiers have been joined by many young boys. Included among 1,950 prisoners, taken in the fighting near Cielopolyde, were many youths. Paris, Dec. 18.-Bombardment and total destruction of a German muni- tion factory at Jaffa by a French cruiser, was announced by the min- istry of marine this afternoon. A naval engagement between a French torpedo boat and two hydroplanes, in which one of the enemy was captured, also was reported* The torpedo boat, fighting two enemy hydroplanes rest- ing on the water near Cutratel Banks, chased and cannonaded them, captur- ing one with two officers, the state- ment said. The other got off. Rome, Dec. 18.-For the second time since the war began one of the small powers of Europe crushed by the army of the Kaiser has been forced to move its capital beyond its borders. Announcement was made here today that the Serbian capital will be established temporarily in Italy, probably in Rome. Early in the war the Belgian king set up his place of government at Havre, France. Paris, Dec 18.-King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, will arrive at the Bulgarian front in southern Serbia within a few days, the Saloniki correspondent of The Temgps reports. Elaborate ar- rangements are being made for his reception at Monastir, where a large part of the population is Bulgarian. x WILONMARRIES S QUIET CEREMONY ( 111 F' EXECCTIVE VNl) WIFE LIA E FOR HONEY MOON ONLY SMALL NUMBER PRESENT Diplomatic Crisis Will Probably Ne- cessitate Couple's Immediate Re- turn to Washington Washington, Dec. 18.-President Woodrow Wilson and Mrs. Norman Galt were married at the latter's home at 8:30 o'clock tonight. Not more than 45 guests, members of the immediate families of the president and his bride and several of their most intimate friends, were present at the wedding ceremony. TL officiating clergyman was the . 'Herbert Scott Smith, rector of St. Margaret's church, of which Mrs. Galt is a member. .He was assisted by the Rev. James H. Taylor, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church, the place of worship of the president and his family in Washington. After a -wedding supper, the presi- dent and his bride left for Hot Springs, Virginia. Their car, with one containing secret service men, at- tendants and newspaper correspon- dents, a public through-sleeper to Hot Springs, and a diner were made up as a second section of the Chesapeake & Ohio train. The president and Mrs. Wilson will arrive at their destina- tion early tomorrow morning. A suite of rooms has been set aside for their use at the hotel there. How long the president and his bride will remain at Hot Springs on the honeymoon depends in some mea- suie on the pressure of public af- fairs. If the responsibility of state duties does not intervene to demand the president's return to Washington, it is probable they will not come back before the end of two weeks. There was none of the. pomp of a state function at the wedding cere- mony. It was obviously the desire of the president that all of the details should be in keeping with the idea that it was to have no official character whatever, and that he was to appear as Mr. Woodrow Wilson, rather than as the chief executive of the nation. There was a profusion of flowers, orchids of a pale lavender tint, the favorite flower of the bride, who has worn them every day and evening since the announcement of her en- gagement, and roses against a back- ground of ferns and palms. The can- opy oftferns, surmounting the wedding bower, was lined with creamy byos- soms of Scotch heather. When the president -and his bride knelt on the white satin cushions to repeat their marriage vows, the latter was in. a gown of black silk velvet and wore no jewels except a brooch of icash- ing diamonds set in platinum, the president's gift. They were unattend- ed. No music preceded the entrance of the wedding party. There was none during the simple but impressive ceAmony. The bride's gown was made of the richest black silk velvet made in a full round skirt in the fashionable walking length, and she wore a black beaver hat, un- trimmed except for a feather at the slightly upturned brim on one side. Thirty".fen Picked For Opera Tryout *~ork of Selecting to egin D- reetly After Holidays Theron D. Weaver, '16E, general chairman of the 1916 Opera, announced last night that 30 men, out of those who tried out for cast parts Wednes- day evening, will be given an oppor- tunity to make the cast. Although no definite assignments Neill be made for the successful candidates'before the holidays, the committee in charge hopes to have every ping in readiness immediately after vacation. so that the3 men will try out for each part. The following men were the successful candidates: F. W. Grover, '17, Joe Palma, '18, Larl Pardee, '17, Arthur N. Baron, C.1 Fredqrick Watson, '17, F. J. Wurster,I '17, E. H. Felt, '1, Willard L. Huss, '1, H. Pomper, '17L, 5 Breyman, '16E, Grant L. Ccok, '17L, W. R. Atlas. '18, Waldo Hunt, '16, Sam ,J. Pickus, '18, Edward Sachs, '17. Harry Carlson, '17,' . E. Hawkes. Jr.. '17, Morrison Wood,t '17, Richard Hardy, '17, Chas. Sikes, '16, Ceo. McMahon, '1" Geo. Murphy, I '16, Harry N. Pritzker, '17L, L. B. Emerson, '18.,.Robert H. Bennett, '18;l Fred W. Shafer, '18, Chas. P.. Lowes, '16, C. X. Patterson, '17, J. S. Ks- burger, 'l8 L. R. InWood, 18, H. Hd, springstun, '17.t BISHOP WILIAIMS ILL ADDRESS UNION SERIIIE Detroit Speaker Also to Talk at Two -Other- Meetings Todayl With an address by Bishop Charlest D. Williams of Detroit, and a specialt musical service to be rendered by the vested choir of St. Andrew's Epis- copal church, the regular monthly De-F cember union service of all the AnnC Arbor churches will be held at 7:00 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. The Bishop will take as his subject,' "The Will to Power and the Will to Service." In addition to his appearance as the' speaker at the Hill auditorium service, Bishop Williams will speak at the' regular service at St. Andrew's church at 10:30 o'clock this morning. His subject for this service has not as1 yet been announced. The third appearance of the Bishop on an Ann Arbor platform will be made this afternoon when he will1 speak to Michigan men at the Michi- gan Union Get-together to be held ati 3:00 o'clock. He will take as his subject "Preparedness from a Cler-i gyman's Point of View." )ICHIGAN CENTRAL SCHEDULES FLIER FOR NEW YORK STATERS For next Tuesday the Michigan Central railroad has scheduled the fastest passenger train that has ever been run between Ann Arbor and Buffalo. This is the New York State special train and it will exceed the speed of the Wolverine by nearly half an hour in arriving at Buffalo. The train will leave the Michigan Central station at 3:15 o'clock Tues- day afternoon and will arrive in Buf- falo at 10:15 o'clock, Eastern time. Its only stop will be at Detroit. By taking this train New York state stu- dents will only be on the road six hours. ONLY AUSTRl RE TRACTION PH EVENT DIPLOMATIC RELATLO IF VIENNA REFUSES (CALE WILSON )E31 CALL FIRST REPLY New Note in Nature of iltima Goes on Cables; Austria Must Ilepolince Sinking Washington, Dec. 18.--Austria m back down or diplomatic relati between the United States and I country will -be severed. This is decision which President Wilson understood to have reached tod Anticipating the counter propos which will be set forth by the Vie government for a discussion of Ancona affair, a new note will sent to Asutria within the next hours whieh, to all intents and i poses, will be an. ultimatum. This move was decided upon a the president and his advisers reac the conclusion that the reply of kustrian government to the first An ican note was intended as an evas The new note will not consent to discussion of the circumstances on legality. of the submarine attack, will it accept.Austria's invitation a bill of particulars, upon which American demands were made. Referring again to the fact that American government rests its c principally on Austria's own admis& as to the character of the atta the note now to be sent is expe to declare that under such an adm .ion, AustriL, cannot with propr: ask 1,r a discussion of the eviden The American government will the fore be forced to reiterate its rnands and insist upon prompt cc pliance if the good relations betw the two countries are to continue. The demands are: (1) That Austrian government denounce shelling and sinking of the Anc while persons were still on boa as "illegal and indefensible"; (2) 1 she make reparation for the Ameri lives that were lost; (3. that punish the commander of the Ausir submarine who perpetrated the d Great emphasis is laid in state partment circles on the fact th'at statement of the Austrian admira issued shortly after the incident curred, confirms the understanding the American government that ,Ancona, while at a standstill, was pedoed and sunk with persons on board. VILLA GIVES UP REVOLUTI( El Paso, Texas, Dec. 18.-Gene Villa has quit the revolution and expected at the border tonight or morrow, according to apparently a thentic reports from Chihuahua tod Officers of Villa forces in Juarez wE told to "take care of themselves." , The advices from the south st that Villa formally announced his tention of proceeding to the Unil States, if permitted to cross or to go to Europe. According to advices, the council of war 'held Chihuahua for several days, decik that General Villa should retirea he was so informed. In answer, G eral Villa is reported as saying t he realized th, time had come for retirement. "I have been surrounded by tr; ors," he is said to have declared, "a by men who wiul not fight. I sent 1, men to defend Santa Rosalia and tl joined the karranza forces withou fight. "If I am not permitted to cross border, I will go to Europe." "I Kitchener Denies Marriage Report London, Dec. 18.-It was officially : announced tonight by the private sec- retary to Earl Kitchener, British sec- retary of war, that the report of the engagement of Earl Kitchener to the Dowager Countess of Minto was un- true. The announcement says: ' "The report is absolutely untrue and without any foundation." WHAT'S GOING ON I FIRST METHODIST CHURCH STATE AND WASHINGTON STREETS A. W. STALKER, D. D., Minister Morning Subject: "Christmas Peace--When?" TODAY Bishop Williams speaks, St. Andrew's Episcopal church, 10:30 o'clock. Rev. Loring speaks on "The Good ,Side of Evil," Unitarian church. Rev. Douglas, "Unto Us a Child is Born, Congregational church, 10:30 o'clock. Bishop Williams speaks, Hill audi- torium, 7:00 o'clock. Union get-together, 3:00 o'clock. Polonia Club meets, McMillankHall, 7:30 o'clock. Combined Social Service organization meets, Methodist church, 7:00 o'clock. Tomorrow Prof. Tealdi speaks before Michigan Dames, Science amphitheatre, 8:00 o'clock. Soph Engineers' smoker, Union, .7:30 o'clock, *. i , ,r : *: * * * * * * * * * * Ad. W. Riter says:- Th'Iere is but .,.-: -: more shopping day before yo leave for your Christmas vacs tion. Mr. Student, are you heedin the holiday ads.- Mr. Merchant, are you adve tising? * * * * * * * * * * Quartette. Ada Grace Johnson, Alice Bliton, 'Odra Patton, Stanley Wilson.- 1