tE IICHIGAN DAILY c TEN MINUTES AT THE WALK4 VE R P I n a w ise C Ii r 1 s a mf a s shopper can oetie his or her gift problems to their utmost sa isfaction cd sptnd less money than they expected to spend am a wwwIN BUYNG FOR WOMEN-Walkover Boudoir p;-ter, tCmfy Sippes, Party Slippers, Patent, Satin, Bronze or Dull Kid and Phoenix Silk Hose. FOR MEN - Walk-Over House Slippers, Moccasins, Soft Pullman Traveling Slippers in soft leather cases, Skating Shoes and Phoenix Hose. _ .1 SPECIAL - I P- HURRY GYMNASIUM SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN-RUBBER OR LEATHER SOLES Prices 70c to $1.90 per p.air I just received 150 Calendars for 6xio Vertical Pieture Inserts by mistake in shipping, and by an ar'rangement with the manufacturer J can close them out at only 33 Cael; the regular price is soc. They are beautiful sepia, separatly boxed, and just the thing to use with an enlargement, or we have sone choie vie xs of the river and boulevard at only 25c, Don't waft--they r.l o e gone. L'Y N D N.- Just Ceived a New Basket Ball Shoe ON t $'3 PER PAIR-HEAVY SUCTION RUBBER for Men SOLE 0 Makes Plain and Colored Lantern Slides from Negatives. Objects or Any Sort of an lllustuation in Monoch rone or Color. Does Techni.al Photographic Work. If it's a Difficult Job, Ask him about it. It Xmas Made of Walrus, Seal, Morocco, CoWhide, Calf and Pig Cases BOY-ED DQENIES GUILTY KNOWLEDGEOFrPAPRS CermanA ttache Makes Statenmeint in New York Before His Departure New York, Dec. 16.-Captain Carl Boy-Ed, naval attache of the German embassy, who with Captain von Papen, the military attache, has been recalled by his government at President Wil- son's request, made a formal statement today. In this declaration he denied having any knowledge either directly or indirectly of a secret document de- tailing the state of preparedness of the United States navy. The entente allies have already given their promise for the safe con- duct of the two attaches, and it is probable that the two men will leave shortly. Considerable sentiment how- ever, has been roused here in behalf of the two men. BISHOP TALKS TO J-ENGINEERS Tells About the Elizabthan ('l) at Yale University "The Elizabethan Club at Yale Uni- versity" as the subject of the speech made by Mr. William W. Bishop, li- brarian, at the junior engineering as- sembly yesterday. PresidentaHarry B. Hutchins, who was to speak to the class yes~erday, was unable to do so on account of his attendance being required at the Grange meetings. He will probably address the junice iair next as- sembly January 20. Class . directories, containing the nicknames, given names, home ad- dresses, Ann Arbor addresses, and tel- ephone numbers, were issued to the members on payment of a fae of fiv cets. EFFINGER TALKS TO ENGINEERS Dean Urges Sophomore LngIneers to Select More Culural Subjects "Breadth, or the Second Dimension," ,was the topic of the speech by Dean John R. Effinger, of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, at the soph engineer assembly yesterday. Dean Effinger emphasized the fact that the engineer should strive fo- a broad education through the election of more cultural subjects, and through the reading of good books. Plans were announced for the smoker to be held next Monday night at the Union and larger turn-outs were urged for indoor baseball. Class dues are payable today to H. A. KnoW1- son at the head of the main stairs in the engineering building, between 90 and 12:00 o'clock. IIAPTIST rHURH GUILD HOLDS CHRISTMAS PARTY TONIGHT Members of the Baptist church guild will hold their annual Christmas party in the guild parlors this even- ing at 8:00 o'clock. A program fit- ting to the season has been prepared. In addition to the customary Christ- mas tree, there will be a vaudeville entertainmnt with special stunts and vocal numbers. Old Kris Kringle will distribute the presents among the guests. Refreshments will be served and it is requested that those atteiding the event bring a present not to exceed 10 cents in value. J-Hop Contracts ., te Closed at Once All contracts for the J-Hop will be closed by the beginning of the Christ- mas holidays, if the expectations of the committee arc fulfilled. Arrange- ments for music, programs and dec- crations are still to be completed. i Wednesday III 1Iu' e.1 and Sat.De,1 DETROIT VERY GOOD EDDIE' A rapid-fire, up-to-date Musical Comedy wits sixty players A RCADE Shows at 3, 6:30, s:oo, and 9:30 P. M. Friday, Dec. 17-William Faversham in "One Million Dollars." Metro. Saturday, December iS-Mrs. Fise in Trhackeray s "Vanity Fair." l leine- Fdison. Don't forget that our great " Trip Around the World" comes every Satur- day in connection with our regular feature -both for one price. Quality-Variety-Values OIAMOS EWELERS ATCh 3CHLNOEE A 11sEYFRIE Y 13 .IBERv EBERTY ST AR SILVERSpITHis ARR SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED &%29. 0 119 E. LIBERTY STREET NEW DELTA CAFE TEA DANSANTS EVERY AFTERNOON 2:30 P. M. 5:00 P. M. SUNDAY EVENING LUNCHEONS 50c P -- Arjno ld &Co. Jewelers 220 South Main Street Christmas Gifts Our store is the best and largest Jewelry Store in the city. An in- spection of our stock will convince you that this is the place to buy. Diamond and Platinum Jewelry Solid Gold Jewelry Lavallieres-Pendants Ivory Toilet Ware-Clocks Sterling Silverware-Novelties Wrist Watches-Gents' Watches Michigan Jewelry-Fobs Brass Goods-Smokers Sets Cut Glass-Optical Goods Leather Goods-Travelling Sets Buy here and be assured of quality and assortments to choose from Arnold &rCo. 220 S. Main St. I Cases Engraved or Plain Stationery Telescopic Drinking Cups, Photo Books Purses, Brass or Glass Inkwells, MAYER, SCHAIRER CO. 6030 FELLOWS TO GATHER SUPPLIES WITH AUTOSTODAY (Continued from Page One) the loss of articles, some of them pres- ents or keepsakes, may join in our 'Merry Christmas' spirit. Let us not only make this resolu- tion, but act upon it before it is too late, and be heppy in the thought of a wrong made right. Then may we all enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. "A READER." DEBATERS CHOSEN FOR FRAY Brucker, Cott n, Stoddard, Pinney, Goodwin and Ramsdell Picked Members for the two Michigan Var- sity debating teams have been select- ed and will take part in the thee-cor- nered debate to be held on January 21. The affirmative team will meet the team from Northwestern at Ann Ar- bor, while the negative squad will meet the team from Chicago university at Chicago. The men who will compose the af- firmative team are as follows: W. M. Brucker, '16L, J. R. Cotton, '16, and A. J. Stoddard, '17L. Those selected for the negative team are, P.°V. Rams- dell, '16, W. J. Goodwin, '16L, and N. E. Pinney, '16. The question to be debated by the Central League debating team is, "Resblved, that Congress should adopt the literacy test for all European im- migration." CLOTHINi from the House of Kuppenhener en ale by N. F. Allen A Co., Xabi street. wed-em Real meals--Just the kind you will he' getting in a couple of days, are served every day at Bloomfield's. Try us after vacation. No roller skating at Weinberg's on Monday, Wedi!egday and Thursday evenings. Ice skaters can then enjoy the music. decl.5, Special for the rest college of the year.. Make yo're a wIth DAINES as soon as po MICHIGANENS (You'll have to do it eve 334-336 So. STATE ppoinWKIessts AINICK EW lye Michigan Daily $1.50 asible for the Prominent Engineer Talks Tonight IAN PICTURE "Reminiscences of Engineering" ntually; why not now?) will be the subject of a lecture giver % i aly; hyNNow?) by H. H. Esselstyn, construction engi- ST., ANN ARBOR. neer of the Michigan Edison company, in room 348, of the engineering build- Pig, at 8:00 o'clock tonight. We can do your papering, painting, ---- tinting, etc., at once. C. H. Major & C1HRISTMAS Co. Phone 237. edtdec21 Everything in Christmas present. for men. N. F. Allen Co., Clothiers. See our line of .chafing dishes and Main St. eodFri electric appliances. H.- L. Switzer Co.j 310 State. edtdec21 2255 2255 2255 2255 . . -------+