TAEFAITCH'lfllN DATL A wma fm - t -__ ' sw S'FI E SPECIAL - HURRY WHITNEY THEATRE THRDCMAY 16 KLAW AND ERLANGER present Hare the Call I just received 150 Calendars for 6xio Vertical Picture Inserts by mistake in shipping, and by an arrangement with the manufacturer I can close them out at only 33c each-the regular price is Soc. They are beautiful sepia, separatly boxed, and just the thing to use with an enlargement, or we have some choice views of the river and boulevard at only 25c. Don't wait- -they will soon be gone. This Fall HENRY MILLER LY ND ON -- AND We are showing eight Stunning Suitings of the very latest and most Artistocratic weaves for Men's Stylish Tailored Clothes In the Woolen World these are conceded to be the highest attainment in the wonderful Art of Weaving. "Give them a ONCE OVER." DRESSfSUi SHIRTS TO FOR HIRE ORDER 604 E. Liberty Malcolm Block I II SWAIN 713 East Univ. Makes Plain and Colored Lantern Slides from Negatives. Objects or Any Sort of an dllustvation in Monochrone or Color. Does Techni al Photographic Work. If it's a Difficult Job, Ask him about it. That's What They All Say RECOMMENDS THAT ASPIRANTS STRIVE TO IMPROVE IDEALS (Continued from age F our) his teachings. He lit the lyric spark in their spirits. "The main attention should be at- tracted to the content cf poetry. Any- thing that attracts attention to the form lessens the spirit within it and lessens its power. The form should be so simple as to be almost radiant with the spirit within and not sever- able from the spirit. The content and form should be melted together so that you cannot tell the body from the soul or the soul from the body; it should be one beautiful radiation." Pertaining to the socialistic tend- ency in his writing, Mr. Markham said: "I am simply trying to awaken the social consciousness of the world to the fact that there is a people down in the abyss to whom we have certain obligations. We are our brothers' keepers. The present war only ac- centuates my belief; it shows what will happen when the idea of brother- hood is entirely forgotten. The last great revelation to the human race will be the vision of the brotherhood of man. Henry Ford is undoubtedly sincere in his aims, but he will not accomplish anything. However, he will attract attention to existing con- ditions." Mr. Markham is a venerable man, with gray hair and a gray beard and mustache. He is interesting to con- erse with, and patient about answer- ing questions. With him is his secre- ary, Takeshi Kamo, who is also a poet, the author of "Creation Dawn.' GARRICK dStec. 13 and Sat. IUEE EU DETROIT 'VERY GOOD EDDIE' A rapid-fire. up-to date Musical Comedy with sixty players RUTH CHATTERTON in Jean Webster's fascinating comedy ARCAIDE Shows at 3, 6:30, 8:oo, and 9:30 P. .. Thursday, December 16-Emily Stevens in "The Soul of a Woman." Metro re- tirn. Friday, Dec.17-Will am Faversham in "One Million Dollars.' Metro. Saturday, December 18-Mrs. Fiske in Thackeray s "Vanity Fair." Kleine- Edison. I DAD DY L ONG L EGS PRICES: 50 75 = 1.00 = $1.50 - $2.00 Seat Sale Dec. 14-10 A. M. Mail Orders Now. Take your Shoe Repairing to VAN if you want them repaired right. I THE NEW SHOP - 1114 S. University Ave, COMPLETES MANUSCRIPT PROF. MORI'Z LEVI FINISHES WORK ON NEW FRENCH TEXT BOOK( Prof. Moritz' Levi, of the French department, has practically complet- ed the manuscript for the new French Composition which he contemplates bringing out during the present acad- emic year, and all that remains is to put the' copy in book form. The aim of Professor Levi's text is twofold. In the first place, it aims at acquainting the student with French life, customs and manners. Secondly, it introduces numerous French idioms, which, it is hoped, will aid the student in appreciating more fully the language he is attempting to master. Questions in French are appended in order to enable the learner to as- THEE UNIVERSA L PIPE It's the "well" in the Wellington that keeps the tobacco dry. And it's the construc- tion of the bit that directs the smoke up- ward away from the tongue. For a cool, dry smoke, buy the Wellington. Al Dealers 25c, 35c and up ^ N I I3IERl('A CALLED "FOOL similate thoroughly the French, and PARADISE I N ITA A RYVpL UFE English passages are based on the text itself. Numerous foot-notes are (Continued froin Page Four) provided, for the reason that the stu- from the United States to the Philip- dent of foreign languages finds it im- pincs and other places, conclude possible to make a thoroughly idio- 4. The Organized Militia or Na- atatic translation into his native tional Guard. tongue with the mere use of gram- "Too much stress cannot be laid on the following," he says in conclusion: In addition to the features mention- I The necessity of organizing all ed, there are two vocabularies, Eng- national forces to be immediately dsh-French and French-English, and available. ther minor details. The new work 2. Enlargement of West Point to contains all the features of a trip 'to is Traximum Europe,-starting for the foreign land, 3. Giving young men at military he arrival, on the way to Paris, Pa- schools training to fit them to become risian houses, museums, cafes, the- officers. atres, newspapers and points of inter- 4 Extension of Military Instruc- est in the great French center. The tion Camps. treatment of these things is the re- 5. Registration of nantes and ad- sult of Professor Levi's personal ex- dresses at the War Department of all periences. This tends to make the men who have received military ext nmore interesting than it would training. otherwise be to the ordinary student. plaed on military aeshouldbeF. F. Kolbe to Study During Vacation _EATU ____E ___ E NMr. F. F. Kolbe, of the Economics FEAUREN NIE ' BEF OF TcIIPC separtment, will make an extensive EN(~NE~lS" RGA. ALPE ~lSstudy of Municipal Accounting during I I I HATS HATE HATS HAT H HA HATE STYLE ALL THE W1IILE FACTORY HAT STORE 118 E. Liberty Near Allenel Hotel I S S WILLIAM DEMUTH & CO. WeU New York BONWIT TELLER ,CO. FIFTH AVENeU E AT 3 8" STREET NEW YORK 11 i Tomorrow at noon the December number of the Michigan Technic will go on sale in the new engineering Evening ihear for the ' eune lle" Ivith just enough formality: p -with a charming dignity, but with no suggestion of sophistication or maturity. Luxurious wraps, fur banded: Gowns, Scarfs, Sli'pers and Vanities: V 4 '¢ i't l-;.., Tailleur and Sports Apparel, too: Frocks for afternoon: "intimate wear"! building. This issue contains several noteworthy features, among them be- ing: "Engineering Ethics and Oppor- tunities," by J. R. Bibbins; "Qualities That Make an Executive," by J. H. Marks, superintendent of the univer- sity buildings and grounds; "Alfred Noble," by Gardiner S. Williams; "Some Neglected Factors in Determin- ing a Reasonable Rate of Return for Public Utilities," by Prof. David Fri- day, of the economics department; and "The Necessity for Military Prepara- tion," by F. H. Atlee, '18E. .11-Fresh Glee Clb Elects President Paul W. Eaton was elected presi- dent of the All-Fresh Glee club at their business meeting. The other of- ficers are: David R. Wood, student manager, and Os::ar B. Kaufman, as- sistant manager. Peter A. Hartes- veldt, '16L, will lLrect the club. Folders, Announcements, etc. Try The Ann Arbor Press. (*) he Christmas recess. Mr. Kolbe will probably visit Day- ton, which, although it has just re- cently adopted the City Manager form of municipal government, has one of 'he best accounting systras in vogue at the present time. Greater interest is being taken every year in this comparatively new study and it is rapidly becoming one of the most popular courses in the Economics department. Sink German Submarine in Black Sea Paris, Dec. 15.-The Milas Seclo's correspondent at Athens announces that a German submarine has been sunk in the Black Sea near the Bul- garian fort of Parma and a Turkish torpedo boat has been destroyed by, the British in the Sea of Mamora. The Turkish cruiser Selim, which was for- merly the German warship Goeben, was torpedoed but escaped without serious damage. Always see The Ann Arbor Press for your printing if you want quality. Press Bldg.. Maynard street, Phone No. 1. (*) GERMAN ATTACHES GIVEN SAFE CONDUCT BY ALLIES Captains von Papen and Boy-Ed Will Undoubtedly Leave Soon for Germany Washington, Dec. 15.-Great Brit- ain and France today notified the Unit- ed States that Captains von Papen and Boy-Ed, the military and naval at- taches respectively,, of the German embassy, will be given safe conduct through the allied lines to Germany. With this assurance it is understood that the two attaches whose recall was demanded by the United States in consequence of their connection with pro-German activities in this country, will leave for Germany De- cember 28. It is reported that the two officers have already engaged accom- modations on the Rotterdam, which leaves New York on that date. On board this same vesseldwill bei Brand Whitlock, the United Sta' # ambassador to Belgium, who is re- turning to his post after a short leavei of absence. No Pay for Wright if He Coaches Penn Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 15.-Bob Folwell, former Red and Blue star, is not the only man who may coach the Pennsylvania athletic teams without remuneration within the next year, as George Wright, of the Toronto Argo- nauts, has been offered the position of coach of the rowing crews, and Wright says that he will take no money for the work if he accepts, as he wishes to preserve his amateur standing. State 'Dept. Caused Cuban Arming Havana, Dec. 15.-Despite the de- nial it is known absolutely that the Cuban state department received more than a month ago a note from Wash- ington suggesting that an increase be made in the armed strength of Cuba, and that similar notes were sent to' other Pan-American countries. The Cuban president approved the sugges-. tion. We print Anything, from your Name on a card, to a Book. The Ann Arbor Press. (*) The Bonwit Teller Gift Book is ready. May we send you these gift-giving suggestions? .. .® ICE SKATINC now. ROLLER SKATING Tuesday, Friday and Saturday Afternoons and Evenings For XMAS GIFTS see The Stdentts' Supply Store M Scrap Books M Jewelry Leather Pillows 11 WEIN BERG'S COLISEUM A Fine Line of Post Cards 1il S. UNIVERSITY PHONE I