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December 16, 1915 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-12-16

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kham Gives Advice to Embryo Writers--Favors Poets' CI


MI AIPan-Americans to
O ENTD M eet This Ionth
I S SIR I Will Hold Second Scientific Congress
IM Iat Washington December 27
to January



xplans Socialistic Tendency in His
Writing; Advises Against
Going to New York
"A young writer needs to do two
iings," replied Edwin Markham when
sked whether he had any advice to
ve to students with poetic ambitions
Hirst "of all, he should keep his emo-
ons as noble as possible; he should
ep away from the cynical or world-
temper. To be a great writer, you
ust be serious, but not melancholic.
"Having made his soul a temple and
e is now ready to prepare himself
r his work. Then, he should first
s ambition an altar where he kneels,
ad great writers in the special field
hich interests him. He should then
ractice writing. He should keep
reat things in his mind as touch-
ones to judge his own work by. No'
ung man should try to write poetry
itil he has familiarized himself with
'eat poems."
Asked for his opinion on writing
etry in the rhetoric classes, Mr.,
arkham said:
"I highly commend this practice;
it these students should write only
r practice in the technique of poetry
id not with any view to'publication.
commend it not only because it
ight develop latent poetic ability,
it also because it helps their prose.
he writing of verse gives power over
ndensed expression which prose
es not give us."
Regarding courses in - literature,
r. Markham continued:
"No culture study equals the study
literature. I would urge every stu-
nt to take a course in literature, be-
.use no other study will give him sd
uch culture, so enrich his mind, or
fully prepare him to become an in-
lligent and interesting member of
Le social world. One can hardly go
o far in commending poetry to the
ung men and women of America. It
vers a field which nothing else does.
>gic can lead us a little way on the
ad; it has a lamp which goes a
lort distance, and to pass on, one
ust appeal to imagination and the
auty instinct-in a word, to poetry.
"The old preachers used to divide
e*r sermons into several parts. First
ey explained the subject from the
andpoint of logic; and when they
ached the end of logic, they would
rn to their congregations and say,
ow let us open our books and sing.'
id so, at the end of logic, we must
rn to poetry for the higher revela-
n which logic can never give us,
t which is yet precious and essen-
,1 to the soul."
Mr. Markham was then questioned
to the chances for a young writer
New York City. "I think the young
'iter had better not hurry to New
irk," he explained, "especially if he
pects to depend on his pen for his
elihood. New Yorkis crowded with
ch,, and he will have to live a hand-
-mouth existence for years before
s work will pay. I he has means,,
d wants to be in the midst of the1
Lirling chaos, then New York is one1
the good places for him to go. It
the commercial center of the na-
n, and the literary center as well.
e literary primacy has passed fromr
ston to New York."a
Speaking of the movement to or-t
nize a club for the p'urpose of read-
and studying poetry, the poet

For the second time in the history
of the New World, the United States
and its 20 sister republics will be
represented in a great international
gathering of scientists and publicists,
brought together for the exchange and
correlation of the many independent
steps made throughout Pan-America
in the progress of science, the arts,
and human affairs and relations. This
will be the second Pan-American
Scientific congress and will be held
in Washington, D. C., December 27,
1915, to January 8, 1916.
According to the announcements
made, this will be the largest and
most comprehensive international
gathering ever held in this country.
The 21 nations constituting the
Pan-American Union will be repre-
sented by high government officials
as well as by noted savants. Many
prominent scientific associations have
arranged to meet in Washington at
the same time, in order to hold joint
sessions with the Congress. All ses-
sions will be public.
In view of the circumstance that
many of the delegates will be accom-
panied- by their wives and daughters,
it has been decided to take advantage
of the opportunity thus afforded to
hold a special conference of women
in connection with the Congress.
Topics of interest to women on edu-
cational and social subjects will - be
discussed by several of the most
prominent women of Pan-America.
Many receptions and banquets have
been planned for the distinguished
visitors. President Wilson will give
a reception January 7 at the White




"Daddy Long Legs" at the Whitney
Wherever "Daddy Long Legs," the
charming comedy in which Henry
Miller and Ruth Chatterton will ap-
pear at the Whitney theater tonight
is presented, some member of the au-
dience is sure to exclaim, "Why, it its
just like a fairy story." And that's
exactly what the fascinating play by
Jean Webster, fashioned from her own
story it like-a fairy story, and one
that is truly delightful. Little Judy
Abbott, a waif in an orphan asylum, is
a modern Cinderella. The prince in
her case does not meet her at a ball,'
but in a charity home, and instead of
marrying her forthwith, sends her to
college and makes a lady of her. And'
then the expected happens-the prince
falls in love with the interesting object
of. his impulsive philanthropy and
there are begun a series of situations
that play with exquisite skill on the
emotions of the audience. The comedy
is tender, human, delightful and it-
fairly brims over with whimsical fun.
of a quality so rare that it is easy to
believe Miss Webster possesses more:
than a family share of the humor man-
ifested in the writings of her famous
uncle, Mark Twain.

At the Majestic
A special bill has been arranged
for the Majestic theater starting to-
night and running for the last half
of the week. Some people say there
is nothing new under the sun, but this
expression does not apply to the head-
line attraction of this bill. Harry
Jackson and Peter McLaren claim
title to being the world's greatest
woodchoppers. These two young men
come from the forests of Australia
and are billed as the "Australian
Woodchoppers." Jackson and Mc-
Laren have worked up an original and
novel act which has been featured over
the big time circuits of Europe and
has recently filled the houses with ca-
pacity audiences over the Keith and
Orpheum circuits. Keno and Green ap-
tralian forests. Keno and- Green ap-
pear in an original act entitled "All
,Life and Action," and the act is all
the name implies. Guerro and Car-
men are violin and, harp artists of the
new school of entertainers in vaude-
ville. "The Comedy Dog" title which
belongs to the offering of Maxine Bros.
and "Bobby," the latter being a dog,
is claimed to be full of comedy as
well as an acrobatic canine.

New York, Dec. 15.-About 30 young date in the season.
Australians who have been touring in
the United States, are guests of Co- New Haven, Dec. 15.-Impersonat-
ing female characters for more than
lumbia university. one season in succession has been
~~~~prohibited at Yale. The reason ad-
New York, Dec. 15.-Rufus J. Trim- vanced for the rule is that continued
ble, who was captain of the Columbia impersonation tends to make men ef-
seven in 1912, will coach this year's feninate.
Varsity hockey team. Trimble will be
the first amateur coach in hockey that Chicago, Dec. 15.-Only 26 men
Columbia has ever had. have enrolled in the new military
training course started at the Univer-
Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 15.-Princeton sity of Chicago. The course is elect-
will not meet Syracuse on the grid- ive. The fact that the annual senior
iron next fall. The Syracuse eleven mustache-growing contest did not
has become too strong for a Princeton meet with the approval of the majority
practice game, and Princeton's sched- of the seniors has resulted in aband-
ule will not permit a game at a later oning the custom.
Deputation teams from the Y. M. C. Prof. John R. Effinger, dean of the
A. wil make two trips during Christ- College of Literature, Science and the
mas vacation. Lewis C. Reimann, Arts, will speak to the sophomores at
'16, will go to Iron River in the Upper their assembly today at 10:00 o'clock.
Peninsula, while a team of two or Plans for the class smoker, to be
three men will visit Oakland county. held next Monday night at the Union,
Reimann will speak in Iron River will be discussed, and a hockey man-
on December 26 and January 2, and ager elected. It is requested that
during the week he will have charge members be prepared to pay their
of a boys' meeting in Crystal Falls. dues at the assembly.
At present Reimann is taking part in
the religious campaign at the Univer- J. Architects Take Page in Year Book
sity of Iowa. At a meeting of the directors held
yesterday afternoon, the junior archi-
We set glass. C. H. Major & Co. tects voted to have a page in the
Phone 237. edtdec2l Michiganensian.



"Uncle Joe" Cannon,e"Nick" Long-
1"iorth and Others on
Washington,Dec. 15.-With the or-
ganization of the House today by the
adoption of the committee lists sub-
mitted by Representatives Kitchin and
Mann, the majority and minority lead-
ers respectively, the Progressive Par-
ty as a political entity in Congress
came to an end. The six members of
the Progressive Party in the House
accepted committee assignments at
the hands of Mr. Mann.
The general expectation is that
throughout the session, the Progres-
sives will vote with the Republicans
and in time work for an affiliation
with the organization headed by Rep-
resentative Mann. In the committee
selections Mr. Mann took care of such
notable comebacks as "Uncle Joe"
Cannon, "Nick" Longworth, Hill from
Connecticut, William B. McKinley of
Illinois, and other old guardsmen, who
fell by the wayside in 1910 and 1912

America Called "Fool's Paradise"
in Military Volume by Huidekoper
Military Expert Characterizes Conditions as "The Dreamland in Which
Americans Have Slumbered for Years," in Review of U. S. Armiy Pol-
icy Which Remarks Upon Revolution, Civil War and Philippines
At a time when military prepared- thus: "This will leave in the United
ness is being discussed pro and con States proper 12,610 Coast Artillery
by all big men throughout the country troops and 24,602 of the mobile army.
and when it has become an important the latter then being not much more
issue in party politics, it seems fitting than twice the size of the police force
to notice in this connection a volume of the city of New York."
lately published by McMillan Co., the "The equipment of our aviation ser-
"Military Unpreparedness of the Unit- vice is little short of ridiculous," says
ed States," by Frederic Louis Huide- Mr. Huidekoper in another place. "In
koper. Mr. Huidekoper is the author 1914 the United States possessed only
of "Military Studies" and is noted as 119 aviators and 21 aeroplanes." A
the founder of the Army League of comparison of this department with
the United States. It is the first work those of foreign countries show's that
of this kind that has appeared in print the foreign strength in this line varies
and was written, says the author, be- from 7 to 23 times that of the United
cause "it had become apparent that States. The author found the Field
there existed a need for a military !Artillery among the weakest depart-



Made of Walrus, Seal, Morocco,
Cowhide, Calf and Pig
Book Racks Ash Trays
Brass Desk Sets
3i11 Folds Brief Cases
Fountain Pens




Cigarette Cases

Men Will Canvass Their Home Towns
During the Holidays.
Current expenses for the Y. M. C. A.
will be raised during Christmas va-
cation by over a score of students who
have signed up to do soliciting in their
home communities.
The men will canvass for funds
necessary to carry on the work of the
association and they will receive com-
missions on all the subscriptions they
raise. Philip C. Lovejoy, '16, head of
the employment bureau, is now re-
ceiving applications for this work.

history of the United States which
gave the unavrnished truth." Some-
thing on the same order was published
some years ago called "The Military
Policy of the United States," by Gen-
eral Emory Upton, an able presenta-
tion of the military history of the
country from 1775 to 1862. Mr. Huide-
koper hasendeavored to present these
subjects in a rather more condensed
form with reference to certain por-
tions of U. S. history, and has greatly
amplified them in others through the
addition of much new and valuable
material. He presents effectively the
folly of the past haphazard policy of
the United States and its great and
unnecessary expense in life and treas-
ure. He reviews the character and
policy of the army from revolutionary
times, through the war of 1812, the
Mexican war, during the War of the
Rebellion, the Spanish-American war
and the war in the Philippines up to
the present time. All of this is inter-
esting, readable, and forcefully writ-
ten, but the more important section of
the work, and that which has excited
the most comment is that portion
where he sums up tle condition of the
United States at the beginning of
1915. It brings out the fact with some
force that the army is decidedly weak
in all of its many divisions. He de-
cries the policy of keeping full forces
over-sea at the expense of home saf-.
ety. He qr:ctes from the report of the
Secretary of War, which after stating
the necessity of removing large forces

ments. "The United States has but
638 three-inch field pieces. The mini-
mum estimate of what would be need-
ed has been placed at a total of 1,292,
while a maximum estimate, made by
the late Chief of Staff was 2,834, which
is undoubtedly required in a war
against a great power. He then de-
scribes in some detail the condition
of Americanfortifications, ammuni-
tion, searchlights, submarine mines,
and other departments. The author
then goes on to point out many rad-
ical changes that should be made in
the organization of the land forces.
"The term, 'a fool's paradise,' de-
scribes to perfection the dreamland in
which Americans have slumbered for
years in their complacent indifference
to national defense," says Mr. Huide-
koper. He is of the opinion that true
patriotism demands unremitting labor
for long years in order to be prepared
for the emergency which may arise.
"For years." he says, "the German
military authorities have claimed that
they can embark an army in three
days, and allowing 16 days to cross
the Atlantic, could land fully 250,000
men within the territorial limits of
the United States within five weeks."
To meet this peril, if it should arise,
Mr. HuidekOper proposes an organ-
ization of land forces to include:
1. A regular army of 250,000 men.
2. A. reserve force amounting to
3. United States Volunteers.
(Continued 4on Page Six)

Leather Collar Bags
Hand Bags Music Rolls
Engraved or Plain Stationery
Smoking Sets

Necktie Racks


"I am heart and soul for such a
ovement. Universities have always
een the eenters for encouraging a
nowledge of poetry. Most great uni-
ersities have departments of poetry,
id some of the greatest books on
etic criticism have come from those
cupying chairs of poetry. Prof.
harles Galey, a Michigan graduate,
conducting such a course at the
niversity of California. Prof. George
Woodbury did a similar work at
lumbia, and I know at least 25
ung men whose lives have been
,eply impressed and influenced by
(Continued on Page Six)

"The Elizabethan Club at Yale Uni-
versity" was the subpect of the speech
made by Mr. William W. Bishop, li-
brarian, at the freshman engineering
assembly yesterday.
During the business meeting fur-
ther plans were made for the dance
to be given by the freshmen on Janu-
ary 7. It will be held at Granger's,'
and Fisher's special orchestra will
furnish the music. Tickets are selling
at $1.00. The class adopted the con-
stitution as presented by the Student

Telescopic Drinking Cups, Photo Books
Puirses, Brass or Glass Inkwells
Leather Stationery Portfolio
Toilet Sets. Pipe Racks
112 S. Main Street Ann Arbor, Michigan



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