TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY .... . . t ' n . ' o ' S 1, . , . Y o THE BEST DRESSED MEN have their clothes made-to-measure. It is not a fallacy to say that clothes reveal their origin even to the casual observer. And there's an air of dis- tinction to our clothes that can come only from years of experience in tai- loring garments. We have satisfied your friends, why not you? G. H. WILD COMPANY Leading Merchant Tailors State St. Flowers for Christmas he NARCISSVS It Will Grow In Water CHRISTMAS CARDS The M o s t Complete Line i n the City' Come in and Look Over Our Line SHEEHAN'S STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. Cars run on Eastern time, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Limited and Express Cars-8:ro a. m. and hourly to 7:10 p. mn., 9:10 p. M. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8:48 a. m. and every two burs to 6:48 p. m.; to Lansing, 8:48 p. m. Local Cars, Eastbound--5:35 a. In., 6:40 a. m, 7:05 a. M., and every two hours to 7:05 p. M., 8:05 p. M., 9:05 p. m., 10:45 p. m. To Ypsi- ,anti only, 8:48 a. _m. (daily except 'Sunday), 4:20 a. m., 12:05 p. m., 6:05 p. m., 11:15 p.1 in., 1 :15a. iM., r:3o a. im. Local Cars, Westbound-6:r2 a. In., 7:50 a. m., and every two hours to 7:50 p. -11., 10:20 p. M., 12:20 a. M. m We Have a FULL LINE OF Cut Flowers and Plants For All Ocoasions COUSINS & HALL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE, Phone 115 I THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official news~aper at the Univesity of Michigan. Published evey morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class. matter. Offices: Ann Aror PressaBuilding. Sub- scriptions: by carrier or mail, $.o. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Students' Supply Store, The Delta, cor. Packard and State. Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. Francis F. McKinney....BanagingEditor John S. Leonard.......... Business Manager E. Rodgers Sylvester News Editor Tonm C. Reid ..........Telegraph Editor Verne Burnett ...........Telegraph Editor E. P. Wright.......Sports Editor J. C. B. Parker........Assignment Editor Joseph J. Brotherton............City Editor Co rad N. Church ...............it Editor Edwinl A. Hlyman............ ..ity Editor Lee Joslyn ............. .C..ity Editor Irwin Johnson........lr. Eficiency Board Gordon D. Cooke..........Statistical Editor J. L. Stadeker ...........Supplement Editor cdward Mack.........Advertising Manager KirkWhit ............Publication Ianger Y. R. Althseler... Circulation Manager C V. Sellers..................Accountain C. T. Fishleigh . .Assistant Business Manager Night Editors Leonard W. Nieter William F. Newton Reporters H. A. Fitzgerald William H. Fort Waldo R. Hunt Golda Ginsberg Martha GrayN at Thompson Jacob M. Braude W. R. Atlas Earl Pardee R. T. McDonald E. A. Baurngarth L. S. Thompson Bruce Swaney E.L. Ziegler R. . Blum A. F Paley C Huntley A. Shoeneld Business Staff Albert E. Horne Roscoe Ra E. C. Musgrave F. M.Sutter K. S. MColl Maxwell Cutting George Nobil THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915. Night Editor......William F. Newton RESOLUTIONS FOR A REBEL There are four more days of actual classroom work before the concentra- tion camp revolving about the campus gives way utterly to centrifugal mo- tion, and sprinkles the nation with happy home-comings. Then a few parties; a lot of beribboned tissue- paper packages; and then the New Year. The holidays stream by so swift and unseen that the New Year's advent is as close as a next week's bluebook. As to making resolutions, most folks have learned enough not merely to tack up the ten commandments be- hind the door, o to thrash out an essay on ethics. A student can't ex- pect to be born over, but there are several biting things which anyone can do. These include coming to class within five-after; a little timely bon- ing moderated with a reasonable amount of outside activities; a little betterment in taking care of the health, and finally an effort to drive off those periods of grouching and moping. Some persons wven rebel against tradition sufficiently, to date the real New Year with Friday, December 17, the day when the Good Fellow move gets to the climax. That day means, not so much the contribution idea of a dime or so, as it means the ruddy how-are-you look and the can't-I-give- you-a-lift smile. It means-the democ- racy which the old grads have sought ever since Mason Hall was roofed over. And some very wise people are getting enough out of college and life to realize that sinking these good cheer habits into their systems is far better than writing annual sermon- ettes on manners. The Good Fellow resolution can light up every person- ality, and socially can open a real New Year for Michigan. LANE ANSWERS ARNILL GRAUATE STUDENT TAKES EX- CEPTION TO STATEMENT IN COMMUNICATION Editor, The Michigan Daily:- In his communication in Tuesday's Daily, Mr J. R. Darnall makes the following quite unsupportable asser- tion: "It will be acknowledged * * * that Mr. Angell is a strong supporter of the 'peace at any price' movement." That acknowledgement may be made by Mr. Darnall, but it will not be made by anyone who knows Mr. Angell's true position on war and armament. The quotation from "The Great Illu- sion" already twice printed in these columns, can be liberally supported. How would Mr. Darnall interpret Mr. Angell's statement that he completely recognized the necessity for England to take defense measures and emphat- ically counseled it (pg. 335) ? Or the statement that England must meet Germany's military force by the only force that can reply to it, meaning the force of arms (pg. 337)? Or the statement that he has not surrendered "one iota of a lifelong and passionate belief that a nation attacked should defend itself to the last penny and to the last man" (pg. 344)? Mr. Darnall must be aware of these statements Mr. Angell has made of his position, and must have some way of reconciling them with his own as- sertion; for he cannot be guilty of so gross an absurdity as that of attempt- ing to interpret to the readers of The Daily a man whom he has not read, or whom he does not understand. Yours respectfully, ROBERT P. LANE, Grad. HEALTH SERVICE OFFICE HOURS ANNOUNCED BY THE DAILY FOR THE BENEFIT OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Much inconvenience has been caused the health service office be- cause students have failed to make themselves acquainted with the office hours of the service. As a result The Daily is publishing below the hours during which stidents may call at the offices of the health service for exam- inations, treatments, or advice. *$* * 4' * * * * * * * * * * * UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERV- * * ICE OFFICE HOURS * * * For 'Men and Women * * * Monday, Tuesday and Friday: * * 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 m. * 2:00 p. m. to 4:00 p.m. * * --* * Wednesday, Thursday and Sat- * * urday: * 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 m. only. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Call Lyndon for a good flashlight. eodtues Have you got our number? Flop your phone directory. There it is! 2255 Stark. The best we make-Maize and Blue Chocolates. Bloomfield's. Shoes repaired while you wait. 0. G. Andres, 222 S. State. eod-tues Shirts made to order.-G. H. Wilu Company. State St. Tailors. Main St. WAHR'S Vriiversity Bookstore t ~- Mi x I AGE emphasizes qualities U.good or bad -VELVET'S L 13 two years' agein' makes -the best tobacco better. The Beauty of My Business is FLOWERS' Have yon seen it? The Michigan Calendar FOR 1916. EASILY THE REST EVER PUT OUT. A HANDSOME CHRISTMAS GIFT PUT IN ENVELOPE POR MAILING Price, 500 State St. "" e n. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869 1 Capial..........$ 300,000.00 Surplus...........$ 150,000.00 Resources over ....$3,000,000.00 Bankigg in all branches Main Office, N. W. Corner Main and Huron Ste. Branch Office, 707 1rth Univ- ersity Aveuue. FLOWERS FOR Corsage Bouquets Baskets of Flowers MRS. FLANDERS Phone 294 Open Sundays, 9 to 12 ALL OCCASIONS Floral Designs From 75c to $15.00 Flower Shop 21 EAST LIBERYY STREE.T FLOWERS DELIVERiD Coil Coke Lumber; Planing Mill Specialties Interior Finishing A Complete Line. of Drug Sundries, Kodaks Candies, Perfumes ALBE T MANN, Druggist 215 South b adn St. Ann Arbor. Mich. Liberty and Main JNO. Phone 2484 J. S AUER 310 W. Liberty At holiday time you feel the need of a Dress Suit more than any other season of the year. It's the time when you need the best, and only the best. A Custom Tailored Dress Suit will leave no chance for embarrassment or self consciousness. Genuine Gas Coke is Almost Ashless $50.00 Full Silk Lined D. E. GRENNAN REAL CUSTOM.TAILOR 606 E. LIBERTY STREET It contains a smaller percent of waste than any fuel on the market. Therefore it is the most efficient. Department Paper and Envelopes All Departments LOOSE LEAF PAPER "Any Size" FOUNTAIN PENS SOLD AND REPAIRED I. F. SCHLEEDE 340 S. State Direct from the maker to you middleman's profits. with no Washtenaw Gas Co. hi 'I SAM BURCHFIELD & Co.U Stop in at Pop's for a good Meal or a Lunch Good Line POP BANCROFT of Candies 722 Monroe St.' 1The FIRST and BEST Tailoring Establishment in Ann Arbor ANNOUNCE We have an exceptionally fine and varied line of Woolerc to show you this Fall. Cigars Tobacco 1I I 4 W a t iv anu9 1 SAM BURCHFIELD & Cot. HEEiLS Womens' Organizations Y. W. C. A. Cabinet will meet this afternoon in Newberry- all at 4:00 o'clock. A meeting will be held today for all the Junior women who desire to enter the lyric and music contests connect- ed with the Junior Girl's Play. The women will meet in Barbour gymna- sium at 4:15 o'clock. The Upper women's section of Deutscher Verein will meet in the rooms this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Masques will meet this afternoon at the Gamma Phi Beta House at 4:15 o'clock. 2255 2255 2255 2255 Athletics Attract Harvard Students Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 15.-Harvard athletic statistics issued today show that 1623 students have so far this year engaged in sports of some sort, This number is easily the largest in the history of the university, being 299 over last year's total. Football proved the most popular, attracting 365 men, with track and tennis fol- lowing. Violets made up in artistically ar- ranged corsage bouquets. Mail orders sent promptly to any address. Prices from $1.00 to $5.00 per bunch. Try a sample. Cash with order. The only place in Michigan to get really frag- rant large double violets is of the grower. Elva R. Davis, Florist, Ionia, Mich. e-thur r I SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING B 0 0 K K A E ,E P EI T 8 Best Instruction and Equipment Hamilton Business College State and Williams Sts. We can do your, papering, painting, tinting, etc., at once. C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237. edtdec2i. See our line of chafing dishes and electric appliances. H. L. Switzer Co. .10 State. edtdec21 House party time is drawing nigh. See us for party Taxi Service. We haye the equipment. We are prepared to take care of you efficiently. Atark Taxicab Co. Phone 2255. jovl6tf 2255 2255 2255 2256. THE CHOICEST of Christmas gifts are to be found. at the Palais Royal, 304 South Main street. dec15tol9 Business Opportunity Just right for two students. $4,000 takes established business clearing over $200 per month. If you mean Learn the new fox trot at the Packard Academy. Nov. 20-tf For papering, tinting or decorating of any kind, go to C. H. Major & Co., 203 E. Washington St. edtdec21 No roller skating at Weinberg's on Monday, Wedrecday and Thursday evenings. Ice skaters van then enjoy the music. dec1.5 say 00W W3 When you want the best Always resilient-never grow hard with wear Once 1sorn, no comfort without them 0- 0 0 00 N° 505 OLKN. N° 605 TAN I S WAGNER & COMPAMN StateStreet * -