!THE NMICHQIIJ N. DAIL t _._ A Ing Clotlics This cut represents our Full Dress ts made by the Stein Mlock Co. i which are offered at a special :e for the holidays at $35.00. 'll Dress Coats 'uxedo Coats ull Dress Pantaloons ull Dress Vests .. ull Dress Suits . $25.00 . 25.00 . 6.50 . 3.50 . 35.00 s- y r 1r : . . . ' YOUR SUIT THIS season's style demands form-fitting clothes. That makes it absolutely necessary that experts work on your suit from the start. And of course, you require all wool materials, in your choice of shade, fabric, and cut. You'll get just what you want at The Big Store. ese Suits are all made by the Stein 35och Co. we will sell you any part of the suit at above price, these we carry in stock and this season's style. I'. FASHION PARK AD)LER-ROCHESTER CLOTHCRAFT $15 to $35 LINDENSCHMITT APFEL & CO., Main St. oyal -' Tallored - -3THES .00 -OW Call and look over our Special at $22.00, any style 308 So A MPUS BOOTE RY State st. Make your Christmas Selections From our fine line of rfurnes, Brushes. Traveller's Sets, Shaving Helps, and other good sundries EBER ACH f SON CO. 200-202 E. lfborty St. MWWWA nOur C HRISTMAS shopping cares can be delight- fully lessened by a few moments' refreshment in the ecialty is making Eye Exam inations- ng scientifically and y the glasses your eyes ; shop facilities enable me to ke your glasses, giving you ick service. Ve grind lenses. EMIL H. ARNOLD O tometrist-Opticia Arnold & co., Jewelers, 220S. Main St -1 4Teas,[Salad s, Ice] Creams, Ices,.Dainties, an d Luncheons Ser- ved at any moment f rom 8:00 to 5:00 - Saturday till 9:00 p.m. :PROF. LURCH REELECTED AS ARCHITECT OFFICIAL Society Sends Requestto "Carnegie Foundation of Learning" For Survey of Sehools Prof. Emil Lorch, head of the ar- chitectural college, has lately re- turned from Washington, D. C., where he attendedthe annual meeting of the Collegiate Architectural Association, and the American Institute of Archi- tects. Professor Lorch was re-elect- ed vice-president of the former so- ciety. He is also a member of the executive committee. The Collegiate Architectural so- ciety is an organization of the ten leading architectural schools through- out the country. Its purpose is the promotion of architectural education and the raising of the standard of ar- chitectural teaching. Michigan, which was influential in organizing the so- ciety, is ranked among the leading schools, among which are: Harvard, Pennsylvania, Cornell, Columbia and Illinois. At the meeting of the association the request was forwarded to the Car- negie Foundation of Learning for a survey of schools teaching architec- ture in the United States. Questions of teaching methods and of adminis- tration were brought up and discuss- ed. The architectural exhibit, to which ten schools contribute, will be circulated throughout the country and will probably be shown here at Mich- igan sometime in February. ALPHA NU SOCIETY TO TRY OUT SPEAKERS IN MIDWEST DEBATE Alpha Nu Debating society will hold its tryouts for the Mid-West Debating teams at 7:30 o'clock Thursday even- ing, in the society rooms in Univer- sity hall. The question for this debate is, "Resolved, That the Federal Govern- ment should own and operate all pub- lic service telephone and telegraph systems in the United States, con- stitutionality waived." Speakers will be given 10 minutes in which to pr- sent their views. Those intending to tryout should notify H. B. Teegarden, '17, at once., At tomorrow's meeting a new sec-1 retary will also be elected to fill va- cancy arising. At the last meeting W. T. Adams, '17, was elected dele- gate to the Oratorical board for the remainder of the year. PAGE FIVE..... ...... ......... NAME CHAPERONES FOR SENIOR1 LAW DANCE THURSDAY NIGHT Prof. E. N. Durfee and Mrs. Dur-1 fee, and Dr. H. H. Cummings andI Mrs. Cummings will act as chaperonesi at the dancing party which will be given on Thursday evening by the se-c nior law class at Granger's academy. A five-piece orchestra has been pro- -ured to furnish the music, while the larsity quartet will furnish features. Jancing for the occasion, which is being advertised as a Santa ClausI Trot, will continue from 9:00 to 1:00 o'clock.< Shirts made to order.-G. H. Wilu Company. State St. Tailors. For Winter Mallory Soft Hats 11 ', %_'111 i l f f s , , ,, _, -- = Giving you the shade you want when you want it-the shape you want-the fit you need, and a hat that stands out above the crowd, is what makes our hat service unusual. The Newest Mallorys- are in pearl-green, mix- ed and plain green It's almost that way with clothes. it's a matter of chance many times. We prefer that you know .deflnitely about your clothes. You will buy FIT- FORM. FITFORW is made by the best clothing firm in the country and in so careful a manner that we want you to wear these suits for style and for good making. If you are dissatisfied, notify us and we will make good. A guarantee is given us that when FITFOR1 goes wrong or does not wear right that we can give you a new suit in its place. We stand back of what you buy from us and the manufacturer backs us up. The price you pay, the value you get, are all im. portant to us as well as to you. FITFORM at $15, $18, $20, $22.50 and up to $30 is everything that price calls for. Most of us don't know. We have not made the choice o f a road. ADVANCE STYLES IN Priced at COME IN s 1 0O. 'DN N:_F NG MEN $3.00 TOM CORBETT Reule, Conlin & Fiegel THE BIG STORER100-202 Main Street Where Are You Going? 116 E. Liberty St. Young Men's Clothier (Second Floor)' A7 0 Prof. Jerome C. Knowlton fli Prof. Jerome C. Knowlton, of the law department, was not able to meet his classes in contracts yesterday be- cause of a severe cold. Professor Knowlton was under the doctor's care all day, and whether or not he will be able to hold classes today depends entirely upon his condition this morn- ing. "'TENTION S TJDES1!" For quick MESSENGER CALL see last ad on BACK OF TELEPHONE DI- RECTORY. Phone 795. 4'17E, Learn the new fox trot at the Packard Academy. Nov. 20-tf Maize and Blue c iocolates at Bloom- field's. dacl GLOVES for men, best known makes at reason- able prices, on sale by N. F. Allen & Branch Salesroom Next to Delta 'CHANGES NEEDED IN RURAL SCHOOLS (Continued from Page Four) wooden plow. "With even as little as $100,000 a year for two or three years we could, I believe, conduct a campaign for a new kind of rural school that would work little less than a revolutjon in rural life." Referring to the taming of rivers for practical use, MIr. Lane-said "No one can take the yearly toll of lives lost and of property destroyed by the furious and unrestrained sweep of our rivers without realizing that the people of this country cannot regard themselves as owning this land until they have brought these waters under subjugation. I am not speaking with- out authority, for a year ago we en- woyed a visit from the renowned build- er of the Assuan dam, Sir William Wllcocks, who has spent his life as a river tamer. And after he had seen our problem he sighed with regret that it might not be his fortune to see the day that he said would surely come when the valley of the Mississip- pi would be another valley of the Nile, only greater in area and more per- fectly adapted to the white man's life. V.. .., ... ..... ©J., Main street. wed-eod Go to C. H. Major & Co for wall- paper, paints, oils, varnishes, etc. Phone 237. edtdec21 Have you got our number? Flop our phone directory. There it is! 255 Stark. IN I "Fitform is Good Form" _ e AI 7 .~ Enjoy the Pure Flavor )y rolling your cigarettes WIth papers-the universal choice o experience, because of supreme Q venience and satisfaction. (Pronounced: REE-LAH-KRO3 FAMOUS CIGARETTE PA Their texture is so pure, light a3 combustion so perfect--that there not the least trace of paper-taste in th=e cigarette smoke. They never burst in rolling and hold Sperf'ect shape, because of tensile ctrength and riaturat F adhesive- ness. Made 1~of te bs Sflax-line-a v.I p oduct -- J , C ? Ae etfe pu ,r Toba cci Riz La Cron L' smokers ( quality, co2 6 Yf) LPERS "F lX I FO- FRRENT I LOST MOR RENT-Three fine office rooms, suitable for a doctor or dentist; all piped and wired; guaranteed steam heat. 1713-MOR, 1661-J. J. K. Mal- colm. nov16tf OR RENT-A single room on second floor at 325 East Jefferson. Phone 1316-R. dec14,1'5,16 WANTED. ANTED-Typewriting of all kinds. Let us typewrite your thesis. Even- son & Hyde, the Student Firm. Op- posite Huston's, upstairs. dac10-11-12-J415 A N T E D - Position - Competent white woman, wishing to cook in a fraternity or take charge of kitchen. Fine references. Inquire City Y. W. C. A. Telephone 1108. deel5to-? LOST-Gold hoop ear-ring between Washtenaw and Hill street, and Wil- liam and State streets. Please re- turn to Watkins, 1485-M, and receive reward. dec12-14-15 LOST-Embryology notes, between Church street and New Science bldg. Please phone 18. T. W. Adams. dec14,15,16 L, SWAIN 7t3 East Univ. Makes Plain and Colored Lantern Slides from Negatives. Objects or Any Sort of an Illustvation in Monochrone or Color. Does rechni al Photographic Work. If it's a Difficult Job, Ask him about it. I I ad cthin-their is T.wo intere-zing, illustrated Bo)k~el' -or~e abontRI?. LA Ci _retez Papers, the ether show- .::l 0,,O.n° cigarcttes-Mnt, atrpi.4. Addre,-s he American ,.U1, .'84t Broo~e Street, N. Y.~ ,1 a Christmas. is Near FOUND The Popular "Ukulele" would make a splendid Present for anyone who loves good music. It is a facsimile of the Spanish Guitar. No music in all the world has gained such rapid and favorable popularity. We are State Agents for the genuine Nunes & Sons' Instrument. Competent Instructors FOUND-Saturday afternoon, near1 Business Opportunity The Inn Keeper. A new booklet Just right for two students. $4,000 by Mr. Lloyd C. Douglas, acceptable takes established business clearing holiday gift, published and for sale by over $200 per month. If you mean the James Foster House of Art. Price business, write Michigan Daily, Box 15 cents. edtdec21 CRINNELL BROSh 1 6 S. Main St. Phone 1707