I' k1 F lICBIQk TGANC7DAILYV 7, ; ?' , =. , , ' ' G''; r1 ° F , '' ll, TUEIiiEST DRES} I) MEN T" E MIC Offi cial newspal have their clothes ma ale-to-measure. Milchigana. Publis It is not a fallacy to sal that clothes Monday duria t reveal their origin even to the casual Enberd -at the observer. And there's an air of dis- r~ond-class n~attc tinction to our clothes that can. come Offices : Ann AI only f romp years of experience in tal- .criptons : byc d. satit~s C bring garments.. We have satisfied " ttos Stoi-e, The Delta~ your frienids, why not you? ,P'hones.: Business~ ...Y......... IIAN DAILY per at the Univeraitv of shed every morning except the university year. host-office at Anin Arbor as A~rbor Press .]wilding. Sub- arrier or mail, $2.w0. NVant vuarry's, Students' Supply a, cor. Packard and State, sg6o a Editorial, 2414. inney. l\[. anaging Editor . ....Business Manager G~. 14. WILD) COMPANY Leading Merchant T.illors State St. F'rancis F. MeIKi, John S. Leonard. Ei. Rodgers Sylvester News Editor 7lowers for rist~a It will 'Grow I r SHEE Ver'ne Burnett........elcgra[ph ], itcr W'PXrizht............norts IEditor J. C. P.Parker .......Assignmient Editor- Josepah J.: Brotheiton.......... ..City Editor Conraid Church ....... ........ CtJ io I dtwin A. Ilniln............ ...te lditor, ....;.-Iiv ditorj rwniJ ~b ~ . ' Ie~cvhoard k J .er.......... _ie t Editor t........ Manager ~I \ e wton io i' N h~~rrCi cltin Poangrt ~ooi4 X N icWit I".NeDon I. .. I,. 1 Ii. tort ,- ,,* 3 Ginsb;er I<. 1 . F Paley {C >' A Ky\,Siloeifielot STUDENTS' BW : OORF 4c x l _ 73ezsBoiess xStaff ., _.., s v DETRIOIT UITED LINES een Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. run on Eastern time, one hour faster al time. it Limited and Express Cars-S : io a. ho0urly to 7 :1o P. m.,p9:1o P. in. iiazoa limited Cars-8 :48 a. ter. and :wo hours to 6:48 P.n.; to Lansing, m. Cars, Eastbound-5 :3j a. mi., 6:40 a. in,, mn., and every two hours to 7:05 p. mi.,1 n., 9:o5 p. in., 10:45 p., m. To Ypsi- 11y, 8 :48 a. in. (daily except Sunday), mn., i2:oS p. ii., 6:o5 p. in., 11:15 p. 5 a. n., 1 :3o a. in. 1Cars, Westbound-6 :12 a. in., 7:50. a. Ievery two hours to; 7:30 p. ~ii., 10:20 12 :0 a. in. e Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869 pha1 ........... $ 300,000.00 plus ......$ 150,000.00 sources over .... $3,000,000.00 Bankinig in all braniches in Office, N. W. Corner Main and Hluron Sts.' inch Office, 707 North Univ- ersity .Avenue. For -; 3s Clcks andMiianPn I~3.:MAINTREE I. '. AeC ' l. Stte r , l ~ Cll nting I g ubwl I I Nliht editor........ ,...i> ,ri Pardee FORMER MAYOR LUDED C{)MMITTE E PASSE S RE SOLUTION S ON DEATH OF CHIARLES A SAUER At the regular meeting of the city council held Monday evening, the comittee appointed to draft resol- tions on the death of Mayor Charles A. Sauer, composed of Charles A. Sink and Samuel Heusel, reported as follows : 'Whereas, The hand of death has mtain visited our city, and has seen fit to take from us our esteemed fel- low citizen and honorable mayor, Charles A. Sauer; and WZhereas, For 30 years or more, lie was actively identified with the prog- ress and prosperity of our city, both in private and in public, and his ef- forts and activities were of such a nature as to benefit the entire commu- nity; and. Whereas, In view of his sterling and manly qualities, the people of this city conferred upon him the office of chief executtive, and that since assuming the duties of this office he devoted faithful and untiring labors to the im- portat matters which came before hinm for consideration, and gave free- ly of his wisdom and advice, so that his administration was highly satis- factory to all, demonstrating his abil- ities to deal with intricate public problems in the same careful and con- scientious manner which characterized his private actions for so many years; Be it resolved, That in the death of Mlayor Sauer the city has lost an ex- ecutive of sterling qualities, a man of honorable and upright character, and a citizen who may be said to have befen a producer for the public good, rather thani a consumer, and that his associates have lost a true and loyal friend; and Be it further resolved, That while the city of Ann' Arbor, through its vari- ous officers, as well as the citizens in general, do deeply mourn the loss of so good a nman, whom in his infinite wisdom the Great Ruler of all has seen fit to call unto Himself in the prime of life, and at a time when we as mor- tals would .least expect such a sum- mons, but on the contrary one whom we would consider but in the flower of his manhood, ready and able to con- tinue in larger degree the many activi- ties in which he engaged; and Be it further resolved, That, while we as citizens and friends, do mourn his loss, we realize that the blow has fallen heavily upon those who are near and dear to him, and that we ex- - tend our heartfelt sympathy to the members of his family and assure them of the honored place which his r'em ory will hold in the hearts of all who have known him. Tie it further resolved, That these resolutions be made a part of te 'ecerd of the proceedings of this body, where he was so familiar a figure, and hat a copy he published in the Ann Arbor Times-News and also that a copy be sent to the family. Respectfully submitted,, CHARLES A. SINK, SAM HEUSEL, Committee. I d . - -I- s Have yo~x seem it:' l"hc Michigan C alcna FOR 1916. EASILY THR BEST EVER PUT OUT. 'A (HANDSOME CISMISTMAS GIFT PUT IN ENV LOPR FOR MAILING Prie,50r, I , Main St. University Bookstore State St.= oe e ae I 1 11 MiAs in Hill Auditorium December 13. Hear him' in your OWN HOME anytlime) ou choose on VICTOR RECORDS We have a complete, stock Untverstx2ffusic 1bouse Cor. Maynard and 'Williamn Streets YOU HEARD MISCIIA ELMAN Our ""4 .;;a e C'"thes Cost No More Tharthe vflage Reat..-Made" CAN.SLEThe Tailor 51 STUDtY AND) OTHF.l{ WORK( For Practical and Useful Christmas Possibilities For the BEST iu GO TO TUTTLE'Sp CHE OPrv off a few 314& S. State St . Pi cle e1244-" FIRST NO.-, BANcK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. capital $i;;,ooo Snr} t usad rofit $$6,ooo 41 REC TORS- GEO. W, PrPns Ii HARY . 1HiA W-EY CH OI1'~rrILO W RS INJ AND TRY. OUR Comhiniutioru Lunch. VVith the eea iheigup hihis sweepjing over tut.Univer- Ne ty ehear mny rguments con- c cert--igthe propejw lae fextra- unvesiy if. he p otAnonal ~ e hooVfrow upo the altglter. tt i° the ir amiItU ion ktotrnout ex- .e vs u il lx ecomel< ieders in the ir profes ions a fte:r gradutation. They folow, the European scheme of education,_, which satcrifices eve _rything to~~~~~~ scovrhpwtitoreutthat- tie graduate fsuci stl it ielook uponther ala mv~r s apure mea p at,t d, to ii U< and then di sa ~ed.There _;is o setirment at- tatcd: the'}iir coillege e, which I maes hei ehsen aP.er~\ athing t1e lie ?)rom:l oil, and sn mnu1over' a 'i a ler 5 . : s. tttf' 1 ~ '~( or- eign insI1t1l itns wouLld ,'no.m.re think of' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u sndn ei ie u inwhat w,1' cll stude, it a:ICi1; itie''thanlwould of suipotiuf ptbi i.~atk 'o. msical bdnot ony :',ogi teeout- i ._.a~', Hiteeug'" svoough to ~ ~ ~ i' ftm h~ ~ihelit sanction. See the fine assortment at I QOn State PARTICULAR LAUNDRY QUARRY'S- Drug Company For Particular PC ople. SODAS CANDIES LUNCHES ILOCFE Prescription Store CITY' LAUNDRY THOS. RO WE, Prcp. 25C -53 .M .. . ..... *Moon Detroit Street Phone 457-M. .. .. .. .. .. an Inn The Farmers &Mechancs Bank Successful Men Wear Tailored Clott, es and Good Half 1I he Battle , ; r"' lop Sucy 'South MainStreet Stste SoretfficeP '331,S. Sta S. I Clothes Are rty St. Opp. theArc~dia A OOU STi 8 ANI" iE VfLPY SANKIN" I'EE 3 k:^ P.a ": d "' (w- L: , :'. _ . 1w., .S, ",7w ::_ .aSS' f( s r th F+?f 1Y a: rC . d H mac' r . c}. R There is a great difference between tailored 'clothes' and the other kind. Every suit is made to fit the man-we do not force] the man to fit the suit., just come in %. hen you're ready. HENKY (. COMPA Y, TiMOM NOT-h Vr~Sve.-aity Awe. IDirectly North of 1L0w 5Iit Pa tent aixD Tull Dancing Puisand Oxfords for Men Pa3tentxDull, Bronze Kid, and Colored Satins for Ladies IN STREET. ST' . S EET RTHANO, TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING st Instruction and Eq zlpmont nilton (Business College St-te and Williams S's. r. qudtly ith splayed blades of spe- I treated Synthloy steel, ,dened and tempered, -cially polished, nickel. ted and buffed. Pair. $ 7.50 Manufactured by PAWDING & BROS. "* '> aid V l ) ti otdi tenar fu- ture a, Gthe u n _styluAlh servic Hi. Cuxon inii:g . The e_ PO dat e!ofthe examinartni i_ ,ii ho none tr iMY te co:tse Ii f sta ntrDr are eligWle otke the examinatin Red Crss Cs'o'uetare- g ienitoall whoeegeucefi n'e.iutiiel ~vei h thy ar~sditrac- O~lS An It ria , ort le Ibolmi- t~~~~~~~~i: ilri-iisteaIe~ fthe f O ' ni o I. t / i , . ')i thcy } .1lih ns siln~ ai L 1 -ito tl~ ilit'erstjTb ~y '.-thefuel wIch(' 1e p s al9 e th i eof colleger Agan tey urnsh m~ i.touvr a s- M l naI e ot n--. ;1..., i con- troiLeC "blma ro ~-the medum etWOO to mch t ~~gand IN~nuptie Stdn (ae Home 15- ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ Caldt (I'g hr i mther let tmuetgt(ie ~t p' at onforcarci- l ; o i hyodgiidIView of te fd tat f isreprte that his moter s ilpt~vng. itisexpected that e wil retrn toAnn rbor to nowww"Mmu ... ..- . ,. women's Organizations Mrs. A. E. Jennings will speak on "Economic, Value" at Vespers this af- ternoon in Newberry hall at 5:00 o'clock. Wyvern will meet at the Alpha Phi H-ouse tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Masques will hold an important meeting at Gamma Phi Beta House Thursday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. Wonmon desiring reservations for rooms in Newberry Residence during the holidays must make arrangements with Mrs. E. L. Gates today.' All student nmembers of the Eastern Star are invited to attend an initiation which will be held by the local .organ- ization in the Masonic Temple this af- ternoon and evening. A pot-luck sup- per will be served at 6:00 o'clock. Horace J. Andrews, grad, is now con- fined to the contagious ward of the University hospital suffering with diphtheria, He is reported as rapidly improving. Rings Pendants Bracelets =, Brooches Bar Pins Stick Pins BRANGELET WATCHES j Lavallieres Necklaces .._... _ Fy .. ; . - . s p ,,; . o, ": ; ; ."' i : "'"" Tx oy4 r .. #fOYE Wc9 calit you in this shoe now, havig?. =erySiZ e, a nd width in 'The lOlnston & Nurphy'Cordavan nine dollars Cuff 'Buttons Leather Goods and Novelties Parisian Ivory Michigan Rings and Jewelry HALLER EWE LRYCO STATE STREET JEWELERS WAGNER & COMPANY STATE STREET ESTABLISHED 1848 "'' . , a R The Cordavan Bat M - , ,_ -'