THE MICHIGAN DAILY .l Mlake Christmas Last all Winter ~~ij 4 Jf+, When you're out looking for your Winter Oiercoat, just pay this store a visit. We don't ask you to favor us, but we do insist that you'll regret slighting us. There isn't . a finer, smarter or complete showing of Overcoats than ours in Town and we'll show you prices that you can't beat any- where. iuy a supply of Columbia Double Disc Records for your Talking Jiachine. They make an ideal gift and play on any standard Disc Machine Columbia Records are guaranteed to outlast any other, and cost you less. 65c for 10 in. and $1.00 for standard 12 in. Wadhams & Co's Corner MAIN(STREET' HEALTH -EXHIBIT MLL OPEN TODAY Creat Part of Exhibit Devoted to Tu- bc-rculosis, Its Growth and Effect. I-' -'S Be Attractively Dressed and gain the admiration of all by having your next suit Individually Custom Tailored by ARTHUR F. MARQUARIT Campus Tailor 516 East William St. Phone 1422-J SHOW MODEL SEWERAGE PLANT Coincident with the opening of the State Grange association convention today, the Michigan state board of health will open an exhibit in room 222 of the new science building. This exhibit is practically identical with the one used on the state health car which made a tour of the entire state two years ago. A great part of the exhibit is de- voted to the subject of tuberculosis. The various ways of contraction, re- striction and prevention are cearly pointed out. Statistics show that the death rate from tuberculosis is one every two and one-half minutes. The exhibit contains a register which will be set at zero, and the number of deaths occurring during the three days it is here will be registered. and the remains will be taken to Jackson for interment. NEWS FROM THE POLICE COURT Resident Found With too Much ope John Baker, aged 32, was arrested by three deputies of the sheriff's office and Constable Shankland Sat- urday night, at the corn°~ of Cather- ine and Main streets. The sheriff's office was notified and found Baker in an apparently in- toxicated condition, but when they at- tempted to arrest him he fought and bit like a tiger, screaming and yell- ing at the top of his voice. The offi- cers fhially managed to get him un- der control and put him in the coun- ty jail. It was afterwards found that he was sufferingr from an overdose of dope, and that herhad obtained the drug in Detroit. He was brought before Judge W. G. Doty yesterday morning and sen- tenced to serve 90 days in the county jail. w LUNCHES, CANDIES HOT SUNDAES AT THE SUGAR BOWL 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET WE MAKE OUR OWN CANDIES OUT OF THE PUREST AND BEST MATERIALS LOOK FOR THE NOTES- ( Allmendinger Music Shop 122 E. Liberty Street ('~i Ne,,e m ;I 'r®e _ ... -I an "GOT HIC" ARROW COLLAR FRONT FITS CRAVAT KNOT PERFECTLY. 2 for 25c CLUEYT, PEABODY & CO.. IVC., MAKERS Our Xmas Suggestion vww xm 1 HRISTMAS shopping cares can be delight- Ily lessened by a few ornents' refreshment in f71 alad's, Ice cesDainties, cheona Ser- n y moment 00 to 5:00 - till 9:00 p.m. SENATE REPUBLICANS WILL NOT OPPOSE DEFENSE MEASURE Washington, Dec. 13.-President Wil- son was assured yesterday by Senator Gallinger, Republican leader of the Senate, that the minority party in the upper house will offer no partisan op- position to the national defense pro- gram. The only condition placed on this assurance by Mr. Gallinger was that the President himself should re- frain from submitting the program to the party caucus, this giving it a party pose of the House Republicans in re- gard to the national defense program. aspect. The President assured Mr. Gallinger that he had no thought of making a party gain from the measure. Today the President will see Mi- nority Leader Mann, of the House, with the view of ascertaining the pur- CONGRESSMEN IGNORE REQUEST OF WILSON TO OMIT PRESENTS . The exhibit contains a model of a sewage disposal plant for a single house, showing the methods of puri- fying the sewage before it enters the ground. This method prevents a con- tamination and the spread of disease germs. Next to this is located a chart showing the various phases of the fly campaign. In this exhibit, a model entitled "The Fly's Air Line"' stands out prominently. A model representing actual con- ditions in this state is shown to show the spread of typhoid fever through the medium of streams. Two cases of typhoid fever in a river camp where no sanitary precautions are taken cause the growth of the disease until it becomes an epidemic in a commun- ity some miles distant. Two illusions will be shown, one* that of a perfectly healthy human be- ing turning into a skeleton in a half a minute, due to the ravages of the tubercular germ, and the other show- ing the spread of disease through the1 medium of the drinking cup in the hands of a hobo. The exhibit, which will last three days, is in charge of Mr. F. J. Pienta of the state health board.I Three Arraigned on Drunk Charges Fred Carter and Joe Murphy were arraigned before Judge Thomas yes- terday morning on a charge of va- grancy and drunkenness. They had been picked up by Patrolman Howard Saturday afternoon and placed in thE city jail to sober up. They admitted that they had come to the city on a freight train. They were given sus- pended sentences and told to get out of the city. Jack Haven, 54, was arraigned be- fore Judge Thomas yesterday morn- ing and was sentenced to serve 3C days in the county jail on the charge of drunkenness. A Face Massage .'I Pezzie 5 barber Shop .,1 , I I {Second Floor) I I at 4,4 ECONOMIST EXPLAINS LUCIDLY NATURE OF ANGLO-FRENCH LOAN (Continued from Page Four.) of our bankers that so unusual a ven- ture should assume more modest pro- portions. A contract was finally drawn up with a syndicate composed of bankers representing sixty-nine cities of the United States, in accord- ance with which the syndicate took over thetentire issue at 96 centson the dollar, a price which will net the two governments $480,000,000. The bonds bear interest at five per cent, payable in United States gold coin at New York, and are repayable on Oc- tober 15, 1920. Holders of bonds, however, have the privilege of con- verting their holdings into four and a half per cent long term bonds guar- nIk~ .." , Rings Pendants Bracelets Brooches Bar Pins Stick Pins WATCHES W , t IF BRACELET ''I Prof. David Friday Speaks at Adrian Prof. David Friday, of the Econom- ics department, will speak at Adrian this evening on the, subject, "Social- ism: the Case For and Against." Professor Friday will deliver this extension lecture in the high school auditorium, under the auspices of Adrian High school. Ijusiness Opportunity Jast right for two students. $4,000 takes established business clearing over $200 per month. If you mean business, write Michigan Daily, Box ,hirts made to order.-G. H. W1i. 4Conpany. State St. Tailors. Washington, Dec. 13.-Very little at- tention has been paid to President Wilson's request that presents be omitted on the occasion of his mar- riage to Mrs. Norman Galt a week from next Saturday. Representatives Henry D. Flood and C. C. Carlin, of the Virginia delega- tion in Congress, originated the idea of . buying the future mistress of the White House, a present, and have al- ready collected over $300. No announcement of the plans of the New Jersey delegation has been made, but they are working quietly and it is known that they intend to give the President a handsome gift. 2255 2255 2255 2255 CITY NEWS' Farmer Has Both Arms Amputated While husking corn on the farm of George H. Wooley, William Kinney, age 42, of Ypsilanti, had both arms amputated by the machine last Sat- urday morning. Kinney had just started work un- der the foreman, Frank Turner, when his arms became entangled in the ma- chinery and before the engine could be stopped, both members had been completly severed from hisbody. Reports frow the hospital today say that while Kinney is very weak from the loss of blood, he is expected to recover from his wounds. One of Oldest Residents Dies Jacob Frank, 543 Detroit street, passed away Sunday at his home. He was 73 years of age and had been a resident of this city for the past 61 years. He had been employed by the Ann Arbor Organ company, in the ca- pacity of cabinet builder. The funeral will be conducted at 8 o'clock this morning from the resi- dence, Rev. G. A. Neuman officiating, anteed by the two governments. The members of the syndicate have offered the loan to the public at 98 and in- terest, after reserving half of the bonds for their own use. When the loan came up for ratification in the English and French parliaments, con- siderable criticism was offered on the grounds that the terms of the loan were too harsh. It was pointed out that the interest charge amounted to almost six per cent on the amount actually received, whereas the bond issues of neither government for thirty years preceding the war had yielded much over half that amount. However, both bodies finally ratified the arrangement by unanimous votes. In spite of the fact that the bonds are guaranteed by both nations and constitute a first lien upon all prop- erty in the United Kingdom and the French Republic, and notwithstanding the unusual yield of 5.45 per cent, the investing public has displayed little enthusiasm over them. As a consequence they continue to be sold on the stock exchange for less than 98, the price specified in the agree- ment. In the opinion of the writer, the lack of enthusiasm over the issue is due more to the fact that the Amer- Lavallieres Necklaces Cuff Buttons Leather Goods and Novelties Parisian Ivory Michigan Rings and Jewelry (i ..r"tTt 1 "If) ', 4' ft / 41 HALLER JEW*ELRY CO. STATE STREET JEWELERS 3 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Three fine office rooms, suitable for a doctor or dentist; all piped and wired; guaranteed steam heat. 1713-MOR, 1661-J. J. K. Mal- <,lm.D aylatf FQR ME -NT-A single room on.second floor at 325 East Jefferson. Phone 1316-R. dec14,15,16 LOST ;LOST-Gold hoop ear-ring between Washtenaw and Hill street, and Wil- liam and State streets. Please re- turn to Watkins, 1485-M, and receive LOST. LOST-Embryology notes, between Church street and New Science bldg. Please phone 18. T. W. Adams. . _ _ _dec14,15,16 LOST-Pair of glasses on Thursday afternoon. Finder please leave at Daily office or call 605-W. dec12,14 WANTED. WANTED-Law student who wishes to use spare time in an office for experience. Must operate type- writer. Frank & Jones. Phone 472- M. Christmas is Near *11 ican investor is unaccustomed to dealing in foreign securities than to any fear that the two governments will be unable to meet their obliga- tion. The statement has been made by one authority on bonds that no is- sue ever made has excelled the An- glo-French loan in the value of the security behind it. Furthermore, the same authority ventures the predic- ion that a considerable time before ^aturity the bonds will have gone to 1 premium. It must be admitted, however, that there is a speculative element present, otherwise the bonds of two wealthy nations, secured in an extraordinary way and bearing al- most double the usual rate of interest, would not be selling for less than par. The announcement of the loan caused exchange to rise temporarily, but it soon fell to former figures. Now that the proceeds of the loan are ac- tually available and large additional loans are being floated by English and French bankers, exchange rates have become stronger, but the disparity be- tween the claims of the allies upon the United States and our claims up- on them grows greater every day and it is only a question of a short time until the governments affected will seek to place other large loans here. The opinion is quite generally held that a deposit of American securities as collateral will be necessary to the success of, future bond issues sold in this country by belligerent nations. The Popular "Ukulele" woud make a splendid Present for aryone who loves good music It is a facsimile of the Spanish Guitar. No music in all the world has gained such rapid and favorable popularity. We are State Agents for the.genuine Nunes & Sons' Instrument. Competent Instructors reward. decl2-14-151 -Overcoat, taken from library, iday afternoon. Party making take please call 1920-J. dec14 WANTED-Typewriting of all kinds. Let us typewrite your thesis. Even- son & Hyde, the Student Firm. Op- posite Huston's, upstairs. dec10-11-12-1415 11 CRINNELL BROS. 116 S. Main St. Phone 1707 ii We set glass. C.. H. Phone 237. I! I .