THE MICH IGAN 1 DAILY , 01 t'- f Y ": ' '1 /_ . THE liE ST DR ESSED MEN1V have 'their clothes made-to-measure.' It is not a fallacy to say that clothes reveal their origin even to the casual observer. And there's an air of dis- tinction to our clothes that can come only from years of experience in tai- loring garments. We have satisfied your friends, w hy not you? (jr. R i'trlil ) COMIPANY 1.eeadixxg Ierclhant 'Thilors State St. ri-iiii MICHIAN DAILY ' ff !icial newspaper at the- University of Miichigan. Published ever y morning except 1; onday durien tihe university year. j }~rtered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as seconroCl"ass n' Offices : Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptionls: by car"rier or mail, $2.50. Want ad. statio s : Quarry's, Students' Supply Store, 'The Delta, cor. Packard and State. 'hones: Business. 960; I~ditorial, 2414. F rancisI'. jMel.inney,...Managing Editor john S. Leonard.........Business Mbanager Untarian Church 10:30l. Hell Critically Examined, be- ing second address by Mr. Loring on the Problem of Evil. Come a.rEid sLok Over Oizr Lirs STUDENTS' BOOKS TORE DE TROIT UNTE!) LIKES Btetw. een Detroit, Ann Arbor'and Jackcsont. C:Liastun on Ea sternz ti'ne, onie hour faster than local timec. Detroit LimiCtdanid Exp ress Cars-- :to a, n., and hourly to 7 :io p. zin., 9 :zo p. zn. Kalamazoo 1 irited Cars-8 :48 a. m. and ev ery twvo h'uars to 6 :48 . gyn. , to Lansing , B:48 p. r:]. Lvocal Cars, Eastbud-5 3 a. tn., 6 ,:4o a. in., 7 :05 a.}, and every two hours to 7 :05 p. ni.,I 8 :o, p. i.., 9 :o5 p.n., z10:45 p. Iii. To Ypsi- isnii only, 8 :q8 a. mr. (daily 'except Sunday),. : zo a.n., zir :05 p. mn., $:o5 p. in., 1 i zz p1. mn., z :r; a. rt.,z :3o a. mi. Local Cars, W testbound-6 12 a. nIl, 7 go a. n.and e e: wo ~c hours to 7:50 p. fl., 10:20 pn oamz:2 a 1t iki! & " R AP I I G Hiamtilton Bus iness Colleage Slate antd Wiilams Our "Tailor-M ade" Clothes Cost No More Than the Average "Deady-Made" CAN SLE9 The Tailor 108 E. WYashington Sti. Second Floor The Ann rbor Savings Bank I Organized 1869 Capial ........$ 300,000.00 (Surplus.........$ 150,000.00 Resources over . . .. $3,000,000.00 .Banking ,in all branches Il ;ai Office, ;N. W. Corner 1Main and Ihuron S. B~°rnch(Office, 74)7 North IUniv- I ersity Aveue. CODAE I'J ' NI TJRY OUR Clnesei '.Cm i.utonLuuich'z 'C OP off afew Minutes and eat some of GE a~ ORGE,.'S~t i 4314 S. Stat~e S3. Phlc^rine:1244-M FIRST NATLI BSANK OF AN N ARBOR, MICH. Capital $ioo,ooa Surplus and i Yrofit $$65,0oo Fl Iti(TOP1S: WiRT CORNWELL XVALDO M. ALIBOTT GEO. XW. ATTF.SON HARRY V. FAWiLEY S. W. CLARKCSON HARRiISON SnXJULE FRS.D Sex-luD 1). B. SUTTON ..... .......,«,...,.H, . 7JI{ Ki N x E;. Rodgers 'Sylvester News ditcr' lomn C. Reid ... ,... .......Telegraph 1ditor LVerne Burnett........... Telegraph ~ditor F,. 1'. Wriht,..,,..,.,..,,, Sports >ditor ,J. C. B. Parker .........Assignment ~ditor Jose-ph J. Brotherton............City Editor ( anrad N. Church.............City ~ditor Edwin A. Hlyman ...............City E~ditor Lee Joslyn ....,......... ...City >ditor Irwin Johnson........Chr. Effliciency Board Gordoan D. Cooke,........Statistical E=ditor J. I,. Stadeker . .. .......Supplement ditor ..daard black....... ..Advertising Manager Kirk LWhit.. ......Publication ingei' Y. lt. Althaeir... Circulation Maagr C. l. Sellers ............... .... Accountant. C. T. Fishleigh . .Assistant Business Manager iht ditors Leonard XW. Neter William F. Newton Reporters T. A. Fitzgerald Wiliam I. Fort Waldo R, Hunt Gold Ginsberg ML^arthxa(ray N hat Thompson Jacob M. Jraude W. R. Atlas tarl Pardee R. T. McDonald F. A. Bauingarth IT,. S. Thompson B3ruce Swaney P;. . Ziegler P.. J. Blum A. F' Paley C S._1-untley A, hoenfield Business Staff Albrt I;. 1-omne oscoe Ra 1t. C. Mvusgrave F 1. M. Sutter IC. S. MeiCofl l Maxwell Cutting George Nbl SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1915 Night Editor.......Jacob M. Braude GO-TO-BED-EARLY MVEMENT. It is sometimes remarked that the students' lights in Ann Arbor are left burning longer at night than in any other city in the country. In many houses it is considered bad form or childish for one to "hit the hay" at any ;ime-before midnight. It is true that twice during each semester students are eager to stay up all night for..a week or so in order to dispel the fears of haunting blue books. But during all those intervening months, the tungstens look down for the most part upon groups humming with small talk, but with nothing else. Much of the landladies' light bills, in fact, result from the illuminations .t these good-natured loafing fets. Certain dloctrs have stated that a list of things most needed by students waould include a larger nightly amount of sleep and a more timely period for sleeping. They think that two hours of slumber before twelve are usually worth more than three r four hours snatched in 'the infancy of the morn- ing. And most of the mothers back acmne would gasp if their sons or Iaug-titers should accidentally let slip what the usual period for bedtime really is in the college town. In sev- eral local houses it has recently be- come the rule that 10 :30 o'clock is the signal for lights off, except, of course, during exam time; and this changing attitude is by no means confined to this city alone. The "go- to-church-Sunday" slogan seems to be slipping from its former place in the sun, and in its absence this new ap- peal for the "go-t-bed-early" move ment may have a fair show of gain- ing the ascendant. P'rof. J. ..Reeves Rapidly Improving Prof. J. S. Reeves, of the political science department, who is now suffer- ing from an attack of the lungs, is im- proving rapidly. It is believed that Professor Reeves will be able to get out and resume charge of his classes tomorrow. 11:45. Prof. Sellars speaks to the Social Service Class on Some Social Questions. 7:30. The Religious Life of a Hindu; address before the 'Young Peo- ple's Society by Mr. S. N. Hardiker. SUNDAY SERVICES IN ANN ARBOR CHfUCHS St..Andrew's Episcopal Rev. Henry Tatlock will deliver the regular morning sermon at 10:30 o'clock. "The Study of Religion" will be the subject for discussion at the mnen's classes. Presbyterian Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter" will iiustrate the theme of Rev. I,. A. Bar- rett's sermon this morning at 10:30 o'clock. Dr. JTosephz W. Cochran, sec- .retary of the Presbyterian board of educationz, Philadelphia, will speak at the evening services beginning at 7:30 'clock. First Baptist Dr. A. L. W3ilkinson will speak on "The Twelve Disciples and the Com- ing of the Kingdom," at 10:30 o'clock. Guild service at 6:30 will be lead by Miss Pauline Buc. The subject will be, "Why Did Christ ome?" First Chirch of Christ, Sientst "God, the Preserver of Manu," will be the topic for the 1:30 o'clock ser- vice. Students under 20 are invited to attend the young people's classes at .11:45 o'clock. First Congregational Rev. Lloyd Douglas, .pastor, will have for is topic, "While I Was "Busy-a Drama," this morning at S10:30 o'clock. He will also speak at the second "Children's Church," at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon. Church o Christ (Disciples) At the 10:30 o'clock service, Rev. 'George W. Knepper will preach on, '"The Compulson of Neighborliness." S The topic for the vesper services at 6:1& o'clock will be, "The Persever- ance of Divine Love." Mving pc- tures of Florence, Italy, will be shown during the social half hour. Jewish Studets' Congregation Rabbi D. Marx, of Atlanta, Georgia, "will deliver an address today before the Jewish .Students' Congregation, on the subject, "What if the Repubic Should Fail ?" The time set for the 'address is 6:45 o'clock, the plce, Newberry hall. First Mlethodist Episcopal "Shame .and Christianity, Modern- ly," will be the topic of Rev A. W. Stalker in his morning sermon at 10:30 o'clock. Miss Gertrude Mac Whirk, of New York City, will .give dramatic interpretations of some of the Bible's simple historical narra- fives in the evening at 7:30 o'clock. Unitarian The second address in the series, "Problem of Evil," will be given by Rtev. R. S. S. Loring at 10:30 o'clock. 'The subject will be, "Hell Critically Examined." Mrs. S. N. Hardikr of "Bombay, India, will speak on "The R eligious Life of the Hindu," before the Young People's society, at 7:31 o'clock. Polish yor floors with Old English Fl'oor Wax. C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237. edtde2l CIB Fo r ChrF tmas ills Also fl[AAHAN UU JLELES ATF 'UI1i ve"BItB 1 utc Ibou e Cor. Maynard and Williamra seets .Hav e You z seen it? FOR IRIS. EASILY tTHE BES, T EVER PUT .OUT. A PUT IN ENV LOPE POR MA r ILING Main St. a For Practical and Useful Christmas Fur the B1EST inI On State Possibilities See the fine assortment at QUARRQ~ YS Vziivrsit Boo~t3, Sete For Pai tilar Peotple o~R I BISCUOFF "'S G. .R I EN 220 o i'< pi n btPhone 8og-.M1 The Faries & ecancs Bank Prescription Store THtOS. RtOWE, 'Prop..' I FDLetroit Street Phone 457-M +0131'.M Slrit:301R.Y . ichigan In ChopSucy South Main Street Corner 8uron State S tt ffICe 330 S."State St. 6 1 1 E. ibtrty St. Opg. the A,4rcadia A GOOD STR ONG BANK ITN EVERX RANKING NEED Successful MIen Wear- TIailored Clo~ti. es and Good Clotes Areg Half 'I1 he Battle There is a .great difference ..between ,tailored clctthes axed the other kind. every suit is made to fit the maxi--vve do noat force. the man toy fit the suit. Just come in v' hen you're ready . North Vz7av~rsaty' A~ve. Directly North of Law l~utddh .. We~ ar so- in i thene- D-5- ~~~%4' K lest models in Sp ecial Agents N etle toSho es !MVAHR ' SH y ., .hf.. ,-" ORS MAN T - 4.i fATB STREET . 4 p _ 1 . w + . Women's 0rganizations~ Women intending to write .lyrics or songs for the Junior Girls' play will meet in Barbour gymnasium Thurs- day at 4 :15 o'clock. Ruth: Lenzner, '17, the author of the play, and Mar- garet Reynolds, '17?, general chairman, will have charge of the meeting. St. Hilda's Guild of St.. Andrew 's Episcopal church is invited to the home of Florence Buckley, 923 South State street, Tuesday, December 14, at 4:00 o'clock. Skis, $2.25 to $4.00 at Swvtzer's, 314 State. edtdec2i Popular Ma'tinzee Wednresda y Best Seats $r.ooI Saturday Mat. 25C to $1.50 YETRCTT "- SFr4? tartling Nigh"tS-25 C tO $2 Orchestra Seats 2255 2255 2255 2255 Cochran Secretary Presby'terian Bo ai d of Educath:n Presbyterian Church Sunday Evening DeC. 12th I ,AS SWEET AS TE BF-REATH CF iSPINGiTIM4.E AS FRESH AS THE~ LIGHT OF DAWN Going i)irectiy to tlhe Princes 'hcnatet, New Y 'k, fcri.a 1tinter lEuna. The Enrtire Comp: anyr Selected for the N en' Vo:'k Season., THE COMSTOCK-M AR1:URY COMt 1-131N3Y OF ER A WHIRLWIND OPFIY.RTH AND M> BUSIC{ ARAPID-FIRE-UP-TO-DATE MUSICAL COM EDY WITH SIXT Y PLA YERS JBook b PIIIP ]s AR'J BOl )M V ,ai. . : i "\\ i ~n ic 'sCos re 'FIrue," and G[; 1" OTIO\. Music by J ZJ.AOIXI E KERN , C' rp-oc' of "The G Cirl Frown U tahL." B eauaty Chorus-Gorgeous Costumes-The Last W4 ordl in MoIdern Dancing Withl the Following Cast of Poputlar Fia-yers: ALICE DOVEY mTESS M;AYER A NNA ORR GENIEVTI E WILLMENT ,JULIA MILLS J-AME-S LOCUNSBERRY ROBEIRT L.EE ALLEN JOHN B =. IHAZZARD ,ARI IN's CHASE Hc1RIO;'RT HOEY IRENE E NRI^IHT !D:'±LEWIS LOUISE COOK HELiEN tiTRAYM1OND HEL"EN O'DA Y JO.HN W ILLARD MERTON MOOD HvELEN BOND ERNEST TRU.EX rN-1 EGUERITE SILVIA O SCAR.SHAW ' N[ -RI.'Y I. IMORRISON KY KENDALL CARl. W4ADSWORTH BESSIE KELLY SEDCWICK DRAPER Our Holiday Policy I' T HAS always been our policy to offer to the holiday trade a line of gifts that are actually useful. We do not buy a large .supply of novelties to be sold at fancy prices, but offer only our regular line. of fine wearing apparel. In our several departments we carry the highest grade of every article a man wears at very reasonable prices. \Xe will be very glad to serve you with. our experience. and artd can assure ,you that a WAGNER & COMPANY article will be and appreciated. stock worn 7:30 Ot'clocik I WVAGNER & COMPANY STATE STREET ESTABLISHED 1848 SUPERB T Week of December 20 Six B e air";'. Matinee> 'Wed and ;?Sat. DE\:O.l )TR() 'I MN p\EMn READY-TO-SWEAR CLOTHES FURNISHINGS HIATS SHOES Call Lyndon for gcod pictures. You can ge t chcolates days be- g=ore leaving - antd they will stay fresh, but get them at Bloomfield's. -dec12 ISan_ Carlo GRAND . ~Season skating tickets nowv After Dec. 15, $3.50. Weib Skating Rink. 'sec.1C .oo