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December 10, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-12-10

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Number of Candidates Come Out for
Early Practice; Cross, Loud
and Ufer Out
With the completion of the runway,
which was put into shape yesterday,
Waterman gymnasium is now ready
to receive the athletes who expect to
try out for Michigan's Varsity track
team this winter.
Some of the men took advantage
of conditions fractically as soon a
the work was completed on the
course. Among the candidates for the
shot put, Cross, last season's Var-
sity representative in this branch
was out for the first time, while Loud,
who was undoubtedly next to Cross in
this department, also made his debut.
This boy Loud is a person of great
promise in heaving the lead ball, anc
if the faculty will sanction the Mis-
souri lad's eligibility, great things
may be looked for from the big fel-
low, as all last spring his heaves were
never more than a few inches behind
those of Cross.
"Joe" Ufer was among those pres-
ent when the unofficial roll was taken
yesterday, making his "coming out'
in a track suit, as he evidently thought
that was the proper garb for the oc-
A number of other candidates took
a turn around the track, while some
of the long pole handlers tried their
skill in clearing the cross-bar from
the high elevation.
Chicago, Ill., Dec. 9.-Officials of
the three biggest baseball leagues in
the country expressed the hope that
the members of the Big Nine would
reconsider their decision to abolish
baseball in the western conference
Charles Murphy, president of the
Chicago Cubs, especially pronounced
his disapproval of the scheme by say-
ing that the major leagues had
grown to look upon the big colleges
of the west as a great school for base-
ball players. He cited the University
of Illinois as having produced such
stars as. Jake Stahl, Fred Falkenberg
and Carl Lundgren for the majors,
and said further that it was his opin-
ion that the elimination of the game
would not eliminate professionalism
in the college ranks.
President Weeghman, of the local
Federal league, declared that the
abolition was distinctly un-American
of the conference to deprive the col-
lege men of baseball without their;
At the present date the junior lits
are leading the interclass bowling
league, not only in percentage of
games won, but also in that they hold
all of the individual and team records
except that of high team average.
David Levinson, leader of the J-lits,
has captured the two individual rec-
ords, with a score of 243 for high in-
dividual game and 623 for high in-
dividual three game. The junior lits
hold the high one game team record
and the high three game team ree-
ord with scores of 970 and 2,789 re-
spectively. , The high team average
is held by the fresh engineers with an
average of 189 per game.
Second in the league come the se-
nior dents, who are running the lead-

ers a close race. Behind them come
the Junior dents, followed by the se-
nior engineers only one game in the

Who Says
Days Are



That boxing, as a sport, is not dead,
was proved last night when three
bloody matches were pulled off within
the confines of classic old Ann Arbor,
and what's more, the scraps took place
with six-ounce mitts in the very
shadow of some of the University
The main bout grew out of a rough-
and-tumble fight that started several
days ago, and proved a farce, for al-
though the antagonists were undoubt-
zdly willing, science was lacking and
the "grudge fight" reminded one of
two room-mates in Cook Dormitory
bidding one another good-night.
The preliminary, staged by two
rough and ready scrappers, seemed
~ather unfair at the start, as one lad
outweighed his opponent by at least
30 pounds. The little man, however,
-vas all to the good with the pep and
walloped the big slugger to a fare-
you-well until he broke a thumb on
the nose of the heavier man, causing
the claret to flow freely. The referee
and promoter of the bouts, wishing to
avoid any unnecessary injury, gave
the decision to the heavyweight, but
in the hearts of the spectators, a
sneaking desire to see the kid clean up
at some future date is still lurking.
An extra attraction was staged
which eclipsed all former efforts. Two
heavyweights responded to the ref.
eree's call, and after one round spent
in feeling one another out, the fight
really started.
Bing-Bing-Bungety Bung! came a
shower of hooks to the face, and
Bing-Bang-Bangety Bang!-a volley of
straight arm jabs and swings answer-
ed them. "Break!" shouted the ref-
eree, but he had to literally ride the
big boys before he could persuade
them to break a death-like clinch-and
then came the climax. One scrapper,
(we'll call him that) feinted with his
left. His opponent ducked to avoid
the blow, into a straight right, which
landed on his nose like a ball from a
12-centimeter seige gun. Blood spout-
ed after the manner of "Old Faithful"
geyser and what's more, it didn't
spout at interval. It kept spouting.
The gong sounded for the third
round, but after a couple of hooks1
landed on the broken beak again, the
match was stopped, with a warning in-
iunction to the spectators to "beat it
Two Forfeits Will Cause Team to Be
Dropped From League
Three games were scheduled for
play last night in the second evening
of work for the interclass indoor base-
ball artists. When the teams were
called onto the floor just three games
were forfeited. The junior medics for-
feited to the pharmics, the senior laws
to the fresh engineers, and the fresh
laws to the fresh lits.
Two forfeits are the limit and any
team having that number will be
dropped from the league. The law de-
partment is not showing a very keen
interest in the new sport. The J-laws
dropped from the league entirely and
the other two law teams each have a
forfeit against them. If the classes
expect to have the Board in Control
of Athletics act favorably with regard
to numerals for the high teams of the
league, they must assuredly show
more interest than was exhibited last
Coach Steve Farrell yesterday re-
ceived the medals from Detroit, which

641dal of Yost School Has Severe
Year, But Hopes F~or
Coach Dawson, of Mt. Union, had a
hard row to hoe in the 1915 football
season, and although his eleven start-
ed out the season in good style, the
team failed to chalk up a score after
its fourth conflict. Dawson, of all the
graduates of the Yost school, probably
had the most disastrous season. Mur-
murs to the effect that the Yost school
was no longer the school of the day
were heard at Nashville after the bad
1914 season for Vanderbilt, and as
these were dispersed in the succeed-
ing season, Coach Dawson expects to
make his "comeback" in 1916.
Mt. Union ran up its highest score
of the year when it played Canton in
the opening game, and swamped the
Ohioans by a score of 44 to 19. In the
second game Dawson's met met a stif-
fer proposition, but they were able to
win out by a small margin, beating
Muskingun by a 12 to 7 score.
Michigan met Mt. Union in the next
game, and Coach Yost proved that his
strategy was still superior to that of
his pupil, and his team handed Mt.
Union its first defeat of the season,
beating Dawson's eleven by a 35 to 0
count. At the expense of Hiram, Mt.
Union won its last victory of the sea-
son by a 19 to 3 score.
The remaining five games on the Mt.
Union schedule went to Dawson's op-
ponents, the Alliance men being un-
able to score in any one of the con-
tests. Miami was the first team to
start the downfall, and put the skids
ander the Mt. Union team with a 17
to 0 score. Case followed with another
shut-out, and added two more points
to its total, making the final count 19'
to 0 against Mt. Union.
The strong Syracusedeleven was the
next team to swoop down on Coach
Dawson's men, and the Orange so ef-
fectually snowed Mt. Union underthat
the effects lasted until the Western
Reserve game. Syracuse ran up a to-
tal of 73 to Union's 0, and this wor-
ried the team so much that Reserve
managed to get away with a 35 to 0
victory in the next game.
In the final game of the season the
Mt. Union team showed an inclination
to return to its early season form, but
failed by a small margin, losing to
Kenyon by a 6 to 0 count.
For papering, tinting or decorating
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203 E. Washington St. edtdec2l
The Ideal Gift: A Christmas photo.
Have it framed at De Fries' Art
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Others at $1.98, $5.00, $7.50 up
All suits and frocks this season demand petticoats-
petticoats as full and as flaring as the most fem-
inine heart could wish.
The petticoat at right, in sketch, is of Chiffon
Taffeta; full flare model, trimmed with knife
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colors. Price, prepaid ..... . ..........$2.98
The underskirt at left is of supple Chiffon
Taffeta; full flare model, with handsome
flounce of double rows of shirring and ruffles. 4
Black and all colors. Price, prepaid....$3.98
Goods Sent Free By
Parcel Post
DETROIT, MICH.________


The following appeared in the Bos-
ton Globe, in Grantland Rice's humor
column. If Grantland's daily contri-
butions to the Globe are up to this
standard, we're glad he isn't trying
out for The Michigan Daily.
"Feeling that the football season
was entirely too short, as interest was
greater this Fall than ever before, we
decided to put on one more big battle
before the curtain blew for the last
time or the whistle was rung down.
"With this end in fairly plain view
we got Hurry-Up Yost, coach of Mich-
igan, and a former Yale captain, to
pick us an All-Michigan and an All-
Yale eleven to meet at Madison Square
Garden in a benefit game for Andy
Carnegie, who is now down to his last
The Line-Up
"The two elevens lined up as fol-
lows, the selections being absolutely
Michigan Yale
Schulz.................... Corbin
Benbrook ..............*. Heffelfinger
Right Guard
McGugin ...................... Glass
Left Guard
Maddock .................... Kinney
Right Tackle
Curtis ..................... Bloomer
Left Tackle

Redden ..................... Shevlin
Right End
H. Hammond ............ Kilpatrick
Left End
Weeks.................. Rockwell
Heston ..................... Philbin
Right Half
Craig .....................Chadwick
Left Half
T. Hammond.................Coy
Fullback -
The Battle
"Michigan won the toss, and prompt-
ly at 2:00 p. m. Coy kicked off to Hes-
ton. The burly back came smashing
onward 10 yards before he was fierce-
ly tackled by Shevlin and Kilpatrick
"On the first play Weeks sent Hes-
ton around Yale's right end, where
there was no one in the way except
Shevlin. No gain. On the next play
Craig whirled out around left end,
where there wasn't a soul except Kil-
patrick. No gain.
"Hammond then punted to Rockwell,
who was thrown heavily by Redden,
Benbrook and Schulz.
Play by Play+
"On the first play Rockwell sent
Coy hurtling through center. The only
thing that stopped Coy was 246 pounds
of Germany Schulz. When the two
collided the spectators thought a mine

had been exploded at midfield. As it
was, the game had to be stopped until
a portion of the field had been rt
"Philbin tried to slip outside of
tackle, but there wasn't any outside..
Curtis (242 pounds) lifted him up and
was trying to pick his teeth with the
Yale star, when the officials intervened
and penalized Michigan 10 yards for
unnecessary impoliteness.
"On the next play Heffelfinger and
Schulz became involved in a personal
argument, and it took the Summer
Camp from Plattsburg and 400 cops
32 minutes to quell the stirring debate.
The Finish
"At the end of the game the ball
was at midfield. The score was as
follows: Michigan, 0; Yale, 0. Ground
gained by rushing-By Yale, 1 1-2
yards; by Michigan, 5 feet.
Against Harvard
"If these two elevens can be gotten
together again to decide the draw, the
winner will be matched against an All-
Harvard eleven. This eleven hasn't
been quite picked to date, but most of
them have. Nourse will play center,
Pennock right guard and Ham Fish
right tackle. The ends will be Camp-
bell and Hardwick. Daly will play
quarter, with Dibblee and Brickley
for the two halves, and Mahan will
play fullback. This game will be
played for the benefit of those who
bought Bethlehem Steel between 40
and 50."

Call Lyndon for good pictures.



members of the Michigan cross coun-j
Tommy Hughitt to Play on Adder Team try team won in the Y. M. C. A. run
Tommy Hughitt, quarterback of the Thanksgiving day on Belle Isle. Mem-
Maize and Blue football team for the bers of the squad can get their re-
seasons of 1912-'14, has been secured wards by asking the coach for the
to play basketball on the Burroughs' same. The following are the men who
Adding Machine Co. five for the com- finished within the list of winners:
ing indoor season in Detroit. Hughitt Captain Carroll, Kuivinen, Trelfa, Fox,
will hold down one of the forward po- and Donnelly.
sitions for the Adders, and has been
practicing with his teammates for the Chocolates are just the thing to
past few days in order to get into eat on the train going home. Get the
shape for the strenuous winter game. best at Bloomfield's. dec10







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