,.. ,
R. Zenisek, ex-'15E, Returns to Ann
Arbor After Refusal to
Serve in Tenton Army
A man without a country-such is
>hn R. Zenisek, ex-'15E, exiled Aus-
ian, who has just returned to Ann
rbor to enter the university at the
eginning of the second semester.
Zenisek, a native Austrian, has been
i the United States for two years, but
rior to his residence in America, he
as a lieutenant in the Austrian
rmy. At the beginning of the war,
e was summoned to return for ser-
ice.. Upon his refusal he was de-
ounced by the Austrian government
ad should he go back to his home
ow, it would mean his imprisonment
r death.
From his earliest boyhood, Zenisek
as had the ambition to become an
merican.. He has three years left
afore he can enjoy his cherished
opes of being a citizen of this
His home was in Prague, Austria, in
te central part of Bohemia, where
r 15 years he could see the growing"
rife between the Teutons and the
avs. "It was like throwing a small
one at your enemy, who would throw
ick a larger one, and so on," he said
st night, as he was talking of the
ar situation.
"The very backbone of the Austrian
my is subordination and discipline.
man cannot forget for one moment
at he has superiors above him. The
ightest error or bit of carelessness
the army means disgrace and often
term in prison," Zenisek continued.
"The greatest difference I notice be-
een American and Austrian life is
e almost unlimited freedom in this
untry. The Austrian government
>uld not in any way allow the ex-
:ence of pro-German or pro-Eng-
h organizations. One cannot speak
foreign language in public places.
-eedom is splendid, but too much
eedom is dangerous."
During his first year in the univer-
*y Zenisek was astonished by the
formality between students and in-
uctors. He still feels the results of,
rigid training and often when he
proaches a professor, he uncon-
ouisly returns to the militaristic at-
,ude of showing respect to a su-
President of horticultural Society Ac-
EXP01T TR ADE CAUSES EMBARGO J cepts Conference Invitation
Congestion of Ralroads Due to In-
creased Business
Because of the embargo of some of
the railroads on export trade, the
thing that made the great-est impres-
sion in trade circles this week was the
apparent great growth in the railroad
transportation. The great congestion
in railroad systems, is caused by the
one-sided character that o-ur business
has had ever tsince the great rush of
commodities and munitions to the sea-
board for export began" at the first of
the year. More and more equipment
has been called into use an d as a re-
suit the congestion is apaRing. :
Reports Show General Irgprovemcntl
The reports of business, conditions
from Federal Reserve agesiats through-
out the country were pu blished this
week and show a general improvement
for November. In the S outhwest bet-
terment is looked for in. all lines and
an optimistic attitude prevails.
The South is shown a gratifyiug re-
covery from the depressed conditions
of a year ago. The general recovery
which began in Chicago and the near
West a month ago, has continued, aid-
ed by accumulated orders for future
deliveries in steel. Throughout the
Philadelphia district conditions a re
Marjorie Delavan, '15, chairman of
the 1916 vocational conference, has
received the acceptance of Mrs.
Frances King, president of the Wo-
man's National Agricultural and Hor-
ticultural association, to speak on the
subject of horticulture at the confer-
ence which is to be held January 13,
14 and 15.
Mrs. King is well known to readers
of garden magazines and is a recog-
nized authority on all subjects per-
taining to borticulture. Her gardens
at Alma attract attention throughout
she country for their perfection of de-
As president of the Horticulture so-
ciety Mrs. King is in touch with every
phase of this work and her presenta-
tion of the opportunities open to col-
lege women along these lines will be
extremely interesting.
Prof, J. C. Parker, head of the
electrical engineering department,
end Francis T. Mack, '16E, will be
:he speakers at the freshman engi-
-leer .smoker this evening. A seven
string quartet will furnish the music.
Phe engineers are charging no admis-
sion fees to the affair, hoping thereby
substantially improving, with voluni- to get a large turn cut and to arouse
tary wage increases in some concernm interest in future class functions. The
and reduced working hours, making smoker will be held at the Michigan,
larger pay rolls than ever before. : Union at 7:30 o'clock.
0 y UR -
.10 P~6 8 r LROA 0
E G qo.
Professor Tucker Relates Experience
at Meeting of London Real
Estate Men
"The English business man not only
knows his own business, but has a
surprising knowledge of the fine arts
as well," said Professor Tucker, of
the economics department, in an in-
terview yesterday.
"When I was in London last year 1
attended a meeting of real estate men
of that city. I, of course, expected to
hear nothing but a discussion on land
and buildings or matters pertaining to
the financial market. You can imagine
my surprise when one of the gentle-
men who. I had Just met asked me
what I thought of Kipling's latest war
poem. All of the other men seemed
to be talking about art and the drama,
in fact, everything but matters imme-
diately pertaining to their life work-
real estate."
"The mere fact that the English
business man finds it to his advantage
to be able to converse intelligently on
such subjects," continued Professor
Ticker, "should be sufficient reason
for the American man of business not
to neglect this part of his education.
Any man who wishes to be successful
in a business way in this day and age
must not only be thoroughly versed in
the affairs of his own business but
must know something of the occupa-
tion of those people with whom he
comes in contact. The day of the nar-
row-minded man is past and the stage
is now sweet for the all-around indi-
These remarks by Mr. Tucker are
of especial interest at the present time
because of the recent talks given by
various professors on the campus on
the general theme of culture. Dean
M. E. Cooley, of the Engineering col-
lege, has been a strong advocate of a
greater knowledge of the fine arts for
those men who are studying engineer-
ing. Prof. David Friday, of the Eco-
nomics department, also expressed his
opinion on the subject at the Union
nembership dinner last Thursday eve-
'Ferro-Tungsten" as an Industry, to
be Subject of 1ivasrated
Mr. R. L. Sessions, '09, superin-
tendent of the alloy work of the Va-
nadium Alloys Steel company, of La-
trobe, Pa., will deliver an address on
"Ferro-Tungsten as an Industry," at
the December meeting of the Univer-
sity of Michigan section of the Ameri-
can Chemical society which will be
held in the amphitheatre of the chem-
istry building Thursday at 4:15 o'clock
in the afternoon.
Mr. Sessions, an alumnus of the
class of '09, has developed some new
processes for the production of ferro-
tungten and vanadium which are now
in use at this plant. This plant is
the largest in the country, the daily
output of tungsten ione being valued
at $16,000.00.
The lecture will be illustrated with
slides and specimens.
Award "N" Sweater and Elect Captain'
Ypsilanti, Mich., Dec. 6.-"N" sweat-'
ers for the season of 1915 have been
awarded to the following: Captain
Hartman, Langton, Oakes, Longneck-1
er, Pearl, Barnes, Reid, Meade, Dun-
brook, Brown, Cudney, Moore McRay,
and Potter. Longnecker was elected
captain of the 1916 Michigan State
Normal team. The new leader played
both tackle and center during the past
Form a New Pacific Coast Conference
Portland, Ore., Dec. 6.-Delegates
from the University of Oregon, Uni-
versity of Washington, University of
California, and Oregon Agricultural
College yesterday formed a new Pa-
cific Coast conference. A schedule for
games was adopted wherein each
school plays the others in 1916. C
Lient. Oak's Resignation Accepted
Vallejo, Cal., Dec. 6.-It was learned
here today Secretary Daniels has ac-
cepted the resignation of Lieut. Edsont
Oik, who was recently exonerated
fom any blame with regard to the
boiler explosion, on the United States
cruiser San Diego a year agot
Architectural Society Starts Campaign
Officers of the Architectural society
At Other Colleges
Students to Build Open Air Theotre
Palo Alto, Cal., Dec. 6.-Denied an
open-air theatre by the board of re-
gents, the students are contemplating
plans for the raising of the neces-
sary funds themselves.
Wisconsin's Track Team Not to Tour
Madison, Wis., Dec. 6.-Because of
a faculty ruling, the University ,of
Wisconsin track team, last year's con-
ference champions, will be unable to
go to the coast next spring as planned.
Vanderbilt Retains Football Star
Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 6.-Captain
Cohen's decision not to leave school
assures the return of all but two reg-
ulars of the Vanderbilt eleven, this
year's All-Southern champions.
Choose Chicago's Football Captain
Chicago, Dec. 6.-Philbrick Jackson
'17, has been chosen 1916 captain of
the University of Chicago football
Pennsy May Have Eight VeteransI
Philadelphia, Dec. 6.-Pennsy's foot-
ball team in 1916 will have eight vet-
erans, provided they all return to
Dr. Van Rise to Visit Canal Zone
Madison, Wis., Dec. 6.-Dr. Charles
R. Van Hise, president of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, has been appointed
chairman of a commission of 15romi-
nent geologists and engineers to in-
vestigate landslides in the Panama
Canal. The party will leave on De-
cember 11 for Panama.
. '
At The Theatres
"Damaged Goods," the great clini-
-al drama by Eugene Brieux, has fin-
ally been adapted to the motion pic-
ture screen, vth Richard Bennett
playing the leading role. The results
were made known to large and inter-
ested audiences at the Majestic the-
atre yesterday.
After viewing the screen version of
Brieux's "Damaged Goods" in Chicago
recently, C. M. Allen, former warden
of Joliet prison, fittingly said, "To
see this picture is to learn in one
hour what writers and lecturers have
failed to do in centuries. It is a vis-
ualization burned into one's mind
deeper than pen, brush or word could
describe." "Damaged Goods," at the
Majestic theatre, is the story of George
Dupont, a young man of goodt family,
who fell once and brought terrible
consequences on his wife and child.
This play is instructive, and when
such prominent men as Dean V. C.
Vaughn, Dr. U. J. Wile, and Rev.
Newell Dwight Hillis, of the Plymouth
Church, Brooklyn, N, Y., as well as
the most prominent clergymen and
physicians of the world, endorse its
presentation, further comment is un-
One of the season's best bookings
at the Whitney theatre, is that of
Frances Starr, whom David Belasco
will bring here Thursday, December 9,
in the latest play of Edward Knob-
lauch, entitled, "MarieOdile," No play
produced in recent years seems to
have caused as much discussion as
poetic production of Knoblauch's. Its
theme is one of unusual daring, but
it is said to have been handled in such
a beautiful and impressivetmanner by
Mr. Belasco, who staged it, and Miss
Starr, who portrays the title role, that
of a novice in a convent, that it of-
fends neither qudience nor church.
Japanese Students Adopt Constitution
And Recide on Book.
Nippon club, composed of Japanese
students, adopted a constitution at its
meeting in Newberry hall Friday
night. The club voted to hold a ban-
quet In January, to which President
Harry B. Hutchins and prominent
members of the faculty will be in-
vited. It was decided that the club
will publish an annual book to be dis-
tributed among members and all Jap-
anese alumni. Gentoit Nakai, '17, was
elected editor-in-chief. M. Kiyohara,9
'17, was appointed chairman of the en-
terilnmeut committea.
President Hatctins Back'
President Harry B. Hutchins has re-
"The Relation of Man to Nature,"
Name of Course Which Arouses
Pastors' Ire
Madison, Wis., Dec. 6.-The whole
city of Madison is aroused to the boil-
ing point over the fight against evo-
lution that is being waged at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin.
Associate Professor Max Charles
Otto, who gives a course entitled, "The
Relation of Man to Nature," is being
attacked by the "university pastors,"
the ministers employed by the various
denominations to administer to the
needs of the students. These men
made a protest against Professor
Otto's course some time ago, but the
matter was hushed up, nothing was
heard of the case until a new protest
was placed in the hands of President
Charles R. Van Hise.
The course is a study of the quarrel
between Darwin and the theologians.
The origin and development of man
is discussed from the standpoint of
science and philosophy. The argu-
ments for the belief in God are studied
and the theory of evolution is debated.
Herbert Spencer, Louis Agassiz, Al-
fred R. Wallace, Charles Darwin, John
Stuart Mill, Haeckel, John Fiske and
Thomas Huxley are a few of the great
writers whose works are studied Th
the course.
Last February Rev. J. W. Morgan,
the university pastor employed by the
Bapti~st congregation, took the course.
At the end of the session ie wrote to
President Van Hise protesting against
the continuance of the course. The
matter has gone beyond the, campus,
and has become an issue in the Madi-
son churches.
A member of the faculty who wished
to remain anonymous, issued the fol-
lowing statement:
"The question at issue is simple.
Are the university professors or the
university pastors who have formed
an iron ring about the foot of
the campus, going to determine what
courses shall be taught in the univer-
"This criticism has been growing. It
is Otto now. He is just the first.
There are others who will be gotten
if they find they can get him. The
objection to the course is its popu-
larity. If just a few students took it
nobody would care. But Otto has
large classes. More than 150 stu-
dents take the course every year.
"I don't believe that the university
will surrender under fire."
Motto of Organization Recalls Famous
Publicist and Teacher Who
Conceived Idea
"Above All Nations Is Humanity,"
the motto of the Cosmopolitan club,
was a favorite saying of Goldwin
Smith, the famous English historian
and publicist, who taught history at
Cornell and was the founder of the
club which has since grown to be an
international organization.
Dr. Smith was born in Reading, Eng-
land, in 1823. He- was educated at
Eton and Oxford and held the posi-
tion of regius professor Qf hitgry in
the latter institution from 1858 to
1868. At the close of the Civil war
he came to the United States to deliver
lectures concerning the struggle
which had just ended. While in this
country he was invited to accept the
chair of history at Cornell. His in-
terestrin the political problems of this
country and the fact that his rather
advanced views were not so welcome
in England, led Dr. Smith to accept
the offer, although Cornell was then
but a small school in a country town.
The result was that Dr. Smith built
up a history department that was one
of the important factors in giving this
institution the reputation it now has.
He resigned the appointment in
1871 and went to Toronto, Canada,
where he edited the Canadian Month-
ly, and took an active part in the po-
litical and educational life of the do-
minion, until his death in 1910.
An interesting fact illustrative of
the remarkable character of this man
is that he refused to accept a salary
for his work at Cornell. In recogni-
tion of his great servics to the uiiver-
sity a fine building, housing the hu-
mnities, has been erected on the
Ithacan campus and bears his nairie.
The Ann Arbor Press-Phone No. .
Zenisek believes that the thousands
Austrians in this country came here
.ch for the same reason that
>ught him to the United States--the
ire to be an American and to be
e from the ancient customs of his
d. He feels sure that Austrian-
iericans would be fathful to their
>pted country in case of stringency
en once they are reminded why
y came to America.
sity Captain Implicated in Charge
hicago, Dec. 6.-Charles Pavlicek
tain of the University of Chicago
imming team, in -company with
yd Neff, captain of last year's team,
e been charged with professional-
because of their employment last
imer as life guards. They both ad-
the charge, but deny that it con-
utE r professionalism.
edar Rapids, Ioda, Dec. 6.-Un-
to communicate their predica-
it to the engineer, Express Mes-
ger C. H. Bronson and his helper,
V. Howe, rode the seven miles be-
en Marian and Paralta, Thursday,
ging to the iron step of a blazing
ago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ex-
s car, with the flames from the
ling interior blown into their faces.
h had sustained severe burns when
fire was discovered by the con-
.or of the train.G
ie fire, which is supposed to have
inated in a pile' of moving pic-1
films, destroyed the car and itsc
ents, the loss being estimated by,
ess officials at $75,000.
te men were cut off from escaper
n the films exploded between thems
the door communicating with the
of the train. The speed of thes
. made jumping sure death. e
Busrah Occupies Strategic Position in
Present European War
Either President Woodrow Wilson.
or William Jennings Bryan will prob-
ably speak in Hill auditorium March
12 at the big open meeting of the
Busrah campaign, which will be con-
ducted by the student Y. M. C. A. for
a whole week, March 12 to 19.
Wellington H. Tinker, general sec-
retary of the "Y," has been in corre-
spondence with President Wilson and
Mr. Bryan for the last three weeks,!
sending them a stronger invitation
each day. It is probable that the
campaign week will be shifted pro-
vided one of these speake:rs cannot
come at the (late now set.
Michigan. The movement was started
in 1910 and since that time six univer-
sity people have gone there to work.
During the past year Michigan has
supported Dr. H. G. Van Vlack, 'IOM,
Mrs. H. G. Van Vlacx and Miss Minnie
Holzhauser, '13H. Dr. A. K. Bennett,
'04M, and Mrs. A. K. Bennett, '07M,
were also in Busrah
Busrah is a city of 70,000 people at
the junction of the Tigris and Eu-
phrates rivers in Arabia, 40 miles
from the Persian Gulf. It is in the
Garden of Eden where the Christian
religion and the sciences of reading,
writing and arithmetic originated.
Since the beginning of the European
war. Busrah has occupied a strategical
point in the present crisis. The city
was captured from the Turks by the
British, who are now holding out
against the Germans. The hospitals
have not only been treating stricken
Turks and Arabs, but have had many
patients from th,' different armies.
Through irriga'on and the building
of canals, Busrah gave promise of be-
coming one of the chief commercial
centers of theniear East. However,
when the war broke out, all work of'
progress in this 1ine was abandoned.
It is expected that after the war, the
great projects of development will be
Arabs and Turks have controlled the
historic valley for nearly a thousand
years, M'ut now it is in Christian
hands. It is predicted that soon the
ancient cities will be unearthed and
the trea.sures long hidden among their
ruins will be recovered.
Business Opportunity;
st right for two students. $4,000
s established business clearing
$200 per month. If you mean
ness, write Michigan Daily, Box
print Anything, from your Name
Gard, to a Book. The Ann Arbor
is, (*)
Through the efforts of th-e commit-a
tee, John R. Kneebone, graduate, Floydt
A Nagler. graduate. and V R B" il tt r
'17, some of the speakers at the Lan- -
sing convention have ben lined up Harvard Men Respond to Recruiting
for this campaign. Cambridge, Dec. 6.-As a result of
Busrah furnishes the field for the the first day's recruiting, 432 men have
foreign work of the University of ?enlisted for the university battalion.
have decided to launch a membership turned to Ann Arbor from Cleveland
campaign. Dues will be collected this where he aided in the Michigan Union
week. iclubhouse campaign last week.