THE MlICHIIGAN DAH.A NOTHING~ TO CRITICISE the suit we mak~e for you. Neither the material, the style. or the tail- ing will be found the least excuse r fault finding. We solicit an order rone of our new model suits, know- g as we do that it will give such all und satisfaction that we will be cu regular tailors thereafter. G. H. WILD COMPHANY ading Merchant Tailors State St. _r_ sj '. ! / Z l 1 i " _ 1 / f { r ; ) k .\ / .J 1" u ' / r } . ' f ./ , . j i: _ ., . i ... T" v' \ V I THEMH___NDAILY Official newspaper at the U.niver:;ity of MicbiganI'. Publishied eve; v morning except Mtonday d niong the univer-sity year. Prin ceton Youth~ .n .--w~- - LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR Flowers for hrisms UheNAK I1S VS It Will Grow I1n. Water C~f" ST AS A DS The Most* Complete arse 'I"r the Clity Liiiercd at the post-office at Ann4Arbor as Offices: Ann :arhor Press Building. Sub- script ns o: by carrier or mnail, $.n Want adl. Stations: Quarry 's, Students' Supply Stor e, The Delta, cor. Packard and State. Phlones:1lh;siness, 9~o: Editorial, X414. F-rancis F. McKinney .Managing Editor johnt S. L eonai d..... Business Managerj E. Rodgers Sylv ester News Editor 1 o n C. Reid...... ....elegraph Pdeitort Vern~e 13 r nett..............elegraph ERditor 1; '. 'V ritzh...................ports Editor J. C. 13. Parker..........\Assigrimcnt Editort Joseph J. Brotherton ....... ...ity Editor Edwin A.TIvlman ...........C.ity Editorj Lee Joslyn,............tyE i Irwin Johnson . .....h, f1inc or G. D. Cooke .....,. , . Clhief, Statistician J. I, Starleker.... ,.... ,...Supplement Editor .;(ward R4 ik.......... Advertising Manager Kirk X ;...,,,'ulcto Y . -t. At hse .:r..... (tae .--lai,,n il ~nager (. \'. Sc hers.......... ...ccountan) C. '1 . Fisldleip'h. Assistant I~asir ess Maragei Night Editors Leonard '"'. ieter william F. N~ewton . Reporters II. A. Fitzgerald William HI. Fort XWaldo R. limait Golda Ginsberg MTarthaCGrin- Nat Thompson, Jaecb )M. lBrautle kV. R. . Earl Pardee R. '! ilcDoniald 1 . A. laun-gartil TI..S. Thompson a Itruce Swaneyr 1;. T,. Ziegler R.J.iN Plum \V F IPaleyI C S. Iluntley A. Shioenfieljf -Business Staff j Saved from Death' Kenneth IW. 'Triest . e, ,as ed IFromI Pr son by Action of Ipso;ose. 0l and State D)epart ientci For months entonmbed in an English prison, not knowing whether he would be executed as a' spyl on the morrow, quizzed by stern of- ficials, finally released by the activity of the state department and Col. Theo- dore Roosevelt, has been the experi- ence of Kenneth W. Triest, a young Princeton student, Triest left Princeton and his studies about a year ago to Join the Bri tish: army. He wen rt to Canada and ealise on a Dritishi transport. Then h rota some kind of a suspicious letter whl~ih got in the hands of the censors, and soon young Triest found himself in prison as a spy. Colonel Roosevelt and the state dle- partment interceded on behalf of the youth on the ground that he was mentally unbalanced and they finzally were able to save hinm from almost certain death, the British governmrent allowing him to go free ou condition that his father take him back to America. 1-e arrivu*-d on the Aiueric an liner New York on Novembe r 28. Princetoa Tiwtie as Rich as Piece go.1q( PersnalChristmas ir e s o lC a rd s , Samples are more beautiful and artistic than ever WAHK' invera'y ookstore FAMAMM moze In.ek ind Look Over Ouzr Line SHEEHAI STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE DETROIT UITED LINES letween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. ars run on eastern tine, one hour faster a local time. Detr~oit Limited and Express 'Cars--S to a. axii hourly to 7:13 P. in., 9:toP. ni. {alamazoo Limited Cars-8.:48 a.' m. and ,ry two h >urs to 6:48 p. m. ; to Lansing, 8 p. mn. ocaI Cars, Eastbound-5 :35 a. n., 6 :4o a. in., ,5 a. mn., and every two hours to 7:05 p. in., 5 p. in., 9:05 PiM., 10:45 P. iM. TlO YPsi- i only, 8:48 a., m. (daily except Sunday), o a. M., 12:05 p. 1-n., 6:05 p, m., I t:15, P. z: :t5 a. n., 1:30 a.mI. .ocal Cars, Westbound-6 :12 a. mn.. 7:5o a. and every two hours to 7 :50 p. *11., 10:20 m., 12:2o a. m., The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869 Capital....... ... '300,000.00 Surplus........$ 150,000.00 Resources over .... $3,000,000.00 Banking In all branches Main Office, N. W. Corner Main and Huron Sts. Bjranch Office, 747 North'tUniv- ersity Avenue. arner Liberty and Main oal Coke Lumber Planing Mill Specialties Interior Finishing JNO. J. SAUER one 2484 310 W. Liberty HUSTON BRS, BILLIARDS AD Candies. Cigar~s Pipes Albert F. lorne 1?: C. [nsgravc R. ..'McCll George Nobil a I~o~'c~e au F. ll. Sutter Mlaxwell('tig C *------ .----- Princeotonl, N. J., D~ec. 2.--Acct rding SATURDAY, 1EE~l .:1915. t a sp-2ciat tzurvey recently made rl. the Irustces of Princeton university, Night Editor...........E1arl Pardee that institution (laring the last 1.G years. has not only doubled its invest- . , D I F ev'ry. man's name describedI] him as well as VELVET'L ® name describes it, a lot of folks 10 the legislature.! T he Beauty of My Business Is FLOWE~RS FOR AL OCCASIONS Corsage Bouquets, Fit ial Designs B.askets of Flowers' From 75C to $15.00 MS, FLANDERS 'Flower Shop Pio-e 294 213 EAST LIBERVY STUELT O~pen Sunda yp, 9 to 1 FLOWERS DLLIVEiK*D I We Have a FULL LINE OF Cut Flowers and Plants For All Occasions COUSINS& HALL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE, Phone 1 15 TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITING AND MICROSCOPIC SCH-OLARSHIP Aggrieved utterances prevalent aniong; the members of thlo fresh law class, concerning mrid-semester blue- books which have been suddenly thrust upon thenm, point out one de- feet in the accepted practice of edu- cation. We mean that theory which one man on the campus has charac- terized as microscop~ic scholarship. It is an educational maxim that the man who crams for a final never really learns anything. One stage advanced from him is the man who reviews for the final. True'he is bet- ter off than the crammer, but he is almost as far removed from the ideal. Take for example the law courses which are typical of those presenting a subject as disconnected units. Here a man may conscientiously get out his daily program of work, yet there ieigng o leturus to act as connect- ing links, ho is little better off at the end of the terrm than his lazier class- mate who has been content to absorb what l -owledge lie could from class room discussions. In other words this sort of student has been confin- inn his efforts to unrelated details. This is the first step ins the mastery of a subject, but it is by no means the place to leave off. The solution, lacking an intelligent lecture system, is a constant reviewing which classi- fies and correlates the whole. One big review at the end of the semester will suffice to pass the examination, but the student content with this has only a slightly firmer grasp on his subject than his seatmate who crams the whole thing. This microscopic treatmnent deludes imany, and means ruin in a suddenly imposed examina- tion. i It 4V J fI h r e eE s e' e t e e' b s s F 5 b _t I II,) lml i AAX'Ul C 4l 'S llt, , at pres-ent is spending onf its teachin staff over twic.. the amountret for similar purpwses a decade ago. Tnyears ago the estimatedl cost of Princ~o' buildings was $3,238,840. ISince then 19 structures, costing $4,- 1157,480 in all, have been erected. iMd Knee Deep Ill Trenches in !'repa In a letter under dlate of :; Novembr 11, Lieut.-Col. E. S. Wigle. of the Eighteenth battalion, -writes his broth- o r, Postmaster Wigle, that mudt in some of the trenches is knee deep. Women's Organizations Sophomore women will act as hos- tesses (to the freshman women and 'heir junior escorts at the 35th anaual [freshman Spread to be held at 8:00 o'clock tonight in Barbour gymnasium. 'lie traditional grandl march will be led by the vice-president of the class of '18,- and members o) the social com- mittees of both the sophomore and freshman classes. Mrs. Forbes Robertson H1ale will address the women of the university in Newberry Residence hail at 10:00) o'clock this morning. M31~yhing for the' 21pehriter'" 0D. MQRRlILL (ovr ltatini're 1 nch) 322 S. State St. Cazidie S, Pit"furke. ALBERT ANN, Druggjist 215 saute."mfin St.'A.ArArbor, Mich. Genuine Gas Coke is Almost :Alshl ss It contains a smaller percent of waste than any fuel on the market. -i At holiday time you feel the need of a Dress Suit more than any other season of the year. It's the time when you need the best, and only the best. A Custom Tailored Dress Suit will leave no chance for embarrassment or self consciousness. $50.00 Full Silk Lined D, E. GRENNAN REAL CUSTOM TAILORt 606 E. LIB~ERJ'Y STREET paient Paper an EIIvelopCs ALL Departments JOOSE LEAF ]PAPER "Any Size." "FOUNTFAIN PENS SOLD AND REPAIRED SCULEEDE X340 S. State SAM BURCHFIELD & C. CO* The FIRST. and BEST Tailorin-g Establishment in Ann Arbor ANNOUNCE We have an exceptionally fine and varied line of Woolen- to show you this Fall. WESTERMAN TRYS OUT SYSTEX Divides Boxing Season Into Three Different Terms. Mr. 0. S. Westerman, instructor of boxing and wrestling at the Water- man gymnasium, is trying out a new system for giving private lessons in boxing this season. He has divided the year into three terms, one extend- ing from the opening of the first se- mester until the Christmas holiday -. one from January until the spring hol- idays, and the third fronm April 17 until June-. So far the plan has met with great . success, and he is ini hopes that the other two terms will be equally productive of as large classes as the present one. Little is heard of boxing by any one not doing -work at the gymnasium. Mr. Westerman has been keeping steadily at the work of training his pupils in the art of self defense. He has brought them slowly to their present form, and has been careful that no one should mix it up with some man inferior to himself in ability and thus furnish the campus with a black eye or two to comment upon.. With this plan of training there is practically no danger of any mian git- ting hurt during his course of i'nstruc- tion, and there is little possibility of boxing coming into disfavor with the faculty or with the parents of those taking the course. Dancee and Banquet Programs-A.i- tractive Ones, at The Ann Arbor Press. N*) n The meeting which was originally planned to take place in Newberry There fore it is th, hall, will be held in Newberry Resi- d ence. Direct from the ' All university women are, cordially middl emani's profl invited to be present. ' Revision of the poit system of campus activities has just been cony,- W ash te pleted by a committee consisting of Prof. C. B. Vibbert, Frances Way, '17, .,_ and Elsie Paul, '17. The system in- , stalled only three years ago for the purpose of distributing college honors, Stop iu at Pop' promoting efficiency and preventing for a g an excess of non-academic work fall- Good Line POP ing on a few, is still in process of do- of Candies 72 velopment and a change was deemed necessary. Some activities have been re-rated and others hitherto omitted have been CM O LBmfiyP a d d e d . A m o n g t h e n e w a c t iv it ie s l i st - e s c a r a f v c t o a l c n e -]ec , t r e p i n s h l e b r h p1r T n n l T H rated as a one point activity. This Year's Play Exceeds Ft A number of changes in rating have Cost; New Ticket Plan been made as follows: League vice- adopted president, from five to six points; class-- - vice-presidents, from three to four Walker Peddicord, '16L, manag points; amid president of Masques from the Comedy club play for this five to four points. The annual Iffer- will go to Detroit today to, seei miss or Pageant also appears, its offi- rangetnents can be made with cers being rated as those of the Junior, alumni association for showing andl Senior Girl's plays, production there early in the University women are invited to after the first performance at meet Mrs. Forbes Robertson Hale at Whitney, which will be given S Newberry Residence this morning at day, December 18. 9:30 o'clock. The play, "The Professor's Sophomore women are asked to l z tory," will cost over $1,000, v ait Barbouir gymnasium at 7:3(0 o'cloc is mlore than has been spent on sharp this evening. ('neion omnedy club productio3 There will be no mueeting ,o ,he tA,,,w plaIn for ticket sellinig i; House of Representatives today. igarne and seats will go Juniors are requested to be pronmt,-'ale foz the Whitney perform in calling for their Freshmen tonight., some three next week. The: first serving for supper at the ____________ Freshmen Spread tonight will be after AlysseTeAn Aro the third dance, each serving will take up two dances. Sophomores women for yourr printhlmg if y-ou wiant qtu who are served will meet under the Press l -., ) 3ayuad str eet initial letter of their serving heads. No. 1. nanw Gas C. ood Mleal1 or a Luchi BN CROFT Cigars 2 Monroe St. Tbacco A YSuit fif'ty Years In, Court . . ...Lafayette, ,Ind., Dcc. 3.-The city JCEof Lafayette has won a lawsuit which, in various forms, has been in court the last 50 years. ormer The Appellate court has upheld a decision to the effect that the so-call- ed mar'ket space, which is now used as a city street in the midst of the gel' of business district, belongs to the city. yer The heirs of Aaron Claspill, who 70 if ar-I 1the years ago gave the ground to the city for use as a, public market, have pos- gthe ssino h week ssino h ground, asserting that teunder the terms of the grant the land tereverted to them when the city ceased Saur to use it for the purpose indicated. Love1.-- vhc or nell Refases lPittsbuirgh Challenge rany]i Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 3'.-The faculty n. I comnmittee of Cornell will not allow is be- thLe Big Red team? to accept the chal- o n' :ige of the university of Pittsburgh nance tafr the, 1915 championship. The rea- sons given were that the season of- Slicially closed with the Pennsylviaink 1rs con test, and that the squad has been Presty. allowed to break training, e mnost efficient. maker to you with no fits. SAM BURCHFIELD &CO. s reachters of Commercial Sobj -cis prepar4 d at amilton uustness College 1 State and Willijams St.. r results, call on Hoppe for your light group pictures. dec4,5 ,rtin guitars, mandolins, ukeleles i11 musical instruments at Schae- & Sor's Music House, 110 Soutb street. oct8tf Ten cents rents a good Eastman Kodak, any size you want. Lyndon's, 719 N. University. octi0sat-sun In future all cars stop at Goodyear's Drug Store. t 'Shirts made to order.-G. H. Wilu Company. State St. Tailors. House party time is drawing nigh. See us for party- Taxi Service. We j.have the equipment, We are prepar~ed to take care of_ you efficiently. stark Taxicab Co. Phone 22655. ov16tf