I I THE DAILY $2.00 NEWS OF THE WORLD AND THE CAMPUS T'h Nlic171qff .11 Phones:-Editorial 2414 Business 960'* TELEGRAPH SERVICE By fHE NEW YORK SUN ANIMIN -- , VOL. XXVI. No. 53. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS -- , NORMAN ANGELL PLANS FOR PEACE MEET OPPOSITION LECTURER SCORES AMERICANS WHO SEND MUNITIONS ABROAD VAW TYNE QUESTIONS VIEW Angell Opposes Preparedness Without a Policy; Says It Is Question of Enlightenmentt Norman Angell, apostle of pacifi- cism, steered his ship o peace on shoal awaters last night when he lec- tured in University hall on "America and 'the Europcan Settlement." In fact, it is not too ncuch to say hat the noble vessel was nearly wrecked by certain wise rocks in the history department. ian yne Starts argument fh address wx as the typical peace talk, discouraging preparedness, urg- i~g that a national conscience be ex- erted to influence the foreign policy of the government, pleas for our chil- dren whom we must spare the hor- rors of militarism in the future, the uselessness of war, and so on. Per- haps his best point was the desirabil- ity of creating international senti- ment and having well defined foreignr, policies calculated to maintain har- mony in the family of nations. Per- haps his weakest was that this na- tion should not have sent munitions abroad to thus aid in the frightful carnage. At the close of the lecture, a re- quest having been made that questions be asked by the audience, Pro Claude H. Van Tyne. authority on American history, rose to the occas- ion by inquiring on what ground in international law the speaker had as- serted that this government was wrong in sending munitions to the allies. While no direct answer was given, it was gathered from the reply that the speaker considered it morally wrong. It was next asked by the same in- quirer why this country should ex- pose itself to dangers of attack, while international morality was being slowly developed, the fact being ree- ognized that man had fought for ages. during which time human nature had not changed substantially. The re- ply, very much to the point, was to the effect that "someone must try to solve the problem of war, and the best way to do so was to discuss the sub- ject." It was not a question of human nature but of overcoming prejudices. It was also pointed out that if Bel- gium regains her territory it will be because of international agreement and not armament. Professor Hobbs and several others also asked que- tions along the same lines. Not Absolutely Against Preparedness Although the speaker has spent most of his life until the present war fight- ing preparedness and armament, h has changed his argument somewhat. and now is "not against preparedness but against preparedness without a policy." The nation, he believes, can no longer be protected by arms alone This country needs a "settled" policy "such that no nation can mistake for what purpose the nation has armed." It was pointed out by the same au-- thority on American history that thc policy of the United States has usual- ly changed wvh each new administra- tion. The speaker, however, believed the thing to do is change American political organization. Throughout the lecture, the speak- er showed the same ability in juggling facts in history, that he displayed in dodging questions at the end. Portions of His Speech. "I am not against preparedness, but I am against preparedness without a policy. The wars of the past and the present war were all capsed by the fact that no nation knew what the others' armament was for. In nearly every case, that nation itself didn't know exactly what it was arming for. "A good illustration of this is the present European situation. A. can- vass of opinion among the leading diplomatists would reveal the fact that no two of them were agreed on what the warring nations were fighting for nor what would be the terms of peace which the conquerors will demand of (Continued on Page Six.) 1 FORD IS TO VISIT GERMANY Will Depart Without Official Papers to Belligerents ROgMAN SUFFRAGE NOT IN FAD CLASS' New York, Dec. 3.---Despite the Unit- ed States government's announcement that it would not issue passports for any members of the Henry Ford peace expedition to any of the belligerent countries, Mr. Ford announced tonight that he was going to both England and Germany, sailing on the Oscar II., scheduled to depart Saturday. W. J. Bryan cleared up at the same time the situation regarding himself1 by saying that he would not go on the peace ship, but he said he would join the party later at The Hague. Mr. Ford said he made his last will and testament last night. "I am prepared to meet anything," he added.- NAME COMMITTEES FOR NEXT COMBINED CONCERT Smoker Scheduled For Monday Night. to Plan Sale of Tickets With the announcement by student manager David R. Ballentine of the1 committees which will have charge of the ticket sale for the Novelty Con- cert to be given by the combined Glee and Mandolin clubs on Friday evening, December 10, in Hill Auditorium, a ticket-selling campaign has been com- menced which promises to draw a rec- ord crowd for 'the opening concert oft the clubs. A smoker will be held Monday night at which time the de-t tails of the campaign will be an-I nounced. The smoker is scheduled for 8:001 o'clock Monday night and is to be held in the Delta Cafe. A quartett from the Glee club and a mandolin trio will furnish music for the occasion. Following is the organization as an- nounced by Ballentine:t Robert W. Collins, '17E, general1 chairman; William K. Niemann, '17, campus sales manager; Louis A. Arentz, '17, city sales manager; Lamarf M. Kishlar, '17E, Ypsilanti sales man- ager; John W. Langs, '17, publicity manager. Campus Sales Committee Chairmen -F. H. Sweet, '18E, J. P. Weadock,1 '18, A. E. Horne, '18, F. S. Sell, '18,1 J. D..Hibbard, '18E, E. C. Schacht, '18E,i Gordon Mack, '18, G. L. Ohrstrom, '18,1 C. F. Boos, '18E, G. L. Field, '18, C.I W. Fisher, '18, H. E. Loud, '18E, H. A. Gustin, '18, E. G. Dudley, '18E, H. D. i Biery, '18, R. M. Langley, '18E, D. W.] Crabbs, '18E, S. G. Pratt, '18E, W. C. Brockway, '18E, A. V. Livingston, '18E, Owen Watts, '18, A. F. Wakefield, '18, L. N. Scofield, '18, J. G. Bryll, '18, P. M. Ireland, '18. REPORT SAYS INITIATION WAS CAUSE OF STUDENT'S DEAT Middletown, Conn., Dec. 3.-Stuart Grant Geck, a Wesleyan freshman who has been unconscious in the Mid- dletown hospital since November 13, died this morning. Spinal meningitis is given as the cause of his death. His father, Carr W. Geck, is a wealthy resident of An- conca, N. Y. According to a story current here and in the, college paper, Geck's ill- ness was due to injuries received in initiation into Chi Psi. It is said he was put through ordeals which others described as strenuous. DIXIE CLUB TO DANCE TONIGHT Special Dances to be Featured; All Southern Men Eligible Members of the Dixie club will stage their first dance of the year at 9:00 o'clock tonight in Packard academy. Ike Fisher's orchestra has been se- cured to furnish music for the occa- sion. The committee promises that several feature dances will be intro- duced, and refreshments will be served. All southernmentare eligible to attend the affair. Tickets can be secured from either James S. Norton, '18, Bruner R. Penni- man, '18, or Owen J. Watts, '18. The price of tickets will be $1.00. G overnnent Repeats Request For Re- call of Capt. Boy-Ed and Lieut. von Papen REDEMAND ANCONA STATEMENT Washington, Dec. 3.-The United States government reopened issues with Germany and Austria-Hungary today by demanding the recall of. Capt. Boy-Ed and Lieut. von Papens and by repeating to the government of Vienna its requirements for Austria'sI long delayed statement regarding the steamship Ancona. Boy-Ed and von Papen are respect- ively naval and military attaches of the German embassy in Washington. The state department announced that their recall had been asked fort because "of their vote and activitiese in connection with military.and naval matters." TO DISCUSS "AILY" T- NEXT FORUM MEETING Paper's Change to Metropolitan Stylet Brings Up New Topic For Debate The next Forum meeting will be held next Tuesday night at the Mich-£ igan Union at 7:30 o'clock. The topic for discussion will be, "Is The Mich-T igan Daily Performing Its Function as1 the Official Student Publication of thef University?" This question was dis- cussed last year but as The Daily's policy has changed this year to thatt of a metropolitan paper, it is hopedt that at this meeting the campus will voice its approval or disapproval of the change. As the Forum discussions are opent to all students of the university, re-E gardless of class or other affiations, a large number are expected to attendt this debate on a question that vitally affects every Michigan man. German Troops Fire on Food Rioters Paris, Dec. 3.-The Journal des De- bats publishes a Milan dispatch of the, Fournier News Agency to the effect that a great demonstration of work- ing people in Berlin, occasioned by the scarcity of food, was broken up1 by troops. The dispatch, which con- veyed this information, was receivedz from Berlin by way of Berne, Switzer- land, asserts the troops fired on the crowd, killing 200 persons. The Journal des Debats says this repore should be accepted with re- serve. APPOINT SIX S. C. A. TRUSTEES New Members Wil Play Important Part in Student Organizations To fill vacancies left by- expired terms, six directors have been ap- pointed for the Student Christian as- sociation's board of trustees. Two men were re-elected from the retiring board members. G. Frank Almendinger, '78, and Prof. W. W. Beman, of- the mathe- matics department, were selected for another three years. The following were newly chosen: Mrs. A. E. Jen- nings, Mrs. T. E. Rankin, Dwight God- dard and Prof. T. C. Trueblood. These new trustees with the pres- ent members of the board will play an important part in governing the activities of both the student Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. They will also assist in carrying out the building plans of the new Y. M. C. A. building, the construction of which will be started early in 1916. Nrs. Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Says Movement Will 'Not Die Dowi Iffale IN - EWBERRY RESIDENCE TODAY "I am the mouthpiece of one of theI g:'eatest movements the world has ever seen," said Mrs. Beatrice Forbes- Robertson Hale in a speech which she delivered in the auditorium of the high school last night. "The Michi- lan state association for women suf-1 frage has decided to wage another campaign in 1918, and it is our dutyt wo prepare the minds of the men of1 Michigan so that they will automati- cally vote for it. "This movement is not a fad," con- tinned Mrs. Hale. "It will not die down as soon as we get the vote. Only after we get the vote will we see the1 real beginning of the women's move- ment. It is but a part of a world- wide movement toward democracy. We do not want equality of birth or tal- ent, but equality of opportunity--of opportunity to get sufficient food drink and clothes, and to take part in ruling te country. This is my defini- tion of democracy. Only in so far as we approximate these ideals is our country superior to other countries.7 If you give the human creature the opportunity to develop, then you will get real development, and only then. "Men have broken away from theI rule of kings and nobles; but women have not broken away from the rule of men. This is due to the people who believe in precedent and say, 'Whatt was good enough for my parents isr good enough for me.' If we all did this, we would still be living in caves1 and hitting each other with greatt clubs. "Women have been restricted physi- cally---by their clothes and by lack of exercise-and mentally. We of the women's movement believe that ath- letics are more necessary for women than for men, though we do not ad- vocate the same forms of athletics. WeI have been restricted in education and in opportunities of making a living.i "Many think that women's place isY in the home. I can not conceive of at state of society without a home. Thatt is where love is, and we can not get along without love. "We say 'the woman's -place is in, the home.' There is no such critter as 'the woman,' nor any such place asE 'the home.' You do not speak of 'the man,' but of 'men.' The women's movement is really the attempt of, men and women to remove from the path of women all unnatural restric-~ tions. The vote is only incident to this; it is the most convenient means -you can always organize women un- der votes for women.' "Men-not 'the man'-invented de- mocracy only after a tremendous struggle and many sacrifices. It is right that we should have to fight for this privilege; otherwise, we would not value it. We do not blame the men, but we blame the fact that it has taken us so many centuries to rise above the status of slaves. "Recently, men have taken out of the home all productive instruments, and have installed labor-saving de- vices. We have left only cooking, washing up, and dusting. "The child is really its mother's only until it is six years old. Then the state takes charge and puts it in school. Why argue that woman's place is in the home, when she is in complete charge of her children only six years? We are not going to spend all of our time voting; we can vote for eight hours. "We are not trying to be men. We are proud to be women. We believe in men and in the partnership of men (Continued on Page Six.) Tango Tea? No! a Santa (laun Trot Most assuredly not! By no means will this be one of those ordinary. dancing parties, the numerosity of which causes many of our well inten- tioned studes to spend their precious evenings in developing charm and grace of movement at the sacrifice of that profundity of intellect that comes only with long and conscientious ap- plication to books. Behold a social1 function that promises to be novel, distinctly individual and apart from the commonplace. If names can be relied on, the camp- us is to be treated to a party that will possess all these attributes when the senior laws give their proposed Santa Claus trot on the night of Thursday, December 16, at Granger's dancing academy. The committee refused to give The Daily representative any enlighten- ment as to what might be expected in1 the way of surprise from a function laboring under the name in question.I But after all, you know, what is theret in a name? PLAN TO AID0INORK ON BATTLE FHLD Michigan May Take Steps to Financet American Ambulance Hospital EASTERN SCHOOLS CONTRIBUTET In accordance with the action ofT several of the larger universities int the east in supplying finances anda men for aiding the work of the Amer- ican ambulance hospital in France,1 preparations are being made for thef formation of a society to assist in this work among University of MichiganT students.I The American ambulance hospitalt system is the idea of Richard Norton,t a well-known art critic of Boston. At she beginning of the war, Mr. Nortont saw the work that could be done in1 Europe in the interests of humanity.C The hospital corps was soon organ- ized with Henry James, the American novelist, as chairman, and at once re-1 ceived several cars and enough money1 to start the work.1 The eastern universities took up with the idea immediately. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, and Co-l lumbia furnished men and money. Sev- eral young men from eastern schools contributed both their services and Vieir automobiles for the work andj went to the battle front. Two Ann1 Arbor boys, Louis P. Hall, Jr., and Richard Hall, sons of Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Hall, volunteered and are at pres- ent in Europe in the work. Two Mich- igan students, Kenneth T. White, ex- '17E, and Edwin C. Wilson, ex-'15, also left for the front, Wilson having re- cently returned to hishome in Detroit. The thought of thousands of strong, educated, brave men, dying on the battle field for want of immediate at- tention has impelled young men to en- gage in relief work. The automobiles take the wounded to the base hospitals in time to give them the needed med- ical treatment. The proposition will soon be brought before the Michigan students and a chance will be given for them to aid in the work, which has been done heretofore by eastern universities al- most entirely. CENSOR'S ACTION- INDICATES CRISIS FOR BiLKAN ARMY HOLDS BACK DISPATCH FOR 24 HOURS; FRANCO-BRITAINS IN BAD STRAITS FRENCH RETAKE BELGIAN 'POST Socialists Refrain From Attacking Wahr Policy of Roman Government New York, Dec. 3.--The precarious situation of the Franco-British army in Serbia is indicated by the holding up for 24 hours by the British censor of part of a dispatch sent by the Fal- cona correspondent of the London Daily Mail, filed. Thursday night. The portion of the dispatch which the censor did not see fit to be allowed to be sent to the United States until after 24 hours' delay follows: "Now that the allies' efforts have failed, the whole of Serbia, except the extreme southeast corner, is held by the enemy. The allies hold the crest just beyond the Greek frontier,' and although in a strong position, are rather in a situation of peas in a bottle. The neck of the bottle is a single railway leading from Greece to Serbia." Lose Captured Position Paris, Dec. 3.-In a surprise attack i made south of Londaertdyle, on the Belgian front Thursday night, the Ger- nans captured the French position at that post, but lost it to the French again yesterday. Outside of the usual *rtillery bom- bardment, at various points along the ront, the official statement issued to- lay mentions minor fighting in prog- ress northwest of Saye and at the provision depot north of Lanourt in he region between the Fonne and the Oise. French guns took part in the at- tempted bombardment of Thann in Alsace, but retired before any slight damage had been done. Italian Nation United Rome, Dec. 3.-The official Social- sts in the war factions were so im- pressed by the patriotic union of all parties and by Foreign Minister Baron Sonninos' declaration in the parlia- ment yesterday that they desisted from carrying out their proposal to lodge an attack upon the government's war policy. This was the result of the enthusi- asm that swept the parliament and the nation at large yesterday after the baron had declared adhesion to the last to the agreement not to conclude a separate peace, to act jointly with the other allies and by his promise of Italian participation in the Balkan operations. Serbs Will Win or Die Rome, Dec. 3:-The word "capitula- tion" is unknown in SerbiasaidtM. Risiitch, Serbian minister to Italy, today in reply to a report that Serbia was ready to yield to the Teutonic allies. "The people there either win or die; they never surrender." Recruiting to End London, Dec. 3.-In an appeal ad- dressed to "all men of military age in the United Kingdom" for preserving their record, a recruiting officer says the recruiting campaign is coming to an end. By December 11, we shall know whether the men of the United Kingdom between the ages of 19 and 40 are prepared to give the army th force required." Summer Ball Rule May be Dropped New York, Dec. 3.-If Yale is will- ing, the summer baseball eligibility rule will be put on skids at a meet- ing of the representatives - here Friday and Saturday. It became known today that Har- vard and Princeton will vote to either modify the rule or repeal it altogether. It is likely Yale will vote with the other two against the rule as the ath- letic status of Harry Le Gore and other members of the 1916 Yale nine hangs in the balance. * * ',' * * * * * * * * * * Ad W. Riter says: * If it is advertised in The I * Daily, it is what it purports to " * be. The Daily identifies it. * * * * * * * * * * * *' --A f WHAT'S GOING ON .1 1.i PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HURON AND DIVISION STS. SUNDAY, 10:30 A. M. LEONARD A. BARRETT speaks Theme- "OBLIGATIONS OF CITIZENSHIP." University Bible Classes at Noon TODAY. Michigan Union dance, 9:00 o'clock. Dixie club dance, Packard academy, 9:00 o'clock. Craftsman club meeting, 7:30 o'clock. Upper Room Bible class meets, 444 South State street, 7:00 o'clock. Glee club practice, School of Music, 1:30 o'clock. TOMORROW Union get-together, Michigan Union, 3:00 o'clock.. James Schermerhorn speaks at "Y" U- hailmeeting, 6:30 o'clock. Dr. C. A. Barbour speaks, Methodist church, 7:30 o'clock. "The Devil: His Rise and. Fall," by Rev. Loring, Unitarian church, 10:30 o'clock. . p - i,