THE MICH1IGAN tAL , ~ _ _ . . K - ;.,., Iv"r IL~ d te - : ., . _...d._. .:_.._ ..e., ..._._ fi j 1 !I 5! 1 '( 1 f IK - I lt I IP+.7 i1 , - f- .z{ ii, . , f, , . ( 8 f I 4 4 . .. VARSITY MEN WHO DONOT RECEIVE MS TO GET SOME SPECIAL INSIGNIA Distinction to Be Made Between Men Who Have Kept on First Squad and Scrubs "AMA" TO BE GiVEN ON SAME tSCALE AS VARSITY LETTERS Cross Country Team to Get Insignia for its Good Showing in the East Men who remain on the Varsity squad but who do not receive the cov- eted "M," will in the future be given some special insignia, if plans of the Board of Directors of the Athletic as- sociation do not go amiss. In the past, men who have kept on the first squad throughout the whole season, but who were not fortunate enough to get into one of the big games, have been content to receive the same form of insignia as that giv- en to the Reserves, that is the "R." It has long been felt that a' distinctive design should be adopted to disting- uish the Varsity squad men from the / zrubs, anid in case the Board in Con- trol of Atlletics acts favorably on the recomen Lation passed by the lower board, this diffculty wil not be felt in the ftire. It is sugestld that all members of tlw Variti squads in the three ma- jor sports football, baseball and. track, who6 do not receive their "M's" and who ure recommended by the heard whih at present awards the Varsity letters, shall reeiv a secon- dary insigmia in the fort of a stand- ardized tyN of "AMA." this "AIA" is to be formed of in- tci woven letters, and there will be no chance of mistaking it for the pres- ent "M" a there was with the use of the old "AMA" which was given out for track. The insignia will be on the same scale as the Varsity letter; the football de ign will be six inches high, the baseball five inches, and the track insignia, icur inches high. It was also brought utn at the board meeting t ialt Michigau's cross-country team could not be distinguished at the Easterr Inter-Collegates from the "CC(" whiK'h is the present insignia for that sport. A committee was ap- poiot'd to investigate thi matter, and it is possible that either an "AMA" or "CMC" will be adoped for cross-coun- try 8 CLASSTES PPEAR FOR INOOR BASEBALL Begin Getting ITrim for Champiou-' ship Race to be Staged This Winter Eight clays teams were working out in Waterman gymnasium last night in preparation for the coming race for indoor baseball championship. If pep, enthuslasin, interest, and numbers are the things the Intramural authorities are looking for to make the new sport a success, last night's practice is a pretty sure indication that it will go, At 7:00 o'clock there were about 100 men in th gym getting acquainted with the hll and the stick. In order to allow al of the teams to have a iturn at practice, the time had to be 4divided so that 20 minute periods were given to each game played. Four gaines were played, the senior engneers vs5. the soph engi- neers th Tlt s h -medics, the Pharinics V's. the fresh lits, and the J-engineers vs. the all-architects. Tihe J-lit' walloped their opponents, the medicS, by a score o 7-2. The lits elected Ke'ser as captain pro tem. Itardy and, Garrison were the bat- teries tOr' abe his part of the time, while llar i-tan and Kesler worked for the othtr half of th period. The pharmjics shaded the fresh lits y a 1- 0 s core. Ci n . cast playing characterI7ad the Vram and both puriers r peiedo spdid support. The t wo te a pp ed trifle weak at. tin bal especially the freshmen, and most of ihe work w as done by the Four Teams Strong in 1915 Football Season By Fielding H. Yost .o Eni (Copyright 1915 by the Central Press Association) The 1915 football season developed some great stars land several bril- liant teams, but at the same timr it got off with a bad start, and- early re- sults disappointed many lovers of the game. No doubt the general public con- cluded, after some of the most con- spicuous university teams had been beaten by small colleges early in the fall, that the season would turn out more or less of a fizzle. Schedules were so arranged that there was no definite elimination of contenders.' Therefore, the results from week to' week seemed more or less inconclu- sive. turn the tables if another game were played. Harvard had her usual high- class, finished team, winning her two big games from Princeton and Yale. In the middle west three teams were undefeated: Illinois, Minnesota and Nebraska. Illinois had two tie games, playing Minnesota 6 to 6 and O. S. U. 3 to 3. Nebraska won the championship of the Missouri valley and did not lose a game. Minnesota's showing entitles her to the leadership of the Western Con- ference Chicago lost to Minnesota and Illinois. Wisconsin's luck was poor. Because of the loss of Full- back Galvin through ineligibility on account of professionalism, and of Halfback Smith on account of in- Smar trims dy cl flann At $7 small yokei nish n $5.75 In fro Made down cc No con WE ARE SHOWING [LirclyNcw Skirts 5.00, $5.75, $7.50, $10 C Street, Dress or Sports Moidels ? t models with cluster of pleats; braid, button or fur\ ued styles, chic mannish effects. Made of rich Chud oths, novelty weaves, Satin, Velveteen, Gabardine, nel, Serges, and new Plaids. All special values. \ .50 we illustrate a skating skirt of green and taupe plaid flannel. Beltyoke at back and sides; fancy in front with smoked pearl button trimming. Man. model. Skirt sketched is a one-piece skating model opening nt, and fastening with large smoked pearl buttons. up in fancy wool plaid. Selted girdle and facing front of navy blue serge; two side pockets.\' "Jre/noS'es Mail Orders Filled )RNEft WO 0wA1.OKD STATE Solicited NECTION WttH ANY O hER STORE. - ~ ---I j IV~.~l I# takes a stirring championship juries, the team was so weakened race to arouse -general and spontane- that it lost its three principal games. ous enthusiasm. Thus, while several In the south, all of the colleges teams of remarkable brilliance were play under the four-year system. fighting their way through to a vie- Vanderbilt carried away the laurels torious conclusion, there was a de- in the Southern Intercollegiate As- gree of apathy on the part of the sociation, scoring 461 points to none public, which continued until the for its opponents, up to the Sewanee stirring games at the season's close. game on Thanksgiving day. Van- In reviewing the work of the sea- derbilt, however, lost by a 35 to 10 son, it should be made clear at the score to Virginia, which is not a mem- outset that in comparing the victor- ber of the association. ious teams I am considering only In the southwest, Oklahoma reigns those that observe the three-year supreme, having defeated the state' playing rule. university teams of Arkansas, Kan- It is not fair to consider in the sas, Missouri and Texas, as well as a i RETRUIT, MICH. &%ss*AO I 1__ __ _ _ _ $7,50 $5.75 04 ,E 4 same class the teams that play men three years and those that work their men for tour seasons. The former would be under a handicap in such comparison, of course. This is not taken into account by the general public, which pays hed only to the scores, and which knows or cares little about the handicap referred to. In the east, three teams were veryt strong : Cornell, Harvard and Syra- cuse. The latter had fewer pointsC scored against it than had any other team. These points included threeI by Princeton and seven by Michigan. Syracuse defeated Colgate 39 to 0,j and Colgate beat Yale 16 to 0. Cor- nell won all the games on its schedule and was the only team to beat Har- vard in the last three years. Although Cornell defeated Harvard,j it is my opinion that the teams werel about evenly matched. Harvard might battery men. In a argumentative yet snappy game, the J-engineers were defeated by the all-architect team by the narrow margin of one run. The count at the end of three innings readl 4-3, in favor of the architects. It is probable that a schedule will, be made out in the near future andf it is possible that it may begin 'nextt week. If it begins as indications seem to point, the first games are likely to be played next Tuesday. All of the teams should be prepared to play whenever the schedule is announced. Managers of class -teams are re- quested to report to Intramural Coach Armstrong at Waterman gym as soon as they get to the gymnasium, in or- der to arrange for practice' periods for that night. Will Reorgranize Football at Yale New Haven, Conn., Dec. 2.-At a special meeting of the Yale Athletic association the following committee to take charge of the re-organization of football at Yale was named: Vance C. McCormick, captain of the 1892 eleven; Samuel B. Thorne, captain of the 1896 team, and John R. Kilpatrick, leader of the 1911 squad. After mak- ing. an investigation of the football system now in vogue, the committee will make recommendations to the as- sociation for ratification. Pianos to rent. Prices and pianos right, at Schaeberle & Son's Music House, 110 South Main street. oct3tf If there is one thing on earth which we would rather do than anything else on earth, it is to get you there when you are in a hurry. Stark, 2255. all other teams played. Among the teams in the east and middle west playing under the four- year rule, fine records were made by Pitt, W. and J., Colgate, and the Michigan Aggies. In my opinion, teams using men four years should play only with teams following the same rule. The additional year makes a great deal of difference in the possibilities for a team. The case of Notre Dame helps make my point. Until two years ago; Notre Dame under the fourth-year rule was a dan- gerous adversary and defeated some very strong teams, including Yale and the Army. Last season Notre Dame adopted the three-year rule, barring first year men, and since then she has not been heard from so promi- nently. It surely makes a difference. Lieut. C. R. Daly Leaves West Point Lieut. Charles R. Daly, who for the last three years has coached the Army, has terminated his stay at West Point as athletic coach. Lieutenant Daly sails from San Francisco the day af- ter tomorrow to join his regiment at Schofield, Honolulu. TRACK ASPIRANTS OUT FOR PRACTICE Contnue to Appear 'Despite Fact That No Formal Call Has Been Issued "BUZZ" CATLETT MAKES DEBUT Aspirants for the Varsity track team continue to show up for prac- tice, although no formal call will be issued Ltii after the Christmas holi- days. "Buzz"' Catlett made his debut into the society of those who have been out in suits,, and it looks to the casual observer as if the halfback's speed had not been harmed by the strenuous performances of the past gridiron season. Others who have en- deavored to shake some of the dust from their suits so far include such former stars as Corbin, Max Robinson and Griest. This last mentioned boy was not in college last year, but up- perclassmen will recall him as a high jumper and relay man of no mean calibre. Next week the pole vaulters are ex- pected to put in some preliminary licks at clearing the cross piece from the dizzy heights, although there will be no call issued. Competition in the use of the stick should bring out a Dear Put: 0 Well, Put, I was over to the gym yst. and I seen that new outdoor track, and take it from me, Put, that ain't no place for yrs. truly. Ufer and max Robinson and hal Smith was out there running around with nothing but these here little tiny track suits on what don't keep you no warmer than some of the chorus girls' suits what we have all saw down to the maj. and the onely difference; was that the chorus girls is all in- doors where it is warm and nice while these guys was rite outside with snow on the ground and as you well know, Put, there ain't no snow in the maj. at all. I have saw some chorus girls what I thot mite even get' cold in- side, but after seeing these here guys yst. I have begin to believe that they was probubly almost roasting to death. Red donnelley was not no where around and I guess Steve is skeered to let him out as red onely weighs 111 lbs. and he mite freeze rite up into a ice sikle and then some 1 would have to carry him into the gym with a pair of ice tongs so he could get all thawed out. I was talking to Steve and Smitty and this O'Brien come up and Smith THE DAILY SPORTOSCOPE what have gym classes on the last 3 days will have to watch you all alone and I will not be around to div!de their attenshun, and on the ot ie days they will all watch me and it will be swell all rite for I and you. O'Brien said it was a grate scheme all rite and ought to work sine but what will we do when buzz Catlett comes out he is so handsm and pretty and so swell looking, and i itty said I have went and tixed that all up with Steve and O'Brien said what havk you done and Smitty said well Catlett is onely to work on Sunday where there ain't no 1 around. Well, Put, I have got your message from Mike McKinney saying I was not to make no more mention of him in this colum and if Mike feels that way about it, why I guess we can leave him alone all rite, onely it Is I funny that any guy should kick on getting such a swell adv as we ave give mike free in this colum and It is a honor to get your name in with such famus athletes as is talked about here, but maybe mike don't care noth- ing about it and we will do just like he says, and I make this explaination so the boys on the campus will not think I and Mike have got sore at each other for that is rnot the case and they mite think so if they did not know different, large list of try-outs, as with "Bo" said I have got it all figured out and' Wilson out of school, and Cross grad- I will practice monday, Wed. and fri. uated, there is no experienced man in and you can come out Tue., thurd. and this department. Sat. and then all these freshmen Well, Put, so long. Yrs. HAL DINNERS,,AND DYSPEPSIA These two killjoys have left woe in their wake ever sincc Eve anqucted on the fateful apple. Why not change all this and take a new lease on life by dining regularly at THE, RENELLEN A PLACE OF DISTINCTIVE SERVICE .H SP IC E In order to feel well you must have -good food-in ide r to wo-k you must feel wel- the sick man has no chance in the strenuous life we now lead. He is licked before he starts, Eat with I us and keep keen. c . Patronize Daily Advertiser