six tifE MICHIGAN DAM.~ t Igor Pl ctx.xve Irnserts - The grandest line ever shown-nmade to. fit any size pictues- some for enlargements-and they make most wel- come "little gifts.'" Don't put it off until the last minute, bring in your negatives now. BONWIT TELLER CO cJ SpeCia/'kt~J! C/z0P O jyi/?Q O/Z. FIFTH AVENUE AT.3 8Tt STREE'T NEW YORK Mlay we send yeti the Bonwit Teller Gift BooksI --the book of gift-giving inspirations to help your deciding "What Gift." You'll find this book an exposition of the unusual---a gathering- together of gifts with personality. Bonwit Teller Originations, Ex- elusive Importations,.---vividly pictured, conveniently priced'. - 0HUM M ain ee Weekof OR I GS mml and Sat. DDARIC"K Nov. 29 DETROIT TENDRS RSIGNTIONThe Big Musical Review Former Head of Pasteur Institute to Join California Board of health 34Musical Numbers ARCADE Shows at 3, 6:3o, S:oo, and 9.30 P. M. Thursday, D)ec. 2-Gail Kane in "Her 1Great Match," by Clyde Fitch. Metro. Friday, Dec. 3-FranciX. Bushman and Beverly Bayne in their great success, "I'ennington's Choice." Metro. Saturday, Dec. 4-Bickel andl Watson in t"The Fixer" the screen version of the famous farce, "Hello Bill." Klein. Also Part 4 of the "Trip Around the World" series. 1 "Trip Around the World" every Satuir- day * Monday,f Dec. 6---Cliarlie Chaplin in this ,;reatest comcdy, "Work." fMILITARY TRA ING MATTER REFERRED TO NEW (COMMITTEE (Continued from Page One) course with Albion two years ago. ' r'mnt Pharma~cy 1Degrees, The degree of B. S. in pharmacy was granted to 1=1. R. Wells and A. J. IHalgren. Mr. E. It. Seibert received the degree of graduate in pharmacy, and C. R. Ekler had conferred on him 1 the (degree of M. S. in pharmacy. r A loan fund tendered by the Francis N. Hamilton estate was accepted with thanks and the fund will soon be available for use by needy students, sand two fellowships were received, oflq in Highway engineering which is to be known as the J. D. Chapin fel- r lowship and the other in medical re- search established by W. R. Wooden, ' 79, in memory of C. C. Beach of Battle 1Creek. H. F. Wood was granted the Edison fellowship of $600. Chaperons for Unioni Dance Announced Prof. G. W. Patterson' and Mrs. Pat- Iterson, and Dr. F. R. Waldron will 1chaperon the (lance at the Michigan Union next Saturday. The dance com- 4mittee has been appointed as follows: E. W. Bisbee, '16, chairman; Theodore Cox, '17, Sherwood Pinkerton, '16, Bernard F. Beaman, '18. The new pro- grains have been finished but a mis- take was made in printing them and they will have to be sent back to be corrected. Learn the new fox trot at the Packard Academy. Nov. 20-tf I he Grea Originations in Hand Bags, Neckwear, Jewel Vanities, Silk Hosiery. f m r, Interpretations of the mode- Furs, Blouses Sports Apparel. WRITIE FOR YOUR COPY TODAY! r .... rw ..w I ME N'S HA TS For The Holidays New Shapes Just Hade WE RAVE JIUST COMPLETED A LOT OF NEW THINGS IN SOFT AND STIFF RATS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, WE CAN 'SUPPLY YOUR EVERY WANT IN UP-TO-DATE HEADG~EAR. STYLE-ALL THlE WHILE! -FACTORY HAT STORE 118 E. Huron St. W. W. Mann, Prop. Near Allenel Hotel I 0 WATERMAN G~YM IS CROWDED WITH HANDBALL ASPIRANTS Although all plans for holding a. handball tournament before Christ- mas have been abandoned the courts at the Waterman gymnasium are crowded at all times of the afternoon with students who are practicing the JACK FROST, the originator of the Hamburger industry in Ann Arbor is ga~me to be, in form when the contest takes place. Besides those actually playing there is always a large num- ber of men waiting for a chance to get on the floor. From the number of players who are taking an interest in the sport this season it, is evident that the tournament will be a large and hotly contested affair. Students, 'for the most safe, speedy, reliable economical Parcel and t.Mes'- *1 1 back and' opened a place at 911 N. U.' senger service, call 2028,. nov3tf EXPECT 50 STUDENTS TO GO TO STATE GATHERING J MAJESTIC a ILadies' Show i I IN U rt W E°+ U1 rr W x :1 : # rAft a 0 0 0 w e %Log Q W r° a, .. W G'; Ej r gram TE MARVELOUSLY MYSTERIOUS ,EVA ,FAY ANSWERS YOUR MENTAL QUESTIONS-BAFFLES SOLUTION- INCOMPARABLE-ENTERTAINING MANY IMITATORS-NO COMPETITORS Call it, what you may-telepathy, thought transference, second sight, sixth sense, or humbuggery, it baffles detection. SHE LETS YOU GiUESS: Florence Lorraine & o "THE WAY TO A MAN'S HEART" Hut lord & Chai "THE CULLUD PARSON" and "THE MINSTREL" ADOLFO THE VERSATILE ACCORDEONIST Mle.Asoria &Co. IN A S1ERIE S OF SOCIETY 'AND CYCLONIC D)ANC(ING Now Playig GO ND o -y I d ! ' C j i I _. _ .U_,. _ _ -_ , FRID)AY MA TiNEE FAIR LADIES ONLY-NO MEN AD IITTED--A CHANCE CO-ED)S TO RNOW THEIR FU TURE-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE I ....r EVERYTHING A STUDENT NEEDS e Stden Suply, Store i ti ..Unvers:y Ave. Opposite Engineering Arch Phone 1 160-R YEZS, We de'velop Filmns, only loc. Whty pay mnore? 0