THE MICHIGAN OAILT. __,- _. 6! FEATURES and ARTICLES of SPECIAL INTERESI I 1. I USH-WHAT IT EANS TO CHINA e Effect of War Told in Letter be ceded to Germany1 Germans everywhere be feted, honored, andi of the people and th of the government. T guage would drive of and Germania rather would rule the waves. in China would University Library Shows Latest in Chn}ol made the guides FatETY HS d madthedses Facts on Eats for Hungry tules e only advisers' "INDIA NOT HROTING" SAYS DR. S. N. 0HRDCAR he German lan- ut the English; than Brittannia - 0---- to Rev. Ohiinger Gilbert Ried from RESULTS ARE POSSIBLE RESULTS ARE POSSIBLE "Suppose, on the other hand, that Germany is crushed. Who will have the honor of crushing her, of entering Berlin, of taking the lead in turning out the Hohenzollerns, of establishing a republic, of bleeding the people, and of re-making the map of Europe? In this case there are some Britishers who have a more vivid imagination than their German cousins and have actually declared that they must not stop until this crushing process is completed. That is the reason why Let the enterprising boarding house keeper and the quick lunch man look well to their stocks in the future, for no longer can the innocent student be cheated with fictitious lamb chops and imaginary cheese sandwiches. For the edification of the long-suffering student there is on display this week in the east corridor of the University Library a series of charts and plates, appetizing and attractive in appear- ance and taken from a volume with an alluring title, "The Grocer's En- cyclopedia." Here are displayed to tantalize the taste of a hungry public highly-col- ored illustrations of food dear to a man's heart-apples, grapes and alli- gator pears-the last, though, no more a pear than the grape-fruit is a grape, full rich cheese, juicy lamb chops, the licorice candy of our youth, clams and oysters and other luscious morsels, olives for the college maid, the old- fashioned twisted. bread, the picknick- er's favorite food, the peanut,-all are set forth in colors and hues vivid and lifelike enough to tempt the passer-by. The grocer has awakened to a sense of his grave responsibility and while telling his patrons in high- sounding language the food values and methods of cultivation of the foods he sells, wins his instant patronage through the pictures in his book. What hungry lad could gaze upon such glories and not sally forth at once to buy what he had seen? CLAIMS STORIES REPORTING Mr. Gilbert Ried, of Shanghai, China, as recently written a letter to Rev. . Ohlinger of this city, in which he utlines the political situation in lina. In the letter he points out the fter effects of the great European ar on the Chinese republic. He also eats of three possible outcomes: ermany winning, the Allies emerg- ig victorious, or the struggle termin- ing in a draw. Mr. Ried was form- ly a missionary to China and has ent a long period of years studying e Chinese people. Following is the ticle received by Rev. Ohlinger: "Crush--this is an old world, but mly lately has it become current. It one of the, most musical and be- itching in the English language. It a Christian word as interpreted by igher criticism.' It takes the place the word 'destruction.' It is a ord around which all forces can ally, like the words, 'Duty,' 'Honor,' tight,' and 'God,' as used in olden me. Where "Crush" Comes From "Whether the word is equally cur- nt in French, Germanic and Slavic, do not know. The idea is certainly. ere; it is in fact an intuition of all itmal creation. In the American nguage both the word and the idea ave suddenly come into being. Am- 'icanstare always quick to learn om others. According to the latest ctionary, the word, 'Crush,' is prob- >ly of German origin, from a deriv- Live of the word seen in Gothic, Thus st as it ought to be, the merit for 'oducing this sweet, tender, monosyl- bic word rests with the Germans, >t with the Anglo-Saxon-Jute por- >n of the Teutonic race. "The verb, to crush, is crushing, is ushed, will crush, will be crushed, ay be crushed, won't be crushed, all rms of the same predicate, both ac- ve and passive, of which the noun ermany is the subject. As a rule, e wish is to make the verb passive, t to do this, the noun, that is, Ger- any, must also be made passive. two or three years are spoken of the time limit of the war. As it wrong and dangerous for Germany1 as is to come out 'on top,' so the only alterna- tive is for Germany to be crushed un- der foot of men. Personally I do not believe in the piety of this proposi- tion. And if the Teutons Are "Crushed !" "Still, suppose that this supposition is realized, what changes would take place in China? The changes would not be as overwhelming and upheav- ing as in the first supposition, but none the less, in the long run, they would be almost as momentous and calamitous to China. First, German ships will disappear from these wa- ters. Many of the German firms will cease to have their being and most of the German merchants will find it convenient to be naturalized as Eng- lish or American. German Tsingtao will be dominated by the Japanese, even if nominally restored to China. The railways and mines of Shantung will become Japanese possessions. The northern half of Tsin-Puh rail- way will also be Japanese. All the money that Germany has spent on the development of China Dill be sunk and China will not be the richer therefor. The Catholic missions in Shantung will revert to French protectorate. The Prote-tant missions will be disbanded and their few converts will be trans- ferred to American Presbyterians. German schools will struggle along for a while, and then decide to go over to the victor. China will have no other resource open to her, save that of bow- ing to the v ctorious Allies. Germany as a menace will cease to be and some other menace will take its place. America will still advocate the policy of the open door, though its appl'ica- tion to China will carry no weight. The Results of a Draw "Now comes in the third supposi- tion, that of a draw, some kind of compromise,-peace with honor forE all, with justice to all, and with none' of this barbaric craze for crushing. This view which others cast aside with a slur is the one I heartily favor from the standpoint of China's inter- ests. The Briton who demands the right to rule both sea and land and fights to crush, and the German, proud and stern, who, too, wants to rule and have the only 'place in the sun' to crush all her allies and especially England, will alike suffer disappoint- ment. No one country and no one man carries' all the blame for this awful war. No one nation in these lays of international brotherhood need expect that other nations will cease to float a flag, to trade under that flag, or to sail ships with that, flag at the mast. In this war each nation is blaming some other nation, and all must suffer together. No na- tion need expect to gain any great advantage over the rest. The war is ' NEWLUBOOKS ENGLISH IS TAUGHT TO TH E FUTURE OF SOUTH AMERICA. NEWJFORE/SNSTUDENTS -By Roger Babson.--Little, Brow n] and Company. From a purely commercial point of view Mr. Babson has discussed in con- siderable detail the conditions of the South American countries, and the means whereby the American may be benefited. Natural, physical, econo- mic, industrial and financial problems are treated frankly, with neither the promoters' highly-colored enthusiasm nor the pessimists' horrors of hard- ships. The book should be of great interest to men already actively en- gaged in business as well as to the young man eager for a new field of endeavor. Mr. Babson feels that South Ameri- ca is unquestionably the coming con- tinent and that we in the United States cannot know too much of our neighbors who should be of great benefit to us. SA TELLITE CITIES.-By Graham R. Taylor.-Appleton and Company. From the survey Mr. Taylor has collected his articles on the communi- ties which of late years have grown up in the vicinity of the larger cities of the country and placed them in the present volume. They deal with the problems of Pullman, Gary, and the suburbs of some of the more im- portant cities of the south. Town building and community planning are matters largely before the public mind today. Mr. Taylor has not only col- lected an abundant supply of facts, but has also treated the question al- ways from a broad and human stand- point. SOUTH AFRICAN SHATTERS AGE RECORDS AT OHIO0 STATE Ohio State University to Give Ph. 1). to 21-Year-Old Student from Africa Columbus. O., Nov. 30.--Erie Cogan, 21 years old, from Grahanstown, South, Africa, is shattering all age records among Ohio State students. Next June when most men of his age are going into the junior and1 senior classes, Cogan will receive his doctor of philosophy degree. He took his master's degree at Ohio State in 1914 and before coming to America in 1913 he had been graduated from Rhodes university in South Africa. He is the youngest man ever to receive a Ph. D. degree from Ohio State. IPRESENT ROMEO AND JULIET Class in Shakespearean Reading Gives1 ENGINF'E!LIN G F IISTTO CLA~ISS FN COLLEGEl AMONG OFFER SPECIAL CONVOCATION Three Results of War Possible "There are three theories as to the issue of the war in Europe: one, that Germany is crushed, another that the Allies, and chiefly Great Britain, are crushed, and the third that there is a 'draw.' The probability to my mind is rather in favor of the last hypothe- sis. Those who pray for speedy peace accept this hypothesis. Those who pray or wish that the war continue till some one is Crushed must accept either the first or second theory.. At present I am only concerned with the working out of the respective theories in their bearings on China and on foreign relations in China. "Suppose, then, that the Germans arestheeones whotdeclare that the war must be fought to a finish and that they must conquer, to the point of crushing, Russia on the one side along with the Balkan states of Servia and Montenegro, and on the other side, Belgium which has already been bad- ly and harshly crushed,-and then France, and then Great Britain with all her colonies, and then Japan, and lastly any other country which here- after may deem it expedient to join in with the Allies. The very statement of the supposition reveals its gigantic absurdity. I doubt if any German, in his wildest fancy of pride and delu- sion, has so much as thought of such an hypothesis. He may have deter- mined to crush England and cripple England's navy and trade, as the Times has a asserted, but no German can have the slightest hope of thus crushing all his enemies. What if Germany "Crushes I" "Still, suppose that the impossible happens, what would happen in China? Manchuria would then be a field for German enterprise instead of Russian1 and Japanese; Port Arthur would be handed by Japan to Germany with a view of ultimately being restored to China; Dalny would become a second1 model German town; Weihaiwei would become a third such town, both for-1 tress and sanitarium; Japanese sol-t diers, railway guards, peddlers andy such like, with all their dignitaries,r would sadly round-about-face and re-c turn to the'Rising Sun; Annam wouldo It may not be generally known that the College of Engineering and Archi- tecture was one of the first institu- tions in this country to offer special classes in English for foreign stu- dents. Professor Nelson, head of the English department of the engineer- ing college, began this work four years ago with a two hour coursein conver- sational English for foreign students largely as a result of his personal in- terest in the Chinese students who were present at the university that year in unusually large numbers. The result seemed to warrant an extension of this work so that there have grad- ually developed the four courses which are at present offered,-English 16 and L7, each a four hour course, and Eng- lish 18 and 19, each a two hour course. The aim of these courses is a very practical and simple way to help the foreign student to adjust himself to his new environment, to make him familiar with college life and customs and with the industrial and social life of the community in which he now finds himself. At the same time he is made to talk and write so constantly about these things that he is enabled to develop a facility for expressing in idiomatic English his ideas regarding the new things with which he is com- ing in contact. He visits with his instructor the laboratories, libraries, and other points of interest about the campus and is shown some of the most typical and characteristic features of the city and country surrounding the university. He is required to write a theme every day regarding the things which he has seen. He engages in daily class dis- cussions and presents each week be- fore the class some subject which is of common interest. By a system of phonetic exercises which have been worked out as a result of experience with this work, the student's difficul- ties in pronunciation are corrected and he' is taught habits of accurate and intelligent English speech. Two years ago the College of Engi- neering and Architecture took the radical step of allowing the foreign student to substitute English for his French and German, the feeling being that no foreign student should be graduated from an American college without a reasonable command of English, both written and spoken. All such students, upon entering college, have laid out for them by the profes- sor of English such a course of Eng- lish, French, German or Spanish as shall satisfy the modern language re- quirement. If in the judgment of the professor of English the student needs a great deal of English, he may be re- quired to take English up to a maxi- mum of 17 hours. The special courses for foreign stu- dents are taken until the student has satisfied the professor of English that he no longer needs such special help. He must then take at least one of the regular courses offered for American students, in order to show himself able to compete successfully with those whose native tongue is English. At present Professor Nelson has in his class in English 16 students from Russia, Poland, China, Japan, Colom- bia, Chile, Porto Rico, and Peru, Dur- I ing the past four years there have been also students from Brazil, Ecua- , der, Mexico, Argentina, the Philip- pines and Austria. THAT HINDUS ARE FOMENTING A REVOLT ARE UNTRUE Press reports have been pouring in during the last few weeks to the ef- fect that the Hindu students in this country, urged on by German propa- gandists, are quietly fomenting a rev- olution against the English rule in India. Dr. S. N. 'Hardikar, of the medical department, vehemently pro- tests against these stories, branding them as absolutely false and, as en- tirely without foundation. Dr. Hardi- kar is himself a native Hindu, and, speaks with a full knowledge of the conditions existing among his people both in' their native land and in this country. "I want to protest against these1 stories," he said. "I have noticed them appearing recently both in The Mich-! igan Daily and in the Detroit Free Press. The people of India are behind the British almost to a man. They realize that they would be thrusting their heads in a noose if they support- ed any scheme of Germany to start a revolution among them. They would a thousand times rather be under the benevolent despotism of England than to be ruled by the Kaiser's policy of blood and iron militarism. All they want from England is a chance to rule themselves. They feel that this will ultimately be brought about, and they are willing to work toward this end by peaceful methods. "Last September each province of India held a meeting at its capital, and passed resolutions supporting England's policy in the present war. This alone should indicate the unani- mity of feeling on this question in India, where Mohammedans, Budd- hists, Christians and other religious sects divide the country into innumer- able castes and strata of society, mak- ing it almost impossible to unite the country in any single act. "I fear that this country will get an erroneous view of my people," said Dr. Hardikar. "Already several of my friends have asked me about these false news items, and of course I deny them. But I can't see all the people. Only a newspaper can do that. So will you tell the people through your paper that these items are untrue?" At The Theatres! ~ . "Marie-Odfle" Wins Recognition Of the 140 dramatic productions brought out at the leading theatres in New York City last season only 21 were recommended to the public by the two theatre-going organizations, the Drama League and the Drama So- ciety, as worthy of patronage. One of the plays which has basked in the sunshine of their mutual approval is "Marie-Odile," in which David Belasco will present that charming young ac- tress, Franices Starr, at the Whitney theatre Thursday, November 9. This is said to be a strange play, one that only the genius of a Belasco could produce. Its scenes are laid in a convent, but it is promised that this will give no offense to any one. The Belasco theatre cast and production will be brought here intact. TEUTON S ABOUT TO, THE ITALIANS GAIN AT GORIZIA WHILE ANGLO-FRENCH LINES SEEM INACTIVE Asiatic Problem Becomes Grave The Serbian campaign is doomed to an early conclusion according to the reports during the past seven days. Probably the strictest censor- ship since the inception of the war has been exercised this week, but in general it seems to be merely masking preparations for events of great im- port in the near future. .The Italians have been pounding furiously at Gor- izia and are apparently on tlIe verge of overwhelming the Austrians at that point. With the capture of this fort- res, numerous Italian troops will sweep through Albania to aid the hard pressed allies in southern Serbia. French Lines Inactive. The Anglo-French seem to have dug themselves into their trenches in pre- paration for the descending winter. Artillery duels, in which ammunition is said to have been sparingly used, and skirmishes with hand grenades seem to be the chief features in the western area. Most of the allies' ef- forts are being exercised in preparing ways and means for a general ad- vance, w Serbians Pushed Further Back. Serbians ar~e being driven back mile by mile against the Albanian border, by the Bulgars and central powers. The Serbs are now isolated in two main divisions. The northern section under personal charge of King Peter has been almost completely cut off from the allied reinforcements in southern Serbia and at Salniki. At the present rate of reduction, the Serbian kingdom is doomed within' a few weeks, to a fate worse than Bel- gium's. Russians Despair of Offensive. Russians who have recently started on a general offensive in the eastern war zone, have apparently despaired of further activity for the present. The Germans, however, are admittedly on the defensive. Asiatic Situation Bad for, Entente. Entente diplomats are considerably displeased by events in the past week in Persia and China. Beneath the anarchy in Persia, there seems to be a strong undercurrent favoring the Teutons. The city of Bagdad has not been captured by the British, and the Tommies have only reached a point several miles south of that city. The British admit that they have been forced to retire from attacking Bag- dad, but give as the reason a lack of water supply. The Chinese govern- ment has refused to ally with the en- tente. Pbneer Resident Dies Mrs. Minnie Rayer, aged 6, a pio- neer resident of this city, passed away Monday noon at her home, 422 West William street. She had lived in Ann Arbor since she was one year old. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Thomas Carney of Detroit, Mrs. Clyde Kerr, Mrs. E. L. Curtis and Mrs. Edward Watson, all of this city, and by two sons, Arthur and Walter Ray- er, also of this city. Funeral services will be held from the family home this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, and interment made at Forest Hill cemetery. one of highest folly and only one can Excellent Presentation. be the arbiter, the One who never Romeo and Juliet, which was given does wrong and whose name is one last night in Sarah Caswell Angell and the same with the word, 'God!' hali, by the class in Shakespearean , . . -readin ;, was one of the best presen- "Under this supposition what will tains of th e best esen happen in China? The Germans as tations of that famous play ever given well as others-British, French, Rus- in Ann Arbor. Sian, Japanese, Americans-will have The class has been working on the the right to _live and to do business. play since college opened this fall, They rih avethsaetdchnes. showing great progress and remark- They will have the same chance t iable talent along the line of dramat- render service to God and to man in ics. The cast was changed every their own way. No one can say, 'I amis.ene cdetowas ch dery holier than thou.' Tsingtao will revert scene in order to give each person a to Germany for her to hand back to part i-. the production. China when the right time has come same privileges to all peoples, and and remuneration is given. All that receiving from them help, good-will the Germans have started to do for and confidence. the good of China, and all that others "I candidly say I prefer the third have started to do will one and all, hypothesis and I believe it is what in the spirit of fairness, be allowed China, realizing her own best way of scope in coming generations. Every salvation, will also pray to see most nation will have the same right to speedily fulfilled. Even superficially it trade, to teach, to preach and to sing is more just and generous-yea,.more his own national anthem, 'with none Christian-than any theory of crush- to fear or make afraid.' Nations as ing." well as individuals will learn content- ment. China will be left in possession London, Nov. 30.-Field Marshal of her own territory, having any kind Sir John French has conferred with of a flag that she wants, giving the Premier Asquith in London.