$2.00 'WS OF THE WORLD AND THE CAMTPUS The Mtichigan Daily Phones:--Editorial 2414 Business 9 E TELEGRAPH SERVICE BY THlEI NEW YORK SUN XXVI. No. 45. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURS-DAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS -- '--- i JOHN MAULBETSCH ELECTED CAPTAIN OF 1918 VARSITY SELECTION OF LEADER MADE AT TIME OF ANNUAL TAKING PICTURE BUNNE OPPOSING CANDIDATE A, New Captain Says He will Do His °utmost;" Was Letder of All-Fresh Also John F. Maulbetsch, known in foot- ball circles as the "German Bullet" and by varloas other titles denoting destruction and annihilation, was elected captain of the 1916 Michigan football team, yesterday afternoon. The selection of captain took place following the annual picture of the "M" men. Any "M" man is techni- cally eligible for this honor, although it is usually bestowed upon only such individuals as have Won two letters, previous to their election. Maulbetsch and Dunne were the likely candidates and the honors were' conferred upon "Maullie.' When seen yesterday afternoon fol- lowing his election, "Johnnie" said: "I surely appreciate what the boys have done for me, and I will certainly do my utmost next year." As has been suggested before in numerous quarters, Maulbetsch's "ut- most" is quite some considerable quantity. Maulbetsch was the captain of the All-Fresh .during his first year In the university, and .the 1917 year- lings hung up an enviable record, winning every game on their schedule by overwhelming scores. "Maulxie" played fullback and occasionally while carrying the ball he was tackled and thrown before he had advanced much over 20 or 25 yards. This oc- (Continued on Page 3) FAVORS COURSE RESTRICTION Prof. F. N. Scott Objects to Teaching of Journalism in High Schools Prof. Fred N. Scott, head of the Rhetoric department, stated yester- day that while he had not yet decided to offer a resolution at the National Convention of Teachers of English, to be held in Chicago, Thursday and Friday of this week, yet he deemed such a resolution, restricting the teaching of journalism in the high schools, should be made. It is the belief of Prof. Scott that newspaper work is as deserving to be classed as a profession as any of- fered in the curriculum of the uni- versity. "No high school," said Prof. Scott, "would make the assertion that it was capable of qualifying its students for the law or medicine, and yet there are classes given in innumerable high schools which claim to fit the student for the profession of journal- ism." Prof. Scott stated that the courses themselves did not do the harm, but that the student was deluded into the belief that he was fitted to take up the' work of the newspaperman, no other training being necessary. The resolution, if offered, will oppose the placing of such courses in the high schools of the country, and will limit instruction in the various branches of journalism to the universities. CARRANZA RE-ENFORCEMENTS TRANSPORTED TO AGA PRIETA El Paso, Nov. 24.-Carranza re-en- forcements who arrived today from Eagle Pass, were diverted through Agua Prieta and will be sent south of Douglas to garrison the mining re- gion in Sonora. Carranza officials said this was done because General Obregon has enough troops to cope with the Villa situation and is de- sirous of restoring peace among the mining camps s6 that foreign corpor- ations may resume work. General Obregon left to take personal charge of this campaign against Nogales and the Villa forces at Agromosillo. Lost Somreting? Go LoOk'Em Over Coats, old, new and indifferent, um- brellas, gloves, in pairs and single, tennis shoes, one dancing pump, sev- eral fresh caps, _a couple of sweaters, a bicycle or two, almost enough books to start a "Y" book exchange, and a motley collection of handkerchiefs and caps. No, this is not a story of a legacy left by some poor student to some rich relative, nor is it a tale of some 'bold burglar who' has been making a raid on a rooming house. It is merely the "stock in trade" al- ready accumulated by the newly-in- stituted lost and found department, in the secretary's office in University hall. Recently the order went out from Secretary Shirley Smith to all em- ployee of the university that all ar- ticles found anywhere on the cam- pus were to be turned in at this office where they are stored away await- ing the inquiry of the loser. It is expected that students who find articles of any sort about the campus will bring them to the office. The articles will be tagged and if not called for within 30 days, will be returned to the finder. THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICES Special Programs to Be Given in the' Churches of the City. Special Thanksgiving Day services' will be at St. Andrew's Episcopal church this morning at 10:30 o'clock by the congregations of the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Church of Christ (Disciples), Congregational and Episcopal churches. Rev. Henry Tatlock of St. Andrew's will deliver the sermon of the morn-' 'ing. He will speak on "The Challenge' to the Christian Church." The pastors of the other churches will unite in the services, while the vested choir of the Episcopal church will sing Thanksgiving Day anthems and patriotic hymns. The service of the Holy Communion' will be celebrated at St. Andrew's this morning at 7:30 o'clock. The of- fering of both services will be devoted to the work of the Federation of Char- ities in Ann Arbor. WHITLOCK, AMERICAN MINISTER TO BELGIUM, BACK HOME AGAIN Disposes of Rumor Tit Germany Had Asked for His Recall; Will Not Discuss Conditions. New York, Nov. 24.-Brand Whit-' lock, American minister to Belgium, lean from hard work and gaunt, fol- lowing recovery from the indisposition that promptedhimto seek recuperation in his native land, arrived today from Rotterdam by the Holland-American steamship Ryndas. He was uncom- municative on every topic relating to war and would not even discuss liter- atur4. Mr. Whitlock disposed of the rumor that Germany had asked for his recall, not by denying it, but by saying that lie would return to Belgium by the Holland-American liner Rotterdam, which sails on December 28. Auto Laboratory Gets New Blue Prints Mr. W. G. Wall, chief engineer of the National Motor Vehicle Co., has sent blue prints covering all the points of the new National 12-cylinder motor to the automobile engineering depart- ment. They are to be framed and hung in the new auto lab when con- pleted. The plans cover the construc- tion of the chasis, transmission, clutch and rear axle. Appoint 1ead of "Y" Foreign Division. F. A. Nagler, grad, has been appoint- ed head of the Y. M. C. A. department for forign student work in the uni- versity. He will have as his assist- ant John R. Kneebone, grad. The two men will arrange activities for the foreign students and will endeav- or to make their life here pleasant as well as profitable. Chicago, Nov. 24.-According to of- ficials of the Standard Oil company, gasoline may take its second jump in price of the month. Some of the rea- sons given for the raise are the decline in the supply of crude oil, the large amount of petroleum products being used in the war and the more general use of oil in engines of all kinds, including automobiles. GOO D ATERIAL IN andolin Club Still Needs Men, and Tiryouts Will Be Held on Wednesday, Dec. I 'SELECT MEN FOR GLEE CLUB That the. class of 1919 will be rep- resented with Glee and Mandolin clubs which will be a credit to the class and the university, was assured at the tryouts for the clubs held last evening. The large number of can- didates attested to the interest in the clubs and the abundance of good ma-; terial points to good clubs. The candidates for the Mandolin club were given their tryout in Uni- versity hall under 0. 0. Leininger, '16]). The material was promising', although many of the probable mem- bers were out of town yesterday for Thanksgiving. The club needs more mandolins and guitars, especially the latter, and another tryout will be held in room 205 north wing of University hall at 7:00 o'clock on Wednesday evening, December 1. What the Mandolin club tryout lack- ed in numbers was more than made up for by the large number of candi- dates for places on the Glee club. Sixty voices were tried by U. Stanley Wilson, '16, leader of the Varsity Glee club, and from this number, 38 wereI picked. Following are the men se- lected: First tenor: James A. Dorsey, '19; David P. Wood, '19E; J. Victor Brock, '19; Oliver H. Morton, '19; Sherwald W. Sedgwick, '19; Frank Stockton, '19D; Robert L. McCutcheon, '19; H. M. Putnam, Jr., '19E; Athol B. Thomp- son, '19. Second tenor: R. C. Lodholz, '19D;f Howard Brodhead, '19; Carper P.' Farlow, '19; Paul W. Eaton, '19; H. Earl Barlow, '19; Oscar B. Kaufman, '19; Clarence Davey, '19; E. A. Wish- ropp, '19; Burr M. Mitchell, '19; Leigh Hoadley, '19. ._ Baritone: Harry R. Lious, '19; Elliott M. Bender, '19; Merle F.] Smith, '19A; Ralph H. Watkins, '19;: Roland J. Swanson, '19E; W. H. Dor-E rance, '19E; Charles H. Sissiroon, '19;t John A. Ward, '19; J. M. Bailey, '19;I Jerome J. Freundlich, '19; S. LeRoy1 Sonne, '19. Basses: Laurel Lundquist, '19;' Ancil W. Cameron, ,'19; Ralph H. Ward, '19A; Fred Hawley, '19; John Walker, '19E; Paul F. Smith, '19; Hugo V. Prucha, '19A; B. N. Tappan, '19. - Wilson stated that much of the material was of Varsity caliber and' many of the voices were well trained. Michigan songs will be given to the1 club first and other music will be re-< served until they are ready for it. The date of the first rehearsal will be1 announced later.l FORD CHARTERS SIP FOREUENPORT First Step to Form Nucleus For Con- gress of Neutral Countries to Bring About Peace. New York, Nov. 24.-Henry Fordf has chartered a ship and will load it with some of the most distinguished American people and set sail for aI neutral port of Europe on Decembert 4. This is the first step to form a nu- cleus for a congress of men and wom- en of neutral countries who will aim to bring about peace in Europe. Mr. Ford has also given Oswald G. Villard $20,000 with which to open in Wash-I ington on December 5 an office to fightE preparedness. This office will find outt what Congress means by the proposi- tions for military and naval expendi- tures, what they want them for, and then to fight them in the coming ses- sion. The ship is the Oscar XT, of the Scandinavian line, a vessel under the Danish flag and will acconimodate1 about 250 people. Thomas A. Edison and John Wanamaker have been in- vited to be of the party. Haller, Jeweler, Married Last Night. H. W. Haller, of. Haller & Co., the] State street jewelers, was married to Miss Hazel Stimson last night. Kentucky Men To Give Big Banquet Arirlphy 0. Tate, '16L, to Preside at Affair; to Initiate New Members Elaborate arrangements have been made for the Kentucky club's Thanks- giving banquet, which will be held at the Union this evening at 6:00 o'clock. Murphy 0 Tate, '16L, president of the club, will act as toastmaster, Wil- liam S. Kammerer, '18L, will speak on "Kentucky Politics," James S. Norton, '18, will respond to the toast "An Afterdinner Laugh," and Mr. William F. Marsteller, of the econom- ics department will talk on the sub- ject "What the Kentucky Club Stands For." After the formal part of the "pro- gram the new members will be ini- tiated, definite plans will be made re- garding the private car the club will charter to take them home for Christ- mas vacation, and a vice-president and secretary for the, ensuing year will also be elected at this time, VARSITY DEBATING TEAM SELE46TED r Chose Be Eight Men Out of 12, Who Will Divided Into Two Teams of Three Each KEEN COMPETITION IN CONTEST Final tryouts for the Varsity de- bating team were held last evening in room B of the law building, and the eight men to represent the university were definitely chosen. These men will be divided into two teams of three men each and an alternate, and were chosen after hard competition in which the fight simmered down to 12 candidates. The choose of the judges after the 12 speeches had been given rested on the following men: Wilber M. Bruck- er, '161L; Joseph R. Cotton, '16; W. J. Goodwin, '16L; R. S. Munster, '16L; N. E. Pinney, '16; Paul V. Ramsdell, '16; Alexander J. Stod- dard, '17L; and H. B. Teegarden, '17. These two teams will debate in the Central League contests with Chicago and Northwestern in Janu- ary. The above men are to meet to- day at 10:00 o'clock in room 302 N. W. to arrange for the next tryout. Orations for the Peace contest, which is to be held on December 11, in University Hall, must be in the hands of Prof. T. C. Trueblood by De- cember 6. Tryouts for the Mid-West debate held in the respective societies, must be completed by December 11. Each of the societies are to select six men, who together will form the list of can- didates from which the final team will be selected. VAUGHAN RECEIVES HIGH HONOR Made Member of National Board of Medical Examiners, Dean Victor C. Vaughan of the medi- cal school, who was recently appointed to the National Board of Medical Ex- aminers, is one of the fifteen men prominent in that profession to be so' honored. Dr. Rodman, of Philadel- phia, who made the appointments, is the president of the American Medical Association and one of the foremost medical authorities in the country. A meeting of the Board of Examin- ers will be held at Washington, D. C.,. ext Monday for organization purposes. Plans for the method of examination of applicants for practitioner's cer- tificates in the various states of the country will probably be discussed at this convention. SEVERE WEATHER CAUSES LOSS AND MUCH FATALITY IN SICILY Rome, Nov. 24.-Further informa- tion concerning the ravaging and de- struction being caused by bad weather and the overflowing of the Salso Riv- er in Sicily has reached - here from Catania and. Pratami, which towns are suffering severely. Railroad traffic has come to a standstill. Rescue work is impeded by the continued bad weather. MICHIGAN UNION Activities, Streingth and Sitability of Orgnization Place It igh In List" CONFERENCE HELD AT COLUMBUS The Michigan Union stands well up in the list, if not at the head, of Student Unions in the country, both as regards range of activities carried on under Union auspices, and in strength and stability of organization. This fact was conclusively brought out at the first annual conference of the. National Association of Student Unions, held last December at the Ohio State University. The pamphlet containing the proceedings of the meeting has just been issued.- The Universities of Michigan, Wis- consin, Illinois, Ohio State, Indiana and Purdue were represented, be-I sides Oberlin College and Case Schooli of Sience. A constitution was drawn up, representing the purpose of theI organization "to promote closer re-I lationship between existing Student Unions, and to encourage and assistI in the organization of Unions in other colleges and universities."1 Practically all the delegates at the meeting were interested in the ques-; tion of raising funds for a new build- ing. Representatives of Ohio State said that the legislature of Ohio had been induced by a student committeei to make an appropriation of $75,000 for their building. The general heads under which Student Unions were discussed were Organization, Administration, Fin- ance, and Social Activities. When the question of organization came up, it was found that the term "Union" dif- fered in many places. In somed schools, it is the sole organization among the student body for self gov-i ernment and for promoting generali social work; in other places, the worki is divided between a Union and aI Student Council or a Student Senate;f some schools have all three.< ORIELLOGGIVES $1,000 Battle Creek Physician Gives to Tuberculosis Campaign t At a meeting of the members of the state board 'of health in charge of the tuberculosis campaign, held in Ann Arbor yesterday, a gift in the form of a due-bill amounting to $1,000 was 7 made by Dr. Kellogg of Battle Creek' This gift is to be used at the discre- tion of the board for anything neces- sary to the promulgation of the cam- paign against the white plague. . During the meeting, Dr. McKlaien made a report to the effect that three counties have been canvassed and a thorough investigation made in regard to conditions existing within those counties. He .estimated that it would require $900 in each county in order to prosecute the fight against the dis- ease with any success. EMPEROR OF JAPAN, WHO HAS BEEN ILL, REPORTED IMPROVING Tokio, Nov. 24.-The Emperor of Japan, about whose healthmthere have been many rumors for several days, is ill. Daily bulletins are being is- sued by the court assuring the people that his indisposition is slight and that he is making rapid progress to- ward recovery. Carnegie Gives Away Bulk of Fortune Pittsburgh, Nov. 24.-Andrew Car- negie has given away the bulk of '$400,000,000 and is now "a man of moderate fortune," President Tritch- ett, of the Carnegie Foundation told students of the Carnegie institute. WHAT'S GOING ON TODAY Michigan Union membership dance, Union, 2:00 o'clock. Kentucky club banquet, 6:00 o'clock Michigan Union. Union services at St. Andrew's Epis- copal church, 10:30 o'clock. TOMORROW J lit indoor baseball men meet, Waterman gym, 4:00 o'clock. Alpha Nu meets, Alpha Nu rooms, 7:00 o'clock. ITALIANS WAGING BATTLE ON HEIGHT POSITION IS ONLY IMPORTANT POINT SOUTH OF ZORITZ. SERBIAN VICTORY NEAR MISH Ilispatches from Germany Indicate That Russian Troops Advance to Persia's Capital. Rome, Nov. 24-Following their success in the capture of the Height of Todgera, the key to Zoritz, the Ital- ians are now storming the Height of San Michele on the edge of the Carson Plateau through the south of the Aus- trian stronghold on the Isonzo. This forms the only important fortification south of Zoritz and the Italians have been making desperate efforts to occu- py them for several weeks. In the report tonight it isannounced that General Azorna's forces succeed- ed in occupying the fourth line of in- trenchments near the summit of the mountain. This victory was achieved after a terrific bombardment of the Austrian position, lasting all night. After an infantry charge the Austrians were unable to retreat in time and most of the defenders of the fort were made prisoners. Serbian Victory in West. Paris, Nov. 24.-By the capture of Mitrozitsa and Tristina two of the most important Serbian towns by the Austro-German forces, Serbia claims a great improvement in their situation. An official statement issued at the Serbian legation reiterates the an- nouncement of the Serbian victory west of Nish. Following the Bulgarian , retreat on the northwestern plain near Liteznas the statement said the invad- ers have suffered another repulse west of Cenilian and that the position of Cilikacalana. The Serbians are re- ported to have captured both moun- tain passes. Russian Troops Contine March. London, Nov. 24.-Dispatches from Germany indicate the Russian troops (Continued on Page 6) TO GIVE WOMEN MORE SPACE% Michiganensian to Give More Attention to Interests of Women In pursuance of the policy of the Michiganensian to give more space .to the interests of women students in the university, business manager Glenn M. Coulter of the Michiganen- sian has sent out contract blanks to presidents of all of the various league houses. Hitherto there has been no' repre- sentation in the book for women as members of house organizations ex- cept through the usual sorority se- tion. This year the plan is to de- vote a special section of the boo to the league houses. It is to be hoped that there will be a prompt response to this effort to make the Michigan- ensian as complete as possible. Al- ready the two dormitories have re- served space in the Michiganensian for this year. All fraternities who wish space in the Michiganensian must see that their contracts and copy are sent be= fore the first of December in order to insure them space in the book. All organization contracts and copy must be in before the 20th of December. All house organizations who desire to change their house crests or house pictures must notify the managing editor of the Michiganensian before the first of next month. The same ruling applies to fraternities who are taking space in the book for the first times this year. * * *: * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * Ad. W. Riter says:- All the advertising in the world will not make you buy merchandise Mr. Student unless your dealer is prepared, to please you. "MICHIGAN DAILY" advertisers are prepared to please Michigan Men. * * * * * * * * * * * - I