THE MICHIGAN DAILI NOTHING TO CRITICISE i the suit we make for you. Neither i the material, the style or the tail- ring will be found the least excuse or fault finding. We solicit an order >r one of our new model suits, know- ag as we do that it will give such all 'ound satisfaction that we will be our regular tailors thereafter. G. H. WILD COMPANY 4cading Merchant .Tailors State St. ' '' ' , , ,; , r, :.: ,., ; ' s , l ' t + S ;_ . 5 5 THE MICHIGAN DAILY1 Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published eve-.y morning except Monday during the, university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub scriptions: by carrier or mail, $2.o. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Students' Supply Store, The Delta, cor. Packard and State. Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. Erancis F. McKinney......Managing Editor John S. Leonard..........Business Manager E. Rodgers Sylvester..Assignment Editor Tom C. ReidT..............elegraph Editor Verne Burnett............Telegraph Editor E. P. Wright............ .... Sports Editor ydward Mack..........Advertising Manager Kirk White ............Publication Manager Y. R. Althseler Circulation Manager C. V. Sellers....Ass.ta.... .Accountan C. TI. Fishleigh . .Assistant Business Manager DECRIES RECENT HYSTERIAl JUST RECEIVED! ALUMN S US DESCRIBES UTTER- ANCES MADE AT JUNIOR SMOK- ER AS ILL-CONSIDERED. To the Editor of The Daily. Cannot something be done to fore- stall such ill-considered utterances as those delivered before the juniors at the Union Monday evening? Such re- marks do the cause of campus mili- tarism no good, and on the other hand are highly objectionable, first because they violate the neutrality urged upon us by President Wilson and President Hutchins, and second because their obvious hysteria tends to make the un- iversity ridiculous. The Principles of DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINERY By PROF. B. F. BAILEY WAK' a Vniversity -Bookstore LOOK LOOK ,' Complete Night Editors Edwin A. Hyman Joseph J. Brotherton I Gym Suit $i' $2.00 SHEEHAN'S STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE F. C. B. Parker Reotes1. A. Fitzgerald Leonard WV. Nieter :Martha tray Irwin Johnson Lee Joslyn William F, Newton Waldo R. Hunt Business Staff Albert E. Horne Roscoe Rau George Nobil WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1915. Ernest A. Baumgarth Night Editor MORE HOLIDAYS College is popularly supposed to be in session for nine months of the year, but still educators decry the lack of tune in which to prepare students for. ALUMNUS. HELEN R. ELY TO TAKE PART IN COMEDY CLUB PRODUCTION Succeeds Henryetta Brandebury-to Hold Dress Rehearsal Toniighit Hear RECORDS The New Victor DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit,Ann Arbor andJackson. Cars run on Eastern timne, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Limited and Express Cars--8:io a. m. and hourly to 7:10 p. in., 9:10 p. m. Kalamazoo Limited Cars- :48 a. in. and every two h-aurs to 6:48 p. mn.; to Lansing, B:48 p. m. Local Cars, Eastbound-5:35 a. m., 6:40 a. m., 7:05 a. m., and every two hours to 7:05 p. m., 8:05 p. m., 9:05 p. m., 10:45 p. in. To Ypsi- lanti only, 8:48 a. n. (daily except Sunday), 9:20 a. n., 12:05 p. in., 6:05 p. In., "t:1s p. in., 1:15 a. m., 1:3o a. m. Local Cars, Westbound-6:2 a. in., 7:50 a. in., and every two hours to 7:50 p. n., 10:20 p. m., 12:20 a. M. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869 Caphal.....$ 300,000.00 Surplus .. ..$ 150,000.00 Resources over .... $3,000,000.00 Banking in all branches Main Office, N. W. Corner Main and Huron Sts. Branch Office, 707 North Univ- ersity Avenue. TRY CHAPMAN'S JEWELRY STORE For Alarm Clocks and Michigan Pins 113 SO. MAIN STREET COME IK AND TRY OUR Chinese Combination Lunch HUSTON BROS, BILLIARDS AND BOWLING C l c l E 7 Helen R. Ely, '16, will play the part of Lady Gilding in this year's Comedy club production, "The Professor's Love Story." The part was given at the first selection of the cast tq Hen- ryettatBrandebury, '18, who was un- able to take it because of the new faculty ruling which prohibits a stu- dent, entering on advanced credit from another university, from engag- ing in activities during the first sem- ester of residence. Miss Ely did not participate in the first tryouts. Pictures will be taken of several scenes in the play at a full dress re- hearsal tonight in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Cor. Maynard and William Streets Special November List at the on the um GO TO T'mUTTLE'S Candies Cigars Pipes 1 b Our "Tailor-Made" Clothes Cost No More Than the Average "Ready-Made" CANSLE, The Tailor 108 E. Washington St. Second Floor CHOP off a few minutes and eat some of GEORGE'S SUEY WAI KING Loo 314 S. State St. Phone 1244-M FIRST NATL. BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $too,ooo Surplus and Profit $$65,ooo DIRECTORS: WIRT CORNWELL WALDO M. ABBOTT GEO. W. PATTERSON HARRY M. HAWLEY S. W. CLARKSON HARRISON SOULE FRED SCHMID D. B. SUTTON E.D KuNNiE FOR CII CE CUT FLOWERS I TO ISCHOFF'S HOUSE 220 Chapin St. Phone 8o9-M The Farmers & Mechanics Bank their life work. This insistence has become so great that the degrees are being demanded as prerequisites tor work in the professional schools. The medics are kept in their class rooms and laboratories from 8:00 o'clock to 12:00 o'clock and from 1:00 to 5:30 or 6:00. Pressure is becoming so heavy in the Law school that Monday and Tuesday of the first week of finali examinations will be given over to regular class work.- And yet there is a demand on the Campus that another day be taken1 from the work of the curriculum andj added to Christmas vacation. We don't blame the faculty for turning it, down. Presumably students come here to study, but it has taken herculean ef- forts on the part of the faculty to turn the Campus into more of a work room and less of a play ground. Stringent rules regarding cuts immediately be- fore and after vacations have gone in- to effect, and they must be enforced if the new goal of scholarship, which is coming nearer and nearer to real- ization, is ever to attained. Special Dinner to be Held at Uninn Tickets are on sale for a special dinner at the Union on Wednesday, December 1. The committee for sell- ing the tickets is in charge of Alvin M. Bentley, '16. George McMahon, '16, will be the toastmaster for the evening. Speeches will be made by Prof. David Friday, of the economics department and other members of the faculty. The Michi- gan Concert quartet composed of H. L. Davis, '17, F. W. Grover, '18, Chase B. Sikes, '16, Harry Carlson, '17, will give several selections and Leroy Scanlon, '16L, will perform on the piano. NEW LENS USED AS AUXILIARY TELESCOPE IS SATISFACTORY A seven-inch lens attached as an auxiliary telescope to the large 37/- inch reflector at the university observ- atory has given good results., Its pur- pose is to fix the position of the images of faint objects in the center of the field of the large telescope when photographs are being made. As a test of the efficiency of the new tele- scope an excellent view of Jupiter was obtained on November 5. "Y" Offers Miany Yacation Jobs. Students desiring work during Christmas vacation have an opportun- ity to find positions through the Y. M. C. A. employment bureau. Numer- ous jobs are reported in bothLAnn Arbor and Detroit. Philip C. Love- joy, '16, secretary of the department, urges all men interested' to make their application at once. In future all cars stop at Goodyear's Drug Store.ti Women's Organizations - - --- -- Rev. Tatlock will address the Thanksgiving Vesper service at 5:00 o'clock today in Newberry hall. Money will be collected in the lib- rary today to apply on the Ann Arbor women's fund for a hospital car. There will be no hygiene lecture to- t'clay. VEST PAPER VESTS are Windproof Better than a SWEATER or CHAMOIS SODAS CANDIES LIUNCtI iS On State PARTICULAR LAUNDRY For the BEST In 50c For Particular People, QUARRYI DRUG COMPANY Prescription Store I I CITY LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, Prop. Detroit Street j Phone 457-M 11 Successful Men Wear Tailored Clothes and Good Clothes Are Half The Battle There is a great difference between tailored clothes and the other kind. Every suit is made to fit the man-we do not force the man to fit the suit. Just come in when you're ready. TALR. 11:30 A. M to 1P. M. 5:30 P. M. 25c to 7 P. M. Michigan Inn Chop Suey South Main Street Corner Huron State Street Office 330 S. State St. 6 1 E.Liberty St. Opp. the Arcadial A G000 STRONG BANK WITH EVERY BANKING NEED HIENRY C COP North Va ivmersIty Ave. Dir McKellar Wins in Kentucky Election Nashville, Nov. 23. -Collected fig- ures of the senatorial election show K. D. McKellar to have led the ticket with 42,892 votes. M. R. Patterson came second with 40,402. J. B. Lea came in a poor third with 32,691. 2255 2255 2255 2255 We are show- ing the new- est models in . i FALL FOOTWEAR for LADIES and GENTS Special Agents Nettleton Shoes WAHR'S SHOE STOR ES MAIN STREET- STATE STREET - I MIMEOGRAPIIIMG MULTIGR APHING Hamilton Business College State and Williams MASQUES STAGE FIRST PLAY OF THE YEAR DECEMBER 17 "The Business Meeting" by Arlo Bates is the first production to be staged by the society of Masquesthis year. It will be given Sarah Caswell Angell hall, December 17, as a part of the Women's league program of that afternoon. The play is to be under the direct- ion of Mary Palmer, '18, M. Tryouts will be held in Sarah Caswell Angell hall next Monday and Tuesday after- noons. Although the play is to be given under the auspices of Masques, all university women are eligible to parts in it. Have your portraits made at Hoppe's Studio for Xmas presents. nov.24-25 2255 2255 2255 2255 KOLLAUF" THE* TAILOR DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY Main Entrance of old P. o. Building MAIN AND ANN STS. Eckersal Picks All-Conference Team. Chicago, Nov. 23.-Walter Eckersal's All-Conference eleven is as follows: Batson, Minnesota, right end; Shull, Chicago, right tackle; Dunnigan, Min- nesota, right guard; Watson, Illinois, center; Blockner, Purdue, left guard; Buck, Wisconsin, left tackle; Squier, Illinois, left end; Russel, Chicago, quarterback; Macomber, Illinois, right half back; Byers, Wisconsin, left half- back; Bierman, Minnesota, fullback. CLOTHING from the House of Kuppenhelmer on sale by N. F. Allen & Co., Mah street. wed-eoa Make yourself at home in the Big Store, Reule, Conlin & Fiegel. nov5-10-14-19-24 vc4 t 3 i~x$/ ; t l ' r I 1.WCo7 A Young Men's Line at a Young Men's Store. If you are a young man, it certainly will pay you to patronize this com- bination. ~PANY, -ectly Nerth lofLaw Biauitdn.i ATTENDANCE AT TURKEY DAY DANCE LIMITED TO HUNDRED Because of the great demand for tickets at the Senior engineers' turkey day dance, at the Michigan Union to- night, the social committee has an- nounced that the attendance will be limited to 100 couples. Tickets may 1stillbe obtained from Harley Warner, R. S. Archer, H. B. Barthoff, L. C. Rowley and C. E. Stryker. The chaperones for the occasion will be Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bringhurst and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crissel. Antartic Collection Is Attractive Some strikingly clear pictures of life in the far south are included in the collection of the Sir Douglas Maw- son's Antartic expedition exhibition in Alumni Memorial hall, which is open to the public today I Colored photographs of icebergs and fields attracted especial attention on Tuesday Those dealing with the members of . the expedition itself, their quarters clothing and epuipment were also admired. The collection of bird pictures is composed chiefly of views of penguins and gulls. Pres. Wilson to See Army-Navy Game. New York, Nov. 23.-President Wil- son will see the Army-Navy game at the Polo grounds next Saturday from a reserved box on the Navy side of the field. Shirts made to order.--G. H. Wild Company. State St. Tailors. Thanksgiving Dinner, Whitney Hotel. 12-2 P. M., 75c. nov.23-24-25 I Hirsh- Wickwire's ready-to-wears y r are the best we could find when we opened o u r ready-to-wear depart- ment. We know they are the best you will find when you look for your winter clothes. 1.. 1 'I WAGNER & COMPANY State Street Establihed 1848 GLOTES for men, best known makes at able prices, on sale by N. P. Co., Main street.