TFE DAILY $2.01 0EW' FTHE WORLID AND TL APS The . also y u tl s R^t '" a n wily Phones:-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TELEGRAPH SERVICE BY THE NEW YORK SUN VOL. XXVI. No. 4 4 ANN ARBOR, MJCHIGA. .WFDNESDAY, NOVEMBER? 24.1915. - -------. - - - -, ---.-. - . --.a.r r rur~ii z o v PRICE FIVE CENTS ATTAgCHE ON TRIAL AS CONSPIRATOI General Wood Outlines Goverunien Position on Conspiracy Chargo to Jury New York, Nov. 23.-Captain Coy-e naval attache of the German embass today was charged with activity in th alleged plot to supply German sip from American ports. General Woo outlined the government position fo lowing the completion of the jur which is to try the four officials of th plot on charges of conspiracy t violate the neutrality of the Unite States. Wood, in his opening address, sai Coy-ez clhimed a find of $750,00 which had been deoitcd with th firm of Essen & Kullenakant. Abou $000,000 of this fund was sent to Sa. Francisco for activities ona the coast the goeernme .t attorney charged. Th depcsit wa i ,de early in August 1914. Attorney eI. n for the defense, it a short statement to the jury said h would not deny the truth of the fact: presented by the prosecution. He ex plained he would attempt to prove th action of the defendants did not con A itute conspiracy and crime. QUARTET PERFORMS TO APPR EAUDINCE F ltnsaIey t iQuartet Demonstrates Abilily to Render Difficult Numbers Its The Flonzaley Quartet have demon- strated once for all, that the string quartet is not a thing of the past. The elusive harmony of the Haydon Op. 76, No. 2 received enough ap- plause from the audience to convince the most sceptical that the works of the old masters are appreciated by the modern audience. Each number had the bearing, the carriage and the appearance of the musician. To the average listener the first number, the Franck Quartet in D major, was a little tedious It is full of technicalities and its mood is difficult to understand. But tech- nique saved the day for the Flon- zaley's, the interpretation of this ex- ceedingly difficult number and the Schurzo movement brought due recog- nition from the audience. The Hadyen Quartet was the popu- lar number of the program. The most remarkable of all musical tragidies is that of the death of the exquisite string music of the old \Viennieso mas- ter. Nothing else that he wrote con- tains so much music and is so little known as these numbers. The Flon- zaley quartet resurrected this musical' beauty and adorned it with such mas- tery artistry that it was as of old a living source of the old masters, a vital part of the life oftheartist. DR. FERGUSON GIVES TALK ON HYDROCHLORIC CELL. American Chemical Society Elects Officers for Ensuing Year. In a paper on the "Study of Hydro- chloric Concentration Cell With Re- spect to Activity and Concentration, Boundary Potential and Transport Numbers" which was read before the Michigan branch of the American Chemical society held yesterday after- noon in the Chemical building, Dr. A. L. Ferguson explained a large amount of experimental work which he has done on the question. Besides the experimental work, Dr. Ferguson has modified the well known formula for the E. M. F. of concentra- tion cells, so that the results calcu- lated from this formula are in bet- ter agreement with those obtained ex- perimentally and also those obtained from the old formula. After his talk officers for the ensuing year were elected. Those chosen were the following: Chairman, Prof. D. M. Lichty; secretary-treasurer,. Prof. H. H. Willard; councillor, Prof. W. J. Hale; executive committee, Prof. B. W. Peet, of the Michigan State Normal college, Prof. M. Gomberg and Prof. W. G. Smeaton. A Lot of Us Can Use theMoney Angel in Disguise Sends I)onation to Webster Society Wiping Out nt Ancient Debt. There are a few among us who can import a girl from the Pacific coast for , the J-Hop, follow the football team y on all its trips and live in four-room 1 apartments, but we never before have s heard of the student who would un- d ceremoniously and secretly open his 1- bank account to the worthy cause of y debating. .e But that's what happened to Webster o society and those near-barristers are d still gasping up on the third floor of the law building, wondering who had d the nerve to do it.- 0 Sometime after the university wasI £ founded and long before Fielding Har-i t ris ever set eyes on Ann Arbor town, n Webster society entered into a con- t tract for $700 for furniture for their e rooms.. Each year since then this sumc t, has been reduced a wee bit and at thet opening of college this year, only $30c n of the old debt stood in the way oft e burning up the mortgage. s At the meeting last Friday, a mo-I - mentous question arose: Should thet e society apply all the money in theA - treasury to the old debt and wipe itk out or should $11 go for the annuals picture in the Michiganensian. Theo debate was long and heated and ina their most serious moments they de- cided to forego the tradition of having any mention in the annual this yearr and instead, wipe out the old debt. , But somebody left that meeting withs the philanthropic feeling of a Carnegieo or a Rockefeller, for the mail yester-n day brought to K. M. Stevens, '16L,N president, an unsigned letter with $11e in currency enclosed, to pay for a page in the Michiganensian. And nowD the systems of Bradstreet's and R. G. i Dunn are being invoked to reveal his0 identity. TAPPA ILECTURER WILL SPEAK¢ SUNDAY EVENING Joseph W. Cochran of Piladelpia, to be at Presbyterianb Church - - ^ t Joseph Wilson Cochran, secretary of t the Presbyterian board of education, Philadelphia, will speak at the Presby-_ terian church Sunday evening. t The speaker was one of the origina-°, tors of the university student workR movement in the United States. Hec was at the University of Michigan ins 1906 and at that time made a favorablet impression upon the students here. t Mr. Cochran is a Tappan lecturer ed and is one of the foremost speakers " on the platform. He has not yet an- s nounced his subject for the Sunday ad- dres. Roy W. Hamilton, graduate student v pastor of the Presbyterian church, is n arranging a special musical program, a which will include some of the best e talent in the university. t tl DEMOCRATS LOYAL TO WILSON o w n President's Platform in Convention t Depends Upon Congress 1 New York, Nov. 23.-So far as 1 Chairman Wm. F. McCoombs, of the s Democratic National Committee has C been able to sound the opinion of his 0 party leaders throughout the coun- p try, the sentiment of the National ri Committee in Washington on Decem- e ber 7, will be "short and sweet." w Where that convention will be held a is still a matter for speculation but y Democratic sentiment is strong for p an early gathering. None was found ' who suggested any other candidate u than President Wilson, but the feel- ing among the leaders, according to information given to the national( chairman, is that the platform upon which Mr. Wilson will go before the country is going to depend largely for its appeal on what Congress accom- plishes at the approaching session. Smallpox Reported by Ship Captain Havana, Nov. 23-The captain of the liner Monterey, just in from Vera Cruz, reports a great many cases of smallpox at that port and in Tampico. TOD D ICTE ICHIN - OHIO BOUwNY IJ~ Dedication ringstip Siates listoy 1ilifdg Bitter 1*,pute IEl P ver Peundary 1!QZ 1: trvp se PROF 1, 1HNSTON 'T R RE:>lS Na < ranozaf MW1lUCAX E lNNEEliNG ± sIET onra,i ,... atria, (1vi War iminljent at Oe Tia :n'iavtr twees MichigaE itT '(A in 11; When representatives fron Miehigan . Im1 and Ohio gather at Toledo to Mk1 t eo I w celebrate the completioii of the 1'ihe- # iuday igan-Ohio boundary Ur-( P ' r d be markedt i final s fd; tions which at one time )i0tl hj5i ( ole en ies of both states assued a troe s a ous importance. .n c So bitter had become a (dispute at n one time over a boundatrv (luesttiO;1 ~. ~ i t that civil war threatened end n i t i"'- only averted by the prompt ac-on o the president of the UniEd ra us. Awardin' ofl the contested stt c1 ' IN land to Ohio by action of Cgeer s a 1l the later princely co)pen ia.mton indSt u Michigan for this los, wearey she d s gained the whole of the Upper Penii- daay Th sula, are historical facts whica.s re a of absorbing interest to the ilhabit- ants of each state. At the meeting Prci. C. T. Jonston, L head of the surveying department, vii represent the Michiza: aiin< "ring, 6tilson,t society. The governors of both stat ms speak on the occasion and a number of socitivs from both states will he n represented. Among the latter are: . T Michigan Engineering SoctY Michi- gan Geological survey, Michigan 1s- iSa ' torical Commission, Michigan Public :'o'cl Domain Commission, Ohio Topograph- grs cal Survey, Ohio Geological Survey, rs. tu; Ohio State Historical society and the rs. Rut Ohio Enginering society. tt ic The survey, which is really one o linto f markation, has just been finished. The . Bine between the two stat-' 1n ar- ,'17; veyed some years ago ant win a o marked. The present survey has, placed granite monunents t ever y mile on ithe line. There are 72 in Black the pred number and are about ive i an one- ret ialf feet long, four feet o wlich is al buried in a concrete furdation. y Nu The cnmpletion and dediealon of cademy he survey, although of come interesteasons rom an engineering sadpoint hs be allow greater absorbing interest to the in- ets selli iabitants of the two s is ,eo nre OF a coupler he old state histerv breu-ht n- U 'and Dc If ne time, so keen was the Sates Rights feling and so bitter had be- ome the dispute r er t. } uskeg trip of land that Loth mat' lamin-aront ained armed forces on t ea se o' ' the na he line and civil war was o iv aVrt- head of [ d by the prompt action of Prn t rren lackiso1 n insendintg {Co f'ciiitOr'S pst-ial y ijertnn" ye kastto the overno1 , th et; tates. printe The question dates back tov dh shen Ohio became a P rrinlr "n he1 H OP S orthern boundary was namned In thee rticles of agreement as a line "diraw ' ast from the southerly bend or ex- .point 1 reme of Lake Michigan until it in- ' eresets Lake Erie." In the event of he line striking Lake Erie to the east The st f Miami Bay, on Lake Erie, the line named at as to be pushed farther up to the the J-o orth as far as the northern cape of I the al he bay, with the assent of Congress. Mlack, Go The line was ordered surveyed in Commit 812 but was not undertaken until as follow 815,- when the line was found to James W trike to the east of Miami Pay. The Howland hioans took it upon them selves w'xith- Edwin IP ut waitinlg assent from. Cengres s, to decoratioi ush the line north, over a fertile and Frant;, ich farming land to a point about sV- Heustis e n miles farther north. This of course Lee Josly 'as strongly contested by Michigan liity--Di nd was the point for which in latr Clifford ears her chivalry and patriotism pre- Cnd Earl ared to shed its blood. Arn'old ai Congress saw fit, duo to politics, tc The ne phold Ohio in her egument and fin- ommitte (Continued on Page 6) on Decem aso, Nov. 23.--General Rodri- a wriggled his way out of a t for him at Cananea by Car- forces and is on for Nogales, to re-enforce Villa's main ud. This was admitted at Adu- headqtuartors of Carranza's oday. statenient was included that the ('arranza officers had fail- iei: taoI of circling Rodriguez. ow knOWn that Rodriguez es- ith 3,000 men out of Cananea thron-h Puerto Citos to the es of General Calles and of Jarder-in-chief, General Ob- re i pursuit tonight to close 0c re-enforcenment to Villa's Sboiut 1,800 additional 'Car- roops to re-enforce Obregon .ahed l .P11aso today. AULBETSCII TAKES LEAD MAL-GAZ GROTTO CONTEST the interest of townspeople ents alike aroused, the popu- ontest is booming along. To-I lny Maulbetsch is in the lead, closely by H. L. Smith. The to date is as follows: JohnI ch, 1,165; H. L. Smith, 1,029; sle, 972; Wiliam Cochran, 810; , 71; .1. Parker, 630; Herbert 611"; George Labadie, 590. e (aperos for Union Dance - ha orons for the Thanksgiv- dance to be held at the Mich- on tomorrow afternoon from ock until 5:30 o'clock will be: r It. W. Hegner, and Mrs. 1 Professor A. G. Ruthven and hven. Tickets are on sale at i igan Union desk. The com- I r the occasion is as follows:i Braun, '16, chairman; B. C.t C. E. Stryker, '16E, and W.v i s, '17.t hal " Will le Given Friday d aad white decorations will beo aoinlate note in the "Magpie F he given by the Ann Arborf rsery Board at Granger's , Friday night, Nov. 26. Only a wearing black and white wills d on the dancing floor. Tick-c ng at one dollar and a halfn are now on sale at Sheehan's q Fries art store. 0 bre~~ou driguez RefusesG' "ik0 inTap _ ERBIAN ARMY TURNS ON BULGARS ,l roops Reach ~ UNION FACULTY NIGHTS BEGIN NEXT! TUESDAY Students to Meet Instructors In Form- al Gathering at the Clubhouse. Get together gatherings of faculty and students at the Union similar to those held last year will be commenced next Tuesday night at the clubhouse. The faculty of the history. fine arts and English departments will attend the meeting, which is to be informal. There will be no special program and no speeches. The purpose of "faculty night" is to afford an opportunity for students and faculty to get in closer touch with each other and become more intimate- ly acquainted. Last year numerous faculty nights were held at the Union and those who attended the meetings, particularly the members of the faculty, were strong in their approval of the sys- tem. J UNTEERS0DOBRAVE WORK ON WAR FRONT Letter Describes Service Rendered by Volunteer Motor Ambu- lance Corps.f An example of the brave work done by the American Volunteer Motor Ambulance Corps on the French front t is given in a letter published in the f N. Y. Times, from a volunteer serv- ng on the Motor Ambulance corps, who describes the work of the men while removing wounded soldiers fromf the vicinity of the firing line.r "When we reached it this first aidr dressing station proved to be a dug-r out chamber five feet below ground. P Here we found our men wounded butb ifteen minutes before, ready for us. Both were in pretty bad shape, but c s we lifted them ready to put in the i tretcher, a weak and bloody handh rept out and closed over mine and an nouth which I could not see whispered b Les Americaines.' "Back through the narrow openings n the barricaded road we movedc gain. But slowly this time, for even light man on a stretcher growst eavy with every foot-step when thet arry is a long one. Red drops drip- r ed from the writhing body under the t anvas strips on the stretcher." While colleges in the East have been I ending delegations of men and sums f money to aid war sufferers, Michi- an men have taken no interest in the w vork so far. Several prominent peo- C le on the campus, despite the fact that c ip to the present time interest has i een lacking, have expressed their ap- S royal of this plan and their inten- T ions of aiding in the work as far as o ossible. The hope is expressed by hese people that with Michigan men i ehind the plan, aid, either in the I arm of money or men, will be sent to w elp war sufferers. o b TROOPS DRIVEN OVER GRECIAN BOR ER WILL NOT BE INTERFERED WITH. NEWS OF SEMI-OFFICIAL KIND England Will Have 4,000,000 Troops in Field by Next March, Says Kitchener. London, via Athens, Nov. 23.-Greece has decided to yield to the demands of the allies and the Serbian army has turned upon the Bulgars. Athens newspapers in a semi-official statement brought the first news of Greece's de- cision to grant the allies' demands. "The government is disposed to give an unofficial guarantee of the state- ment and freedom of movement of the allies' troops," said one publication. The statement is taken to mean that Greece's troops will not interfere with the French and Serbian forces if they are driven over the border of the Serb- ian frontier into Greece. Kitchener Optimistic London, Nov. 23.-Lord Kitchener has informed the Greek minister that by next March England will have '4,- 000,000 troops and will also be able to arm 'and supply 6,00,000 Russians. "Therefore," said Kitchener, "the war can only end in the complete defeat of Germany." Denies Seizure of Greek Ships. London, Nov. 23.-The Foreign of- fice today issued the following official bulletin: "No Greek ships are being seized or held up in the ports of the United Kingdom. No blockade of Greek ports has been started or is in force." Markraft is Sunken Vessel London, Nov. 23.-A despatch from Copenhagen says that the new Ger- man dreadnaught reported sunk by a mine in the Baltic Sea was the Mark- raft, a warship of 25,575 tons. It was placed in commission after the war began. Some believe that the recently in- creased activities of British submar- nes in the Baltic and not a mine may ave been responsible for the Ger- nan disaster but none of the reports gave official confirmation. Italians Concentrate on Gorizia Rome, Nov. 23.-Italy's troops have ;oncentrated their efforts for the con- uest of Goriazia and are closing in on he city. They are taking one posi- ion after another despite Austrian e-enforcements and silencing Aus- ian batteries. 1EV. L. C. DOUGLAS TO TALK AT Y. if. C. A. RELIGION. CLASS A special Thanksgiving program with a 12 minute talk by the Rev. L. . Douglass of the Congregational hurch, will feature the second meet- ng of the Y. M. C. A. School for tudies in Religion which will meet 'hursday evening from _7:00 to .8:00 'clock at McMillan hall. Many new names of men interested n this sort of open discussion of re- igious and social service problems ere secured at the U-Hall meeting n Sunday night, and these men will e given a chance to enroll. Several iew groups will be formed, special ttention being given to the organi ation of a group composed of medic aen and another one of laws. 'UNIOR LITS CHOOSE PARDEE AS J-HOP COMMITTEEMAN Earl E. Pardee was chosen by the unior lits at a meeting in Room 101, conomic building, yesterday after- Loon to fill a vacancy on the J-Hop :ommittee. The men of the class were urged by ,eonard Nieter, indoor baseball man- ,ger, to come out for the class team. A neeting will be held for those inter- sted in the sport in Waterman gym .t 4:00 o'clock next Friday afternoon. X11 men who have not played football his season and who do not intend'to lay basketball are eligible. Washington, Nov. 23.-A state of narchy exists in Persia according to emi-official despatches received to- ight. Government..officials are flee- ng and common troops are doing as hey, please in certain sections. uiI ('torls Possible Successors ee, Ala., Nov. 23.-Three men toned as possible successors te Booker 11. Washington as ruskegee Institute. They are Logan, Emmett J. Scott, for ars Dr. Washington's chief t, and Major R. R. Morton, ndent of Hampton Institute. UB-oMMIT TEES NAMED ?;e Who Will Assist Annual 'j ;ion t to b Sucess anding sub-committees were tthe meeting last night of ) committee at the Union. bsence of chairman Edward rdon Smith, '17E, presided. tee appointnents were made s: Executive-Edward Mack, halen, Edwin Palmer, Glenn and Robert Frantz; music- almer and Harry Carlson; ns-Glenn Howland, Robert Dick Gardner, Lawrence and Gordon Smith; booth- n and Robert Goodrich; pub- ck Gardner; invitations- "handerville, Alan D. Honey Pardee; refreshments-A. L. nd Louis F. Dieterich. xt meeting of the general e will be held at 4:00 o'clock ber 5 at the Union. The wealth. of the British Empire is $130,000,000,000, Chancellor McKenna announced in Commons this afternoon. WHAT'S GOING ONj TODAY Band meets, U hall, 7:00 o'clock. Central Debating League finals, room B; Law building, 7:30 o'clock. Tryouts for all Fresh Glee club, School of Music, 7:00 o'clock. Forestry club meets, room 214, Science building, 7:30 o'clock. Senior Engineers Assembly, 11:00 o'clock. Fresh Engineers Assembly, 11:00 o'clock. Vespers, Newberry hall, 5:00 o'clock. Adelphi society meets, Adelphi rooms, 7:30 o'clock. TOMORROW Michigan Union membership dance, Union, 2:00 o'clock. Kentucky club banquet, 6:00 o'clock Michigan Union. ToL al)y Advertisers Owing to the fact that TP ursday, Nov. 25, is Thanksgiving Day, and the Ann Arbor Press will be closed, all copy for advertising for Friday's issue, Nov. 26, must be in by 2.:oo P. M., Wednesday, Nov. 24. The DAILY will issue a paper both on Thanksgiving Day and Fiday, the 26th.