PAGE 919 THE MICHIGAN DAIL*k, PAGI~ ~ THE MICHIGAN DAILt. ti. I. dI STRIPES Have the Call Just Arrived! A to POUND BOY would be proud to become the owner of one of our new "Michigan" Scrap Books made especially to preserve the little souvenirs of your Days at Michigan. L YNDON This Fall ii b ' "2) ____.-- .I We are showing eight Stunning Suitings of the very latest and most Artistocratic weaves for Men's Stylish Tailored Clothes In the Woolen World these are conceded to be the highest attainment in the wonderful Art of Weaving. Give them a ONCE OVER." DRESS SUITS MESHIRTS TO FOR HIRE , ORDER 604 E. Liberty Malcolm Block SWAIN 713 B. Univ. Ave. Has on Sale in sizes from a Post Card to 8xio, the finest Collection of Views ever taken of Ann Arbor and the Picture- sque Huron Valley. Hind-colored Prints anl enlargements made to order. Drop in and see his work. IP PROF. J. A. C. HILDNER SPEAKS AT COSMOPOLITAN CLUB ME ETIN ( Future Sunday Afternoon Programs lo Be Given by Members From Various Countries. Prof. J. A. C. Hildner spoke to the Cosmopolitan club at its meeting Sun- day afternoon on the aims, the name, and the motto of the club. A mando- lin and guitar trio, consisting of Har- old Barber, 18E; Carl Gingrich, 19, and Oliver Leininger, '16D, was well received. Frank Bevin sang a tenor solo, accompanied by H. A. Miller; and Miss Grace Rosser sang a soprano solo,Aaccompanied by Miss Aizora sic. A. Menut, '1S, accompanied by R. R. Tanner, '19, who played a violin solo. Miss Evangeline Hur of the school of music sang a soprano solo, and Carlos Zanelli, 17E, a tenor solo. Before adjourning, the audience sang "The Yellow and Blue." The business meetings will hereafter be held some evening during the week, as the Sunday afternoon programs are to be given by students from various countries. The Latin-Americans will -Ihave charge of next Sunday's program Maee Week of Wednesday GAR ICK NO. 22 DETROIT " LIFE9" The Worlds Biggest Play A R C A D03E Shows at 3, 6:3o, S.oo, and 9:30 P, M. Tuesday, Nov. 23.-"The Wrath of tie Gods," a remarkable production stag- ed by the master producer, Thos. A. Tnce. wednesday, NoV. 24-Beatriz Michelena in Edward Sheldon's famous play "Salvation Nell." Five parts. Thiursday, NoV. 25-Einmy Vehlan, ill "When a oman Loves." Five part Metro drama, Don't forget that our great "Trip .\oun' i the Wiorld", conies every' Satu'dayn in conection with our reguar'f"eiture -both for o epice. Mann's Fine Tailored Hats Made in Ann Arbor Factory Hat Store W. W. MANN, Prop. 113 E. Huron St. Near Allenel Hotel 'U I. The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette 0 No, Philburt, I am not a-arguing with you. I'm just a-telling you -when you want a real smoke, get behind a pipeful of Tuxedo and watch all the big and little Worries that have been a-besieging you, evacuate their trenches and make a rushin' advance to the rear. Those fragrant whiffs of "Tux" make them feel too joyful-no self- respecting Worry can stand for that. Eat at the Crystal Regular Mealsvn Short Or ders at All Hours Special Attention to Ladies The combination of the best smoking-tobacco leaf in the world and the best method ever discovered forb tfisng and mellowing tobacco puts Tuxedo in a class by, itself. Kentucky's ripest, mildest Burley leaf, when treated by the original "Tuxedo Process" loses every trace of bite-develops a wonderfully pleasing fragrance and flavor that are not found in any other tobacco. No other manufacturer knows the "Tuxedo Process"; that's why no imitator ever equals Tuxedo! YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient, glassine wrapped, moisture-proof pouch . ,. C Famous green tin with gold In Tin Humidors, 40c and 80c In Glass Humidors, 50c and 90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY DISPLAY INTEREST IN BOXNG Instructor Westerman Delighted at Spirit Shown by Class of Novices. Mr. 0. S. Westerman, instructor of wrestling and boxing at the Waterman gymnasium, is pleased at the interest shown by students toward the latter sport. While boxing is not considered a major sport at Michigan, in fact it is hardly to be called a minor sport, as the men have been coming over to the gymnasium regularly to learn the manly art of self-defense. "The large attendance at the classes and the fine spirit shown by the stud- ents has exceeded all of my expecta- tions," said Mr. Westerman. "I did hope to have a larger number than were here last year, but the way the fellows have entered into the spirit of the game this season surprised me." There are no numerals given for boxing nor are there any matches held during the year in which a man could win a cup for proficiency in the sport. The only benefits gained are of a per- sonal nature, speed and self-control being the foremost of these. DR. FERGUSON OF CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT TO RE AD PAPER Dr. A. L. Ferguson, of the chemistry department, will read a paper on, "A Study of the Hydrochloric Concentra- tion Cell with Respect to Activity and Concentration, Boundary Potential, and Transport Numbers," before the regular monthly meeting of the Mich- igan branch of the American Chem- ical society, which will be held in room 151 of the chemistry building at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon. A business meeting will follow at which officers for the year will be elected. CHIEF PARDON TELLS OWNERS TO CALL FOR STOLEN WHEELS Chief of Police Frank Pardon, has several bicycles of various makes and sizes in his posession which have bee stolen from parties in the city and r ot recovered by the owners. It is pre- sumed that the owners do not know where they can be found, an4 the chief states that the wheels will be returned to the owners if th y will call at the police station under the city hall and identify their property. "JACK THE PEEPER" LOOKS IN WINDOWS OF LOCAL RESIDENCE "Jack the Peeper" is back on the job again on Prspect street, after a vacation of some months. The police station received a call Saturdayabout midnight from a resident of that dis- trict, who stated that a man as prowl- ing around and peeping into windows. The officers responded but "Jack" had fled before they got there. He is said to be a man about five feet eight inches tall dressed in a dark suit and wearing a black cap. Call Lyndon tor a good Flashlight oct4eod-thurs ROY W. HAMILTON ADDRESSES "Y" GOSPEL TEAM TONIGHT WOMEN SEND MOTHERS MESSAGE Members of the Y. M. C. A. depu- Mrs. Henry Ford and June Addanis tation team which will go to Troy, Collaborate in National Move Michigan, under the leadership of C. C. Bailey, '17, December 10, 11 and 12, will meet tomorrow night at the Detroit, Mich., Nov. 22.-Through the "Y." Roy W. Hamilton, grad, stud- efforts of Mrs. Henry Ford and others, ent pastor of the Presbyterian church, all mothers throughout the United will speak on "Evangelization in Small States, in 6,000 messages which were Communities." to have been sent out from New York Besides the leader, W. O. R. John- tonight to every women's organiza- son, '17, and Archie D. McDonald, '19, tion in the country, wills be asked to i have already been picked for thel team. Many calls have come in for men from small towns near Ann Ar- bor for services during Christmas va-I cation. The "Y" has not enough speakers to fill these aplications. TO HOLD MEMBERSHIP DlANCE r UNION ON THANUSGIVING. There will be a membership dance at the Union on Thanksgiving Day afternoon, with dancing from 2 to, 5:30. Tickets will cost 50 cents and will go on sale at the Union deski at 1 o'clock on Tuesday. The dance committee has been announced as follows: Hugo Braun, '16, chairman; B. C. Bly, '17; Carleton Stryked, '16E; Amos Paley, '18L. The new programs which are being, designed by the Alpha Rho Chi hon-E orary fraternity of the architecture department will probably be ready in time for the dance. Fisher's orches- tra will furnish the music, and light refreshments will be served. meet in their respective cities and villages next Friday to hold a prayer that the European war may be brought to a speedy end. The mes- sages will be signed by Jane Addams, and the day will be known as "Moth- ers' Day." MONTANA CLUB HOLDS MEETING IN UNION AT 8:00 TONIGHT Montana club will hold a business meeting and "get-together-smoker" at the Union at 8:00 o'clock this evening. The committee on organization, con- sisting of Warren E. Talcott, 16L, Frederick S. Sell, Louis F. Dahling, 17L, and Joseph R. Cotton, '16, have drawn up a constitution which will be passed upon at this meeting. Election of officers will also be held and plans will be discussed for a social event to be held in the near future. All Montana men are urged to be present at this meeting. FRESH OUTBURST OF VOLCANO ON :MEDITERRANEAN ISLAND GENER A L Oih E tV N (CAP ITHI+iS VlLLA LEAD ER'S ARTILLERY American Comnset I ICananea Wires fires and Property of Neutrals Are Safe El Paso. Tex., N r. 22.-On taking pcssession of Cananea today, General Obregon, the Carranza commander, found that the Villa forces under Gen- eral Jose Rodriguez left nine pieces of artillery and ninety wounded men in their flight. They took all available food. To replace this a carload of food was sent to Cananea today by the Car- rnaza commander who came to the border this afternoon for a consulta-s tion with his lieutenant. American Consul Montague wired From Cananea today that all Amer- icans are safe and that American property was not molested, although Americans and natives were roughly treated in the occupation of the city. The main force of General Obregon is making for the west from Cananea in an effort to reach Nogales and pre- vent the Villa army getting back. They are making a sortie from Her- monsillo. MONEY FOR AMBULANCE CORPS COLLECTED AT HARVARD GAME Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 22.-De- tween the halves of the Harvard- Yale football game Saturday, $11,- 420.39 was collected for war suffer- ers. The money will aid the work of the American Ambulance Corps of France, the Harvard Surgical com- mittee and the Polish Relief commit- tee. One contribmutor pinned to a five-dollar bill a note reading: "For the Allies: may the war fail, if the Germans get this." NATIONAL HONOR FRATERNITY ELECTS FIVE SENIOR MEDICS Alpha Omega Alpha, national hon- orary medical fraternity, elected five senior medics to its ranks at a regu- lar meet held yesterday. The follow- ing were chosen: Anna G. Dumont, Louis D. Stern, Fred P. Currie, Wil- liam J. Egan, and Herbert F. Kinny. indiana Club to Have Smoker Sooi. Indiana club is planning a "get-to- gether smoker" to be held at the Union some time this week. The com- mittee in charge is arranging an elab- orate program consisting of good music, speeches, and refreshments. The purpose of the club is to keep Indiana students in touch with one an- other, and to further this plan, sev- eral social events will be held during the semester. Senior Civils Plan for Camp Dance Senior civil engineers held a meet-i ing last night at which they discussed plans for the camp dance. A num- ber of committees were appointed to look after the special features of tho program which is to be offered. WALLACE BEATS INDIAN KID, Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 20.--Indian Kid suffered a severe beating at the hands of Eddie Wallace, the Brooklyn fea- therweight in a 10-round fistic en- counter here. WHITNEY ISaturday THEATRE Nov27 ANN ARBOR I r In PaulKester s Sparklng Coned 't . 1, , Exactly as Presented in New York and Chicago "A joy to look at and listen to" "Three acts of joyous laughter" I PRICES 50c-$2.00 SALE NOVENBER 25 r M U ____ VILLA LEADERS SAID TO BE , HE ADING FOR MEXICO CITY Rome, Nov. 22.-Alarming reports still continue to reach here concern- El Paso, Nov. 22.-News received ling the new outbursts of the Feron- today said that General Canute Reyes doli volcano on the Litari island in and General Beubona, the Villa lead- the Mediterranean sea. It is said ers who are reported below Torreon now that the sides of the mountain headed south are going to make a are cracking and streams of lava are bold dash at the Mexican capital. still pouring into the sea and that the This is explained as a part of Villa's people are fleeing to places of safety. tactics in his efforts to show the world that Carranza cannot control Mexico. EX-MINISTER OF COSTA RICA _SUCCTMBS TO HEART DISEASE JOSEPH E. WIDENER RECEIVES I ashington, Nov. 22.-Joaquin Ber- ESTATE ON FATHER'S DEA.THnardo Calvo, ex-minister of Costa --~Rico and dean of the diplomatic corps, Philadelphia, Nov. 22.-Joseph E. was found dead in bed today. Death Widener received the bulk of the es- was due to heart disease. He was 52 tate of his father, the late Peter A. years old. Widener, under the provision of the _ will, which was admitted to Probate Vera Cruz Evacuated by Villa Troops. Court today. The vilue of the estate El is esimatd at etwen El Paso, Nov. 20-Villista forces in is estimated at between $50,000,000JCurango state, formerly occupying the and $70,000,000. Mr. Widener author- Parral Mining district, have with- ized his son to present his fine art drawn to concentrate on the railroad collection to the city of New York, junction points of Jiminez, retreating Washington or Philadelphia. befralthe Carrazists advance under General Herrara, according to admis- Pryor Goes to Detroit Health Board sion by the Villa agency in Juarez. Roy W. Pryor, '11P, who for the -_-- past three years has been assistant J. J. A. Brriusseau to Address Cercde to Dean Victor C. Vaughan of the Med- Mr. J, J. A. Erousseau of the Archi- ical school, has been made an assist- tecture department has been secured ant in the laboratory of the board of by the Cercle Francais to deliver a health of Detroit. Ned R. Smith, '12, lecture on "The School of Fine Arts in has taken the place in Dean Vaughan's Paris", sometime in April. Mr. office left vacant by Mr. Pryor's de- Brousseau is a native Frenchman and parture from Ann Arbor. received his education in Paris. ATTENTION, STUDES! For quick MESSENGER CALL see last ad on BACK OF TELEPHONE DI- RECTORY, Phone 795. A.'17E, IJShThe One Big Girl Show That More Than Makes Good GIRLS GIRLS PLUS GIRLS - GIRLS - GIRLS - GIRLS - GIRLS - GIRLS LAST TIMES TO-DAY AND TOMORROW All Girl Revue of 1915 With MABEL HARPER and 22 other Ciris M USIC-SONGS-DANCES -- COMEDY Commencing Thursday Matinee.-Gus Edwards' Schoolboys and Girls and Five Big Acts. Seats Ready. GIRLS PLUS GIRLS GIRLS - GIRLS - GIRLS - GIRLS - GIRLS - GIRLS A Gift of Crane's Linen Lawn IS WELCOMED BY EVERYONE A complete ine of Box Paper and Correspodence Cards TeStuwdentSu p Sore 1111 S. University Ave. Opposite Engineering Arch Phone 1160-R i