THE DAILY NEWS OF IE WORLD AND Trlu' CAMP~US The Michigan Daily Phones :-EdItorial 2414 t Business 960 ITELEGRAPH SERVICE BY THlE NEW YORK SUN VOL. XXVL. No. 43. PROFFESORHOBBS p AONTHININ G t'TL9 st sros for Recent Ag cIion b o tle 'rd to 31ltary ,r ung MAKS ST.i'r i G STATEMENT "1 VArishto is in the strongest erm; 1can cone' ad, my firnj convic- ion that ww uthis war in Europe is 11;it , we n ll le clled upon to meet an a ack by Germany," was the startling assertion made by Professor W11*i LI. kk' ,1 speaking at the jniior lit soc. held last night at tie Union. "Anyone fanili: r with the facts 1 news that Eingiuid's command of the seas and her support of our Monroe rocsiae ha- kept us from invasion ir . t.ha: u tduring the past gen- 1q, talk on the proposed itroducti of compulsory military raining in the university and to pre- ; at some of the reasons which prompted the University Senate to recommend it, 'Professor Hobbs took the occasion to reveal for the first time the peril of our national situa- tion as it is viewed by the great ma- jori of the faculty. is the nearly ten years that I have bion -ia membher of the University Sen- ate" he said, "I do not remember a meeting of that body that brought out so arge an attendance or that passed any important legislation by so over- winming a majority, as that which anted on the resolution for compul- sary ,litary training. "'a rt nation will go down to dis- ater if we rely on raw levies. In- vlasion by a first class power will take 0lace in two weeks after we know of s approach. Plans for the capture f our eastern seaboard have been worked out in detail by the German staff. "Some students have spoken to the effect that the University of Michigan by advocating military training was pioneering the way in a false direction --towards what they call militarism. So far from this being the truth, In- diana University is the only institu- ion among the otherhstate universi- ties which has not yet adopted it, and she has now a committee at work upon plans for iroducing it." Professor Hobbs emphasized the fact that the great military need of this country is for officers. "The prin- cipal object of military training here at the university," he said, "would be to supply company officers." lu reply to objections to the com- pulsory character of the training to he instiithoid, Professor Hobbs stated, "Voluntary training has been tried in many instances, and I have yet to hear of its success. The whole bene- fit of the training is lost when it is voluntary. As regards volunteering for service in event of war, such ser- vice would -;gably be useless, since the days of aleteur defense are long since passed." Referring to the "peace-at-any price" propagandists, he said, "There is evidence that they are receiving en- couragement from the central pow- ers, and next Friday is the time set for a demonstration. In fact, Presi- dent Hutchins has been asked by let- ter to call the students together on that date to encourage the movement. "I want to repeat that today when treason is abroad in the land, almost unrebuked, I am ashamed of the spirit of disloyalty shown by some." Following Professor Hobb's talk, 25 students signed applications for membership in the Ann Arbor branch of the National Security League. Pro- fessor Hobbs, Prof. S. L. Bigelow, Registrar A. G. Hall, Prof. J. W. Bradshaw and Prof. C. B. G. de Nan- crede, who are all officers of the branch, will go to Chicago Saturday to attend a national meeting of the organization. The smoker began with entertain- ment numbers by the Michigan Con- cert quartet, the Alloha String quar- tet, and a piano-banjo duet by Dean J. DeButt , '18E, and Halstead Cot- tington, '19. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGXN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1915. PRICE FIVE CEN Aaditonal Verses For College Song Edward May Enriches "'Tis of Michl- g!.an We Sing" With Two Added Stanzas. "'Tis of Michigan We Sing" always had one defect as a college song. It was too short. Its one verse would be repeated and repeated until the song would be stopped from sheer monotony. And now comes a wise man out of the east to remedy the defect. He is Ed. May, '90, an active niember of the New York Alumni Association and as- thor of several songs presented by the New York alumni stunt shows. He has added two more verses and given the song the desired length. The tune of "'Tis of Michigan We Sing" is taken from a German Song, "I'm a Soldier Now, Lazette," and its rollicking swing makes it especially fitted for a college song. A copy of Mr. May's verses has been sent to the Glee club, which may introduce them at the concert December 10. Following are the two verses added by Mr. May: "O'er the campus from the tow'r Bells are chiming out the hour- Chiming, chiming night and day While we sing our merry lay- Singing with the morning sun, Singing when the day is done, And a joyous song we'll raise To Ann Arbor and her praise. "Down the street we swing along Marking thus our merry song- Singing in the fading light And the watches of the night Wake the sleeper from his dream While the stars so brightly beam And a joyous song we'll raise To Ann Arbor and her praise." POETRY CLUB ORGANIZ PROMINENT AUTHORS ON THE PROGRAM FOR THE COM- 1NG YEAR. The organization meeting of the Poetry club will be held in room 203 Tappan hall at 4 o'clock this after- noon, instead of tomorrow, as had been planned. All students and members of the factulty who are interested in literature are invited to be present at the meeting. Among the things to be' considered is the revival of "The Painted Window." InPaddition to the three authors al- ready announced, three more probably. will be here next month. The six au- thors will be in Ann Arbor from De- cember 5 to 15, and during that time there will be at least one talk in Hill auditorium. These men will also give informal talks to the rhetoric and literature classes. "Y" DEPUTATION TEAM MEETS FOR PLANNING OF TROY TRIP Members of the "Y" deputation team met last evening at the associa- tion to prepare plans for the Troy, Michigan, trip on December 10, 11, 12. C. C. Bailey, '16, captain of the team, presided. N. C. Fetter, student pastor of the Baptist church, spoke on "Evangeli- zation in Small Communities." W. O. R. Johnson, '17, and Archie Mc- Donald, '19, were selected to go to; Troy with Bailey. The Y. M. C. A. has received sev- eral applications for men to visit small towns near Ann Arbor during the Christmas vacation, but not enough men are available at present to fill the requests. 250 HEAR DAVID PORTER IN Y. M. C. A. U-HALL MEETING Over 250 students and townspeople attended the lecture given by David R. Porter Sunday evening in U-hall under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Porter, speaking on "What the University Man Thinks," made a most favorable impression on the audience through his earnestness and force as a speaker. The new "Y" Bible school was ex- plained and men were urged to enroll in the course at once in order not, to miss the early meetings.I Freshman pharmics will meet to- night at 7:00 o'clock in room 30 of the chemistry building. STUDENT COUNCIL SAYS HOLIDAY DATE DECIDED Senate Council Passed Rule Last Year Which Rigidly Fixed Holiday Dates. To the Student Body of Michigan: In the past two weeks the Student Council has received in different forms, several requests asking the council to make what efforts it could to have the coming Christmas vacation adjusted to begin the evening of Friday, Dec. 17, 1915, and to close Monday evening, Jan. 3, 1916. A committee of two was appointed to see the proper authorities and to present this request. This committee learned that less than a year ago the Senate Council passed a ruling which determined the closing and resuming of university work at Christmas time. This rule is so established that the dates of the holiday at Christmas time are rigidly fixed-depending entirely' upon the day in the week upon which Christmas Day will fall. The commit-1 tee also learned that this ruling was1 not subject to change. NORMAN ANILL SPEAK IN U,HLLNEXT WEEK W ill Talk in University Hall on Some Phase of Immigrationl Question. Norman Angell, English publicist, author of "The Great Illusion," has been secured to give an address in1 University hall on the evening of De-~ cember 3. Mr. Angell, who comes un-i der the auspices of the Oratorical As-E sociation, will speak on some phase ofx the immigration question, taking forE his subject, "The European in Ameri- ca." It is as an advocate of internationalE peace that Norman Angell is known throughout the world. The war par- tiesin England and elsewhere had as- serted that wars could be commer- cially profitable. It was to refute this assertion that "The Great Illusion" was written. It clearly demonstrated the economic interdependence of na- tions and laid the basis for much ofp the propaganda that is now being car-C ried on in the interest of world-wide peace. G. D. JONES, '16, W. A. PEARL, '16,t TENTATIVE RHODES SCHOLARSP . r Pass Scholarship Test; Six Men Are Candidates for the Same Honor. By passing the examination held inu October, Granville D. Jones, '16, and William A. Pearl, '16, are eligible fora appointment to the Rhodes scholar- ship and will appear before the Rhodes Scholarship committee which meets here in December. F. J. Kennedy of the University of De- troit, F. P. Cook of Alma College, W. J. Moerdyk of Hope College, and W. F. Rennie of Hillsdale College are also eligible and will be invited to appearc before the committee.P Appointment to the Rhodes scholar-t ship is based on the possession of ability of leadership, the fondness andl ability for athletics, scholarship and neatness, general appearance, gener-t al understanding and the possession of gentlemanly qualities.t The committee which picks the candidate is composed of Presidentr Harry B. Hutchins, chairman, Chief Justice Flavius, L. Brooke, Dean John1 R. Effinger, President H. A. Crooks of Alma College and President Amy Venena of Hope College. The Rhodes scholarship is an ap-I pointment of considerable honor.' Percival V. Blanshart, '14, is the lastI University of Michigan man to re-I ceive the appointment. He is at pres- ent at Oxford.I FRATERNITIES WILL GET STUDENT REPORTHTARDS Organizations' Representatives to Receive Mid-Semester Standings Soon Mid-semester report cards for stu- dents in fraternities, sororities and house clubs are now ready at the offices of the Deans of the Engineer- ing and Literary colleges. A news departure in the nature of this work has been made this year in that only unsatisfactory work will be reported ba'ck to the students. Hence, if the work of any one student is all in the A, B, or C grade, he will get back no report. The system has been considerably simplified due to the fact that the work will be handled through the of- fice of the Registrar. Each student will be asked to make out merely one card instead of having to make out one for each class, as has been the case in the past. The offices will see to the obtaining of the reports and the' transcription onto the cards that will be returned to the student. Represenatives from each house are1 advised to call at once and obtain these cards from the messengers in the Deans' offices.1 ZOOLOGY MUSEUM PUBLISHES t PAPERS ON SCIENTIFIC THEMESt Dr. A. G. Ruthven, Director of Museum . Edits Publication Started Last Year Last year Dr. Bryant Walker and Bradshaw H. Swales, founded, and are1 still supporting, a publication at thet university Museum. This paper is edited by Alexander G. Ruthven, Di- rector of the Museum, and containsI scientific papers published by the Museum. The publication is entitled "Occasional Papers of the Museum ofl Zoology." The various papers appear separ- atly and are sent to men interested in the particular subjects discussed, and to scientific libraries.e Up until the beginning of the cur-e rent school year, ten papers had beenf published and since the opening of college three more have been issued. No. 11 treats of the breeding habitsI of a peculiar South American frog.t The paper was written by Dr. Ruthvent and is illustrated with a number of photographs. No 12 is an account of the finding of a turtle, new to thet Michigan fauna by Dr. Ruthven and Miss Crystal Thompson, scientific as- sistant. No. 13 is a description of the skull of a fossil Musk Ox by Prof. E. C. Case of the geology department.c Three half tones accompany the de-N scription.t In addition to these articles theree are five more in the press and several others being prepared., TRYOUT FOR ALL-FRESH GLEE CLUB ON WEDNESDAY EVENINGt Tryouts for the All-Fresh Glee Club will be held at 7:00 o'clock on Wednes- day evening at the school of music on1 Maynard street, according to an an- nouncement by Paul W. Eaton, '19, chairman of the Glee club committee. U. Stanley Wilson, leader of the Var- sity Glee club, will have charge of the tryouts. It is hoped that a large number will try out tomorrow night. Those stu- dents who are planning to leave Wed- nesday afternoon to spend Thanksgiv- ing at home will be given an oppor- tunity to try out some time next week. Football Season Ends Next Thursday.1 Football leaves the athletic lime- light on Thursday, when the two big' Turkey Day attractions usher out the 1915 season. The Army meets the Navy in New York on Thanksgiving day, and at the same time Cornell plays Pennsylvania. I Absentees Beware Students who have visions of a fine time "Back home with the folks" dur- ing the Thanksgiving week-end, be- ware! The attendance cominmittee of the literary college gives promise of unrelenting adherence to the triple bolt rule for all classes missed on either Wednesday or Friday. The rule which bears on this mat- ter is to the effect that absolutely no absence will be 'excused unless ac- companied by a written note from the Dean, and all unexcused absences will be counted as three absenes for each class missed. SCHOOLS SPREAD DISESE DR. VAUGHAN, '00-02, COMPLAINS OF SCANDALOUS CONDITIONS. That the rural schools are responsi- ble for the spread of a great deal of tuberculosis in the state of Michigan is brought out from week to week as the "Health First" campaigns that are being conducted by the state board of health continue. In an address before the Medical as- sociation of Ottawa county, Dr. Vic- tor C. Vaughan, Jr., '00-02M, of De- troit, declared that he had taken par- ticular pains to notice during an au- tomobile trip from Detroit to Holland, cutting entirely across the state through a prosperous section of the country, how many schools in the rur- al district had open windows while the pupils were mastering the three R's, and on the whole journey he found not one where an open window' could be discovered, in spite of the fact that it was in early November and the day was as "rare as a day in June." PROF. KRIAUS TO GIVE NEW COURSE ON JEWELS Study of Gems Will Give Student Prof. ficiency in Detection of False Stones Prof. Edward H. Kraus of the min- eralogy department will give a course entitled "Gems and Precious Stones," for the first time next semester. The object of the course will be to give information. concerning the pro- perties and occurrences of gems and the methods of recognition of the same, together with the history of famous gems. No laboratory work will be in- cluded in the course, for a sufficient number of the precious stones for this work cannot be secured. Particular stress will be laid upon distinguishing synthetic stones, im- itations and the natural gems. Enorm- ous strides have been made in the de- velopment of the manufacture of syn- thetic gems in the past few years, and sometimes it is barely possible for an expert to distinguish them from the bona-fide stone. This course may be spoken of as a general culture course, and is bound to become extremely popular due to the fact that there is no preparatory work required. According to Prof. Kraus there is a great demand for this line of work among the jewelers in the great cities, especially New York. Im- itation stones are being made with such proficiency that expert men are resuired to detect any falsity in the jewels. INDCTIN POINT, ATDadA N ELES LONDON INCLINED TO THINK THAT KITCHENER HAS ORDERED ANOTHER ATTACK. Roumania Offered Concessions Greeks Unofficially Give Out Terms; China May Ally With Entente. London, Nov. 22.-A strong allied attack on the western front on the Gallipoli peninsula is reported from the German sources today, and official report from the Turkish War Office says: "Artillery duels are in progress on the Dardanelles. Strong fighting with bombs is taking place near Fedgel- The London newspapers are inclined to think that Lord Kitchener' in an unofficial visit to the British and French lines on the Gallipoli penin- ula, has ordered a new offensive there. Teutons Seek Aid. Rome, Nov. 22.-Germany and Aus- tria-Hungary are understood to be asking Rumania to prove herself neu- tral and at the same time are offering certain concessions to her if she will enter the war on the side of the central powers, According to information re- ceived here today from reliable sources. Greece States Terms Washington, °Nov. 22.-Greece's terms for entering the war on the side of the allies are that her army be re- enforced with 500,000 Anglo-French troops or that a definite arrangement be concluded with Rumania for a joint treaty for invasion of Bulgaria. This statement was made in the Grecian legation today. Kitchener Wants Greeks Neutral LONDON, Nov. 22.-A correspondent of the Morning Post attributes to Earl Kitchener a statement that all the Al- lies ask fromGreece is that she carry to fulfillment a promise already given -that of a benevolent neutrality. This means that she will place no obstacle in the way of their operations in Mace- donia. China May Enter War. Tokio, Nov. 22.-Japanese authorities are being consulted by representa- tives of the Quadruple Entente with egard to a measure for inducing China to ally herself with the entente. Russians Plan on Winter Stay. London, Nov. 22.-Judging from the nature of a report received here con- cerning the fighting on the Russian front, the Russians are digging them- selves in at their present positions and are preparing to hold them throughout the winter. The meager report from Berlin and Vienna today indicates that what fighting there' is is of a desultory nature. The only of- ficial Austrian statements claim that the Muscovites are experimenting with gas bombs. ZAL-GAZ GROTTO POPULARITY CONTEST GROWS IN INTEREST Zal-Gaz Grotto Circus arrived in town and gave its first performance' Saturday. The program was even better than had been anticipated,. and was an improvement on the usual run of shows of that type. In the popularity contest which has been running in connection with the show, the standing has been consid- erably changed in the last day or so. It is as follows: Joe Ufer, 471; L. Lislie, 382; John Maulbetsch, 245; H. L. Smith, 204; Thomas Soddy, 193; George Labadie, 164; Herbert Wilson, 125; William Cochran, 121; Harry Gault, 104. Alumni of the Phoenix club will hold a dance tomorrow evening at 8:30 o'clock at the Riverside Temple in De- troit. * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * Ad W. Riter says:- * * The purveyors of substantial * * goods, of the things that make * * for better 'living, are coming' * * more and more to see that ad- * * vertising is a sound method of * * efficient salesmanship. * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * E i I WHAT'S GOING ON I To Daily Advertisers Owing to the fact that Thursday, Nov. 25, is Thanksgiving Day, and the Ann Arbor Press will be closed, all copy for advertising for Friday's issue, No=-. 26, must be in by 2:00 P. M , Wednesday, Nov. 4. The IDA ILY will issue a paper both on Thaks ivxing DI)y and Irida. , the 26th. TODAY J Lit class meeting, 101 Ec., 4:00 o'clock. Poetry club meets, room 203 Tappan hall, 4:00 o'clock. Meeting of American Chemistry so- siety, room, 151 Chem building, 4:15 o'clock. Senior Architects meet room 311, En- gineering, 4:30 o'clock. Flonzaley Quartet, Hill auditori- um, 8:00 o'clock. Montana club smoker and meeting, Union, 8:00 o'clock. Kentucky club smoker, Union, 7:30 o'clock. TOMORROW Vespers, Newberry hall, 1:00 o'clock. Alpha Nu society meets. Alpha Nu rooes, 7:30 o'clock. Adelphi society meets, Adelphi rooms, 7:30 o'clock. Senior architects will hold a meet- ing at 4:30 today in room 311 of the new engineering building. i.