rilE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1W i The Fact That III : 9-W are frequently worn for two and more saasons men, is not men- tioned as unusual, but is significant as characteristic of the service and by most particular satisfaction found in tailoring Suits and Overcoats $16.00 to $35.00 I- YOUR SUIT TfHIS season's style demands form-fitting clothes. That makes it absolutely necessary that experts work on your suit from the start. And of course, you require all wool materials, in your choice of shade, fabric, and cut. You'll get just what you want at The Big Store. 11 11 on 11 FASHION PARK ADLER-ROCHESTbR CLOTHCRAFT E CThe$t E&-C.och Co.. 1915. LINDENS CHMITT APF EL & CO., Main St. oyal - Tailored CLOTHESr .00 , Call and loos over our Special at $22.00, any style B308 so. CA MPUSOOTERY stat. st. THI EBERBACH f SON COMPANY Scientific Apparatus, Chemicals and Student Laboratory Supplies for Biology, Histology, Bacteriology, Pathology, and Anatomy THE EHERSACH ft LSON CO. 200-208 E. Liberty St. .{ , - k. J No Drops Needed in Our Eve Examination. My specialty is making Drugless Eye Exam inations- determining scientifically and accurately the glasses your eyes require. Shop facilities enable me to make your glasses, giving you quick service. We grind lenses. EMIL H. ARNOLD Optometrist-Opticiaa with Arnold & Co., Jewelers, 220 S. Main St. JET WOOD A SMART COLLAR WITH A COMFORT- ABLE LOW FRONT 0 0 RED- MAN 2 Por. 25# TROY'S BEST PRODUCT Typewriting, mimeographing. Type- writers of all makes for sale or rent. O. D. Morrill. 322 South State street (over Baltimore Dairy Lunch). 719 N. University. octlosat-sun INDOOR BASEBALL MANAGERS TO MEET All Classes Expecting to Enter Teams in Tournament Must Be Represented All men who have been appointed as managers of class indoor basebal teams are to meet at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon in the Intramural office of the Athletic association in the Press building on Maynard street.; In case any class president has not yet appointed a representative to take charge of this sport, he should do so at once, so that the manager appointed can be represented at the meeting this afternoon. No class which is not rep- resented at that time can be admitted to the tournament, as full plans and schedules for the league will be worked out this afternoon. It is especially urged in case the president has not made any appoint- ment for this position, that either the athletic committee or another officer of the class get in touch with the pres- ident at once so that the class may be represented -in the league. In the event that the classes do not take enough interest in this new the meeting this afternoon, so that not enough classes are entered to make the competition worth while, a second attempt to get the class- es together will not be made, but the opportunity will be turned over to the fraternities, who would welcome the advent of a fraternity indoor baseball league. FRESH INGENUIITY BARS UPPERCLASSMEN No longer can the festively inclined members of the older classes bluff their way into the freshman parties. President Cecil W. Miller, '19, has de- volved a scheme whereby all who are present will be fully accredited mem- bers of the 1919 class. At the first lit party, which will be held in Barbour gymnasium on Saturday afternoon, the only means of entrance will be by exhibiting as cre- dentials the treasurer's receipt for col- lege dues. All arrangements have been maae to have this party a complete success. The chaperons and matrons will be: President Harry B. Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, Dr. A. G. Hall and Mrs. Hla Dr. J. F. Scott and Mrs. Scott, Dean J R. Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Dean Myra B. Jordan, Miss Alice Evans, Miss Marion O. Wood, Miss E. L. Gates, so cial head of Newberry residence, and Mrs. G. H. Beggs, social head of Mar- tha Cook building. Dancing will be the chief means of entertainment for the party, which will continue from 2:30 o'clock until 5:30 o'clock, and a short program will be presented by members of the class. Miss Gypsey Dysert, '19, chairman of the social committee, will be in charge while her assistants are: Gerald F Nye, '19, L. A. Lundquist, '19, and James J. Beckman, '19. The men are to use the upstairs door, while the wo- men will enter the basement. Harvard Men Give Odds on Yale Gam Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 18.-In spite of the advice of Coach Haughton and ex-Captain Brickley to the contrary the Harvard students are offering odds on the Yale game. These twc men give Harvard only an eve chance to beat the regenerated Yal eleven, but nevertheless odds of 10 tc 7 are being offered. Once in a while you may be in need of something we do not carry-some article that is just a little different from any in our stocks and which for special reasons you prefer. Do not hesitate to tell us. We will get what you want. While all our merchandise is selected with the utmost care as to quality and we aim to have selections large enough to meet every preference, yet we real- ize that occasionally you may have a need or desire for some particular item and do not like to substitute. Our experience and knowledge of rnerchandise is at your disposal-at all times you are at liberty to call, upon us for impartial advice whenl making a choice whether from goods at this store or elsewhere. And when you have something in mind that is not here, we will get it. Take advantage of this service freely. We consider it a favor to have the privi- lege of serving you. }r All Overcoats are Good Because They Keep You Warm Some overcoats don't look right when worn. That's not the kind we sell. We want your overcoat business and you will tell us we deserve it on ac- count of the style features, the becom- ingness of these .ITFORM overcoats. For driving, auto riding, for cold weath- er, we have large, roomy ulsters, So- inch length. The collar covers the ears and besides that, the collar is adjust- able. These FITFORM overcoats warrant a your inspection. More than that, your enthusiasm and admiration. They are your kind of coats. They are easy to Tut on,; they don't bind you, and at the same time your appearance is that of being well dressed. Of rough surface cloth made for \ warmth you can't buy better coats any- where. Theesame range of price prevails. $rs buys a good coat, $20 a better one, $25 still more desirable, and at $30 V .the real cream of the season. - - Tom Corbett' 116 E. Liberty Young Men's Clothier I Getting What You Want 1 COME IN 11 $15 to $35 Reule, Conlin & Fiegel THE BIG STORE 200-202 Main Street I '------ I FAMM CHEMISTRY CLASS TAKES TRIP TO PLANTS IN THREE CITIES Three days will be spent by the members of the class in chemical technology of carbon compounds, in visiting plants in Midland, Saginaw, and Bay City. The itinerary'of the trip, which will take up November 25 and 26, is as fol- lows: DuPont Powder company, wood alcohol plant; Sommers Bros. Match company; North American Chemical company, manufacturers of chlorates; German-American Sugar company; Michigan Chemical company, and Dow Chemical company, manufacturers of bromine and iodine products. Prof. L. H. Cone, of the chemistry department, will address the class on November 24, and will describe the plant of the Dow Chemical company, at Midland, Mich. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY TO HOLD NOVEMBER MEETING 309 S. Main 814 S. State i "A Study of the Hydrochloric Con- centration Cell with Respect to Activ- ity and Concentration, Boundary Po-, tential, and Transport Numbers," is the title of a paper to be read by Dr. A. L. Ferguson, of the chemistry de- partment, at the November meeting of the Michigan branch of the American Chemical society, which will be held in room 151 of the chemistry building No- vember 23, at 4:15 o'clock. At the business meeting which will follow, officers for the ensuing year will be elected. Indiana Practices in Circus Tent Lafayette, Ind., Nov. 18.-The fact became known here today that the Uni- versity of Indiana foot ball team is holding secret practice in a circus tent. Inside, a regulation gridiron with goal posts has been laid out.- Wolber to Address Physics Colloquium Joseph G: Wolber, '15, will speak on "Accurate Methods of Making Conduct- tivity Measurements" at the next phy- sics colloquium, to be held in the east physics room at 4:15 o'clock next Monday afternoon. House party time is drawing nigh. See us for party Taxi Service. We have the equipment. We are prepared to take care of you efficiently. Stark Taxicab Co. Phone 2255. novj6tf AT THE THEATRE The Boston English Opera company comes to the Whitney Theatre on Mon- day, Nov. 22 in its greatest achieve- ment, the original all star revival of the world's favorite comic opera, "The Bohemian Girl." For artistic tnd tradicitional completeness this per- formance was never surpassed.. The ballads, "Then You'll Remember Me," "The Heart Bowed Down," "I Dreamt That I Dwelt in Marble Halls," and "Bliss Forever Past" have brought to the "Bohemian Girl" the proud title of the world's greatest comic opera. But it is not entirely upon the beauty of a half dozen numbers that the pop- ularity of the "Bohemian Girl" rests. The choruses are just as popular. The Gypsies in their quaint dress with their rollicking songs and manners, deserve special mention. The story likewise is unusually in- teresting, and the stage settings are of particular beauty, but the one thing on which hinges the popularity of the 'Bohemian Girls," is the fact that there is always something doing from the time the curtain goes up until the end of the opera. The interest never lags. Young and old find it equally inter- esting. In short, it makes its appeal straight to the heart. For brilliant prints from your neg- atives have them made on Cyko paper at Hoppe's Studio. C.KL ' 4. L' r q: " "b '' , , i ti . r - ;.i, 1 7~ I, (I i\C * Nj . _ Daily Corrects Mistake of Yesterday In the list of names of Daily adver- tisers the name of Wagner & Co., and the Whitney Theatre were left out by mistake. Both of these concerns have liberally patronized the Daily in their advertising appropriations, and The Michigan Daily recommends the shows at the Whitney and the clothes at Wag- ner's to be of the best. Make yourself at home in the Big Store, Reule, Conlin & Fiegel. nov5-10-14-19-24 "Roll YourOn" A fresh hand-rolled cigarette of "Bull" Durham makes a smoke that's as lively and brisk as a pure- ivory billiard ball. "Bull" Durham has the alert, healthy, youthful taste-the snap and sparkle that give the punch to a cigarette. That's why so many more thousands of live smokers have become "roll-your- own" enthusiasts during the last few years. GENUINE SMOKING TOBACo No other tobacco has the unique, m-iw-sweet mildness and the delightful aromatic fragrance of Bull" Durharm Made exclusively from 'mild, ripe Virginia -North Carolina "bright' tobacco leaf, "Bull" Durham has that distinctive quality which has made it the favorite smoke of tha dstictvequaittwhchha three generations. "Roll your own" cigarette with "Full Durham and get more genuine satisfac 1,- tion out of smoking. Ask for FREE paccage ofrf "papers' with each 5c sack y r FREE An Illustrated Booklet.- showing correct way to or "Roll Your Own" Cigarettes, and a x4lr + ackageofcigarettepaperswill bot. b e mailed, ,Free, to any address in ~,i-. U.. on request. Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N.C. Room 1400. THE'AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY LOST __ Lost-November 1, Boston Bull ter- rier wearing harness. Reward for his return to 1044 Tordon Road. Tele- phone 2258. Nov. 17-18-19. WANTED WANTED-Roommate, 319 Thompson street; price reasonable. Call 1167-J. nov17-18-19-20 POB RENT FOR RENT-Three fine office rooms, suitable for a doctor or dentist; all piped and wired; guaranteed steam heat. 1713-MOR, 1661-J. J. K. Mal- colm. nov16tf MISCELLANEOUS Dancing classes and private lessons at the Packard Academy. 11 Possiilites oThe"Ukue" It can accompany the most difficult music written, as well as the simpler gems. To Any One Learning. The pleasure derived from the Ukulele in a few weeks' tuition far excels that of any other instrument., WE ARE STATE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE CRINNELL BROS. MUSIC HOUSE 116 S. Main St. COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. UKULELES FROM $6.00 UP. Phone 1707 ii Shirts made to order.-G. H. Company. State St. Tailors. Wilu ' EXCLUSIVE yovoig men's haberdashery on sale N- F. Allen & Co., Main street. '. oct --7- 2255 2255 2255 2255 ......,. 11F T, Fir P.~r 4 . tf '; ai-i nv9IpB E 119 E. L