THE DAILY $24)0 NEWS OF 'iHE WORLD AND THE CAMPUS The Uh gan Daily Phones :-rditorial 2414 Business 960 TELEGRAPH SERVIC UBYTHE iNEW YORK SUN I VOL. XXV No. 39. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS STATE DEPARTMENT WATCHESOFFICERS I _7. You Paren, Von N ber, and Other' tans Under Sarveillance at Wnshlngton Teu- DRASTIC ACTION IS PROBABLE Washington, Nov. 17.-It became known today that the state department has under consideration the cases of Captain von' Papen, military attache at the German embassy, Consul-Gen- eral von Nuber, representing Austria- Hungary and other officials of the Ger- man and Austrian governments, whose a + 'ir.i hYe been the subject of in- v 2stigation by annces of the federal government. That drastic action may be taken by t^ie department in the cases of the tvo officials named is now considered more prohable than at any time in the last few weakr. Because of the failure of the administration to act on their ca30 3 innediiately after the dismissal of1 D:. Konstantin Theodor Dumba, the discredited Austro-Hungarian ambas- ador, the impression prevailed here that nothing was to be done. It now appears, however, that it was merely a case of suspended judgment due to other considerations of a vital char- acter. Captain von Papen and Consul-Gen- eral von Nuber were charged with al- leged inciting of workmen of Austro- Hungarian descent to deserting the factories of this country. This genera] strike was supposed to be called be- cause the factories were making mu- nitions for the entente powers. The Providence Journal, the New York World and the Detroit Free Press were instrumental in unearthing the charges which sent Dr. Dumba back to his native land, and which have in- volved other men so that they may be treated in like manner. 'WAR BOOSTS BATTLESHIP COST Congress May Have to Make Extra Appropriations Washington, Nov. 17.--Bgs for the construction of two battleships au- thorized by congress opened here to- day disclosed the fact that war condi- tions have greatly increased the cost of building these vessels and indicat- ed that the time required for their construction will be longer than be- fore. Officials were inclined to believe, af- ter submitting the bids, that it might be necessary to ask congress for ad- ditional appropriations for these ves- sels as the cost, under the bids sub- mitted, would exceed the amount fixed by the appropriation act. They also believe that it will be considerably more than four years from the date of authorization of these ships, March 1, 1915, before they will be delivered to the government. They will probably not join the fleet until late in the year 1919. LANSING GETS AUSTRIAN REPLY Note Says Ancona Was Warned, as Was Stated Before Washington, Nov. 17. - Secretary Lansing this afternoon received the formal reply of the Austrian govern- ment to the United States demand for further information on the sinking of the Ancona. It is asserted without reserve that the Ancona was given warning and that no shots were fired after she stopped. In its details, it claims that the disaster was similar to that de- scribed in the first Austrian note. Denial was made that the Austrian submarine which torpedoed her shell- ed the Ancona lifeboats, as has been charged. Turkey Extends Privileges to Jews Washington, Nov. 17.-The Turkish embassy announced today that the samte privileges generally accorded to Mohammedan immigrants in Turkish territory will henceforth be extended to Jewish immigrants through terri- tory controlled by the sultan. Dr. liurrage Speaks to Chemists. Dr. Severance Burrage, of Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, mnd., spoke to an audience of more than 200 students and members of the faculty yesterday afternoon on the manufacture of bio- logical products and the theories upon! which they are based. DARTMOUTH OR PRINCETON MAY PLAY MIICRIAN,NEXT SEASON Rumor Says Secretary Bartelme Seeks Contests Wth Eastern Elevens Chicago, Nov. 17.-Rumors reaching here today were to the effect that either Darmouth or Princeton, or both would be on the schedule of the Mich- igan eleven next year. The information was not at all de- finite, but it is known that P. G. Bar- telme, secretary of the Michigan board of control of athletics and regarded as the final authority in the management of Wolverine sports, has been in the East since the game with Pennsylva- nia. Bartelme is said to be in touch with both institutions and it is more than likely that a new game will be on the Michigan list for the 1916 season. No confirmation of the report fpom Chicago could be had in Ann Arbor last night, due to the absence of Mr. Bartelme. SURVEY OF UNION WORK TO BE11V1A1ESATURDAY Three Sets of Campaign Commi tees to Discuss Future Plans Three sets of Union campaign com- mittees, the general campaign, the ad- visory campaign and the building com- mittees, will meet in the Union on Sat- urday, November 20, to discuss the plans for the furtherance of the Union building fund campaign. The men will be representative alumni from all over the state and from nearby states. President Harry B. Hutchins is sched- uled to take part in the general dis- cussion. The meeting will be of considerable importance in that it involves a sur- vey of the work that has been done, and how the campaign shall be con- tinued. Reports from outside committees have been saisfactory and the Union authorities plan to give a detailed re- port of some of the larger cities in the near future. The local campaign has been started again with an effort to "round-up" all those who have not yet been ap- proached by any of the committeemen. The building is practically assured, but the work of making the canvass a thorough one will necessarily have to continue for an indefinite time. AWARD PRINTING OF YEAR BOOK "Dubois Press," of Rochester, to Pub- lish This Year's Mlichiganensian Announcement was made yesterday that the board in control, upon advice of the business manager of the 'Michiganensian," has awarded the printing of this year's publication to the "Dubois Press," of Rochester, N. Y. It is the opinion of those concern- ed with the letting of the contract that this publishing firm is well qualified to handle the work, having executed numerous jobsfor some of the largest of the eastern universities. The official photographers report that the work of making the senior pictures is progressing rapidly, but request that all those not having ar- ranged for a sitting will do so at their earliest convenience. Not only are the seniors themselves insured of better service, but the management of the annual will have the maximum amount of time to arrange the pic- tures and secure the records. The names of the photographers are posted on various bulletin boards about the campus. A. D. Honey, '17D, Receives Prize A. D. Honey, '17D, received first prize for the best cartoon tendered the Union authorities for their third an- nual football smoker held Tuesday night. Honey received $3.00 for his cartoon, while H. J. Lance, '19, re- ceived second and third prizes, amounting to $3.00. Few cartoons were handed in this year. Bonisteel to Address Keystone Smoker Mr. Roscoe O. Bonisteel, an Ann Ar- bor attorney, and LeRoy J. Scanlon, '16L, are to be on the program at the Pennsylvania club smoker to be held next Tuesday at the Union. All mem- bers of the faculty who are from Penn- sylvania, as well as all Pennsylvania students, may attend. The entire pro- gram will be announced at a later date. DAVI R. PORTER TO BE "Y" -SPEAKER, Plans of Campus Work Will be An- nounced by Organization's Cabinet HUNT, '16, TO EXPLAIN SCHOOL LEADING EDUCATORS AT MEETING PRESIDENTS URGE CAMP ATTENDANCE Advisory Committee of University Heads Favors Military Training David R. Porter of New York City, has been secured by the university Y. M. C. A. to speak at the "Y" U-hall meeting at 6:30 o'clock Sunday even- ing. The meeting will be in the nature of a real opener of the "Y" series for the year, and plans of the cabinet for the carrying on of the "Y" work on the campus will he explained.' As a special feature of the meeting, the "Y" Bible school will be explained by W. R. Hunt, '16, the chairman, and the plan as it has operated in the larg- er colleges and universities of the East will be explained. David R. Porter, who is a graduate of Bowdoin college, studied extensively abroad after his graduation, and a few years ago he accepted a position with the international committee of the Y. M. C. A. He was the organizer of the "Y" work in the high schools of the country, and at the present time, there is a high school "Y" club in practically, all of the larger cities of the country. When John R. Mott retired as presi- dent of the International Students' Fed- eration a short time ago, Mr. Porter was picked as his successor, and he is employed in that capacity at the pres- ent time. He has had a large experi- ence in dealing with men, and he is* known throughout the country as an exceedingly forceful speaker. FIRE OCCURS IN COTTON STOI1S Incendar-es in Providence Attempt Destruction of War Materials' Providence, R. I., Nov. 17.-A fire, undoubtedly of incendiary origin, oc- curred in the Providence Warehouse company's building on Washington street today. The object of the in- cendiaries probably was the destruc- tion of 1,000 bales of cotton stored there by the Riverside Spinning com- pany of Phillipsdale, which was to be prepared as gun cotton. It was to have been shipped to New York to be forwarded to the Russian government. The fire spread rapidly and the entire business section of the street was endangered. The loss was about $60,000. Phi Lambda Upsilon to Hold Banquet Phi Lambda Upsilon, chemical hon- orary society, will hold its initiation banquet tonight at 6:00 o'clock at the Michigan Union. E. M. Honan has been selected for toastmaster. Dr. L. H. Cone and Dr. H. H. Willard, of the chemical fac- ulty, are to be the principal speakers. PROFESSOR ZIWET SPEAKS AT FRESH ENGINEER'S ASSEMBLY "Above all, prepare your college course so as to give you as broad a foundation as possible for whatever work you may follow in later lie," was the substance of a speech by Prof. Alexander Ziwet, head of the mathe- matics department of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, at the freshman assembly yesterday. Plans were announced for the first smoker of the year, to be held at the Union Tuesday. There will be no ad- mission charged. The class elected E. M. Miller and R. E. Biggers to represent it on the honor committee. Owing to E. Chat- terton's inability to assume chair- manship of the finance committee, C. Heath was appointed to that position. Paderewski's Teacher Read in Berlin Berlin, (via London, Nov. 17.-Theo- dor Leschetizky, the famous teacher of the pianoforte, died today in Dres- den at the age of 85 years. He was the master of Ignace Paderewski. Classical Club Will Meet Tonight Classical club will meet in Alumni Memorial hall at 7:15 o'clock to- night, and will present a num- ber of classical scenes and represen- tations. Prof. Cone Speaks Before Chenists Prof. L. H. Cone, of the chemistry department, gave a paper on, "Some Organic Groups Resembling Metals," before the Research club at the meet- ing of the society held last night. New York, Nov. 17.-The advisory committee of university presidents, formed to assist in the work of build- ing up a national reserve guard among college students, in its report issued today recommends to the heads of all the colleges that they encourage their students to attend the summer mili- tary training camps established by the government. This is said to be in line with the campaign for national preparedness. The report also endorses the previous work of the military camps and puts special emphasis on the educational value accruing to the student from the participation in this work. Half a dozen of the foremost educa- ors of the country, wh are part of the 12 men making up the committee, at- tended the meeting. John J. Hibbert, president of Princeton, presided as chairman. Two additional members were elected to the committee, Harry A. Garfield, president of Williams col- lege, and A. C. Humphreys, president of Lehigh. The members of the committee dis- cussed informally the benefits which have accrued from the government's military camp and urged the continu- ance of the work on broader lines to increase the standing enrollment. As a result it is expected that the govern- ment will next year establish four of these training camps for students and business men. STEAMSHIP MEN PLOT LEADERS Officials Say Hamburg-American Line A is Agent of Kaiser New York, Nov. 17.-Federal author- ities sprang a new -German propa- ganda sensation late yesterday when Assistant District Attorney General Roger D. Woods announced he has more than 100 witnesses ready to tes- tify that the Hamburg-American line acted as a clearing house for distri- bution of huge sums to German con- sular offices for propaganda in Amer- ica. The directors are to be arraigned for trial before Federal Judge Howe tomorrow on the charge of violating customs regulations. Woods announced he has evidence that New York was to have been the headquarters of a German raiding fleet and that the Hamburg-American officials handled funds for this pur- pose, received direct from the Berlin government. IOWA MAN TO BE GUILD SPEAKER Takes as Subject, "The Challenge of the American Spirit" "The Challenge of the American Spirit" will be the subject of Prof. Edward A. Steiner, of Grinell College, Iowa, who will speak at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening in the Methodist church under the auspices of the Wes- leyan Guild. Prof. Steiner, who has been on the faculty of Grinell college since 1893, has had a wide experience as an edu- cator and lecturer, and in recent years he has been recognized as one of the foremost speakers in the United States. At the service, the Methodist church choir will render a special mu- sical program. BRITAIN HOLDS GREEK VESSELS Political Status of Balkan Country Must be Known by England London, Nov. 17.-The British gov- ernment today ordered the detention of all Greek vessels in English ports. This is a hint to Greece what will happen unless she meets the Allies' Balkan terms. Sixty Greek ships in British waters have been warned not to sail until the status of the country is officially determined, according to reports from Liverpool. Montenegrins Driven Back by Teutons London, Nov. 17. - Montenegrin troops covering the retreat of the Ser- bian army have suffered their first de- feat at tle hands of the Teuton invad-I ers. The Germans 'and Austrians ad-' vancing against Sieniza drove out the defenders from the strong mountain positions north of Jazor. OBREGON CAMPAIGNS AGAINST VILLA IN STATE OF SONORA General Cardenas Leaves Naco With Force in Pursuit of Rebel Leader Washington, Nov. 17.-Gen. Obregon and his aides have instituted a vig- orous campaign against Villa forces in the state of Sonora, according to advices receivednatthe state depart- ment today. General Cardenas with a large force has already left Naco on the border, in pursuit of the Villa forces and General Obregon is prob- ably to follow with another army. The Villa forces are reported mov- ing southward and westward. Villa himself is at Magdalena, Sonora, ac- cording to last reports. Villa Forces Have Not Quit Cananea El Paso, Nov. 17.-General Obregon, Carranza commander in Sonora, dis- covered today that the Villa force has not evacuated Cananea, but that the troops have intrenched themselves there with field pieces and are deter- mined to resist him in his efforts to attack their chief and strike at tie Villa rear while Villa is hammerng at Vermaslo. TAU BETA PI GREETS 16 MEN Initiates Gather at, 'Union for First Banquet in Society Tau Beta Pi held its 21st initiation banquet yesterday evenii.g at the Un- ion. The initiation took place in the afternoon in the engineering library. The toastmaster of the evening was M. S. Read. H. H. Perry gave the "Welcome" of the occasion; J. FP. Clark spoke "For the Initiates," and Prof. W. C. Hoad gave "Some Timely Remarks." Those initiated into the society were: Robert S. Archer, John F. Clark, Manuel A. del Valle, Samuel E. Emmons, Harold A. Hicks, Robert H. Lundell, Wyatt A. Miller, Philip o. Mulkey, John K. Norton, Sherwood Pinkerton, Jos. S. Roman, Walter A. Sterling, Paul C. Wagner, Therop D. Weaver, Frank C. Wheeler, Locke A. Sprague. SECURE MUSICIANS FOR SMOKER Michigan Concert Quartet and Ukelele Artists to Perform Jor J-Lits . The Michigan Concert Quartet, com- posed of H. L.. Davis, '17, F. W. Grover, '18, Chase B. Sikes, '16, and Harry Carlson, '17, has been secured, together with the ukulele quartet from the Mandolin club, to provide the mu- sical entertainment at the junior lit smoker to be held Monday night at the Union. Prof. W. H. Hobbs will be present and talk on the proposed plan for compulsory military training, which the campus is discussing. In addi- tion, a third entertainment number will probably be arranged. Episcopal Students Invited to ginner All Episcopal students in the uni- versity are invited to a chicken sup- per which will be served at 6:00 o'clock tonight in Harris hall. The supper will be in the nature of a parish function, and the charge will FORUM CONSIDERS DRILL PROPOSITION IN LIVELY DEBATE VOLUNTARY SERVICE ADVOCATED BY NEARLY ALL OF 75. MEN PRESENT PROF, HOBBS TAKES PART Theiss, Claassen, Miller, Snethen and Stevens Offer Ideas on Question In a lively and interesting discussion, the question of compulsory military training was debated last night at the Union Forum meting. Nearly all of 75 men attending the meeting were in favor of voluntary military training, but many were op- posed to compulsory training. The upholders, however, had the best of the argument. Added expense and loss of time were the chief arguments of the negative speakers, while duty and responsibility to the nation was the plea of the defenders of compulsory training. "The average American," said Edgar R. Theiss, lit spec., "thinks more of his personal comfort and his pocketbook than he does of his duty to his coun- try. If sacrifice to the nation demands that a student spend a few extra hours and a few extra dollars at the univer- sity he should be more than willing to do so; he should consider it his chief aim. George C. Claassen, '17L, affirmed that the military training that a man would get here would not amount to anything, that it would be of no value to the defense of the country, "The value of the training we would get here would only be as an inducement to take later training where the real benefit would be received. Even if military training would be effective we do not want it, since the university stands for education; it should prepare men to live rather than to kill." An- other speaker said, "The increased ex- pense will be a hardship to men who are working their way through college Further than this a fellow who has to work will have no time for military training. This certainly is the case with me." Peter A. Miller, '17L, also expressed himself as opposed to compulsory training. "The voluntary system should be tried until experience has shown that it is unsuccesful. If it is really the duty of students there will be enough who will volunteer. The University of Michigan is supported by taxpayers and they should have the right to express their views on how their money is to be spent. Parents also might object to sending their sons to a university which has com- compulsory military training." Ed- ward O Snethen, '18L, said that "Mil- itary training would be one step in preparedness. Preparedness cused the European war. We do not want militarism in this university." "The student should be prepared to serve in case of necessity," said P. H. Stevens, '16L. "It is generally ad- mitted that a man should learn to swim so that in, case of necessity te may save himself from drowning. The same principle applies in the question under discussion." Prof. William H. Hobbs, secretary of the committee, whose report has been adopted by the Senate, said, as to the question of added expense, that the uniforms would cost about $11.50 in- stead of $14. But this outlay would re- sult in an actual saving because the uniforms would be worn by the stu- dent on the day of training in place of his usual clothing and the excellen warm woolen unifqrm is much less ,o'x- pensive and more serviceable thala the clothing it would take the place-of. "If the United States should be- come involved in a war the untrained volunteer would be absolutely worth- less. At least 10 moPAghs would be (Continued orL Page Six) be 25 cents per Aid society have affair. plate. The Ladies' the direction of the l WHAT'S GOING ON I TODAY Engineering assemblies, room 348 Eng. building. Sophomores, 9:00 o'clock today. Juniors, 10:00 o'clock. Seniors, 11:00 o'clock. Senior pharmic class meeting, room 300 chemical building, 1:00 o'clock. Dixie club all-southern smoker, Mich- igan Union, 8:00 o'clock. Faculty Concert, Hill auditorium, 4:15 o'clock. "Y" School for Studies in Religion meets, McMillan hall, 7:00 o'clock. Classical club meets, Memorial hall, 7:15 o'clock. Deutscher Verein meeting, Deutscher Verein- room, 8:00 o'clock. TOMORROW Woman's League Circus, Barbour Gym, 4:00 o'clock. Webster society meets, Webster hall, 7:30 o'clock. Jeffersonian society meets, Jeffer- sonian hall, 7:3Q o'clock. Catholic Students' club meets, St. Thomas hall, 8:00 o'clock. .* *, * * * * * * * * * - * * Ad W. Ritei says:- Mr. fichaut: Mr. Sudent: Th9/Michigan Daily is YOUR adyvrtising medium, it is OPPORTUNITY. Make the best of it. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *