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November 17, 1915 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-11-17

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Walk-Over Foot-Wear

Just Arrived!


There's Snap;

and Ginger in every Pair

The Milidy
Gypsy Button

would be proud to become the <<wner of one of
our new "Michigan" Scrap Books made especially
to preserve ihe little souveniis of your Days at




Our windows are full of the
season's authoritative styles
-conservative staples and
popular novelties-no mat-
ter what your taste is, we
can serve you.
Walk-Over Boot Shop
115 South Main Street

Makes Photographs with Correct Color Yalues of
Paintings, of Drawings in Monochrome or Poly-
chrome, and of Colored Objecis. Has Photo-
graphed more Original Macimscripts on Parch-
ment than any one else in the State. Home
713 E. Univ. Ave. Portraiture a Specialty.



When is a cigarette


A cigarette is not sensible
for you if it leaves your
taste and your smoke-hun-
ger a little bit unsatisfied.
-nor if it bothers your
throat or tongue
-nor if it makesyou "feel
mean" after smoking your
usual number.
None of these things will
happen to you if you find
(and stick to) the right
g ar e rne.t.. .

So they surely are sen-
sible for you--except pos-
sibly for the taste.
Andwhen it comes to that,
it will be mighty strange if
you don't like Fatimna's taste
-they couldn't sell so fast
if the taste weren't extra
good, could they?
Why not get Fatimas this
very day, and find out for
yourself how sensible a
cigarette can really be?


Buiut the
right for on
be right fo
instance, f
just suit yo
of the fact1
over 5c.
friendly to
make you'
smoking al

cigarette that is
me man may not
r another. For
Fatimas may not
ur taste-in spite
that they are the
cigarette costing
ARE cool and
the throat and
id they will NOT
"feel mean"after
A you want.
r4 w Tas Ht E Uny Cira:c A'trdcdth Bt Oyau
*A aanaalrItainal ExjUUP sjz,SS ,gU.

Pize at


Distinctively Individual

Takes Issue n Wd GARRICK
: andSat _Nov. 5
Miilitary Plans' DETROIT
(Continued from Page One) In "The Ware Case."
being that only if the new instructor
is to be paid by the federal govern-
ment will the Regents approve the
schetne?) Finally, we can't have mIl- Shows at 3_-53o-So-9:3o
tary training at all unless we com- Wednesday- "f'I'e Heart of the lh
Ridggx with Clara KimbaU1 Young
pel certain iunfortunates to do 'v t an Cheste panett.
they don't want to do, because the Thursday--Apn 4urdock in A Royal
essence of the idea of discipline which Family", and exceeent Metro feature.
military training is to inculcate is Friday, Nov. :9-Ethel Barrymore i
George Scarboroughs ates t play,
"the substitution of voluntary effort le Ei inaarudgent." Fe art.
by obedience to authority." Is this Mero.
not indeed strange doctrine in a uni- "A Trip Arund the World" starts
Nov. 201.
versity? Frankly, I must confess
that I find these most unsatisfactory
as reasons upon which to base the Quality - Variety-Values
compulsory feature of our proposed
To leave Professor Hobbs for the SLAND SEYF
moment, how many have stopped to S0
consider just how the compulsory ee EUBERy BERIy
ment in the senate plan is to affect the
composition of the student body. The
"preparedness" issue has become na-
tional and there is considerable dif- SCHLANDERER & SEYFRI
ferpnee of opinion among the people
as to how far we should go in getting taken by the senate has been of im-
ready for war. Thee are doubhless
mnse valu to the proagandists o
parents who will object to sending "repae t is undortsnte
their sons to an institution which, as indeed, that what has already been
they may think, has set about foster- done cannot be undone, for it seems
ing a spirit tending towards militar- that the position of the university,
ism. 'Can the university afford to
o; good or for ill, is: Let us be
lose sons of such high-ninde1 par- "pepa ,r
ents and thus give up its hold nren .
their interest and affection~ .P. S.-I shall be much disappointed
Again, there are undoubtedly num- if this has any tendency to "set at
hers of students of limited means rest the discussions over the intr-
whoeswillebeisitasionaffectedhby this
who will be vitally affected by this duction of military training into the
change, if it is adopted by the Board univrsity."
of Regents as it stands. Can it be
that the university desires to discour-
age the attendance of such students? HOLD FIRST ST UDENTS' RECIT Al
One would hesitate to make that as- TODAY AT SCHOOL OF MUSIC
sertion, yet such an interpretation
can be placed on the senate's 'plan. Render Piano and Vocal Numbers in
fBut let us return to our first ques- Frieze Newoli al
tion. Is it -desirable that the hniver- Hall
siy introduce any sort of military
training? Professor Hobbs quotes The first students' recital of the
Mr. Taft with approval and then goes year will take place in Frieze Me-
on to show that even greater benefits morial hall at the University School
than the somewhat modest ones sug- of Music Wednesday afternoon of this
ested by the ex-president are to be week, at 4:15 o'clock, at which timc
expected. In roseate hues he sets the program will be given by advanc-
forth these further advantages. We ed students of the piano and vocal de-
of the University of Michigan are to partments.
have a share of the 500 college grad- The general public is cordially in-
uates who are to be given the inesti- vited to be present at this recital by
mable privilege of serving a year in talented young musicians. The pro-
the army after graduation! Yet in gram is as follows:
spite of the great credit which this is Impromptu, G major.......Schubert
calculated to throw on the university, Theme and Variations ... Chaminade
it must again be asked, "Do we want Alzora Mary Crowcombe
military training?" I must confess Caprice Espagnole......Moszkowski
that I am still not convinced. Altha Bernice Heffelbower
The whole of Professor Hobbs' ar- O, Rest in the Lord (Elijah)......
gument proceeds upon the assumption. ....................\Mendelssohn
that where compulsory military Alice Lloyd
training has been tried, it has been a Capriccio Brilliante ..........Weber
success. It may be admitted from a Gertrude Flowerday
certain point of view that it has been Impromptu ...................Haigh
successful, in furnishing students Two Etudes ................Chopin
with a variety of physical exercise, Andrew C. Haigh
and, perhaps, with a degree of disci- To You ...............Oley Speakes
pline. From another point of view. The Pine Tree..Mary Turner Salter
however, its success may be ques- Robert Dieterle
tioned. Do not its disadvantages out- Sonata, Op. 13 ............Beethoven
weigh its actual and supposed ad- Hazel K. McCauley
vantages? Prelude and Fugue, No. 5......Bach
To my mind a fundamental fact has Capriccio, Op. 76, No. I.... Brahms
been overlooked or avoided in the Carol W. Wadhams
discussions which have heretofore
appeared. That fact is: Military Siberia Cares for 500,000 Prisoners
training, voluntary or involuntary, is San Francisco, Nov.I 16.-According
bound to have a vital phychological to advices received here from Vladi-
effect on the student body. Universi- vostok, more than 500,000 German and
ties and military schools are not cal- Austrian prisoners of war and inter-
culated to minister to the same ends ned civilians are being cared for in
and, I think, seldom do. It is the Siberia. Russia has scattered its pris-
function of universities to preserve oners the length of the trans-Siberian
for the benefit of students the varied line from the eastern border of Euro-

wealth of the intellectual life of all pean Russia to Lake Baikal.)
time. It is the function of the mili- It is estimated that Russia called at
tary school to prepare its students to least a half million of its regular
make war, that is, to destroy human army out of Siberia at the opening of
beings and-human ideals. To at- the war, including its great railway
tempt to combine the two functions guard. The barracks evacuated by
will almost without doubt, lead in these troops were available for Ger-
time to the subordination of one to man prisoners and interned civilians.
the other and, as is the case with Consequently Russia relieved the
money, the bad will drive out the crowded conditions in European Rus-
good, sia by sending the over'ow into- its
There remains another point to be Asiatic domain.
mentioned. It has been noted that --------- --
the "preparedness" issue is a question Laws to Elect Hop Representatives
which is dividing the American people Junior laws will meet in room D of
into hostile political camps. Certain the law building at 1:30 o'clock this
prominent men in .this country along afternoon to elect a committeeman for
with a host of lesser 'lights, are con- the Junior .hop.
ducting a campaign of "education."-
Whether or no they so intended it, In future all cars stop at Goodyear's
coming just at this time, the action Drug Store. tf




MakIe o'cr appois men ts
as soon as possible for the
(Vou'lt have to do it eventually; why not now?)
334-336 So. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR



Abandon Fire Engine House
It was learned yesterday that fire
engine house No. 2, will be abandoned
for the winter, at least, and the ap-
paratus and men connected with that
station will be moved to engine house,
No. 1. The elimination of this sta-
tion has become necessary, becausej
of the lack of funds to keep it in pro-
per repair.
Mrs. Marckwardt in Co lision
ITbhe headlights and radiator of the
car 1,eloaging to Prof. O. 0. Marck-
wardt, driven by Mrs. Marckwardt,
were slightly damaged yesterday when
it collided _ with a car belonging to
Miss ElizabeU Dean on Packard street.
With the e Yception of the shock
suffered by bofIt -women they were
none the worse for the accident.
Car Stolen But ReĀ¢urned Soon
The car belonging to D. C. Wright,'
1020 South University avenne, was tak-
en from in front of his residence
last night. The sheriff was notified and
the officers started a search, but be-
fore they had gone ;very far they
were notified that the car had been
Buy your Mazda lamps at Switzer's,
310 South State. oct23tf

The University Symphony Orches-
tra will make its first appearance of
the season next Thursday afternoon
at 4:15 o'clock in Hill auditorium.
The concert is complimentary to the
general public.
Mr. A. J. Whitmire, of the violin
faculty of the School of Music, will
be the soloist and the following pro-
gram will be offered:
Symphony, D major (old B and H.,
No. 2 ....................... Haydn
Adagio-Allegro; Andante; Men-
uetto (allegro); Allegro spiritoso
Albumblatt (Romance) ...........
................. Wagner-Wilhelmj
Drei Charakterstucke, Op. 33.Jensen
Alla Marcia; Canzona (poco alle-
gretto); Menuetto (allegretto)
Overture to "Rosamunde," Op. 26.
. '.'........Schubert
Typewriters of all makes, rebuilt
and second-hand, for sale at $10.00
upwards. Liberal terms, Typewriters
ef all makes for rent, $1.50 per month;
four months, $5.00 and upward. We
'zake a specialty of Underwood type-
writers and "Everything for the Type-
writer." 0. D. Morrill, 322 South State
street (over Baltimore Dairy Lunch).
Dancing classes and private lessons
at the Packard Academy.

Engineers Hold As eMCIblies Tomnuorrow OVERCOATS
Senior, junior and sophomore engi- and rain coats from tihe House of
neers will hold their second assembly Kluppenheimuer, on sale by '. F. Allen
of the semester tomorrow. The hours Co., Main street. oct6eod-wed
are as follows: Senior, at 11:00
o'clock; junior, at 10:00 o'clock; sop- 2255' 2255 2255 2255 2255 nov16tf
homore, at 9:00 o'clock. All' as--
semblies meet in room 348 of the new Shirts mades to order.-G. H. Wil
engineering building. Company. State St. Tailors.



xn . ;r q- --__ T _ mi.

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