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November 16, 1915 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-11-16

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~Yleiiyoure utlcooking o- your Winter
(~eQt,'._, thk.store a ,Sit. Weatdon't
.mk ~ ~ u yolt farl~,t ive do insist that youlia
l'ir iita lner, sm,a;tpr or Coinmpli(e
;'if-r Iisf' is er-tils f'Vln O rs inj i n ad
s ¢&i sow ou i±AC'S tat you c(ana't heat a,1:2'

It's time to 'et a good Scrap Book,
so well made that it will last all
your life. We have it.


$.75 up.

F +
A4, L K I N S'


Afellow .enjoys
a little music in the
room these Fall days.
Something to put a
little life in the house and a little pep in the room
this Grafon 1a up in the coreer hiar a good spring that won't
bust right away. Besides it will play all the large dance records,
and them some. The regulating tone leaves nukes it so that
the music can not be heard outside of the room. The motorrurs
like a top and is as silent as a twini six. Come in and take a
look at it. We'll make terms that will suit your monthly ;al-
lowance from dad. Its a dandy at $17.50,.
A lmendinger 's Jiusic Shop( *
122 L. Liberty St. ft


324 S. State Street

-all I
- - mcn.eeu cs

Wadhams &o' Co's Corner



3 9tocrat:ic

Sr hject

M ) i rdgeN. Ferris


.. ..... . .. ..dw,. .. .,..., .,.. .v- I ..

c g
r .., - i

:"Id gaini the admiration of all
b y having your next suit

JPERCTLY. 2 foe 25c
CLUETTr. PE-t,,oO~y a CO.. INiC., f*AKZ:.R:

Custom Tailored


r Campus Tailor
516 East William St. Phone 1422-3

.. _

M EN'S nd ome n's
Fraternities and Clubs
mnay obta~in new t able linen s
and niapk ins at subtantially
lower prices iti our
Than .k S vin
Damask Sale
Included -are ithe celebrattd
Shamrock Linens muade by
John S. Brown & Sons in
Belfastt. Tice sale is-an im portan1t
one, for it will be quite im-possibrle<
for ui to duplicate present prices
after Nov'ember 241.
Members of the Y: M. C. A. cabinet
met Monday afternoon for a brief ses-
sion. in sympathy with the week of
student prayer wi ch is being observed
this week throughout the United
States, Canada and part of Europe.
Another meeting will be held at 5:00
o'clock this afternoon at the Y. M. C. A.
The cabinet of the student Christian
association and the board of trustees
will convene Thursday afternoon at
the "Y" for the trst time this year.
In addition to regl'ar business, plans
will be furthe red f or the union meet-
inigs to be held thi's winter in dill
auditorium, .Suppe'r-will e6 eredto
the meni andwoe at 5:30 o'clock.

~ine ,A to be Extended to New M~en
day Club Aictive in Influencing
Southern Men
pixie club will hold an open smoker
At the IUnion at 8:00 o'clock Thursday
ev-ening for the purpose of welcoming
all ;southern men to the university.
William J. Goodwin, '16L, president of
the club, will give the welcoming
see.One of the old members will
tlke o) the two-fold object of the club,
and member of the faculty will ex.-
plain the benefits of the campus to
'oten amen.
Ater te formal part of the programa
rej-,,eshm -ents will be liberally dealt
oit, w ile the social committee will
see that all new men are introduced
to each other and to the old members.
Following this a short business meet-
ing will be held at whichi all new men
will be given an opportuntity to join
the club. A definite time will also be
decided upon for the annual pre-holi-
day; dance, to which only Dixie club
membe L rs are eligible. The meeting
will close with the singing of "The
Yellow and Blue" and "Dixie."
The Dixie club has been for many
years active in influencing southern
men. to attend Michigan and in wel-
coming them to the campus. The num-
ber attcnding the university has been
gradually increasing until at present
there are about four hundred. All
southern mon are cordially invited to
attend this open smoker and join in
the spirit of the club.
Shoes repaired while you wait. 0.
G. Andres, 222 S. State. octl4-eod-toes
Call 22,55 for a Stark Taxicab.
"W\e'll be there." oct5tf

Sceenc---Ant Arbor. ime c191
A. 1 '.iChracters-Three anient
Anciert Alu nna Nto. 1 : Yes, that'
year 11615-131+ i was a wonderful yer.
it starts d ot rather badly whhl sonw c
foottyal defeats if I remuember rightly,
but bf course the rcven iade up for
all that!
A. A. No. 2.: Oh, I never will forget,
the sudden drop the war interest took
---wliy the newspapers all ovr the
country simply forgot the warring na-
tions. THE EVENT was the only
thhlg in ight". lin; Lainer as
mad to give up sporting and Percy
H a ra oud clear forgot theater-going
while the rest of the Tribunites and '
the New Yx ork Suiners swore they'd
desert tiheir native towns and come to
Ann Arbor, the lic'~e place forev er.
Kaiser Wilhelm mussed his moustache
in his wrath because the war kept him
away From thie -- of the
A. A. N\I. 3. I certainly was a fe-
sweettival! All the epicureans, good
livers, sweet lovers, peanut eaters and
lemonade drinkers and (10 gnt
doters of America were there. Wood-
rw Wilson asked Mrs. Gat if she
could beat those doughnuts that the
Dean made.
A. A. No. .: Yes, those doughnut.
were tongue ticklers. I never hope t
see such again. But they had a few
other things besides eats. For instance
1 can still see that dionooramus fol-
lowing up the girosauphorus and
ichthosaurus in the parade, and bump-
ing out of line and into the specttors
every few minutes. You see he had
tasted some of those doughnuts and
wanted miore and it took all the snake-
charmers, fortmne- tellers, minstrels,
bandits and policenien on the place
to keep that exuberant diono in order.
The doughnuts had gone to his head
and tne lemonade to his lungs so that
hae outbarl ed all the barkers, out-
bawled all the bawlers, outsquawked
all the squawkers and could b heard
for 10 miles around.
A. A. No. 2. Will you ever forget
howr peeved Pavlowa, Caby, Dslys
and .Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle were
because they Wreren't asked to per-
form at the cabaret, and as [r eir-
Guses in the United States, every oe
of them wvas up on its ear because it
had been outdone, outclowned, and
outshowed by thue Wme's Lea ue
Circus on Friday, November 19, at
B~arbour gymnasium. Admission, 10l
cents. Boys under 12 allowed iU ac-
companied by their mothers. Al the
publ ic cordlialy invited.
One iinerieain of 10 on Anema avel
Rome, Nov. 15.-Accoring to a
statement issued by the Italian in--
ration office, only one of the 10 Amer-
loans who wvere on board the Anona
was saved.9 The statemenit also says
that out of the 607 pssngers and
crew on th e Ancona only 29 were
SIn regard to the sinking of the Ital-
ian liner Ancona, the Italian govern-
mnent has just sent a communication
to the neural overnments in which
it is denied that the ship carried any
arms or contraband or persons in bel-
ligorent military service.

With a, delegation of at least 50 men
frost the Unimrsity of Mihigan,its
expeced thaat the state student con-
venton of ilie Y. M. C. A. which is to
be held De cembher 3 at East Lansing
will be one of the most successful
aterings of its ind ever held in
this state,
Acoiding to the registration con-
:nijtte of the organization at M. A. C.,
at least 500 men will participate in
lhe three days'- conference, and speak-
ars froin New York and all through
the middle west have been secured to
dIeli ver addresses and hold confer-
Governor Woodbridge N. Ferris will
open the convention on the evening
of December 3, and during the remain-
der of the conference such mlen as
"Dad" Elliott, £1 etcher Brockman, of
China, and others will have charge of
the various sessions.
Thle Ann Ai hoe delegation which is
being recruited under the direction of
P. C. Lovejoy, '16, will leave at 1:48
o'clock on 'Friday afternoon, Decem-
her 3, via the M. 1U. ., and will arrive
in Lansing at 4:45 o'clock, All the
men will be quartered in the M. A. C.
student dormitories, and will eat in
the regular dininug-roons on the Aggie
campus. All the meetings of the con-
ference will be held in the college
armory, and it ,i expected that the
IM. A. C. military bandl will give two
cone:crt~, cfr he delegates.
The total expense of thos e who take
the trip wi he approximately $5 and
any twen who desire to register for
attendance a[. the conference may do
so by registerig at the "Y" office not
later than Saturday of this week.
P,'4fes~ois cfti aid J'riiebood Are
to he t. niversity's i Reresetatives
Professors Fred' N. Scott and Thom-
as C. Trueblood have been selected to
represent the: university at the fith
annual meeting of the National Coun-
cil of Teachers of English, to be held
at the Auditorium hotel at Chicago,
Novepib r 25-27.
Prof. Scott, who is a memnber of the
executive committee and a director of
the organivation, will aid in the dis-
cussion of a report on the preparation
of college teachers of English. Pro-
fessor Trueblood is to address the
pubic-speakng; section on "Prepara-
tion in Expression of High-School
'each-rs of English."
Gem'man Dr.he 'Toward Riga Repelled
London, Nov. i5.---The German drive
tow^ard Ili a and D)vsk and along the
Llana river ha.s been repelled by the
Rus;sian force.;. Thle lav"s are -,ow
taknj the offensive, but owing ".o the
state of thle ground have been able to
make only slow progress in the marsh
region west, of Riga. The Russian of-
ficial communication, issued from Pet-
rograd, says that the Germans were
repulsed in the Ikskul district Satur-
day by artillery fire. The German war
of lite report says there is no change
in the situ ation of the army groups of
Fielid General Von Hlindenburg and
Prince Leopold of Bavaria on the east-
,er front.

} y
13 tc _ : } ,1 a f a t : .Yu

1 I.., t
t ._ : _ _ _, _.,

. -


Dodge Brothers know exactly how
every part should be built-not in
theory, but from practical experi-
ence in manufacturing the vital
parts for more than half a million
They have reduced to a simple
science the problem of using the
best materials and the best methods
money can buy, and still saving
time and money at every step.
They are skilled specialists in large
production and small economies,
who hold the quality of the car at
the bighe~st possible level.
That this is a statement of facts is
evidenced by the car itself.
The motor is 30-35 horsepower
The price of the Touring Car or Roadster. complete
'is $785 (f, o. b. Detroit)

119 W. Washington St.

nPhones 8& 85





Edu ctor Passes Away
'Nervous A'<eAdo-wnin l
New' York


LOST-A gold mdl aeegae
~A ihiam nov4- l
LOSTBeteen alkn's rugstore
onilat ad au;l's 'Shoe hopont
$1.00 bills. Fnercll17-,fr
LO<ST -SoTerryFela Pl
LOST1--Ap'ateiinti.:ans ''2,se
(-fill :strcet. ew rdl. novl6;-i.7
please call V. Breta 23M

'.,,,T -At some tim'e during the last
twe weeks a sho'}M.back, double-
breasted ovrcoat. Deward it' re-
turned to The Michi-an Daily office.
FOR SALE-Complete set of home
furniture at 412 Church street; also
a Iu-ej lease of the same hiouse;
ea ry.payments. Phone 718. George
Wal .lc. novl1-14-16-1 7
FOR; REN.T-Thlree fine office rooms,
s-utable for)5 a doctocr or demtist; all
TpiT) 'd and w:ir'ed; guaranteed steam
hesh .1713-O 1661-J. J. K. Matl-
coLm, novl6tfi

Tuskegee, Ala., Nov. 15.-Booker
T. Washington, tha lorenuo rt negro in
Xericfa, died here Sunday. lie was
about 56 or 57 years old, his exact
age being in doubt. is health had
been failing for several mronths, but
his condition only became serious last
week when he had a nervous break-
down while visiting in New York city.
Although he was then very weak he
insisted on making the tripw back to
the place of his life work, in order that
he might die and be buried there.
Washington was born a slave in
1858 or 1859, on a plantation in Vir-
ginia. When the slaves:er freed he
went to work in a coalmie but laiter
upon hearing of the il m.on insi-,t
tute, Virginia, lie walked 500 miles to
the school, and was admitted to its
classes. While in Hampton hie con-
ceived the idea, which he worked out
in the Tuskegee institute, and with_
the aid of the Alabama legislature- in
1881 the project was started.

Adaughter was bor~n Sunday to
1. E-of. and Mrs. Hugh M. Beebe.
Ge.r1:Uai Ground-Gaining Attempt Falls
Paris, Nov. 15.--A German attempt
to gain ground by the explosion of a
mine chamber in the region of F1rise,
west of Peronne, was repulsed by tae
Firench after a lively struggle. In Ar-
tois, in the trenches known as "the7
labyrinth," the Germans by a suddeni
attack succeeded in penetrating, na
the road from Lille, one of the Fr'ench
first-line trenches. French counter-
attacks, however, repulsed the inva-
Miehigaii en Spak 1to Ypsi Students
In order to arousAe interest of Ypsi-
lanti Norm-al studlents in the state stu-
decnt conventwio , to be held at Lansing
Deceniber 3, ' and 5, N. E. Pinney, '16,
an Rdolph ,Wueonsch, '17, gave short,
tlsSund'ay afternoon in Starkweath,
er hall, Ypsilanti. The men told
th~e puirpose of the meetings and .
b env~Ait derived from them.
Shrsmade to order.-G. II. Wile
Lo_ mpany. State St. Tailors.



are nmde of KOA WVOOID, a species of R-, aiian Mahogany.
It is exceedingly bkk antiful in appt arance, and capable cof inn_
parting those enchanting tones known only to the natives.
We are State Agoent3 for the Genuine:, '. Numes & Soins Ukuleles
116 S. Main St. Phone 1707x

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