THE MICHIGAN DAILY. cWk's e Trade Review Letters from Fur pc theatrical News JEIVAL OF TRADE THROUGHOUT .s USINESS OF ALL KINDS FEELS UPWARD MOVEMENT; RESULT OF BETTER CO)ITIONS. CLIMAX NOT YET REACHED (Henry Clews and Company) New York, Nov. 15.-Bank clearings last week at principal cities aggregat- ed $4,500,000,000, or 67 per cent more thin a year ago. This is an astonish- ing gain. In New York especially, where a gain of 108 per cent was made, the greatest increase was not- ed, This, however, was due partly to the fact that the New York stock ex- change was closed a year ago. Out- side of New York, where conditions were more normal, the gains were al- so impressively large. The returns for the month of October were equal- ly significant, the total being $20,000,- 000,000 against $11,700,000,000 a year ago. Here is an increase of over 70 per cent at all cities. So much for bank clearings as evi- dence of trade revival. What. about railroad earnings? In the third week of October 32 roads reported earnings of $14,300,000, an increase of 17 per cent over previous earnings, and traf- fic is steadily becoming greater. The iron trade continues to furnish examples of unprecedented activity. Since the first of September orders for over 1,000,000 tons of rails, 550 locomotives and 45,000 cars have been placed. This only represents a por- tion of the new activity in the steel trade as many railroads are building considerable equipment on their own account and the steel companies are receiving many orders for outside con- struction work. This activity is already spreading to various branches of trade. The1 textile industries show a healthy tone, interior merchants having often been caught with comparatively empty shelves, which are now being replen-9 ished. Labor is well employed and generally at good wages.E On the stock exchange speculationa has slowed down somewhat, the rapid advance of the last few weeks having induced moderate realizing and a; temporary reaction. The war still has a powerful in- direct effect on the market. The con- tinued withdrawal of ocean tonnage for war purposes is havinga tendency to restrain exports, the result being less pressure on commercial bills and1 an increased firmness in foreign ex- chage. As for the future of the market, while reactions such as those wit-l nessed during the last few days are, probable and necessary, the forward movement does not seem to have reached its climax. The impetus of good crops has by no means spent its force, nor is there anything to counter-E act the latter except unforseen unfor- tunate events growing out of the war. Another very important factor ist HOT OFF THE C the inflationary effect of our huge gold supply and the operations of the new Federal Reserve system, both of which have laid the basis for a tre- mendous expansion of credit. The Allies are bound to continue coming here for a large part of their supplies, and having less merchandise to send in payment, they must continue fo ship gold as freely as possible. In about three weeks Congress will open and a new set of issues will be pressed upon public attention. The attacks upon capital, which have con- tinued for over 20 years, have about spent their force. Many of the old abuses have been practically elimin- ated, and this form of political enter- prise is rapidly going out of fashion, particularly since its injurious effects have become so evident to all con- cerned. The problem of preparedness will also figure prominently in public af- fairs. This is an entirely new issue and one demanding a prompt and sat- isfactory solution. To it more than anything else public attention will be directed in the near future. Classical Club t WAR FAILS TO AFFECT Give Latin Playv. Arrangements are being made by A D ow members of the Classical club for E I" PROF. SANDERS IN 1TALY RtEPORITS No S!&NS he produtioi in the original Latin OF CONFLICT J the "MenacchLi," a comedy writ- ie carly in the first century B. C. The great European war has not in- hy Titus Maccius Plautus. terfered with the work of the Amer_ All stude::ts taking work in. thet Latin department and members of the ican Academy at Rome, according to Classical club are eligible to try out a letter received by President Harry for roles. The exact date of the try- B. Hutchins from Prof. H. A. Sanders, outs will be announced later. of the Latin department, who is teach- Profeszors Francis W. Kelsey, Jos- i a in the School of Classical Studies oph It. Nelson, Joseph 1. Drake and a':the academy. 3Aiss Pauline Emerson will have " Carnedic Fund to Help Peace PlanLL To make an honest and impartial T statement of the causes of the present wa-r, to investigate equitable terms of peace and to further the study of in- 1).. A. AROSIAN, '1N), RECEIVES tVrnational law, are among the aims (';,)UNWCATION FROM AERI- o the Carnegie endowment for Inter- ('AN MISSIONARI national Peace, as set forth in the 1915 year-book of that organization which has just been issued. With the DEPORT MORSOVAN CITIZENS European war in actual progress, the main purpose of the endowment, the Some idea of the terrible conditions abolition of international warfare, has p . necessarily been set aside. s When Andrew Carnegie made the the recent T urkish massacres may be endowment ol $10,000,000 to the cause obtained from a letter received by of international peace in 1914, it was A D. Arosi n, '18), from an American with the hope that the civilized world missicnary who has just returned had seen the last of its areat wars. from Morsovan, in Asiatic Turkey, The trustees, in the face of present conditions, are now concentrating 'where he has been a professor at their energies upon the Deacerove- Anatolia college. The letter follows , AT THE WHITNEY At the Whitney theatre, Thursday, November 18, Cohan and Harris will present their great farce hit, "It Pays to Advertise." This announcement alone should suffice to till every seat in the theatre, for everyone has been patiently awaiting the coming of this funniest of all farces. "It Pays to Advertise" is one of the brightest, best acted, and most enjoyable plays that Cohan and Harris have produced in the past ten years. Written by Roi Cooper Megrue and Walter Hackett, it was the supreme success of last season in New York city, There it made an inevitable reputation as a laughing success by playing to capac- ity houses for fifty-two solid weeks at the Cohan theatre. Here is a play that is a veritable riot. of laughter from start to finish, full of humorous dialogue and critically commended, especially for the wholesomeness of its presentation, the cleverness of its construction and the sustained inter- est of the startling story. What is more, "It Pays to Advertise" is thor- oughly sane, because the motives for its hilarious action are cleverly defined and easily understood. It is a play for every-day.people about every-day people and every-day business condi- tions. Messrs. Cohan and Harris desire to lay stress on the fact that they will provide the complete Cohan theatre production, precisely as presented during the year's run at the Broad- way playhouse. The players who comprise the splendid cast were se- lected by Geo. M. Cohan personally, with a view to visualizing every char- acter to the fullest possible degree. Yale Oarsmen Must be Able to Swim New Haven, Nov. 15.-Hereafter every member of the Yale crew must be able to swim a distance of at least 50 yards, else he will not be allowed to- compete for a place in the shell. OLLEGE WIRES charge of the selection of the cast, which will present the play in March or April of the coming yea. }iautus is recognized as the greatest Roman dramatist and comic poet.! About twenty comedies have been positively identified as his work. Un- like Terence, the characters in Plautus' plays are distinctly Romnan in character. The high quality of his ver k is indicated by the list of dis- tinguished writers who have imitated him. Dryden, Addison and Lessing all found him an inspiration and Moiiere used some' of his plots, as in "i'Avare" which was taken directly frm "Aulularia." Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors" is based upon the play which the Latin students wilI produce. sN'S AR .' ( lA'TO 1E LO(ATEID A1 S. A. It's MEETVING TONI 'Tl Wash tena w Chapter, Sons of the Atorican Revolution, will hold an open meeting tonight in Newber °y hall at 3:00 o'clock. The tl;i fcr d'u sian will be the origi al locat,, 1of Ann's Arbor, the spot from which the seat of the university derives its name All students interested in the matter are cordially invited. "in a hurry' ' Call Stark, 2255. oct13 eod Thjere are no 5igns or thee walrI here," Professor Sanders wrote. "In fact we hear less about the war here than yen do in America. The prospects for the year at the academy are unus- ually bright despite the conflict, and we are fortunate this year in having the most advanced group of students ever enrolled at the institution. Among those present are graduates ! of Harvard, Yale, Michigan, Pennsyl- vania, Wisconsin and Darmouth." Professor Sanders is on a one- year leave of absence from the Uni- versity, having left Ann Arbor last July. He had planned to return next summer but he expressed in the letter lIhis beliif that his home-coming will probably have to be po4tponed on ac- count of the war. FREi LITS TO HOLD DANCE IN BARBOUR GYM SATURDAY The fresh lit,, will hold a party and dance in Barbour gym from 2:30 o'clock to 5:30 o'clock Saturday after- noon. Adnmision to the affair will be free, but receipts for class dues will be necessary in order to secure admit- tance to the affair. The class social comm t tee is arranging for an orches- tra and an effort will be made to make the affair as informal as possible. Pianos to rent. Prices - and pianos right, at Schaeberle & Son's Music isouse, 110 South Main street. oct8tf mneLt in America. To compile accurate statements r-.ade either by individuals or govern- ments as to the causes and conduct of the prosent war is a large part of the work cf the endowment. The study of international law being urged and ailed by the endowment is concerned especially with the countries of the western hemisphere. Tho American Institute of International Law has, been c annized under its fostering v lg anl is composed of representa-' th es of the United States and the countries of South America. The ob- ject of the institute is to find means' cC assuring peace and to bring about :niformity in the principals of inter- national law. It is also hoped to spread scientific and accurate knowl- edge relating to all matters of inter- national theory among the students in the universities as well as among the general public. Buy your tIazda lamps at Switzer's, 310 South State. oct23tf Dancing classes and private lessons at the Packard Academy. in part. "My dear Mr. Arosian: "Mr. W----- handed me your letter of inquiry concerning your brother to answer. "I left Morsovan on August 18. At that date all the Armenian population of Morsovan, including our teachers, servants, and pupils, had been de- ported. "Your brother got a special permit from Enver Pasba to go to Contanti- nople about August 1. He started for Angora soon after with his wife and child. At Angora his passport was taken from him and he was detained there for some days. When the Ar- menians of. Angora were deported, he was carried off with the first party. "The party with which he went was reportcd to have -been all shot and killed when I passed through An- gora about August 25. His wife and child were in the Protestant chapel in Angora when we passed through. Your brother bore himself with re- markable courage and bravery through the trying days in July and August and showed the most Christian spirit )f any of our teachers." . Attenti.o.n Arm" notudqL.nts You'll have to hurry to boost your Favorite. It's now or never. Remember, this Contest positively Closes Saturday Night, Nov. 27 SO YOU'LL HAVE TO HUR Y! HURRY! HURRY! Donated by Zal Gaz Grotto Circus-Royal AT Penn Football Team Poses for Noves Chicago Asks for Military Training ..... ._ __ - ..... E Philadelphia, Nov. 15.-The mem- bers of the .Pennsylvania football team consented to pose for moving pictures here today and with fifteen men on a side staged a thrilling game for a few minutes. The Lubin com- pany took the pictures, which con- stituted the first reel *of the new dra ma, "Beyond All Is Love." The filmacompany supplied the hero, whom the scenario demanded should be injured. This was accomplished y the simple expedient of having b th teams fall upon him. To get away from the conventional two foot- balls were used. Frat Hou e Cost Limited at California Palo Alta, Cal., Nov. 15.-The fra- ternities on the campus will be pro- hibited from building new houses cost- ing more than $25,000, acerding to a resolution passed by the Board of Trustees of the Ui- iversity of Cali- fornia at a meeting hed recently. Consider Enlargement of .West Point West Point, Nov 15.-A con 'mittee of army officers has been appointed by the War Department to consider thel question of enlarging West Point [nd to ascertain what extensions woudt be necessary to provide for a larger, cadet corps. i Chicago, Ill., Nov. 15.-Petitions to the effect that the faculty' consider in- stituting a military training system habe been signed by hundreds of students at the University of Chicago. The petition suggests that the plan adopted include provision for a thoroughly equipped signal corps, a battery of artillery, and other divisicns of the regular army service. No indication of the faculty's probable decision on the matter can be obtained at this date. Kansan Kno ws of Proposed Clubhouse Listen to this from the University Kansan: "The University of Michigan is to have a 'million dollar club house,' which the Michigan Alumnus explains won't really cost a million dollars, but only $750,000, fully furnished." And the writer virtuously adds, con- sidering the many purposes for which the structure will be used, "three- quarters of a million isn't at all ex-' travagant." Princeton Takes Red Cross Collection New Haven, Nov. 15.-Following a} precedent established last year at the Yale-Harvard game, a collection was taken for the Red Cross relief work in Europe at the Princeton game last Oaturday. i'. r" P N. 4 rte i r r. F 4.r Ahm IRK 9mr 0 MR AW-11OU9 t'IT el Arqlk i. -a a bw- r . s Corner FI1h Avenue and Hill St. Nov. 20 - 7-BIG DAYS-7 Nov.27 Most popular Shdent receives: A $35.00 suit, $10.00 overcoat, made to measure by Sam Buryihield; underwear, soe s, garters, belt, shirt, collar and tie, from Sam Davis; the best hat from Factory Hat Store; a $5.00 pair of shoes from Albert Lutz. Colt Ballot Boxes at following places: City Cigar Store, Huron Street Procknam's Dairy Lunch, Huron Street Stocken's Barber Shop. Huron Street Chapman's Cigar Store, Liberty Strect Busy Bee Jefferson's Billiard Hall Cappie Runbelaw's University Pharmacy, 1123 S. Univ. Ave. College Inn Sugden's Drug Store Cushing's Drug Store Huston's Grill Room Goldman Bros.' WATCH THE MICHIGAN DAILY FOR THE STANDING OF CONlESTANTS