'H HL licAN DAILL3 The Fact That Ips.__..y'. Ii - 1f other are frequently worn for two and more scasons men, is not men- tioned as unusual, but is significant as characteristic of the service and by most particular satisfaction found in tailoring Stits and Overcoats $16.00 to $ 35.00 '00"lo i 1 R i win" YOUR -SUEI T HIS season's style demn form-fitting clothes. TI makes it absolutely necessary th experts work on your suit from C start. And of course, you requi all wool m*aterials, in. your choi of shade, fabric, and. cut. You'll get just what you wa at The Big Store. FASHION PARK ADLER-ROCHESTER CLOTHCRAFT $15 to $35 The Stein-Moab Co.. 1915 LI'NDENSGHM ITT APFEL &,CO.9,Main St. Call and look over our Special at $22,00, any style 308 So. C MuS OOTERY State St. Scientific Apparatus,' Chemicals and Student Laboratory Supplies for Biology, Histology, Bacteriology, Pathology, and Anatomy AR-MENIAN'S CL Noted~~~~~ Arenan.rtIt t ppa5 C1.UB GETS NEIS OF MA5AC Y f li - ' ; i} : , 4 ' ' c " / ( I l 1 r ' r^ .5 / ( ' 1d III f ' 3 " ' '\.. I , 't, q ' . 1 , ( :' V .J Fin r} { i hiC COME IN Iu e Io fi F THE BIG STORE 2OO2 20Main Stre THM !OBERBACH ft SON CO. 200-208 E. Liberty St. P' I ON U No Drops Needed in Our Eye Examination. SEE THE GREATEST PHOTOPLAY EVER PROD UCED REGEERAIN Mjestic SUNDAY, NV. 14 Seats - 10c My s pec ia lty is making Drugless FEye 1Exam indlions- determining scientifically and accurately the glasses your eyes require. Shop facilities, enable me to make your glasses, giving you quick service. We grind lenses. EMIL H. ARNOLD Optometrist- Optician with Arnold & Co., Jewelers, 220 S. Main St. 0r. Edmunds to VIsit Toledo Today Dr. Charles W. Edmunds, secretary of the Medical School, will leave for Toledo this afternoon, where he willad rs h oe o A a e y o ei cine. During his short stay, in To-I ledo, Dr. Edmunds will be the guest of Dr. Willard J. Stone, 'O1M. Armenian Students' club is planning to stage a concert on Friday evening, January 14, for the benefit of the A menian war sufferers. A rare t eat is said 'to be in store for Ann Arbor concert patrons, as this twill be thea frtprogram ee gien in this city featuring professional Armenian con- cert singers. Prof J.. A. C. Hlidner, as chairman of the committee in charge, will make an effort to secure Hill a- ditorium for the occasion. So far, three concert singers and a violinist have been secured, all native Armenians. A. Chah-Mourdian, tenor of the Paris Grand opera, will stp here on his first American tour. The sopranos are Miss Rose Hiagopian, of New York, and Mrs. J. Panosan, of Boston. Prof. Aiquon, of Syracuse, will perform on the violin. Mrs.Try- nosian is said to be especially cap- able in her interpretation of ntive Armenian songs. The program will also include songs in French, Grian and English. Members of the club have received] letters stating that conditions in their country are even worse than in 110- giumi, 500,000 reported as having beet; massacred. The Turks are niing an especial effort to capture those wl have been educated in America, as~ they are said to be instilling a love of liberty into the natives. Amabassdor Morgentheau, the mewrican ambassa - dor at Constantinople, has asked for aid in handling the situation, and al- ready a fund of $500,000 has bee raised, of which the Rockefeller foun- dation has donated $30,000./ FL ANMES 1)ESTRO)Y'T WO-STORY ~ BARNl 0ON SO. TILAYER STREET Flames were seen issuing from a two-story barn at the rear of 61.3 South Thayer street at about 445 o'clock, yesterday afternoon. The property is a portion of the William Burke estate, and has been vacant for some months. Following the alarm of fire, which was turned in by a negh - bor, several companies were called t the scene, and for a while the flame seemed to gain headway owing to the high wind. The fire was finally ex- tinguished only after the barn had been practically demolished. Cosmopolites Debate Wr Suiaday "Is War Futile from the Economnic Point of View?" is the subject for a debate at the meeting of the Cosmo-_ politan club to be held in the Unitarian church at 3:30 o'clock Sunday. J. N. Hadjisky, '16E, will argue the saffirm- ative, and Otto reuser, '17, will hau- dle the negative side. Anoher spea- er will be J. M,. Hernander, grad. The meeting is open to the general public. Atenaorall Postpones S1nday iMetin Members of the Menorah society will not meet this coming Sunday evenun;, owing to the Union serv ices to be co- ducted in Hill auditorium at that tie. The meeting has been postponed one week and the name of the speker for that evening will be announced ata later time. "THE LITT< :LE Sa_" 1LMASTER SAYS": ~tl and wihi,.l1h evntgsOfper- ED. V. PRIC &CO. owl 1l(,meshow ,°you! I ('ON SIP0 _ It I;ISl'hCt ti I e : r f r x . _.xclu " s C' ,. ;' ii ?De:ler God Sport andGood Smoke Go Together There's more crisp, brisk, youthful vigor in an ounce of "Bull" Durham than in a pound of any othecr tobacco ever rolled up into a cigarette. It's the co- partner of the go-ahead spirit--the delight of the fr eshi, unjaded taste that goes wvith enthausiasm and energy. This grand old tobacco-the favorite of three genera- tions-is today the liveliest smoke in the whole world. BULL'DRA SMOKING vTOBACCO Within the last two years the "roll-your-own" idea has spread amazingly. Thousands of men have learned that their own hand-rolled "1bul"Durham cigarettes have a fresh- ness and fragrance impossible to obtain in any other way. Made exclusively from mild, ripe Virginia-North Carolina "bright" .*~ tobacco leaf, "Bull" Durham is . . unique in its mellow-sweet flavor. Try it once and you'll smoke it always.a Ask for FREE package of "pagers" with each Sc sack FREE An Ilustrated 1 correct way to "Roll Your ~r; Own" Cigarettes, and a i~ package of cigarette papers,a will both be mailed, free, to' any address in U, S. on request. " {Address "Bull" Durham, . > zt Durham, N. C. Room 1400. t- - - THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY reient Sends Bishop to Pittsburg GLOTES; Librarian W. W, Bishop has been for men, bieat known makes at ret chosen by President Harry B. Hutchins able prices, on sale by N. F. Ally to represent the university at 'a Joint C6.9 main street, we( 3 il 09 S. 31.1in Sit S a Stut,' Leave Copy Leave Copy at at Quarry's and ;Students' The DeltaAD E RT S N Supply Store LOST LOST LOST-Fraternity pin, name ingraved, LOST - Monday morning between Floyd B. Brown. Reward for re- Gamma Phi Beta and West hall A. turn. 1443 Washtenaw ave. A. Waterman pen with gold band. novll=12-13 Finder please call 373. LOST--Grey light overcoat with black velvet collar, f'rom Rlothchild's. Re- LS- o slide rule between engi- w ard. Call 39E1 or 910 Cornwell neering building and State street, Plc. with name C. E. Gill on case. Finder _______________-leave at Daily office. nov12-14 LOST-MToore non-leakable fountain - pen. 917 State street. 2450-J. LOST-A pearl Phi Delta Theta novl2-13 badge. Phone 544-R. nov9-10-11-12 faculty c the A l 'craiy n est ry of- lay :\liss 11o c