THE MICHIGAN DAILI PAE T _. ..... .Y. _.,e, M..._._,._._,_._.. .. ._. ro. _,,....,... 1__________ tIUPl " -t / 9 I IN L L- ?64 a or IC~HGAN TAKES IPENER WITH BUT MED IOREPLAYING" delay and considerable sympathetic attention. 0,1 the whole, however, Maulbetsch was outplayed by several of his teammates, Smith in particular having an immense advantage over the All-American product. This Smith is a -real ";,comer." (Continued from Page One) more during the first quarter, but Benton missed his second attempt at goal, and the count stood 12 to 0. Micligan marched straight down the' field, using nothing but old-style foot-1 ball, apparently easily brushing aside' all resistance. -Maulbetsch scored the second touchdown, although the other backs performed nobly in advancing the ball to within scoring distance. Michigan scored once in the second quarter, due for the mast part to a spectacular 25-yard run by "Jack" Benton which put the ball on the three-yard line. Benton skirted left end neatly and should have scored a touchdown easily but for Calvin', fail- ure to block the sole remaining tack- ler between "Jack" and the line. Cal- vin was running ahead of Benton, but instead of putting the remaining vis- itor out of the way, he sprinted furi-. ously past, leaving Benton to his fate. Morrie Dunne goaled, placing the Michigan total at 19. Lawrence rallied during the re- mainder of the period and played their bigger opponents almost even. Elliot, the left half on the Lawrence' team, proved to be the individual star for his playmates, both on defense and offense. Elliot was practically the only back who could penetrate the Michigan line consistently, and incidentally he was a powerful de- fensive man, smearing many of Mich- igan's passes and tackling efficiently. The Dlrst half ended with Michigan leading, 19 to 0. Coach Yost's squad scored shortly after the second half opened,'Smith and Hildner gaining repeatedly. Maul- betsch scored 'the touchdown. Hild- ner, Roehm and Zeiger carried the ball effectively during the second half, all three of this trio eluding Lawrence tacklers for long runs on several oc- casions. Maulbetsch contributed his best bit of offensive performance during this portion of the struggle, returning a kick some 30 yards straight down the center of the field. This one play re- Zeiger started at quarter back, with Calvin going in for a while. Johnson also had a whirl at directing the vary- ing fortunes of the Wolverines, but Zeiger was in the lineup when the game ended. Coach Yost was not par- ticularly gratified with the snap that any of the quarters displayed. Zei- ger carried the ball exceptionally well, breaking through for several long gains. Commenting upon the difference in size of the Michigan score and that of Wisconsin, Coach Yost stated that Wisconsin played 60 minutes as against 40 minutes yesterday. Then, too, Yost, allowed the Lawrence coach to make as many substitutions and in whatever manner he chose, which did not occur in, the Wisconsin-Lawrence game. Also, the youth performing at center on the Wisconsin team is a Lawrence product and thoroughly ac- quainted with the signals. The ad- vantage here is obvious. Finally, the Lawrence team fumbled five punts which resulted in five Wisconsin touchdowns, which obliging feat they failed to duplicate. yesterday. Considered from all points of view, the Michigan team put up a fair game yesterday, for the first contest of the season. The coach stated that he was satisfied, and if Yost is pleased, things must be going smoothly. The line-up: MICHIGAN. LAWREXCE, Dunne, Loucks.. L. E.....Thompson Watson, Pobanz. L. T.......Schneider' Norton.........L. G..........Wallis Howe, Warner.. C. .... ....Berdan Cochran (Capt.), Rehor........R. G............Lloyd Whalen, Ingham R. T. ..... ..Owe, Staatz, Niemann..... R.E. W l k i n s o n', (Capt.) NUlVL ER GRIDIRON HEN! YES! ON A ND OF1 FIELD The moral of this story, right off i esty, Johnny simply filled out his the bat, is that "Maulie" should wear name and address on the intramural a sign. How can a man be expected card that was handed to him, and didn't take the trouble to underline to be known in his own home town the sports wherein his endowed pro- when he hasn't done anything in the ficiency lies. fcotball realm except make the All- j The attendant at the table noticed American ? Maybe our Johnnie doesn't the omission, and turning to his vic- look as athletic in his street-clothes tim with one of those "Now I've got as he does in the gridiron armor, and you," ultra-professional airs, rebuked perhaps in that lies the excuse for thusly: "Haven't you ever taken part the engineer of this "bone." in any athletics?" "No, kind sir," "Maulie," like some 7,200 other Mich- quoth the German Bullet, "I only play igah students, went up to one of those on the Varsity." tables where they have been giving At which a kind bystander whis- out athletic books, and handed over pered "Maulbetsch" to the astounded his coupon No. 6 like the rest of them. youth, who has given up the study of Just what he wanted with an athletic athletic books and is now taking a book is nothing to us, and that isn't course in "Who's Who." the plot of this yarn. With due mod- P. S. No, he wasn't a freshman. TENNIS PROSPECTS LOOM UPBIHE ON OTHER GRIDIRONS FOLLOWING THE YOST-MEN By Hal Fitzgerald "They're letting him go in becauseI his name's Lawrence,"-whispered oneI of the co-eds as Roehm made his ap- pearance.t Hal Smith emphatically denies that he's been practicing leading cheers inr front of a mirror for three months.t However . - The newspaper boys are all pulling1 for "Pat" Smith. It's a lot easier to write "Smith" sixty or seventy times in a single story than it is this "Maul- betsch" proposition. At that, it sounded strange and pe- culiar to see Hal out there vigorously conducting a long, loud cheer for; "Smith." That must take consider- able courage the first time, at that. Playing football in the darkness may have its distinct advantages, but one of them isn't deciding from the dizzy heights of the press stand who scores the touchdowns. As has been customary in recent football games staged upon Ferry Field, the star of the game has been the left half. The only difference be- tween this occasion and many others is that instead of being Maulbetsch this time, it was the visitors' left half. After attempting to purchase a few text books at this time of the year from any of the State street stores, one is more or less firmly convinced that all the pushing and shoving in Ann Arbor isn't confined exclusively to Ferry Field. Coach Yost offers his sincerest apol- ogy to the freshman in the north stand who became so bored with the game that he began to study. The coach states that hereafter he shall bend his best efforts to see that there is sufficient entertainment for all-even the freshmen. The atendance was estimated at about 5,000. Just about the most con- clusive and final bit of evidence that one can submit to uphold this conten- tion, is the statement of a well-known gentleman connected with another student publication. He thought there were 10,000. Therefore we know there were 5,000. After "Pat" Smith, almost unaided, had luggedl the ball the sum total of about 99 yards, it was handed to "Johnny" Maulbetsch, who shot over the line for a touchdown, whereupon the discerning students arose en masse and cheered madly for Mr. Maulbetsch. Never mind, Pat, you know who the coach was cheering for. "The Michigan team looked every bit as good as Wisconsin," stated Coach Catlin of the Lawrence squad. "We gave Wisconsin five touchdowns by dropping punts, and their center had formerly played on our team and so knew our signals. I was very grateful to Coach Yost for his cour- tesy in letting me re-arrange my men Captain Crawford Victor Over Large Field in North Dakota' Championship COMPETITION MAY BE VERY HOT1 Michigan's tennis team for 1915-16 looms up as a strong contender for in- tersectional honors this season.' Dur- ing the summer members of last1 year's team have been doing consider- able work which shows up strongly and seems to point to a successful showing in the -coming spring. Captain Crawford entered the North Dakota state tournament, and won handily from a large field of entries. Throughout the play Crawford showed, wonderful form, and from all indica- tions the captain has bettered his game of last year considerably. "Jack" Switzer, also a member of last year's racket-wielding squad, spent the. summer in Texas, where he won the south Texas specials from a field of experts. Mack did some good work in the Michigan state championship in De- troit. His best performance was a three-set match against former State Champion Doughty. He has been de- veloping a new serve, and with this perfected he is expected to be one of the strongest points In our new team. Ira Reindel, captain of the last Michigan tennis team, played well in the Michigan state tournament and won the Detroit city championship. There are many promising prospects among last year's freshmen team and also among some older men who have never taken part in the game at Mich- igan. First among this number seems to be John Codd, of Detroit. He showed well in both the city and state dhampionship in Detroit, and if he can persuade the faculty to let him r play next semester, he will also be a 1 man to count on. "Howdy" Sher- wood,. star member of the All-Fresh - of last year, will make a strong bid for one of the four positions on the (By the New York Sun Service.) Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 6.--The absence of Jamison and Bailey, regular tackles, from the line-up today re- sulted in an even scrap between the Varsity and second teams. Coach Sharpe's scrubs had the Varsity on the run during stages of the scrim- mage, and gave fully as much as they took. Wells, who took Jamison's tackle post, looked fairly good at the job, and the rooters believe that he will wear the "C" at the end of the season. Tellis replaced Bailey. Van- der, a 155 pounder, worked at right end. His weight is against him, but he is fast and plays a strongly offen- sive game which should win him a place in the line-up. * *I * Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 6.-B. N. Wright's injury in today's stiff prac- tice will keep him out of the game for some time. Doctor Nichols pro- 4ounced his knee as in bad condition, and recommended several weeks' rest after the crutches are abandoned next week. Wright was a member of last year's All-Fresh eleven and was con- ceded a place on the Varsity backfield this year. The Varsity was scored on three times by the scrubs. Hart and Lyman made touchdowns, while Rob- ertson kicked goal neatly from the 35 yard line. Enright and Mahan made the only two Varsity scores. Princeton, N. J., Oct. 6.-The Tiger Varsity scored only twice on the freshmen in today's long scrimmage: The defensive work of the 1919 eleven was phenomenal, the line twice hold- ing the Varsity from touchdowns af- ter the ball had been carried almost to the goal line. George played the best offensive game for the yearlings, breaking away four times for sub- stantial gains, and gaining consist- ently on shorter runs. The first Var- sity score was made by Lamberton, who carried the ball across the line on an end run. Vahill made the sec- ond and last score by receiving a for- Sward pass behind the goal line. FRESHMEN SEE VARSITY OPENER Will Resume Regular Practice at 3:00 O'clock Today Zeiger, Calvin, Johnson...... Q. B. . Maulbetsch, Eberwein... L. H. B. Benton, Hildner, Sharpe.... R. H. B. Smith, Bastian, . Rice, Vincent . ...... Elliot .Davis, Stumpf minded the rooters of the Maulbetsch - of last year, the Dutchman boring straight down the middle of the field, and spilling several opponents before he was downed.1 In fact, the "Bullet" traveled with1 such fervor that one of the visitors who chanced to be in his path con- tinued the game only after a long Roehm....F.B. ....Pond, Curry Score by quarters: Michigan..........12 7 7 13-39 Lawrence.......... 0 0 0 0--- 0 Touchdowns-Maulbetsch 3, Staatz 1, Eberwein 1, Zeiger 1. Goals from touchdown-Dunne 2, Eberwein 1. / Referee--Walter Kennedy, of Chi- cago. Umpire--Leigh Lynch, of Brown. Time of quarters--10 minutes. as I pleased. It kept my team much team, and will be followed closely by stronger and made the score closer." Steketee, Stebbins and Stocking. "Pat" Smith was somewhat dazed [ With this quota of men lined up, and was removed from the lineup ! the prospects for the coming year during the third quarter, although he look brighter "than in the past few came around all right after the game. seasons. The fall tournament, which Smith is the type of player that puts will start within a few days, may un- everything he has into every play, and cover still more material to make the thus will probably be hurt more often regulars of last year step for their than the average man. places. Light practice was the rule in th yearling camp yesterday, and t1 first-year men donned their uniform for only a few minutes' workout. Coach Douglas permitted his me to watch the Varsity-Lawrence gan from the stands, so that they migh see how the big boys work under fir It was- his idea that more good wou be accomplished in this way tha through an afternoon of practice. "LET'S CO CANOEING" ATHLETICS START SOON CLASS FOOTBALL COMMENCES ON OCTOBER 16-SOCCER OUTLOOK APPEARS BRIGHT son, providing they secure a locker at the gymnasium, and present them- selves to Dr. May for a physical ex- amination. There is a rumor of meets with M. A. C. and other schools this fall. i Autumn sports in all branches of athletics will start with the beginning of next week. Because of the late opening of school, only a few days{ can be utilized for practice. Interclass football games will be started Saturday, October 16, and the different classes are urged to elect or appoint managers at once so that the schedule may be completed before cold weather sets in. This affords but a short time for practice and candi- dates for the different teams should report for practice as soon as permis- sible, say the authorities. "Pete" Dor- - rance and Thornton have been en- gaged to coach the various teams, and managers desirous of their assistance can find them at south Ferry field. Candidates for the cross country team should report immediately at Waterman gymnasium. Freshmen who desire to try out for this team. will be excused from regular 'gym' work during the cross-country sea- Soccer football games have already been secured with Ypsilanti Normal and Battle Creek Training School, and the prospects are bright for another good season. CROSS COUNTRY SEASON STARTS Captain Carroll and Seven Men in Training for Races CATLETT HEJOINS SQUAD ENATIONAL OPEN FIELD MAN WILL RETURN TO BOOM YOST'S PROSPECTS., Although Coach Yost has a }ong string of candidates fighting for the right half back position, Michigan stock soared perceptibly yesterday when "Buzz" Catlett announced that he would report to tht team. Catlett played last season, and wasl You and your friends are cordially invited to inspect the new quarters of the University Avenue Branch of The Ann Arbor Savings Bank at 707 North University Avenue. Having in mind the comfort of our customers we have furnished a special room for their convenience, and we earnestly hope that you and your associates will feel at liberty to use this room as a place for meeting friends and for business appointments. Our plan is to furnish service in the fullest meaning of that Captain, Carroll and President Wal- one of the most sensational perform- ters, of the Cross Country club, have ors on the squad. However, he was started off the season with eight men injured repeatedly during the season in the squad, preparing for the reg- and thus did not figure as a regular. ular four-mile handicap, which is .held Catlett's end runs have been the annually on Belle Isle, Detroit. Fol- distinct features of almost every con- lowing that race, the long distance runnrs ill avemorecometitonstest that lie played, as "Buzz" is one runners will have more competitie1 'of the fastest menn playing football, in when they clash with M. A. (. Captain Carroll issues his first ofFi- both straight sprinting as well as cial call for candidates today, asking dodging. - those who wish to run to report for It has been rumored that Catlett physical examination to Doctor May may be tried at quarter by the coach. today. The squad leaves the gym at "Buzz" himself does not care as much 4:15 o'clock every day for a jaunt for the quarter-back job as he does into the country, running and walk- for a position at half, but is willing ing. to play where Yost puts him. term. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK