I THE DAILY NEW'j OF THE WORLD ANDI 1TTE CAMPUS The Michigan Dail Phones :--Editoria 2414 Business 960 TELEGRAPH SERVICE BY 7 NEW YORK SUN VOL. XXVL No. 33. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1915. PRICE FIVE TEAM LEAVES FORH PENNSY CONTEST AMID CHEERING 2,500 STUDENTS SNAKE DANCE TO ANN ARBOR STATIONa CROWD DEMANDS YOST SPEECH Send-Off Rivals One to Harvard; Bogle and Hulbert Orate On, Top of Box Car With a come-back spirit rivalling in its intensity the famous send-off to Harvard last year, the students sent the 1915 Varsity squad to Philadel- :hia last e':er'ng with cheers'of praise pinging in :heir ears. Approximately 2,10 students Eathered in front of U ivcrsity hall at 7:00 o'clock, from where they snake-danced to the Ann Arbor station. At the station they were greeted vrith a semi-mass meeting, at which Hal ilulbert, '14M, and Tom Bogle, '12, spoke from the heights of a box car. Cheer after cheer, many of them springing spontaneously from the stu- dents, resounded for a radius of blocks. They were led by Hal Smith, '16, and Bob Bennett, '18, until the train pulled in, when the individual cheering blended into a continuous shout. Players were cheered individually and the team collectively, until there came an insistant call for Yost. Fin- ally in answer, he appeared from the car and spoke on the steps to the vast crowd. He did not exactly prophesy victory for the Maize and Blue team which will meet Pennsy on Saturday, but he did say that if ever a team should give everything it had in a game, Captain Cochran's squad would. Never had he experienced or even an- ticipated as possible, the wonderful display of enthusiasm and loyal feel- ing towards a team as had the stu- dents shown this fall. After the train had departed, there. was a general exodus from the sta- tion in the direction of the Majestic, where the .management offered a free show to the students, a custom which has been in practice for several years.' Only the actual Varsity squad left1 last evening, the-reserves leaving Fri- day afternoon. PROF. SCOTT TALKS TO FRESHMEN Wood Appoints Various Committees for Ensuing College Year Professor Fred N. Scott, of the rhet- oric department, spoke to freshmen1 engineers yesterday on the subject. "Books That Wear and Books Thatl Wear Out.", Philip Mulkey, '16E, gave a few words in explanation of the honor sys- tem and recommended that the class adopt the plan as outlined by the hon- or committee of last year.t President D. P. Wood announced the followin. committees: Social comt mittee, R. D. Smith, chairman; W. W. Gubbins. C. W. Horr, H. N. Brand, and L. W. Page; financial committee, E.- Chatterton, chairman, W. Schuler, R.t M. Staubus, Clyde Heath, and R. D.r Orr; auditing committee, D. B. Cold-r well, chairman, J. R. Summers, Thom- as Garrett, R. J. Hohenschied, and J. A. Gross.1 FIRE IN BETHLEHEM WAR PLANT Blate W211 Set Back Munition Orders;1 Damage Exceeds $1,000,000 South Bethlehem, Pa., Nov. 10.- Manufacturers of guns of light caliber1 for various purposes-some for the United States and some for England and her allies-were given a great set- back today when fire swept through one of the machine shops of the Beth-t lehem Steel company. In a statement given out shortly after the blaze, the company statesl that it is unable to estimate the dam- age, but states that the loss will be serious. I Estimates made from unofficial sources place the damage at figures which range from $1,000,000 to $4,-f 000,000. Debating Clubs Pick Candidates Final Tryouts Will be Held Before Oratorical Faculty to Pick Varsity Men Preliminary tryouts for debaters tc represent Michigan in the annual Chi- cago-Northwestern debate were held last night. Each of the various lit- erary and debating societies of the university selected six candidates for the combined tryouts. The final try- outs will be held before the Oratorical faculty, and six men will be picked to represent the university as a whole. Jeffersonian and Webster, law socie- ties, and Adelphi and Alpha Nu, lit- erar.y societies, have selected their as- pirants as follows: Jeffersonian: W. Brucher, '16L; E. B. Houseman, '17L; W. L. Goodwin, '16L; A. J. Stoddard, '17L; S. D. Fran- kel, '17L, and H. D. Lawrence, '16L. Webster: S. F. Cohn, '18L; A. J. Mickleson, '16L; R. S. Munter, '16L; I. W. Lisle, '17L; B. Harris, '16L; K. M. Stevens, '16L. Adelphi: J. R. Cotton, '16; N. E. Pinney, '16; P. V. Ramsdell, '16; A. R. Levine, '18; G. R. Bachus, '16; J. J. Sheerin, '18. Alpha Nu: H. B. Teegarden, '17; C. E. Hutton, '17; H. H. Springston, '17; R. R. Bannen, '17; W. T. Adams, '17; L. E. Loebbers, '18. FRENCH HALT TEUTONIC ASSAULT IN CHAMGE Withering Fire Repulses Attack and 1)rives Germans from Their Foothold Paris, Nov. 10.-German forces hold- ing Tahure in the Champagne district attempted to drive the French forces holding the heights in that vicinity from their positions in a series of at- tacks today. Two assaults were made, the first of which broke down in the face of the withering fire from the French trenches. The second was more suc- cessful and the Germans gained a foot- hold. They were immediately driven out by a counter attack. The rushes from the Teuton trenches were preceded by a bombardment of the French positions with heavy artil- lery. This was replied to effectively, says the official statement. , Fighting with hand grenades con- tinues without let up in the region to the west of Argonne. China Not to Change Form This Year Peking, Nov. 10.-The Chinese re- public today authorized the statement that no change would be made this year in the form of government of the country. Election returns make it certain that the proposal to re-establish a monarchical form of government has been adopted. These returns show that eighteen of the twenty-two prov- inces already have given solid support to the project. The election will be completed, but restoration of the monarchy will be delayed. Chicago Expects to Land Convention Philadelphia,, Pa., Nov. 10.-Phila- delphia has little chance of landing the 1916 Republican national conven- tion, according to Harry Baker, sec- rewtary of the Republican State com- mittee, here for a brief conference with state leaders. Chicago is virtu- ally the unanimous choice of the party leaders, Mr. Baker said, with St. Louis making a perfunctory campaign to land the convention. BrItish Sink German Submarine Boats Madrid, Nov. 10.-British cruisers sank two German submarines off Gi- braltar today, according to reports re- ceived here. This fact is taken as significant in view of the fact that it is claimed that it was a German, not an Austrian, submarine which sank the Ancona off Bizerta, Tunis, late Tuesday. Keystone Club Makes Plans for Smoker The Keystone club, an organization for Pennsylvania men, is making plans for its first smoker of the year, which will be held November 23 at the Union. The committee in charge is preparing an elaborate program, and some novel SCHROEDER TO BE SMOKERSPEAKER Both Yost and Bartelme Compelled to be Absent from Annual Foot. ball Event CARTOON CONTEST TO BE HELD Werner W. Schroeder, '16L, will speak in behalf of the student body at the third annual Michigan Union football smoker to be held at Water- man gymnasium on Tuesday night, November 16. Negotiations for the re- maining speakers are being made by Lee Joslyn, '17, chairman of the pro- gram committee. It was announced late last night that neither Coach Yost nor P. G. Bartelme, athletic director, will be present at the big smoker. It is stated that Yost will leave directly for the south after the game at Philadelphia Saturday. Bartelme is scheduled to visit the East on a business trip.7 At the meeting of the various com- mittees at the Union last night, the1 authorities of the Union made a dona- tion of $6.00 to be given for the best cartoons contributed. The cartoons can be on anything appropriate for thej occasion, and the money contributed will be divided into a $3, $2 and $1E prize for the three best cartoons. The cartoons are to be handed in at theI Union desk any time this week. The program committee is makingf a special effort torsecure "Ed" Shields, '94-'96L, who stirred Michigan rooterst in the big "Come-Back Fest"' severalc weeks ago. As yet no definite worda has been received from him. It is planned also to have the principal speaker give out the coveted "M's." 1917 LITS TO PICK J-HOP HEAD Report of Social Committee to be Pre- sented at Meeting Today The junior literary class will elect the chairman and four members of the J-Hop committee at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in room 101, economics building. Other matters to be laid before the meeting will be a repot of the treasurer, and the plans of the social committee for a smoker in the near future, and a dance before the Christmas holidays. French Forces Recapture Serbian City Athens, Nov. 10.-The retaking of Veles by the French from the Bul- garians, who took it on their first rush into Serbia, was announced here today. Veles is about 50 miles northwest of the Graeco-Serbian frontier on the railroad running between Nish and Saloniki. British forces advancing to- ward Veles have taken the Bulgar po- sitions in the Doiran district. The Serbian army has defeated a force of Bulgarians who were advancing from Uskub against Priskend. The contest took place in the Kutchanik defiles east of Priskend. Chaperons Announced for Union Dance Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Stevens and Dr. and Mrs. William D. Moriarity will be the chaperons for the Michigan Union membership dance Saturday evening. The committee in charge of the affair is composed of Robert Tur- ner, '16, chairman; Gordon Smith, '17E; George Ohrstrom,'18, and George Johnston, '19M. Tickets will gd on sale at the Union desk at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon. Quarterdeck Initiates New Members Quarterdeck, honorary marine en- gineering society, yesterday initiated the following men: G. W. Akers, '16E, F. S. Altamirano,. '17E, K. W. Heinrich, '16E, L. R. Hussa, '17E, A. Kaufman, '17E, K. H. Monroe, '17E, M. Nicholls, '17E, L. M. Rakestraw, '16E, M. S. Sato, '16E, C. D. Tripolitis, '17E, and T. G. Volden, grad. At a banquet held at Foster's last night, Prof. H. C. Sadler, Prof. E. M. Bragg and K. W. Heinrich, '16E, gave short talks. Rumored Merger Excites Speculators Detroit, Mich., Nov. 10.-Because of the rumor that a giant merger was on foot, involving the General Motors company, the Chevrolet Motor com- pany, and another large motor - com- pany, investment circles were stirred up considerably today. The General Motors company and the Chevrolet Motor company alone have a combined capitalization of $60,000,000. THOS. NICHOLSON TO SPEIK SUNDAY Methodists Bring Famous New Jersey Lecturer For First of Church Union Services BIG CHORUS TO FURNISH MUSIC Thomas Nicholson, of East Orange, N. J., has been secured to speak at the first of the Hill auditorium Union services to be held Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The subject on which he will speak is, "The Life Symmet- rical." Mr. Nicholson, who has appeared as a lecturer in Ann Arbor on former oc- casions, will speak under the auspices of the Wesleyan Guild of the Metho- dist church. While in Ann Arbor he will be entertained at the hame of Prof. E. H. Kraus, of the mineralogy department. A special musical program has been provided for the service, and a chorus of 200 voices under the direction of Prof. A. A. Stanley, of the university school of music, will render Mendel- ssohn's "For He the Lord Our God." During the past several years, Mr. Nicholson has been general corre- sponding secretary of the board of education of the Methodist church, and during that time he has lectured in practically all of the great educational centers of the United States. He was, for a number of years, president of the DakotasWesleyan university, and at the present time, in addition to hisP duties with the Methodist board, he acts in the capacity of editor-in-chief of "The Christian Student." As in previous years, the Union ser- vices will be held monthly in Hill auditorium under the auspices of the various religious bodies of Ann Arbor.s On the evenings on which the servicesI will be held, the regular services inI all of the town churches will be dis-r pensed with. The second of the services will be held on December 19, when Bishop Charles D. Williams, of Detroit, willy speak under the auspices of the Epis- copal church. FRENCH COMMISSION IN AMERICAc Members Say They will Buy Steel ande Machinery New York, Nov. 10.-Five members of the French industrial and commer-c cial commission landed here Tuesday from the steamship Lafayette and saidI they came to arrange for the purchase,s at the conclusion of the war, of at least $160,000,000 worth of structuralf iron and steel, machinery and indus- trial supplies which were formerly im-I ported from Germany. The commissioners said that while they are here they will endeavor tok establish reciprocal trade relations be- tween the United States and France.C The commission is headed by MauriceI Damour, formerly French consul-gen-f eral at New Orleans, now secretary ofa appropriations of the French chamber1 of deputies. Although this commission is not a government organization, it is said toe be backed by all the large industrialv and commercial organizations ofr France and a majority of the bankers.f Mr. Damour said the commission will remain in this country severalb months, with headquarters in New York, but trips will. be made to many of the larger cities and virtually all of the important manufacturing cen- ters. Wyvern Society Holds Fall Initiation The parlors of Barbour gymnasium were the scene of the fall initiation of Wyvern society of junior women. A banquet at the Homestead followed. The speakers were historians. Mar- garet Reynolds, as third historian, in-P troduced in turn Dean Myra B. Jordan as speaker on ancient history; Grace1 Fletcher, '16 mediaeval historian; Helen Champion, '17, modern his- torian, and Della Laubengayer, '17, who gave a glimpse into future history. Michigan's student body is behind the Michigan team. If anyone doubts this fact let him look over the ex- amples of support which the students have afforded the eleven during the fast closing season. Last night the climax was capped when, in half an hour, enough money was collected to send two cheer-leaders to Pennsy to help the team beat the wearers of the Red and Blue. With the Majestic theater packed to enough money was found in the treas- off of the team last night, Francis Mack, '16E, addressed the audience in an appeal to send one cheer leader to Philadelphia, and after his talk from the stage the circulation of the boxes was begun. When the proceeds were counted enough money wos found in the treas- ury of the special committee of the council to send two cheer-leaders to the Quaker city. The amount totalled $70.50. From this sum $2.50 was turn- ed over to the Majestic theater man- agement to pay for a window broken in the rush previous to the free show. The remainder will be used to help "Hal" Smith and "Bob" Bennett on' their way to lead the 2,000 Michigan rooters in their support of the Maize, and Blue. MEXICANS WOUND U. S. SOLDIER ,eize Smuggled Jewelry Worth $20,000; Carranza Takes Hermosillo Brownsville, Texas, Nov. 10.-Pri- vate Madden of the Twenty-sixth United States infantry and seven other soldiers were fired on twice from the brush near La Feria, ten miles from here, late Monday, according to word reaching Fort Brown. Three fingers of Madden's left hand were shot away. El Paso, Texas, Nov. 10.-Jewelry valued at $20,000, including a gold badge formerly worn by Gen. Fran- cisco Villa, was seized as smuggled goods Tuesday by Special 4gent Locke of the treasury department. Whether Gen. Villa was the owner, of the jew- elry has not been determined. Washington, D. C., Nov. 10-Capture of Hermosillo by Carranza's forces was confirmed in navy department dis- patches Tuesday from Admiral Win- slow of the Pacific squadron. The Carranzista warship Corrigan II has arrived with Carranza rein- forcements at Guaymas. Bulgarians Take 5,000 Serbs at Nish London, Nov. 10.-According to ad- vices from Sofia, the Bulgarians took 5,000 Serbs prisoners in the capture of Nish. The booty taken has not yet been estimated. Conditions are still favorable to the Teutonic-Bulgarian alliance, says the statement. British Steamers Sunk by Submarines London, Nov. 10.-The British steam- ers Californian and Clan McAllister were sunk today by German subma- rines, according to Lloyd's. The Cali- fornian was a 6,002-ton liner, while the records list the Clan McAllister as having a tonnage of 4,835. WHAT'S GOING ON Collection Sends Leaders to Penn Crow~d at Theater, ' Ater Send-Off, Raises $70.50 for Smith and Bennett Washington, Nov. 10.-Twenty-seven Americans are believed killed In the torpedoing of the Italian liner Ancona by an Austrian submarine in the Med- iterranean sea, according to a dispatch received late tonight at the state de- partment from Ambassador Page at Rome. A serious question with the Austro- Hungarian government, identical with that which brought the United States and Germany to the verge of a break following the Lusitania and Arabic dis- asters, is believedpending, unlesstis demonstrated that conditions Justified the Ancona attack. Should it be shown that the Ancona was torpedoed without warning, that no signal was given to stop, and that no effort was made to escape, prompt and vigorous action will be taken by the United States, according to rumors. Thus far the state department has re- ceivednobadvices beyond the dispatch from Ambassador Page. The press report that the Ancoa attemptedto escape and was shelled for a long time before being torpedoed and sunk is not confirmed at the state department. Complete reports on the incident are expected here tomorrow. ROME ACCOUNTS FOR 142 New York, Nov. 10.-Rome advices received here quote the Royal Emigra- tion company of that city as announc- ing that only 142 passengers on the liner Ancona have been accounted for, up to date. The only American cabin passenger, known to have been aboard was Mrs. Seigel Grey. Boats containing the survivors have landed at Sardinia and points on the African coast. One report received here estimates- those who escaped from the wreck at 270. This would place the total death list at 312. Another theory, however, estimates that the 270 rescued in- cluded only those passengers and members of the crew who were land- ed at Bizerta, 54 others having landed at Cape Bon, and 142 at Berrieville. This reduces the list of victims to 110. The Italian censor is watching all news dispatches regarding the disaster carefully and is letting very little in- formation get outs The correspond- ents had great difficulty in sending telegraphic dispatches through. The vessel carried 582 persons on its passenger list. '19 LITS TO BEGIN ASSEMBLIES Mean Effinger to Give First Address of Series for Freshmen Dean John R. Effinger, of the liter- ary college, will talk to the freshmen of that college at 4:00 o'clock next Monday in the auditorium of the na- tural science building. The title of his lecture will be, "College Manners and Mannerisms." This is to be the first of a series of assemblies for fresh- men of the literary college. These are to be held about once a month, with the aim of helping to solve some of the problems of university work and uni- versity life not dealt with in the class room. Prof Bartlett Back from Washington Prof. H. H. Bartlett, of the botany department, has returned from Wash- ington, D. C., where he has been fin- ishing some research work, which he was conducting for a number of years before coming to the University of Michigan. * Ad W. Riter s'ays:- * * Mr. Merchant, when you stop * * advertising you close the doors * * to your establishment, and YOU * * KNOW IT. * * * * * * * * * * * S * * 'DISPATCH REPORT 27 AMERICAN DE IN ANCONA WRE[ INVESTIGATION MAY DISCL CONDITIONS LEADING TO SHARP CRISIS SITUATION LIKEARABIC C) Survivors Landing in Boats at 1 Points on Coast Make Esti- mates of Dead Vary TODAY Soph pharmic class meeting, room 303, chemistry and pharmacy building, 1:30 o'clock. J.lit class meeting, 101 economics building, 4:00 o'clock. Senior Foresters' meeting, G-217 nat- ural science building, 7:00 o'clock. Northwestern club meeting, Union, 7:30 o'clock. Forestry club, natural science build- ing, 7:30 o'clock. J. A. Muir lectures, 311 new engineer- ing building, 7:30 o'clock. L. J. Hoover lectures, 348 new engi- neering building, 8:00 o'clock. Miss Dora Keen lectures, science building auditorium, 8:10 o'clock. Annual Union football smoker ticket sale begins, 9:00 o'clock, Union desk. TOMORROW Hobart Guild party, Harris hall, 8:30 o'clock. Senior lit class meeting, Tappan hall, 3:00 o'clock. Russ2ap Elections Change Council Petrograd, via London, Nov. 10.-A considerable change in party represen- tation in the imperial council has been made by the elections. Sixty- three niembers were chosen, 12 by the nobility, and the remainder by uni- versities, the clergy and various in- dustries. l C features are promised.