THE MICHIGAN DAIL'I CLASSY CLOTHES for classy men. That's the kind we turn out. The very latest fabrics, the very newest style models, the very best tailoring skill enter into our tailoring. See our new suitings and overcoatings. Nothing like them any- where else. Not expensive either, considering what we give for the money. Jill' II H1<"'/ ii TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY S eii spapr at the University of NI ch gri Pnliliedeve:ry morning except Monday tiridu the university year. Entered at lh( post-offee at Ann Arbor as sc'tnl-elass rattcr. Offlices: Ann Arbor Press TBuilding. Sub- scriptions: by carrier or mail, $z.o. Want ad. stations: Guarry's, Students' Supply Store, The Delta, cor. Packard and State. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2411. STUDENT WRITES ON SPIRIT CRITICISES DAILY FOR "KNOCK. ING" AND POINTS OUT DUTY WHICH SHOULD BE ASSUMED For I'Two Dollar's G. H. WILlD COMPAY Y Leading Merchant Tailors State St. L _ LOO LOK omialete i R, OA S HE HANS STUDENTS' BOOK,,-TORE DETROIT UNITED lINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. Cars run on T astern time, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Limited and Express Cars---8:io a. nI. and hourly to 7:10 p. in., 9:10 p. in. Kalamazoo Limited Cars---8:48 a. rn. and every two hours to 6:48 p. II. ; to Lansing, 0:4$ p. n. Local Cars, Eastbound--5:35 a. n., 6:40 a. m., 7:0 a. In., and every two hours to 7:05 p. mn., 8-o5 p. MI., 9 :05 p.,im., t0 :45 p. nn. TPO Ypsi- lanti only, 8:48 a. i. (daily except Sunday), 9:20 a. !>., 12 :05 p. m., 6:o5 p. m .,11;:15 p. rin , t: 1 a. in., T:3o a. in. Local Cars, Westbound--6:i2 a. M., 7:50 a. nand every two hours to 7:50 p. M., to :z0,1:20 a. in. The Ann Arbor Savings ank Organized 1869 Capihal... ......$ 300,000.00 Surplus..........$ 150,000.00 Resources over .... $3,000,000.00 Banking in all branches Main Office, N. W. Corner Main and Huron Sts. Branch Office, 707 North Univ. ersity Avenue. Corner Liberty and Main Coal Coke Lumber Planing Mill Specialties Interior Finishing JNO. J. S AUER Phone 2484 310 W. Liberty HSTUN ROSE AND N y - lr-anies F. Me-Kinney......Managing Editor JohMi S. Leonard..........Business Manager t. I,,, r' ylvcster.A..ssignin cut FEdit or Toma C. Reid...............Telegrap~h iditor Verne Bnrnett............Telegraph Editor 1:. I'. Wri ht..................Sports Editor l,:dward Mack..........Advertising Manager Kirk \\ bite............ Publication Manager Y. R. Alth sel er.. (' ircul atijolt Manager C. V. Sellers........Accountant C. T. Fishleigh ..Assistant Business Manager Night Editors C. N. Church Edwin A. Hyman Joseph J. Brotherton Reporters J. C. B. Parker Reoes Hece' Elil Leonarl W. Nieter Martha gray Irwvin jolinson Lee Joslyn Waldo R. Iunt Business Staff Albert E. Horne SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1915. Night Editors Irwin C. Johnson Win. .,Newton BENEATH THE SURFACE Before M. A. C.'s hard-charging of- fense two weeks ago, Michigan was smothered under a 24-0 score. In spite of the Syracuse forwards, cred- ited by an eninent athletic authority with being the best in thc East, we made a much more credible showing. This was one week ago. We are on the up-grade. The tem- per of the come-back is in our blood, and it won't be denied. Cornell is confident. Odds are re- ported at 1-5 with Michigan on the short end, but the thing, not apparent to outsiders, that will win for us to- day, is not so much the team alone, as the will of 6,000 students, already making itself felt, which the team will be able to translate into victory. PAY US A VISIT Five live sophomores can have jobs by applying at the offices of The Michigan Daily at 1:00 o'clock Mon- day. it may be remarked parentheti- cally that the Sun News service gives an opportunity to get practical news- paper experience to a degree unriv- aled in the experience of The Daily. ENGINEERING HEAD TO SPEAK Candies Cigars Pipes NNIVAM umm"12IMMUMM Chrysanthemuims to - K--AM Order them early Orders delivered Phone 115 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Editor Michigan Daily: There is no university in the coun- try which has a better, more loyal spirit than Michigan. And that spirit is more than a tradition; it is a living,. breathing reality. So, before The Daily editorially begins "knocking" the student body for its lack of loy- alty, as it did a couple of issues ago, it would better look to its own record and its own duty. It hould remember when it speaks in unconscious virtue about "criticis- ing the team and coach," the feeble witticisms directed at some of the best men on the team by its paragraphers on the sporting page. I have read more "knocks" from the pen of this puerile imitator of metropolitan base- ball reporters than I have heard from all my circle of student acquaintances. Whyhasn't The Daily letthe stu- dents know that the men for the block M wore needled? Why hasn't it de- °oted a small part of its space, even at the sacrifice of an ad or two, to re- minding the student body of this an- nual demonstration? Many of us did not know at what game, if any, the block M was to appear. It is The Daily's duty to keep such things be- fore us. After failing in that duty, it's aighty poor spirit to knock the stude nts. Incidentally this is no time to knock; all should boost together. The Daily should be the last to inaugu- rate a captious spirit because it is read widely in other schools, and the university gets a reputation it by no means deserves. I was here in the "good old days" from 1902-1906, and never in the most successful year of them all was I prouder of my university than after the great mass-meeting of last week, the Ferry field twilight rally, and the moral victory that the team achieved in the Syracuse game. The present student body need not fear compari- son with any that has preceded it. The old Michigan spirit is still there. and while it is, Michigan may be de- feated but never conquered. E. B. HOUSEMAN, '17L. STATE DENTAL EXAMS END TODAY inother Examination to be Given Here at End of Next Semester Dental state board examinations, which were held this week, end today. The number taking these examina- tions is over 100; this includes the entire senior dental class and about 15 from out of town. The subjects in which the candidates are being ex- amined are: Chemistry, physiology, histology, bacteriology and anatomy. Another examination will be given about June 15, 1916, inr the other 10 subjects which the dentists are re- quired to pass before receiving, their diplomas. "THE PROFESSOR'S LOVE STORYt Tryouts to be Held Sunday Afternoon i"Sarah Caswell Angell Hall "The Professor's Love Story," is the title of a sketch to be put on by the Comedy club during the week-end im- mediately preceding the Christmas holidays. The parts for the new play are expected any day and preliminary tryouts will probably be held Sunday afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The cast may be chosen early next week. Prof. L. L. Bryson and Prof. Louis A. Strauss will act as judges. The two plays, "Henrietta," and "Stop Thief," were considered, but did not meet the requirements of the club. You can purchase a complete GXym Outfit I niversity BookstoreI Ila }- IIF ev'ry man's name described I him as well as VELVET'S name describes it, a lot of folks I know would be applyin' to the legislature.U at LANDERS OR LOWERS Order your Yellow "mums" now for the Game. IYPWR ITEII TYPEWRITING AND MIMEOGRAPHING "Eberytfng for the^ypetpriter" LOT. D. MOR R IL L .,^(ovA' la~il're Lnch) . L322 S. State St. 4 Prof. John C. Parker; Will Talk "Marginal Economies" Tonight on I MRS. FLANDERSR Flower Shop Phone 1845-M 213 EAST LIBERTY STREET A Complete Line of Drug Suradrles, Kodaks Cand s, Perfurrmes ALBERT MANN, Druggist 213 Souzth M 36 nSt. AnL.Arbor, Minh. When Gas Service gets Into your hore it, brings Good Cheer, Good Food, andContentment Gas Service is as nearly perfect as human ingenuity and willingness can make it. All that Gas Service asks is the chance to serve. It brings you light, fuel and warmth at any hour of the day or night in "ungrudging measure" and sees to it that you receive them when you want them. Gas Service doesn't sleep, but it lets ycu sleep with an easy mind. Washtenaw Gas Co. Wear Clothes for which you need never apologize. You'll find my styles truly Metropolitan. $28.0 Up. D. GRNNAN F0 606LIBERTY S7IRESET, EAST Yr Prof. John C. Parker, formerly chief engineer of Rochester Railway and Light company of Rochester, N. Y., and recently appointed executive head of the electrical engineering depart- ment of the engineering college, will lecture on "Marginal Economics" at 7:00 o'clock this evening in room 348 of the engineering building. His talk will deal with the factors entering into engineering design of steam, hydraulic and electrical in- stallations. The speaker will point out in a non-aiathematical way the proper li 'its of expenditure and tech- nical quality. The paper isi promised to be of ex- ceptional interest, particularly to stu- dents of economies, who are especial- ly invited to attend. Geology Class Takes Trip to Dexter The class in elementary geology under the supervision of Assistant I. D. Scott will visit Dexter this morn- ing. The section will leave by the Michigan Central at 8:20, returning to Ann Arbor about 11:00 o'clock. Shoes repaired while you wait. O. G. Andres, 222 S. State. octi 4-eod-tues PHONE 31oM BEST For ALL Occasions CALL DOCK SCHLEEDE 340 SO. STATE STREET MUSICIANS tip 'TENTION, STUDES! For quick MESSENGER CALL see last ad on BACK of TELEPHONE DI- RECTORY. Phone 795. A'1 7E. nov5tf Martin guitars, mandolins, ukeleles and all musical instruments at Schae- berle & Son's Music House, 110 South Main street. oct8tf "In a hurry ' Call Stark, 2255. I octl3eod1 Jhe Farmers & Mechanics Bank South Main Street State Street Office Corner Huron 330 S. State St. A GOOD STRONG BANK WITH EVERY BANKING NEED Call Lyndon ror a good Flashlight. octl4eod-thurs SAM BURGHFIELD & co, The FIRST and BEST Tailoring Establishment in Ann Arbor ANNOUNCE We have an exceptionally fine and vared line of WoolerC to show you this Fall. Ten cents rents a good Eastman Kodak, any size you want. Lyndon's, 719 N. University. octlOsat-sun ix IeI =WIcKwIRE = CO. Chicago and New York SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. Makers of the Finest of Clothes Ready-to-Wear INCREASED NUMBER OF CASES TREATED IN DENTAL' LINC1 Cases treated in the dental clinic numlber 10 per cent larger than those handled in former years. This increase in the number is accounted for by the Passeng'er In'jured in Street Car Smash A smashup occurred on Jackson avenue Thursday afternoon, between a Packard and iuron car, and a freight car of the 1). U. h'., wiich re- sulted in the lone passenger of the city car, Mis. Lillian B. lungerford, being seriousiy hurt. act that the present .senior dental ~ lass is larger than usual, and that Crafnismain Meeting' Postponed a Week The meeting o Craftsman, student any cases before treated in the med- iMasonic society, which was to be al department are now being handled held tonight, has been postponed until the dental building. next Saturday evening, November 13. This line is cut exclusively for Young Men. You will find it conservative en ough for the Man as well as the Young Man. Prices $20, $25, $30, $35 and up 4 WAGNER & COMPANY State Street Established 1848