PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PAGE FOIJt~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY. .......a VOYNICII EXIIIBIT BUSINESS ART SCIENCE SPECIALS , EXHIBIT RARE BOOKS AT MEMORIAL HAL Wilfrid M. Voynich Brings Remarkable Assemblage of Books Bating Back to Thirteenth Century VALUE MORE THAN AfILLION A collection of illuminated manu- scripts, rare books, and early editions such as have never before been seen In America, is now on exhibit in Alumni Memorial hall. The collection wil r be on display today and tomor- row. Mr. Wilfrid M. Voynich of London, who owns the collection, nas assem- bled here books and manuscripts valued at over a million dollars. The illuminations and lettering are re- markably clear and fresh, a great number of the manuscripts having been hidden in a chest in an Austrian castle for over a century. The most startling thing in the col- lection is a copy of "The Lives of the Martyrs," written early in the 14th century, at Bologna. The deep mar- gins at the bottom of the page have been filled with exquisite watercolor sketches, showing thousands of fig- ures illustrative of folk-lore, demon- ology, manners, and dress of the period. The sketches are thought to be the work of either Giotto or Loren- zetto. A book on Roman and Italian archeology contains inscriptions of monuments no longer extant, and is illustrated by 16 full-page and 80 small drawings by Mazzo Finniguerra, a celebrated Florentine designer, who lived during the years 1415-1476. A manuscript written in the 13th century, wholly in cipher, which was at one time the property of Emperor Rudolph, is supposed to deal with such subjects as plants, astrology, anatomy and magic. Of especial interest is the map made and used by Magellan in 1552, drawn on parchment which for three centuries formed part of the binding of a Genoese book. Here is also shown the first complete Hebrew Bible, print- 0d. in 1488, decorated and illustrated, the edition of which was later confis- cated. It was used by Luther in trans- lating tlhe Bible into German. Other books of devotion and prayer are also printed, some on paper, and many old manuscripts are of course transcripts by hand on parchment. The earliest book on perspective, is shown with its mathematical diagrams, and -beside it, is an ancient guide book of Italy. EXCLUSIVE young men's haberdasheri on sale by N. F. Allen & Co., Main street. oct6eod >US IMESS IOPI"S t-. Congested Shipping Prevents Exports From Moviga Freely Boston, Nov. 2.-Europe's recent purhases of copper have run into large totals, and business in this line does not seem likely to diminish for some time. Authorities state that had it not been for shipping congestlo i' during the last month the exports (A copper would have exceeded 75,000,000 pounds. As domestic consumption is amounting to over 100,000,000 pounds monthly, this would have created a record business. Steel Bars and Shrapnel in Demankl New York, Nov. 2.-Foreign orders for steel are now centering around iron bars and shrapnel, while war specialties appear to be less in de- mand. Among most recent contracts are orders for 48,000 tons of bars anl 25,000 tons of shrapnel. Domestid business is increasing and prices are still advancing, although rather slowly, Ex eets a $ ik0O,4'Xr French Loan New York, Nov 2.---Fred I. Kent, vice-president of the foreign cxchangO of the Bankers' Trust company here, stated yesterday that he expects a formal statcment of the establishment of a Frnch credit anLcnnting to $15,- 000,000 within the next week The dis- count rate for such a credit will.prob- ably be 5 per cent and the ccmiinissio f one-half per cent. (ira in T, emeints 5ow (good I re Chicago, Nov. 2.--Movements of grain from farms and country eleva- tors made an cieeilent showing last week. Deliveries from the Northwest increased considerably, while thfheo from the west are fair. The South- west, however, is r atnr behind, CGae to the lateness of plowing and seeding operations. There is still much thresh- ing to be completed. Dry foods (r-si".efs iooks Prolising Chicago, Nov. 2.-tarsNihall Field & Co., in their weehIy review of the dry 'goods situation, say: "Current wholesale distribution of dry goods shows B ealihy increae over the correspo di r period a year ago, in nite of the warm wc'ather which has tended to restrict demands Upon the retailer." Pres. Wilson Votes Straight Ticket Princeton, Nov. 2.--President Wil- son arrived at 12:21 today to vote. He proceeded to the familiar fire house where b. cast the vote number 109. fe voted the straight Democratic ticket. L. G. 3ION 1ff,'1 >, EX-PRESIDENT 6F " FORIESTRY CLUB, MARRIES Announcements have been received in this city of tJe marriage of L. G. ilornby, '15, to Marian Tarbel, of Ypsilanti, which was held in Spokane, Washington, on October 23. They are now in their home in Priest River, Mdaho, where Mr. Hornby has charge of a United States forestry experi- mental station. Last year Mr. Horn- by' was president of the Forestry club and a mmber of the Hermitage so- ciety. LXHIBIT OE PHAMC APPRAUSATTRHCT1E EFFORTS OF P OF. L. B. STEVENS HATE MADE VALUABLE COLLEC- TI ()POSSIBLE Of more than passing interest is the colletion of pharmaceutical apparatus, illustrating the development of phar- macy from ancient to present times, vhich is to be found in the wall cases in the east corridor on the third floor cf the chemistry building The pres- euce of the apparatus is due to the efforts of Prof. A B. Stevens, of the College of Pharmacy, who collected the objets shown during his connec- tion with the university. In the first case are to be seen old retainers for drugs, used in the early [days of pharmacy. These were se- cured from the founder of the house of Eberbach & Co., of Ann Arbor. Here also are pill and tablet making machines of wood, which are but sel- dom used now. A number of round 'ills, covered with gold and silver, w ere prepared by Professor 'Stevens to illustrate the old method of coating pills. "In former days," said Profes- sor Stevens, "the method ofcoating- with sugar and gelatin was unknown, anid so gold and silver were used to hide the taste of the drugs used in the ills. It was a rather expensive method." In a second case are modern capsule and wafer fillers and machines for the manufacture of suppositories. The next case is occupied by apparatus for the filtration, percolation and separa- Con of immiscible liquids and is prac- tially a history of filtration apparat- us. A number of photographs, brought over from Germany by Professor Stevens, show part of the wonderfully complete museum of chemical ap- iaratus which is in Nuremburg. Another case is devoted entirely to apparatus for determining specific gavities, and contains various hydro- meters and Westphal balances. The last case has an old German balance and a curious Chinese balance the like of which is in use at the present day in China for the weighing of drugs. NEW BOOKSAT LIBRARY PUBLICATIONS DEAL WITH AMER- ICAN COLLEGES AND THEIR AC- TIVITI'ES COLLEGES AND THE FUTURE.- Edited by Richard Rice, Jr.-Scribner & Sons. The undergraduate is not given to reading books maintaining a critical attitude toward the community of which he is a part. Here is a book, however, written for him, directed at him, which he will find it of distinct uenefit and enjoyment to read. Pro- iessor Rice has compiled here 23 es- says on what he terms "problems of character and intellect," many of them having been written especially for student audiences. By far the greatest interest of the undergradu- ate will center in those chapters deal- ing with the place of "college activi- ties" in the student's life, although al- most every phase of the average stu- dent's development is touched on in one or another of the essays. THE AMERICAN COLLEGE.--By Isaac Sharpless.---Doubleday, Page &Co. President Sharpless has written a decidedly readable account of the growth, development and present st tus of the American college, giving to th" general public a fair and un- biased idea of what the college of to- day stands for, in its relation to our national life. Many faults of the pres- ent system are honestly dealt with, while hope is expressed for their gradual elimination, and the best ways of correcting them are discussed with thoughtfulness and care. SCIENCE WORLD HONORS NEWOTAYPROFESSOR PROF. H. II. BARTLETT SECURES DISTINCTION FOR HIS MANY INVESTIGATIONS A member of five national societies! vhich snecialize in biology, agricul- ture and chemistry; secretary of the llotyiical Society of America, and one cf the seven editors of the official Journal of Botany, besides carrying memberships in several scientific so- cieties of Washington,-are a few cf the distinctions conferred upon Prof. Harvey H. Bartlett, who has been se- cured as assistant professor of botany in the place of Dr. Henri T. Hus, now on a three-year leave of absence. Prof. Bartlett was induced to come to the university at a sacrifice of sal- CITY NEWS Safety zones are soon to be estab- lished on the streets of this city as soon as an amendment to the present traffic ordinance is passed by the city council. The proposed amendment also gives the chief of police the authority to prohibit the parking of cars on any street in the city, whenever it be- comes evident to him that it would be dangerous to pedestrians. Clinic Society Meets in Amphitheatre At the meeting of the Clinic society, which will be held in the medical am- phitheatre of the university hospital at '7:34 this evening, the following program will be given: "Report of four cases of larcinoma of vulva," Dr. Loomis; "Report of cases of neurol- ogic clinic," Dr. C. V. Camp; "Exhi- bition of cases of dermatological clinic," Dr. F. E. Senear;. "Sir Jona- than Hutchinson; an appreciation," Mr. Lyle Kingery. D-nEMOHR ary, because he prefers the university relation and the inducements held out by the new botanical laboratories and the botanical gardens and greenhouses now under construction. It is in research work that Prof. Bartlett has won his' principal distinc- tion. His published investigations have been many during the past six years. They lie along two lines: the chemical nutrition of plants, and plant breeding. In both these dirctions Prof. Bartlett's work is of high order, and has attracted the attention of the national scientific societies. Last year he addressed the Botanical Society of America, and has been especially in- vited to read papers before the So- ciety of Naturalists, the American So- ciety of Zoologists, and the American Botanical Society, 'which will be in joint session in December at Colum- bus, Ohio. Professor Bartlett has returned to Washington temporarily to gather the crop of seeds from the large breeding plantation which the government has maintained for him there. He will re- turn next week and will begin imme- diately the growing of thousands of pedigreed plants in the university greenhouses. Next spring he will have a plantation of two acres in the new garden on Packard street to carry on his work in plant breeding, which has a purely scientific and a practical side. The two ownersc are also its actual tendents--ot by person. of this business active superin- proxy, but in The manufacture of every part and piece used in the car must conform to gauges and measure- ments determined by them. They fix the formulas followed in melting, shaping and forging the steel, iron and brass. From the handling of the raw metals to the final assembly, the departments in charge of every process and operation are respon- sible to Dodge Brothers themselves. The motor is 30-3Shorsepower The price of the Touring Car or Roadster, complete. is *875 (f, o. b. Detroit) Staebler & Sons 119 W. Washington St. Phones 8 & 85 i HOT OFF THE COLLEGE WIRES Sport Coats Just arrived ... +wwCwwrws : w'+w Ma. w OREGON PROFESSOR PERFORMS INTERESTING STUDENT TEST Salem, Ore., Nov. 2.-If the results of the questionaire offered to freshmen last week by Prof. R. E. Stauffer are indicative of the real mechanism of a student's mind and powers of obser- vation, human nature is a queer thing. In discussing the benefits of such a' test, Professor Stauffer says: "The benefits of such a general in- formation test, or, better, a mental in- ventory, are twofold: First, to induce a proper spirit of humiliation; second, to awaken and to stimulate one's men-' tal activities. The following were some of the most interesting mistakes: "Sinai was the landing place of Noah's ark. Sinai was the scene of the Battle Above the Clouds. Moses was one of the twelve apostles. Schil- ler was an inventor of musical instru- ments. The Monroe Doctrine means no nation shall aid another nation in time of war if it intends to remain neutral. Newton discovered astron- omy. Lansing is President Wilson's, private secretary. Lansing is the se- nior senator from Oregon. American Professor Executed by Turks Columbus, O., Nov. 2.-Prof. A. G-.. Sivaslian, whose two sons attended the Ohio State university, has been exe- cuted by the Turks, according to a letter received by Constantine Demos,f s 3nfor engineer, from his brother in H harvard. The Armenian professor' was the head of the mathematics de-' CALIFORB. OBSERVATORY HAS M081Y ACCTRATE TliEPIECE Berkeley, "al., Nov. 2.-Correct time to the hundr. -dth part of a second can nov,r be obtal.:ed on the campus. A Riefler clock, the most accurate time- piece known to science, has been in- .stalled in the north dome of the west addition of thy ob-servatory by Prof. R. T. Crawford,. '99. The clock is viewed through a long tube with the aid of mirrors. It is 2.tomaticaliy wound by electricity every thirty-four seconds. The new 'Tmepiece ;was made in Munich, Ger- unany, at a cost of over cne thousand dollars. 'Mtentally )eranged Perscms Ask Aid IMentally deranged persons living in CiMcgo ben alling on tse psY- chology dcpartme t for aid, follotio'g thie publication of Dr. Sig~iuund Freud's articles on psylho--pathology in the New Republic. Dr. Freud is a well-. known physician of Vienna. The patients were referred to 1Yr. Kitson, the instructor in the depart- ment. He refused to aid them on the ground that his specialty was busines psychology. -The cases were then turned o;-er to Dr. Sv.v-ns, who is still considering themn partmnent at the American Anatolia college. Four other 'professors at thy' fsame college have been reported exe- cuted, some 'f whom have been in America and are acquainted with sev- eral Ohi.o Stb ite faculty members. $10 Style $8.50 Values Our Price Why PayMore? IF YOU are from Mo. let us show and prove to you beyond a doubt that this store is The Store Ahead in Value-Giving LUTZ CLOTHING STORE The Home of HART SCHAFFNER & MARX Clothes