FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY. TRADE WEEK'S WAR REVIEW MUSIC . ,_ THE SPECIALS 11 1 1 , mrsommam DROJORDAN SCORES NATIONS PUNE IN GREATCONFLICIT EVERY NATION ENGAGED IN THE STRUGGLE IS STARK, RAGING 4A), ACCORDING TO LECTURER COST OF WAR IS APPALLING Tipperary Youth, the Irishmen, Have Pat Stamina and Punch Into Move- ments Dr. David Starr Jordan, chancellor of Leland Stanford Junior university, delivered broadsides into the warring nations' depravity and lack of scien- tific amelioration of the evils of war, in his lecture Sunday night in the Methodist church. He spoke on, "The Last Cost of War," and an immense crowd listened to his address. Among the points brought out by the speaker were: the cost of billions of dollars for which the world will groan for centuries; the sweeping off of the most promising youth of Eu- rope to be replaced by the less sturdy and less brave, and the rising import- ance of feminism whose ranks will not be rent by bullets as the men's are; that German strategists are di- rectly responsible for the outbreak of the conflict, and that the United States' preparation is a side issue to the big question of peace . "Every nation now engaged in the struggle is stark, raving mad," de- clared Dr Jordan in his address. "They can see no farther than three or four years into the future, where they should compute by centuries. They can perhaps never obliterate the scars on the European map; they can never replace the fittest European manhood which is being ground un- der the principle of the survival of the unfit.. Murder is in its most furi- ous triumph, and peace at any price no longer has any meaning. Dr. Jordan says that the Tipperary youth; the Irish, have been the stam- ina and punch in all the British movements. American Red Cross THREE DAY MANUSCRIPT EXHIBIT STRTS TODAY Collection, Worth More Than $1,000, 000, Brought Here to Insure Safety Frow Zeppelin Raids "-'o such opportunity," declared Li- brarian William W. Bishop yesterday, "has ever been afforded in the state of Michigan to see side by side the rich- ly illustrated manuscripts and the early printed books as will be offered in the three-day exhibition of valuable books and manuscripts which opens in Alumni Memorial hall at 9:00 o'clock this morning. W. M. Voynich, collector of valu- able book< and dealer in Paris, Lon- don and Florence, is the owner of the the collection of book s and manu- scripts which is valued at over a mil- lion dollars. The collection has been on exhibition in this country since January 1, and was brought here be- cause of the great danger from Zep- pelin raids to which all valuables have been subjected in Europe since the beginning of the war. Arrangements have been made for interested parties in Detroit to come here and visit the exhibit. It is ex- pected that many thousands will avail themselves of the opportunity to see it, for the attendance in Chicago av- eraged over 2,000 per day for five weeks. Valuable manuscripts of. the He- brew Bible and books illustrating the history of early wood engraving, min- iature and line drawings show how the illustrations of the middle, and earlier ages were taken over and copied by the early printers. workers have accomplished exactly the same thing in hospital work. The speaker's definition of peace was impressive. "First there is the fireside brand, which means laziness, fruitlessness on the olive branch, and stagnation; second, there is the armed peace, where governments pile up on their frontiers lofty armaments which are fated to topple and crash as they did in 1914. Lastly there is the peace of work, progress and science, which is incarnated in the Red Cross work of today." CHORAL UNION SERIES ('INCINtiATI SYMPHIONY ORCRES- 'IIA CON 50tH) FINANCIAL BASIS TO GIVE SECOND CONCERT The magnificent endowment of $700,000.00 left by the will of M. Cora Dow, Of Cininnati, for the use of the Cincinnati Symphony orchestra, places that well known organization on a solid financial basis and insures a multitude of admirers the continua- tion of such concerts as have already won dererved appreciation. The enor- mous expene of supporting such a mnusical organization has long exceed- ed the box-office receipts. The exist- ence of the organization has hitherto been made possible by contributions from the sympathetic and generous. The liberality of M. Cora Dow leaves the Symphony Orchestra no longer an organization struggling for existence; it makes of it an institution, secure against rinancial upheavals and free to accomplish new marvels in its chosen realm of music. The program for the second con- cert of the Choral Union series to be given by the Flonzaley Quartet is an- nounced as follows: Quartet in D major.....Cesar Franck Poco lento-Allegro s cherzo Larghetto Finale "Three Pieces for Quartet" (Man- uscript)...............Strawnisky Quartet in 1) minor ,Op. 78, No. 2...... .............Haydn Allegro Andante pin Tosto Allegretto Menusetto Finale The phenomenal success of the Flonzaley organization in the rendi- tion of chamber-music is attested by the increasing demand for their con- certs by the most critical music lovers of both America and Europe. Ann Arbor is assured a delightful music feast in the above program and every music lover should set aside Tuesday evening, November 23, to attend the concert of the Flonzaley Quartet. Regents Hold Second Meeting Tonight The Board of Regents will hold its second meeting of the year in the re- gents' room in the law building to- night, following the opening dinner given in the new Martha Cook dormi- tory, at which the board will be pres- ent. The session is scheduled to start at 9:00 o'clock,. Several important questions have been hanging fire from the meeting of October 15, and these will probably be brought up again at tonight's meeting. FreshmanD entists Hold Class Smoker With President Stevens presiding, the fresh dent class held a smoker at the Union last night. Addresses by Dr. Whitman, Dr. Howell and Dr. E. 0. Gillespie, of the State Board, were, interspersed with selections by the "Fresh-Dent Four." INTERESTING AR BOO ITHE SORROWS OF BELGIUM," BY ANDREW', CARRIES APPEAL OF SUFFERING COUNTRY War with its most pitiful results is depicted by the best known living Russian writer, Leonid Andrew', in a six-act drama eneitled, "The Sorrows of Belgium.' The plot is of little consequence, but the description is especially vivid and heart-rending. The family of Belgium's greatest poet, is left in a sorrowful plight by the German inva- sion. The question of flooding a part of beautiful reclaimed Belgium be- comes critical, and Emil Grelieux, known as the Conscience of the Peo- ple, gives us his reluctant consent. Another scene caricatures a com- {nnnder of the German army, and thus the whole nation. To the general the suggested act of cutting the dikes is 1"absurd;" it couldn't possibly be true. The characterization and descrip- tion are most vivid. Your sympathy is STATE TEACHERS MEET PHRES TO BE ONE OF MOST SUCCESSFUL HELDI More Than 6,000 School insvrs At- tend Large Coiuvention at M inaw Last WeekI UNlE RSIT FACILTY Al FM' IE 1' GIVE AI)l)R S8ES AT GATl:ERI. MUSIC SCHLUARTET REVIEW OF AFFAIRS OF GIE ST hstRTTMu I E IG PRM' ORDHOWS MARCHOF 2~AfT''X (ON'B'1 T1IIII) V 1 ERMNS INTO BALKANS Slie remar hi-weekly compliment- aryPi ty conceit given under the ,sp_ es of the School of Music will ,i'p-, lace Thursday afternoon of this wek in 14 ill auditorium, at 4:15 'Whole 50 ,004) Make Advances Along the Eastern roit, Capturing "t'l1' i GI ' llMM, PRl ESlDEN' o'clock, at which time the program OF NEWLY ORGAN1ZED SECTION I will he given by the School of Music FOR ENSUING YEAJ? String Quartet consisting of Mr. and "One of the most successful conven- tions ever held," is the opinion of those members of the faculty who have re- centy returned from the State Teach- ers' convention teid in Saginaw last Thursday and Friday. Between 6,000 and 7,000 teachers, not only from the state but from all parts of the coun- try, attended the session and many persons 'now in the public eye ad- dressed this gathering. Among this number were Mary Antin, ex-President Taft and Chancellor David Starr Jor- dan. A Michigan luncheon was held on Friday, at which President Harry B. Hutchins spoke in behalf of the Mich- igan Union project. Replying to this, Dr. Jordan said that he was heartily in accord with the plan, and espcialiy since he was in reality a grandchild of Michigan, alluding to the fact that a Michigan alumnus had founded Cor- nell, and a Cornell alunum had done the same service for Leland Stan- ford, Jr. Prof. Francis W. Kelsey was invited by the chair to take part in the dis- cussion of the Latin-English section. Professor Kelsey made several re- marks relative to the teaching of Eng- lish by the medium of a foreign lan- guage in the seventh and eighth grades of the public schools. Prof. J. G Win- ter addressed the classical section on a subject dealing with the Odyssey. Mr. Jesse L. Thornton, of the de- partment of engineering English, cre- ated much favorable comment on his paper, "Oral Composition." It is the theory of Mr. Thornton that the true value of oral composition is coming to be felt more and more in educational circles, and that the time is not far distant when a course in this subject will be planned from the first to the twelfth grade in the best schools of the country. Mr. H. L. Senseman delivered a pa- per on the teaching of poetry to chil- dren and the ways in which it might best be appreciated. In his address on "The Case Against English Grammar," Prof. J. R. Brumm gave voice to some statements not short of revolutionary in their nature. He vigorously assailed the teaching of grammar in the lower grades, main- taing that the study of grammar was of such a scientific nature that it should be reserved until the last year of the high school curriculum. He further asserted that a knowledge of grammar, or what takes the place of English grammar, was not necessary to correct speaking and writing, and that a few hours' study would put the student in possession of all the neces- sary facts about grammer. In the opiion of Professor Brumn, the study of the classics should be continued, not in the old-fashioned way of mi- nutely exakining them sentence by sentence and by the delving into the intricacies of style, but they should' be read in greater number and for the purpose of introducing the readers to realistic life pictures and for pure en- joyment, as well as for the sake of acquiring literary taste. At the meeting of the English sec- Mrs. Samuel P. Lockwood, violins; Mr. Anthony J. Whitmire, viola; and Mr. Le N. Parker, violoncello. Kenneh Neville Westerman, of the Vecalf aculty, will be heard in two groups of songs with Miss Frances Louise llamilton. as acomnpanist. The general public, as well as stu- dents of the University School of Mu- sic, and the University of Michigan are cordially welcomed to this con- ert. 'atrons are requested to be on hand promptly at 4:15 as the doors will be eiwd during the performance of the urmhbers. They are also requested to refrain from bringing infants and ,niall children to the concerts. The complete program is as follows: Fruhlingsglaube ) Ane Meer ).........Schubert Ungeduld ) Kenneth Neille Westerman Quartet, D minor, Op. posth.Schubert Allegro; Andante con moto; Scherzo (Allegro molto), Presto Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Lockwood, Violins Mr. A. J. Whitmire, Viola Mr. L. N. Parker, Violoncello Noeturne ..................Chadwick penu Thy Window............Tiddle Sunner (Cycle of Life)......Ronald Mr. Westerman Accompaniments by Prances L. Hamilton. ISITOR LADS SPIRIT PRA SES COURTESY SHOWN THENL AY MICHIGAN BAN) AT STUR- )AY'S GAME Editor The Michigan Daily: Permit -me to compliment the stu- dent body of the University of Micl- igan for its genuine spirit of sports- manship. I have never seen a finer courtesy done than that accorded our ittle Syracuse delegation by your splendid band. It was the brightest feature of the gane, and while 1 ainm in no wise authorized to speak for anyone but myself, I know I voice the sentiments of every Syrausan, in ex- pressing our and my thanks, to the band, and to you all. Very sincerely yours, LOUIS EXSTEIN, '08 Syracuse, '10 Columbia Law. .Raroon Captain Upholds Summer Ball Chicago, Nov. 1-Atletes who are in need of money with which to pay their college expenses should be per-' mitted to play summer professional ball, according to Captain Shull of the Varsity nine. Shull claims that if a man is to be declared professional for summer baseball work, then he should have the same punishment for taking a position as life saver on a bathing beach or as an instructor in a gymnasium or park. GOSSIP OF THE THEATERS Vernic Kaufman starts the bill at the Majestic theater with trick bicycle riding and a few songs. John Greiger, with his talking violin, has some ex- cellent impersonations and novelties. COLLECTED COLLEGE NEWS Champaign, Ill., Nov. 1.--Governor Governor Dunne Sees Illinois Game Dunne came over from Springfield to see the Minnesota game, and was met by an escort consisting of six com- panies from the first regiment, and the first University band. He was es- corted to the Woman's building, and then, to the game. A salute of 17 guns was fired by the battery as thet party came on the field. After the game, a reception was held 'at the Woman's building, and everyone was given a chance to meet the governor. Ring Lardner Escapes Weleomers Champaign, Ill., Nov. 1.-Ring. W. Lardner, the Chicago Tribune's fam- ous humorist, and writer of the "You Know Me Al" stories, came over from Chicago to write up the Illinois-Min- nesota gme. He was met at the train by a crowd of fraternity men, but managed to dodge them and went to the Beardsley. Several days ago the sporting writer made the predic- tion that Minnesotawould triumph over the Illini by a score of 13-7. However, he told the students not to be downhearted, for he had been known to be wrong. Washington Coach Has Perfect Record Seattle, Wash., Nov. 1.-Gilmour Dobie, who is football coach at the University of Washington, has not met a defeat in 10 years. During that time his teams have played' a total of 68 games. Mr. Dobie is and has been for the past seven years coach of the football team for the University of Washing-I ton. For two years prior to this he was coach at the North Dakota Agri- cultural college and the year before that he had charge of the South Side School at Minneapolis. He does net believe in a training stable, and is opposed to spring training. He be- lieves in the psychology of football more than he does in anything else. lie says:- "I want my players to be good, healthy, normal American boys, but on the day of the game they must be something different. On the day of the game they must look upon the1 college as a patriot looks upon the flag during the period of the nation's peril. I want my boys to go into a game firmly and thoroughly believing that they stand a mighty good chance of being defeated, 'but that they also have a small fighting chance of win- ning. And I want them worked up to such a mental pitch that they will fight for that chance with every ounce of energy in their bodies. Psychology, you see. Psychology stands for eight- tenths of football, You can't have1 merely a normal mental condition, not if you expect to win. And that's why I say psychology is eight-tenths of football." Ask Reinstatement of Five Yale Men New Haven, Nov. 1.-In answer to inquiries made at the offices of the Yale University Athletic association in regard to the published reports that Dean Briggs, chairman of the Har- vard Athletic committee, had sent a I letter to Professor Robert N. Corwin,I requesting that the five Yale under- graduates who recently withdrew from intercollegiate athletics should rejoin their teams, it was said that Profes- sor Corwin was out of town and that1 no official statement could be made in his absence. It was admitted, how-1 ever, that letters. had been receivedj both from [en Briggs, of Harvard,l and Dean MeClenahan, o Princeton, expressing the desire of the players and the student body generally at E both Harz ard and Prin "ton that theI five Yale players mei,,oned might again represent 'Yale in intercollegi- ate athletics. - Quaker Elev3n impro v hi : crimtnage ALLIES OFFER LAND BRIBES TO GREEKS, WO NEED HELP ITALIANS MAKE BIG ADVANCES, WHILE FRENCH AND ENGLISH ARE INACTIVE Balkan military and diplomatic moves still loom largest in the world interest for the past week. Greece and Roumania are still wavering in the aw- ful crists of their national existence, ful crises of their national existence: side. Popular opinion in both states is pro-Entente; Roumania because of racial connection with Rome and friendly proximity with Russia. The Teuton occupation and steam- roller invasion of Serbia is making a profound impression on the doubtful states. At the same time, the allies seem unable to make any consistent offensive in the west; the French min- istry appears unstable; the English cabinet is bitter, unwilling to send much military backing to suffocating Serbia; the Dardanelles troops show scant results; and the English king seems pestered by ill luck. Only a strip of Vosges hills and Galicia marshes remain occupied by the kai- ser's forces. Most authorities point out the need of immediate Entente activities, espe- cially in Serbia, where the allies have been caught napping. The British and French should land at least 150,000 troops at Saloniki at once to join with the Serbs. There are now 200,000 Teu- tons marching south from the Danube and the Save, and there are probably as many Bulgars entering Serbia at the east border. Another 200,000 Bulgar- ians lie entrenched several miles back of the Roumanian borders. The allies have offered bribes of ter- ritory like Cyprus to the Greeks, but the Greeks are clamoring for protec- tion from immediate invasion, for breaking the Berlin-Constantinople railroad connections, and for keeping Bulgaria busy on the defensive. Russians have advanced along near- ly the whole eastern front, except near Riga, and have captured 150,000 Ger- man and Austrian soldiers along the west banks of the Strypa. The Rus- sian winter is setting in and will test analogies so frequently made about Hindenburg and Napoleon. German strategy is supreme in the sudden overwhelming of Poland, and British stubbornness or pride is apparently preventing them from removing a part of their forces into Serbia. Bulgars have driven through the northeastern tip of Serbia and effected a junction with Mackensen around Negotin; they have also captured much of the railroad 30 miles from Nish, which city is in dire peril. Germans have advanced 30 or 40 miles south of Belgrade into Serbia, and are now closing on the main line of the Ser- bian defense, which is among the foot- hills of the Balkan mountains. Italians have accomplished more during the last 10 days than in any previous month. They have vigorous- ly advanced along the whole Trentino front and have surrounded the power- ful Austrian fortress of Gorizia, which is likely to fall at any moment, The French and English are practi- cally inactive in the western front, though their advances toward an im- portant railway north of Tahure are progressing. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB L;OWERS FEES IN MEMBERSHIP CANVASS The Cosmopolitan club has started a campaign the aim of which is to increase its membership to 250, if pos- sible. The result of the first day's work was encouraging, several stu- dents having signified their intention of becoming members. The expenses of joining the club havebeen lowered this year, and the sum of one dollar has been made to include the initia- tion fee and the dues for one year. The club will hold a social in Harris hall at 3:00 o'clock Sunday. A special musical program has been arranged, in which a varied talent will be given a chance 'to perform. Refreshments will be served and a general good time is expected. Call Hoppe for your flashlight pic- ture. oct3l-nov2 Philadelphia. Nov. 1. In a long scrimmage yesterday, the Varsity scored four touchdowns against the scrubs. A slight tendency to Fumble pieented the Vam'ily from scoring1 more tallies. Punting and forward passing featured the contest. in the early part of the asterneon Coach Dickson gave the ends and backfield men a long drill at the tackhing dummy, and the results were notice-E able in the improved work done in the scrimmage. tion, the society to be known as the Holmes and Buchanan apparently were Michigan Association of English not allowed to complete their good act Teachers was fully organized and Pro- of songs and dances comparing the fessor Brumm was elected its first girl of 1847 to the one of 1915. The president. This society will hold reg- Four Entertainers ful filled the name ular meetings throughout the year for of their, act of "All That the 1ame Im- the sake of keeping the teachers of plies" with good harmony. "The Office English in the state informed as to Girls," a one-act musical comedy, is a modern methods of presenting their rather clever little skit with a few subject and meeting with any of the good points in it. problems which are constantly oc- curring. "On Trial," which will be seen at the Whitney theater Monday, Novem- 'TENTION, STUDENTS! ber 8, is the first play written by Mr. For quick MESSENGER CAL L see Elmer L. Reizenstein. The author,' last adv on BACK of TELEPHONF with a disregard ofr conventions, has DIRECTORY. Note the M . eur evolved a story in "On Trial" that for tains. Phone 795. Ann Arbor Parcel intensity of theem and heart-throbbing & Ml'"sngrer Service. A. F. Brown, interest might well be a page torn '17E oct29 from real life. 25 cents-any 'part of the city. Stark Buy your Mazda lamps at Switzer's, Taxicab Co., 2255. oct28tf 310 South State. oct23tf appealed to at once. Contrary to theI general mass of Russian literature, themr is a hopeful note in the produ'c- ticn. The book is as good as any sim- ilar war literature because it is well written, pointed and carries the in- tended appeal of a suffering country. S. W. R. Dancing classes and private lessons at the Packard academy. oct26tf