THE MICHIGAN DlAILY rrr rYa Wa Gi.+i7 OIT PASS ALONGI the highway_ you can tell at a glance the custom tailor dressed man from the other fellows. And if he be par- ticularly well clothed the chances are we are his tailor. Our niew fabrics and style models are ready for your inspection. We inito At visit which we know will be followed(t by an order. G. H ILD )C OM1iPANY Leading Ierchiant °i allors State St. 1 R . yam' ,;1 . - k -- ,. T ' ' ' ,. ,, c ;: ; ' NEW AND SIECOND-HAND All DepartmentsI Drawing Instruments Supplies of all kMuds I. P. Note Books MScrap Books Log Log Slide Rules, Michigan Stationery "M" Book Racks, Supplies of all kinds at I SEAI STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE P 'I DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. Cars run on FEastern time, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Limited and Express Cars--8:io a. mn. and hourly to ,7 : io p. In., g : so p.4 m. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8 :48 a. ii. and every two hours to 6:48 p. In.; to L.ansing, 9:48 P. an. Local Cars, Eastbound-5 :35 a. in., 6:40 a. in., 7:o5 a. in., and every two hours to 7:05 p. n., 8:05 P. In., g9:05 p., n:, 10 :45 p. in. TO Ypsi- lanti only, 8:.48 a. mo. (daily except Sunday), y :zo a. in., 12:05 p. mn., 6:05 p. rn., z z :15 p. m., i1:15 a. m., 1 :3o a. in. Local Cars, Westbound-6:12 a.,tm., 7:5o a. in., and every two 'hours to 7:50 j).n., 10 :20 P. am, 12:20 a. m. TheAnM Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869 Capital........ .. $ 300,000.00 Surplus...... .... $ 150,000.00 Resources over .. . .$3,000,000.00 Banking in all branches Main- Office, N. W. Corner Main and Huron Sts. Branch Office, 707, North Univ- ersity Avenue. TRY CHAPMAHIS JEWELR. STORE For Alarm Clocks and Mi chigan Pins 113 SO. MAIN STREET COME P41 AND TRYOUR Chinese ComtnlloflLunch HUSTON BROS. AND THlE MICHIGAN DAILY )fficial 'ev'.spaper at the Univerity of M ichgan. Y~i'ise; eve y morning except 1 ondlaN' dutr g rbc uiversity year. Eniileied at Ii ,^ot f ~ at Ann Arbor as ccol-lass >:tk, ) ilcs :Ara Arbor Press Biding. Sub- ! )v ns: Q ar.r orsnai, u2.0. W a stations : ltrr's, student' Supply afore, The J ilta, cor. Packard and Stte. Phones: Business, 960o ; Editorial, :44. Frncis FM1f,:7 i~~y..Managing Editor joh Sb . [,enatrd.........Busines Manager lY. Rodgers Sy. vsier.ssizrincnt I'ditor P_ '.Nrighit..... ............ Sports Vditor I 110 0('.hack .........Advertising Manager le~cWhite ............ Publication Marager )' .Althsclar .., Circulation M'anager C. V yellers.. .............ccountant C..J I sheigli. Assistant Business Manager Nigt Editors o C- luid C. N Church Vne Burnet Edwin A. Hyan Joseph J. TProthertoi 1'. C. . lParker eprtrs eley I~ll Leonard V.N tielMarha ray Irwin johnsoi Lee Joslyn W.:'lo L2.. unt Business Staff Albert E. Hone SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1915 Ngt dtr J. C. B. Parker 1-lenley Hill BULL D)OG SMTH A ft mble;, a spectacular run lby Ben- tou,aud Mici igaahune up seven points as her tally in the Syracuse game. The play' was a fluke, there is no doubt about that, but it put a rosy tint ol what otherwise would have been a mighty lblack outloo. So ended the first lap of Mlicigan's race to come back. W e have pulled hard to biang up the Syracusians' scalp on our trophy rack, but because we have failed is no cause for disco uragemuen t. The team hasn't quit. They fought harder f- ter Syracuse had scored thal before. It is now a question of improving this wveek as much as they have in the one just past. Smith, for the five minutes he was sin, showedl a flash of fight aid bull dog a gressiveness that +ared the hearts of several thousands in the stands. H-e didn't stop fighting when lie bit into a nst of taklers, but only went the harder. if the Coach can find 10 more men 01, the spiit of Smith we'll see a broken Cornell team leave Ferry Field nxt Saturday. ('ONCEZNING TH K 1I ICKING SYSTEM T'he settlement of the Goggin affair Friday, before Judge Kine, offers an opportunity for gtting something off our chest that has bothered us for a< long time. Carefree student can no longer stand off and wreck Ann Arbor's legal machinery by throwing stones into the cogs, and what is more the trades men are backing up the authorities without fear of threatened boycotts. Much criticism has been heard at times because local merchants have UNIT ARIAN CHURCH 10:30-Sermon on Revivals, their Influence on Social Reform, by Rev. R. S. Loring. 11:45---The Social Service Class with discussion led by Mr. Freeman on Problems of Municipal Govern- mnent. 7:30-Bulgaria and the War, ad- dress by Mr. Hladjisky, of Sophia, .Bul- garia, before the Young People's society. preferred charges against students. In reality they have been doing the students a good turn. The checking system in vogue here is of the great- est convenience. To stop it would mean keeping ready cash in count- less unlocked rooms in Ann Arbor's rooming houses, or else in frequent trips to the 'bank to draw out small sums. Check forging is the quickest way to bring about this state of af- fairs, andi any means taken to prevent it are welcome. h. t. ROBINSON61, '13, MARRIES a1ISS HE1LLEN E. HILLKER, 13 Ifellen Elisabeth Iilliker, '13, and Loren Thorne Robinson, '13, were married last night at the First Uni- tarian Church. All participating in the affair were or are now students in the university. Harold Easley, '16, acted in the capacity of best man. whifle Jay Curry, '12, and Robert Hal- steadI, '18, took over the duties of ushers. Mrs. ?Mary Huntington, '12, of' H-owell, was matron-of-honor, the bridesmaids being Emma Freeman, '13, of Ann Arbor, and Hellen Butler, '13, of Elk Rapids. Mrs. Robinson is a. member of the Alpha Chi 'Omega sorority, as were the bridesmaids and the matron-of- honor. Mr. Robinson is a member of the Sigmna Delta Chi journalistic fra- tern ity and served on The Daily for several years. He is now a member of the staff of the Detroit Free Press. The couple will reside in Detroit. Women's OrganizationsI Hlelen Brown, '18, general chair- man of the 1915 Freshman Spread has appointed the following committees fioru thie class of :1918: Finance, Ada heath, Dorothy Pierce, and Marion Halton; refreshments, Louise Gould, Nona Myers, and Margaret Birdsell; serving, Alice Burtless and Georgiana Pockman ; decorations, Constance Winchell, Esther Holland, and Louise Wilia mson; invitations, Ruth Bailey and Katherine Harrington; pairing- off, Valora Quinlan, Mabel -Hall, and Helen Aherns; printing, Marian Wil- liams and Pauline Champlin; music, 'Marie IPaulus; badges, Ella Ray; fav- or dance and grand march, Pansy Blake, Grace Raynsford and Helen Brown; reception and publicity, Mar- garet Cooley. The first named of each of these sub-committees will serve as chairman of her committee. WAHR"S_ University -Bookstore Watch for the NEW MICHIGAN SONG Fight Men. of Michigan by W. C. ACHI, Jr. Ready about Wed., Oct. 20th PUBLISHED BY Univest M Ifusic lb ouse MRS. M. M. ROOT Cor. Maynard and William Streets COME IN AND HEAR IT For Two Dollars You can purchase a complete GXYM Outfit at i Crane's {GOTO TUTTLE9' for the BEST In and Candies Cigars Pipes /r... ....-..._- N Our "Tailor-Made" Clothes Cost No More Than the Average "Ready-Made"~ GA SLIE, The Tailor 108 E. Washington St. Second Floor Gilbert's CHOCOLATES SODAS CANDIES LUNCHES CHO P off a few minutes and eat some of GEORMGE'S Z& WAX KIN1G L00 314 S. State St. Phone 71244-M FIRST NATL. BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital .$ioo,ooo Surplus andi Profit $$65,ooo DI RWTORS: 7UaRT CORN WFLL WALDO M. AlInotT' Go, W. PATTERSON HARRY M. HAWCIEY SW. CI{ARKSON IHARRISON SOULEa FRtED SCTIM~ID D). B. SUTTON E.D INNIE: For th Gme order your Big, Home-Grown 'Fresh ones at iszoc ho ff's% GREEN HOUSE 220 Chapin St. Phone 809-VM Always {on StateI PARTICULAR LAUNDRY Fresh #I at For Particular People QUARRY DRUG COMPANY Prescription Store CITY LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, Prop. IIWe Welcome All w Detroit Street Phone 457-M Especially Our 1919 Friends H3ENRY (A COMPANY TAILORS TO MEN 11:30 AM to 1P.'M. b 5:30 P. M. 25 to 7 P. M. Michigan Inn Chop Sucy Announce the removal of their store to more commodious quarters at 713-71; North VUniversity Ave. Dirootlly North of Law Buildin~g i i E. Liberty St. Opp. the ArcadiaI I.- i'- - _____ = - - - - - i I We are show- ing the new- est models in . - .-: . _ ; A t. .. s : .. #'; ry _ \. FALL FOOTWEAR for LADIES and GENTS SeilAet eteo he WAIIR'S1SHOESh"'TO E3-S MAIN STREET STATE STREET: BROTHERHOOD MEET TOMORROW Professors. Waterman and Bonner to Attend Reception The Michigan Chapter of the Broth- erhood of St. Andrew will hold an informal reception at 7:30 o'clock to- morrow night 4n Harris hall for all men who are interested in Bible study.4 The reception is also for the pur- pose of having the men meet Profes- sor Leroy Waterman of the Semitics department, who conducts a class every Sunday in Harris hall on, "The Bible as a Book of Life," and Pro- fessor Campbell Bonner, who has charge of a class on, "Comparative. Religion." The Little Shop offers Sunday even- ing tea. 255 South Thayer, next to Hill auditorium. oct31 Pianos to rent. Prices and pianos right, at Schaeberle & Son's Music House, 110 South Main 'street. oct8tf ALLIES ('AIL FOR or ,000,QI) Depositories Holding' Proceeds of Loan to Send 15% to City Bank New York, Oct. 30.--Banks through- out the United States wvhich are act- ing as depositories for the proceeds of the $500,000,000 Anglo-French loan have been notified that 15 per cent of the total amount, or $72,000,000 must be paid into the National City Bank of this city by Nov. 15. The money will be left with the National City Bank, where" the Governments of Great Britain and France have a joint account, for disbursement on the or- der of their special representatives. It is said that about one thousand banks are affected by the call. Professor Roth Returits front Jackison Prof. Filibert Roth, of the forestry department, returned yesterday from Jackson, where hie attended the meeting of the executive commit- tee of the Michigan State, Grange. Tie extended an invitation to the Grange to hold its annual meeting in Ann Arbor the first part of D~ecember. Forznui (pam -Aarthia Cook buiiding is at ljreseu: housing an exhibit of over 100 chrys- anthem unms from thes[Botanical G