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October 30, 1915 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-10-30

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ianuscripts Written' Whoy in Cipher
and Illustated by Scores of
Selected Drawings
The celebrated Voynich collection
of illuminated manuscripts and very
rare and early printed books which
has attracted such enthusiastic atten-
tion in Chicago the last few weeks has
been secured by the university li-
brary for four days' exhibition at
Alumni Memorial hall, beginning
Tuesday. Thousands of people have
recently visited the Chicago Art In-
stitute to see these wonderful speci-
mens of mediaeval art. The oppor-
tunity to examine works of this kind
comes but rarely. Indeed such a col-
lection can be seen in but three or
four libraries in Europe.
Found in An Austrian Castle
Mr. Wilfrid M. Voynich, the owner
of the collection (through whose cour-
tesy it is to be shown in Ann Arbor),
is perhaps the most eminent book-
dealer in the world. He has offices
in London, Paris and Florence. The
present collection was secured by him
after a search whose history reads
like a romance. Through papers
which came into his possession he
learned of the existence of a large
number of very valuable manuscripts
in Austria which had been hastily re-
m'oved from Central Italy at the time
of Napoleon's first invasion in the last
decade of the 18th century. After a
very long and difficult search they
were at last found in a castle belong-
ing to a most distinguished member
of the nobility. Their very existence
was unknown to the owner. The
chests in which they were stored had
not been opened for over a century--
perhaps for a much longer period.
This accounts for the astonishing
freshness of the miniatures which
are among the most brilliant known.
Mr. Voynich brought the collection
to the United States from London last
January, as much to insure its safety
against Zeppelin attacks as to dispose
of it. While some of the most valu-
able items have been sold, what re-
mains far surpasses in interest and
value any collection of illuminated
manuscripts ever shown in this
Fourteenth Century Manuscripts
By all odds the most interesting
single item is a manuscript written
in the first quarter of the 14th cen-
turyhat Bologna and illustrated with
300 water color sketches. By some
specialists these have been attributed
to Giotto, by others to Lorenzetto. The
paintings occupy the lower portion of
each page, an almost unknown method
of book illustration before the inven-
tion of printing. This manuscript is
without a rival in the history of art,
as no other containing such a series
of illustrations by any of the Italian
"primitives" is known to exist.
Book Belonged to Emperor Rudolf
Anwther manuscript of equal dis-
tinction is a most astonishing book
written wholly in cipher in the 13th
century and illustrated by scores of
drawings. From these we infer that
the book treats of plants, astrology,
human anatomy and diseases, and un-
doubtedly on magic. The work is at-
tributed to the great Roger Bacon.
It belonged at one time to the Em-
peror Rudolf and later to King Ferdi-
nand of Bohemia. The key to the
cipher has not yet been discovered.

Its chief interest is perhaps in its
drawings of sections of plants which
were not known to have been studied
before the 16th century.
Map Used by 11agellan in 1522
There are numerous specimens of
illuminated manuscripts of the 14th
and 15th centuries with exquisite
miniatures, the freshness of whose
colors is most surprising. Many of
these are books of devotion-others
are B ibles or parts of the Bible-
of course in Latin. ' There is, however,
an admirable Greek manuscript of
the 10th century, St. Chrysotom's
Homilies on the Acts, remarkable
both for its age and the preservation
of the vellum. There is a map which
was used by Magellan in the first
voyage around the world ending in
1522, and numerous other smaller
Drawings by Mazzo Finiguerra
Of especial interest to students of
archaeology and history is a book on



Gives Opinion of "\ Ilistiry of West.
ern Boundary of the Louisiana
lurebase," by '. 31. Marshall
Professor Jesse S. Reeves, head of
the political science department, has
written a criticism of Thomas M.
Marshall's, "A History of the Western
Boundary of the Louisiana Purchase."
The criticism has appeared in the Oc-
tober number of the American 'los-
torical Review.
Mr. Marshall's treatise is a doctorial
dissertation, in which the problem of
the boundary-line attempted by so
many writers, is solved with apparent
success. Relations of the United
States with Mexico, tne result of Span-
ish and French influences, and corm-
plications caused by the Texan terri-
tory are all discussed, and the view-
points of sonic of the foremost men
of those days, such as Jefferson, Jack-
son and Van Buren, are carefully con-
Professor Reeves, in his criticism of
the work, says: "T'he narrative as a
whole is carefully and interesti:igly
presented. Nowhere else can one
find graphically set forth the various
proposals and counter-proposals from
1803 to 1837. All the accompanying
maps are excellent, although two crit-
icisms may perhaps be made. The
area of the Wilkinson neutral ground
seems to be too great, while the posi-
tion of the Arroyo Hondo is apparent-
ly too far to the east."
= -- -
Secretary Redfield to Urge Opening of
Foreign Business Offices
Washington, Oct. 29.-Following a
conference with President Wilson,
Secretary of Commerce Redfield an-
nounced that he will recommend in his
annual report the modification of the
Sherman anti-trust act so as to per-
mit American manufacturers in sim-
ilar lines of business to unite in main-
taining selling agencies abroad. By
this method it is said that American
manufacturers will be enabled to com-
pete with foreign comp rs who are
aided by their respec - ernments.
Secretary Redfield will also recom-
mend a tax to prevent the dumping
of foreigngoods in American markets
after the close of the European war.
Shipbuilders Get Foreign Contracts
New York, Oct. 29.-Foreign requests
for ships to be constructedin Amer-
ican shipyards are being made with
more and more frequency. One com-
pany has just closed a contract to
build two large ships at a cost of
about $1,000,000 each.

Contributes to iumanistic Series of
Universty of Micligan
"Robert of Chester's Latin Transla-
tion of the Algebra of Al-Khowarizmi"
is the title of Prof. Louis C. Karpin-
ski's contribution to the Humanistic
Series of the University of Michigan
The volume will have an introduc-
tion, critical notes and an English ver-
sion, besides four plates showing pages
of manuscript and twenty-five dia-
grams in the text.
This work, which was the first sys-
tematic treatise on elementary alge-
bra, was written about 825 A. D. The
fact that Al-Khowarizmi, the Arabic
author, called his treatise "al-jebr
w'al-muqabala" has led to the use of
the word "algebra," and his own name
appears in the English word "algo-
The same man wrote also the first
treatise on the Hindu arithmetic, using
the numerals which we now misname
Arabic numerals. From this treatise
we get the words "cypher" and "zero,"
which connect with the Arabic word
"sifr," a translation of the Hindu word
sunya," used for the zero symbol, and
meaning "vacant."
The algebra of Al-Khowarizmi was
twice translated into Latin in the early
Dart of the twelfth century A. D., and
the one of these translations which
was made by Robert of Chester has
never been published. Three manu-
script copies of this algebra have been
found, one in Dresden, one in Vienna
and one in the Columbia university
library. All three have been employed
ia Professor Karpinski's publication.
In addition to the text an historical
introduction shows the place of the
work in the development of algebra.
F our plates present facsimiles of the
mianuscript, and a Latin glossary is
added for the benefit of those interest-
cd in the terminology employed.
Professor Karpinski's volume is the
first of three which are to be grouped
ender the general heading, "Contri-
butions to the History of Science," and
will be published by the Macmillan
company some time in November. The
second of the group is an English
translation by Prof. John G. Winter
of the "Prodromus of Nicholas of
Steno's LatindDissertation on a Solid
Body Enclosed by Natural Process
Within a Solid." The third is entitled
Vesuvius in Antiquity," and is from
the pen of Dr. Francis W. Kelsey. This
wilconsist of passages from ancient
authors, with a translation and eluci-
The last two volumes of the group
will not be published until some time
nuring the coming year.
'A Pair of Sixes," "Marie-Odile" and
Others Appear at Whitney
Edward Peple's farce, "A Pair of
Slixes," will be at the Whitney theater
Saturday. The story of "A Pair of
Sixes" tells of the trials and tribula-
'ions of two pillmakers who cannot
agree as to how their business shall

be run, The lawyer of the firm pro-
>oses a hand of show-down poker, the
>artners to abide by the result; the
vinner to conduct the business for a
-ear, the loser to act as the other's
butler. The complications which arise
are cleverly handled and serve to make
, very pleasant entertainment.
'Sunny Side of Broadway" Makes Hit
"The Sunny Side of Broadway" is
'y far the best bill that has been at
khe Majestic theater this fall. Max
Bloom and Alice Sher have an excel-
lent comedy which takes the audience
by storm. "That's My Horse" of
Abey's is a great laugh-maker and is
brought in throughout the entire pro-
duction without becoming monotonous.
Alice Sher's dancing is the decided hit
of the show and she is supported by a
good chorus.


Trinity Authorizes Summer Ball Play
Hartford, Conn., Oct. 29.-Hereafter
all students of Trinity college will be
free to play summer baseball, if they
are capable, without injuring their
amateur athletic standing. The pres-
ident has stated,-that the action 'was
taken because the faculty had juris-
diction only over the student's playing
with reference to scholastic standing.
Many prominent Trinity men have
expressed great wonder at the stand
taken against professionalism in the
case of. Brickley at Yale. The action
which Williams college took because
of the existing conditions, is consid-
ered unsportsmanlike by the Blue and
Gold men.
Harvard Gets $142,000 in Bequests
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 29.-At. a
meeting of the president and fellows
of Harvard university, it was an-
nounced that gifts amounting to $142,-
000 had been given to the college. Mr.
James J. Hill donated $125,000 of thie
amount, which will be turned over to
the James J. Hill professorship of
transportation, recently established
It was further announced that the
resignation of Frederick Law Olm-
sted, as the Charles Eliot professor of
landscape architecture, had been ac-
Many Additions to Illinois Equipment,
Champaign, Ill., Oct. 29.-C. P. Ca-
proni & Brother, the greatest plaster
' Tennis players who need rackets re-
strung will do well to have the work
done by Alexander Taylor & Co., New
York. They employ racket surgeons
of the highest skill and guarantee sat-
isfaction. Prices:
"Engut," finest imported quality,
white, red or black.... .....$3.00
Best English gut, white only.... 2.50

cast manufacturers in the world, have
recently consigned a large number of
casts to the engineering department of
Illinois. The casts will be used for
free hand drawing.!
Among other features, students will
soon derive the benefit of a home-
made gasoline engine. The motor was
made in the engineering shops by a
number of the students.
The botany department has added
18,000 herbariums to its extensive
equipment. Three are particularly
valuable because they are the work
of Illinois men.
Ames-Missojri Game "Wirelessed"
Ames, Iowa, Oct. 29.-Through the
agency of the wireless, Iowa students
were able to follow the Ames-Missouri
game play by play. The messages
were sent by the wireless of the engi-
neering department at Columbia, the
seat of Missouri university, and were
sent in the Continental code in order
that every station might receive the
1910 Illinois Man in Tournament
Champaign, Ill., Oct. 29.-Illinois
boasts of the showing of J. D. Hood,
a 1910 graduate, in the National Guard
tournament held recently at Jackson-
ville, Florida. Hood is a member of
the All-American National Guard, the
winning team which defeated the fa-
mous United States Marines, as well
as the regular army team.
American gut, flesh tint only.... 2.00
Oriental gut, white only......... 1.75
We will call for and deliver your
racket. Telephone Roy Hall, law '17,
agent, 1619-M. Oct30

More Than 80,000 People in All Walks
of Life Reached by this New
Educational System
Exactly 300 lectures are offered by
the university extension service to the
people of the state each year. Mem-
bers of the regular faculty deliver
these lectures, which are available to
any community in the state.
As outlined by the extension depart-
ment, the service embraces three dis-
tinct aims, thehfirst of which is the
promotion of the cause of education
and the advancement of culture. To
serve local communities so far as the
technical and expert knowledge of
university specialists is available is
the second aim, and the third is to ac-
quaint the members of the university
faculty with local conditions and edu-
cational needs throughout the state.
More than 1,200 requests were re-
ceived for the limited supply of 300
lectures last year. Requests are filed
in order of their receipt, but the judg-
ment of the extension service depart-
ment is used to distribute the lectures'
with discretion -to the proper locali-
ties. The service desires to co-operate
with school superintendents, alumni
associations, granges, women's clubs
and art an'd literary societies and any
other organizations which are in close
touch with the interest and needs of
their communities.
Call Lyndon for a good Flashlight.
For quick MESSENGER CALL see
last adv on BACK of TELEPHONE
DIRECTORY. Note the MAJ. cur-
tains. Pbone 795. Ann Arbor Parcel
& Messenger Service. A. F. Brown,
'17E. oct29

Call 2255 for a Stark
"We'll be there."


the Archaeolog o' Rome and Italy
written by Marcanova and illustrated
with 16 full-page and 80 small draw-
ings by the celebrated Florentine de-
signer, Mazzo Finiguerra. This book
was done for Novella Malatesta, Prince
of Cesena, in 1465. The manuscript is
full of drawings of monuments in
Italy, Illyria and Catalonia, which are
no longer extant.
Comparable with this is a manu-
script on the art of war of the 15th
century by Roberto Volturio, which is
known to be the one used by the
printers in 1472 when the first :dition
was published. Inserted is a drawing
by Andrea Mantegna.
Exhibition of Early Printing
The specimens of early printing
alone would make a wonderful exhibi-
tion. They include the Froissart
Chronicle of 1525, printed in London
by Pynson; several books printed by
Sweynheim and Pennarts of Rome,
the first printers of Italy; the first
complete Hebrew Bible, printed in
Concino in 1488; Caxton's transla-
tion of St. Jerone's Lives of the
Fathers, printed by Wynken de Worde
at Westminster in 1495; and numer-
ous other specimens of 15th and early
16th century printing.
In addition, Mr. Voynich will show
some rare specimens of \mericaria
which were not shown at Chicago.
Dinner by order after the genme. 225
S. Thayer, next to hill auditorium.

T H I Sannounces
the publication by The
Bond Street Company,
Ltd., of a brochure on
correct dress for men, contain-
ing fifty drawings of the most
recent styles shown by met-
ropolitan designers. It will be
sent postpaid and without charge,
to anyone applying to The Bond
Street Company, or will be given
without charge to anyone request-
ing it at our local store.
More than a store-a campus institution
300,South State Street

Lyndon's for Kodaks, films, finish-
ing. Open Sundays, 9:30 to 4:30 only.

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