ORLD AND 1 The i i Daily Bush 2. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1915. IDDllERS 1915 SEASON~l B AFTERNOON ated as Pilot; Coach Will C Mainy Shifts in Lineup . E LINE REMAINS SAME Fill Quarter Positions and Backfield * * * * * * * * .* * igan Lawrence * :z....... R. E. ...Wilkinson * (Capt.) * Len..... R. T. .......Owen * ran, * apt.).... R. G. ........Lloyd * e............C.........Berdan * .n. ......L. G, ......Wallis * on.....L. T. .. . Schneider * a........L. E. .. .Thompson * on......R. H..Stumpf-Davis * betsch . L.H. .......Elliot * er........Q.B. Rice-Vincent * h....... F. B. .Pond-Curry * Officials * nnedy, of Chicago, referee; * h, of Brown, umpire. * ne-4:05 o'clock. * ** * * * * * * * gan will officially usher in the otball season this afternoon, 'oach Yost's Varsity squad up against Lawrence college. me will be called at 4:05 e official lineup, Harry Calvin d as the selection for the quar- r position, although the coach d just before practice was dis- d yesterday afternoon. that vould receive the call and start e at quarter. The coach stated was his intention to make le~ shifts in the lineup after test was well under way, so could draw a 'line on some of 1 under fire in an actual en- RATORCAL SPEAKERS FOR SEASON PROGRAM INCLUDE AMOUS MEN Congressman Ilobson, Prof. Lomax and Mary Antin Will Appear During Year ADMISSION TO COURSE WILL BE BY SPECIAL TICKET SALE Schedule First Lecture for October 7 at 8:00 O'clock Mary Antin, Congressman Richmond F. Hobson, and Prof. John A. Lomax, of the University of Texas, head the list of the speakers who are to ap- pear in Ann Arbor under the auspices of the Oratorical association. , Miss Antin, who is the authoress of "The Promised Land" and "They Who Knock at Our Gates, as well as a number of other widely' read and dis- cussed books dealing with the immi- gration problem, has been -secured to speak on some phase of immigration at 8:00 o'clock on the evening of Oc- tober 27 in University Hall. The speaker comes to Ann Arbor highly recommended. She is of Russian par- entage, having lived in America 20 years, after leaving her home at the age of 13. The titles of her talks are varied, but it is said that, in reality, she has but one subject. Whether she speaks on "The Responsibility of American Citizenship" or "The Public School as a Test of American Faith," or "Jewish Life in the Pale," at the end the hearer realizes that he has been listening to a plea for liberty, democracy and human rights. Congressman Hobson, who will speak on "The Era of Uplift" in Hill auditorium Nov. 2, will be remem- bered as one of the heroes of the Spanish-American war. The sinking of the collier "Merrimac" will long linger in the minds of Americans. His books, "The Fortification of the Pan- ama Canal," "The Disappearing Gun Afloat," and others dealing with the defense of the country, have been well received. Elected congressman from his na- tive state, Alabama, Mr. Hobson cre- ated quite a furore by introducing a bill in Congress which brought up the question of deciding nation-wide pro- hibition by a popular vote. The Bill was defeated by two votes only. Probably the question of prohibition will be broached by the speaker in his address, but the topic "The Era of Uplift," will be discussed generally. Professor Lomax, commonly desig- nated as the "author of cowboy bal- lads," is scheduled to speak on Jan. 22, 1916. Where the lecture will take place has not been decided, butit will surely be a great attraction. The speaker, recites his own poems, and Prof. T. C. Trueblood, of -the depart- ment of oratory, has in his possession letters from both 'Yale and Harvard, which tell of. the immense success which Professor Lomax scored in those places., This year seems to have much in store for lovers of good lectures, as the standard of the speakers is ex- ceptional. These lectures will not be included on the tickets which the Or- atorical association is now distribut- ing among the students, but tickets will be on sale in good season. TODAY AND TOMORROW TODAY Football. Lawrence College vs. Mich- igan, Ferry Field, 4:05 o'clock. All-Fresh football practice, Ferry Field, 4:00 o'clock. Tau Beta Pi, dinner and meeting, at the Michigan Union, 6:00 o'clock. Varsity band practice, U. Hall, 7:00 o'clock. TOMORROW First Faculty concert, Hill Audi- torium, 4:15 o'clock. Cosmopolitan Night, at the Unitarian church, 8:00 o'clock. BAND TO HOLD INITIAL TRYOUT THIS EVENING position of arum Major to be Contest- ed for; Drums, Clarinets and Basses in Demand First steps in the task of selecting Michigan's 1915-1916 band will be taken at 7:00 o'clock tonight, when Captain Wilfred Wilson directs the in- itial tryout in University Hall. More than 200 men already have signed up for places on the band, and those try- outs who have not "yet gotten their names on the lists will be given the opportunity to do so from 2:00 o'clock to 5:00 o'clock this afternoon at the band office in the engineering shops building. Drums, clarinets and basses are in especial demand. The position of drum major will.also be contested tonight during the regular tryouts. The student body will be given its first opportunity to hear the "Victors" float across Ferry Field at the Mt. Union game Saturday afternoon, when the musicians make their first appear- ance. According to its last year's cus- tom, the band will gather before the game in front of University hall, and from there march down to the field. It is hoped that 50 men will be in the ranks by that time. The men who are picked tonight will rehearse tomorrow evening at 7:00 o'clock in University Hall, when Captain Wilson will attempt to whip the organization into shape for Satur- day's game. As severa freshmen have thus far attempted to sign up for the band, the management has announced that the 1919 men are not eligible. U. S, ,PROMISED INDEMNITY FOR VICTIMS OF ARABIC DISASTER New German Note Points to Speedy Ending of Submarine Con- troversy (By the New York Sun Service.) Washington, Oct. 5.-Vount Von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, presented a note to Secretary Lansing today announcing a complete and un- conditional disavowal of the German submarine attack on the British liner Arabic. Germany offers to complete- ly indemnify the United States for the lives of all Americans lost with the ship. In the opinion of Washington officials, this clears the way for the complete settlement of the German- American submarine controversy. The note also contains the statement that Emperor William has given or- ders to all submarine commanders which make the recurrence of similar incidents out of the question. "Y" Book Exchange Does Big Business Y. M. C. A. book exchange-will be open regularly at the "Y" office be- tween the hours of 1:00-8:00 o'clock daily, under the management of Ev- erett Judson, '16E. Since the incep- tion of the exchange last spring, it has grown rapidly, and during the last few days several hundred dollars' worth of books have been received and disposed of. SEE WAY CLEAR FOR QUIETING ALL COLORADO MINING CAMPS (By the New York Sun Service.) Denver, Oct. 5.-That the miners of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company will adopt the Rockefeller plan was indicated by returns from the differ- ent camps tonight. Up to a late hour tonight the vote was 11 to 1 in favor of the plan. Negative votes from the remaining camps would not be enough to overwhelm the plan. If the plan is once fairly started, it is believed that labor troubles in the camps will be at an end. ANNOUNCE MEMBERS OF UNION BULLETIN BOARD COMMITTEE Members of the bulletin committee of the Union have just been announced by the organization president. They are: W. Lloyd Kemp, '17, chairman; Stevens Clark, '19, Russell D'Ooge, '19, and John Coffin, '19. These men will keep announcements posted in obvi- ous places, especially on the big bul- letin boards in the Union clubhouse. Harry G. Gault, '15-'17L, president of the Union, will be, found in his office for a few weeks from 4:00 to 6:00 o clock every afternoon. - YEARLINGS TO JOIN IN MASS MEETING To Start lunovation to Teach Cheers, Songs and Traditions to First- Year Men Freshmen of the class of 1919 will be started in the right direction. A huge mass meeting to be held at 7:15 o'clock Friday evening in Hill audi- terium has been planned for them by the student council. Traditions, cus- toms, songs and cheers, dear to the hearts of Michigan men, will be taught to the yearlings. The idea of a meeting of .this kind for the first-year men is new on the Michigan campus, and was planned by the council last spring. Francis T. Mack, '16L, who was appointed to take charge of the affair, has' arranged a program of talks, songs and cheers. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School will be the faculty speaker, and he will address the freshmen on what is expected of Michigan men. The customs and traditions of the Michigan campus will be expounded by Werner W. Schroeder, '14-'16L. Francis F. McKinney, '16L, managing editor of The Michigan Daily, will give a talk emphasizing the right kind of spirit to be shown at athletic events and inter-class contests. Harry G. Gault, '15-'17L,- president of the Mich- igan Union, will tell the freshmen about the Union. Harold Smith, '16, varsity track cap- tain, will lead the freshmen in Mich- igan cheers, while Stanley Wilson, '16, leader of the Glee club, will lead them in Wolverine songs which will be thrown upon a large screen. It is ex- pected that the varsity band will turn out to entertain the verdant gather- ing, but this is not certain. Earl V. Moore, '12, of the school of music, will render an organ program. PRESENT ENROLLMENT THREATNS TO SHATTER ALLPHRIOUS REORS Ofocial Figures in Literary College Give Gain of 400 Over Last Year's Number DENTAL SCHOOL FURNISHES BIG SURPRISE BY REACHING 325q Law and Homeopathic Medical Schools Show Decrease Previous reoords for enrollment in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts are likely to be shattered this year. The present gain of 400 over the figure at the same time last year is 150 over the former high-water mark of 250, and double the average increase for previous years, according to an official announcement yesterday. Enrollment progressed satisfactori- ly in all the colleges yesterday, the Dental School registration furnishing' the big surprise by reaching 325, 30 better than the mark of 295, the total for 1914-15, with several days left for enrollment. Figures for the Lawi School fell still further behind last4 year's total, when they dropped to 334, a decrease of 59. This decrease is un- doubtedly due to the new two-year preparatory requirement. The Graduate School entered upon1 the day with a margin. of 29 over the number of registrations the same time last year, but this margin had been reduced to three before the day was over. The School of Pharmacy enroll- ment showed a gain of 15, the Medical School, one of eight, while the Homeo- pathic School showed a slight decrease from last year's figures. Exact figures of the registration in the Colleges of Engineering and Ar- chitecture were unavailable for publi- cation yesterday, but it is believed that they are slightly above last year's s figure. - In the Literary College, Registrar A. G. Hall reported that 298 persons had received advance credit, as against 242 last year. There were 75 more freshmen entered by diploma so far this year in the same college, as compared with the total up to the same time last year. UNION RECORDS FALL SHORT OF LAST YEARS MEMBERSHIP FIUES Will Concentrate Present Campaign Upon Campus Solicitation for Several Days CANVASSERS DOING BEST WORK TO RECEIVE IMPORTANT JOBS Inaugurate New System for Recording Signatures Members who have signed up with the Michigan Union during the past several days now number slightly more than 1,350, according to reports given out last night by D. R. Ballen- tine, '16, general chairman of the Union membership committee. This figure falls short of last year's record at this same date by nearly 200, but Harry G. Gault, '15-'17L, president of the Union, explains this shortage by the fact that hundreds of men are still hesitating between paying the :annual fee and 'trting the life memjbership payment. The campaign was begun last Friday and will be concentrated upon campus solicitation for several days. AUSTRIA, GE ain ni n the several ainb given their passj to leave the cou According to today, the allied Armenia that it for the country Milan via Par Germany and At tary treaty here cording to a disc the terms of the army is bound t to send Macedon to destroy railr with Salonika, th in their efforts t ed on Page Three) .E NEW IC .A. SURE W'ork on Construction Will Probably Begin Early in Spring With more than the required $60,000 subscribed, the Students' Christian Association was able, last Thursday night to claim the conditional $60,000 gift of John D. Rockefeller, promised a year ago for a new Young Men's Christian Association building for the men attending the University of Mich- ian. According to an announcement given out by Judge Victor H. Lane, of the Law School, and president of he board of trustees of the associa- :ion, the margin of safety in the sub- scriptions is a narrow one, but enough ias been pledged to make the build- .ng a certainty. The campaign which has been con- ducted since the first of June, has been under the direction of Welling- on H. Tinker, secretary of the asso- ciation, and more than a half dozen students have been assisting him in he work. In addition to this corpse of workers, Coach Fielding H. Yost, f the Varsity football squad, and Coach Dan McGuigin, of the Vander- bl1t University team, assisted in the work in Detroit during the months >f August and September. The Rockefeller gift is payable by July 1, 1916, and the first payments will be made as soon as the proper >redentials have been received, show- ing that the sum demanded has been raised by the local organization. Contracts for the building will be let probably during December, but the actual construction will not be started until March or April. The as- sociation hopes to be able to house its fall work in the new building, next Of more than 250 students to whom Gault wrote recently ,only 150 have reported to help in the canvass now waging. Each canvasser has been sup- plied with books containing 10 mem- bership blanks, and nearly half have reappeared at the Union offices. The campaigners who do the bet work in this campaign will be chosen to the more important jobs on the per- manent membership solicitation, or the house-to-house campaign, which will start within about two weeks. Workers who show up to the best ad- vantage will be promoted to positions on the opera and other important com- mittees later in the year A new system has been inaugurated at the Union this year of recording signatures of yearly members. All signatures .inscribed since 1907 have been filed in the opening pages of a huge ledger, in which names will be written of yearly signers for at least several years in the future. Evans Holbrook, '97-'00L, was the first sign- er in the volume, and Phillip Lovejoy, '16, has been the first to pen his name on themembership rolls .for the past two years. FIRST FACLTYCONCERT JTO BE GIVENTOMORROW University ISchool Arranges Attractive Program of Numbers by ' Artists The series of complimentary faculty recitals given last year by the univer- sity school of music proved so popular that the management has arranged a similar series of free concerts- for this season, which will be of even greater interest to the student body and gen- eral public. Mr. Albert Lockwood, who has re- sumed his work as the head of the piano departments and Miss Leonora Allen, who has recently ben added to the voal faculty, will both appear from timn to time in these recitals in addition to the other artists who have taken prominent parts in past years. These recitals are scheduled, as pre- viously, at Hill Auditorium, for the first and 0 rdThursdayhafternoonsat 4:15 o'clock, after -which Mime the. doors will be closed during the num- bers. The first number on the series will be given on Thursday afternoon, Oc- tober 7, of this week, while the other concerts are dated October 14 and 21, November 2 and 18, December 2 and 16, January 13 and.27, February 3 and 17, March 2 and 16, April 6. The first recital tomorrow promises to be of unusual interest and variety, including numbers by the well-known artists, Albert Lockwood, pianist, Leonora Allen, soprano, and Samuel P. Lockwood, violinist. The program will be announced tomorrow. Y ' ;: ' '' >7 and Athens, Oct. 5.-Premier Veniz announced to the chamber of depu today that no steps are being ti to prevent the landing 'of the a troops on Greek soil in their effor aid Servia.. He further showed the riousness of the Balkai situation stating that the allies have withd4 their proposals to Bulgaria for t to'ial concessions. Unless Czar dinand makes a satisfactory repl the Russian ultimatum, negotiat with Bulgaria will not be resumed London, Oct. 5.-Another oft casualty list made public today tains the names of 99 officers and 1 men, two of the officers being erals. Major-General F. D. V. V is reported killed, while Brigad General N. T. Nickalls is repo wounded and missing, and it is fe that he is dead. AMERICAN-BUILT SUBMARINES ARE PUT TO TEST BY ALL (By the New York Sun Service New York, Oct. 5.-An Americar signed and built submarine destro a German cruiser in the Baltic s few weeks ago. -News of the eng ment has just filtered through. other vessels of the same type are operating in the North and B seas. American-built submarines m the trip from this side of the Atla to the Irish coast,^and thence thro the Mediterranean to the Dardane without a mishap. The average s: was eight miles per hour, and the tal distance covered was 7,000 mi These submarines will operate aga the Turks. FINANCIER DONATES BUILD] Offers Structure to Act as Social Religious Center New York, Oct. 5.-Jacob S. Se the financier, one of the originali tees of Barnard College, has off( the institution a building, the cos which is not to exceed $500,000. announcement was made to the dergraduates today, and was forn accepted. The new structure will be use provide for the social needs of the dergraduates, and will also act social and religious center, wit respect to creed, for all of the wc of the college. Mr. Schiff's gift is significant in it falls on the fiftieth anniversar his arrival in this country and a1. 50 years since the founding of ie lege. -