SHE ICHIG AN tDAILY. ' -~ - r n" - MOM" w i ZAO,;6h tudents GOOD NEWS WHITMAN'S CANDY IN A NEW PACKAGE TIED WITH U. OF M. COLORS We are ready to show you the best line of Men's Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Hats, Caps, and Furn- ishings at reasonable prices. \ 1 .. Ii S' Tr Ji I { - ,l . -_:=-- = 1 CA LKINS' PHAR MACY I 324 S. State Street I -- WADHIAMS & CO.'S CORNER 201-203 S. Main St. ,A ' " - ..= . , , -. - Be, D~ressed and gain the admiration of all by having your next suit Individually CustomTailored by ARTHUR F. MARQUARDT Campus Tailor 516 East William St. Phone 1422-i an GOTH IC FRONT FiTS CIRAVAT NT PERFECTiLY. 2 for25c CLUETT. PEABODY & CO.. IIJC ..MAKtCSR iial ers/ AVE :~_ _ ~"~Iads sar~nedinstead of buying Eeparate w: 7 '1 ,z .f d and /I)2 /ltn t u. 4Cor. State a.m d K. V ri vrisf~y F RATERNITIES, Clubs and Campus Societies who desire to hold Fall Banquets in the Tea Room should make the necessary arrangement at once. 4 *4 R YOU ARE ASSURED OF THE UTMOST IN SERVICE AND FINE COOKING. Frank Brothers FIFTH AVENUE BOOT SHOP NEW YORK WITH BOND STREET CO., Ltd. 300 So. State St. FALL LINE NOW READY tra has been engaged to supply the impetus for the dance, which will be held from 9 until 2 o'clock. Russell Collins, '16, has been appointed chair- man of the affair, with the rest of the committee consisting of Willis D. Nance, '17; Robert Collins, '17E, and Cyril Talbott, '17. Tickets may be procured at the Union desk at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon, upon the pre- s:nta'on of a membership ticket PROPOSE TRY-OUT PLAN FOR ORTORICAL EENTS Under 'New Scheme Each Society Wil Elect Six Mien, from Which Final Six Are Chosen At the meeting of the Oratorica board yesterday afternoon two amend- ments were proposed to the consti- tution of the Oratorical association looking to the revision of the metho of holding tryouts for Varsity debate teams as at present provided in that document. The present provision is that each debating society shallselect three men in society tryouts, who shall then meet in two interdepart- mental debates, at which the final six shall be selectd. This method is the one which has been in practice in the past, until last year, when a new plan was adopted in connection with the newly formed Mid-west Debating lea ue, which was not governed by the constitution. Under the new plan each society selects six, and from the resultant 24 the final six are grad- ually chosen by elimination under the direction of thh debating coaches. One of the amendments proposed provides that this plan shall be adopt- ed for the Central Debating league tryouts as well as for the Mid-west tryouts. This amendment received the endorsement of the Oratorical board, having resulted in the selec- tion of two winning teams last year. The other amendment proposes that "tryouts for debates shall be general tryouts from the campus at large un- der the direction of the oratory de- partment" An open meeting of the members of the association has been called for Monday, November 8, in the oratory rooms in north wing for discussion and action upon the proposed amend- ments. Every student is a member of the association. The final date for the completion of the society try- outs has accordingly been postponed until November 10, in order that they may be governed by such action as the association may take. The selection of the question for the Mid-west debate has been an- nounced as follows: "Resolved, that the Federal government should own and operate all public service tele- phone and telegraph systems in the United States, constitutionality waived." Tryouts for this debate must be completed in the societies by December 11. Plans for the appearance of ex- President Taft in Hill auditorium on November 13 were reported to be pro- gressing nicely. Fresh Dentists Elect Class Officers Fresh dentists yesterday elected the following men to conduct the af- fairs of the class for the coming year: President, C. E. Stevens; vice-presi- dent, L. M. James; secretary, R. Gor- man; treasurer, F. Goetz; football manager, G. Whitmarsh. Bible Classes Start Year's Work Last year Newberry hall inaugu- rated a series of talks on the Bible, some of which were given in the hall itself, others in the various churches of Ann Arbor. The plan met with such success tlat a similar idea is to be worked out this year, Full infor- mration will be given at Newberry hall and those interested will be given the opportunity of enrolling in the e asses within the next few days. To- day, Mr. Hamilton speaks on, "The Cli:-acter of Jesus," and Mr.. Knep- per on, "What Can I Believe?" All are invited to attend. ST ATE TEACHERS WILL CONVENE Prof. J. R. Brumm Organizes Society For State English Teachers Members of the faculty who are to 1 attend the State Teachers' convention October 28-29, will leave for Saginaw Wednesday .afternoon or Thursday l morning. Besides President Harry - B. Hutchins, Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, Prof. John R. Brumm, Prof. A. S. War- thin, Mr. Jesse E. Thornton, and Mr. H. L. Senseman, Prof J. C. Winter is also to give an address before the t combined Latin and English sections on the subject of, "The Illustrations of t the Odyssey." Prof. Brumm has completed ar- rangements for the organization of the English teachers of the state. A committee, which has been formed under his direction, has drawn up a a constitution and by-laws for the asso- ciation, which will be known as, "The Council of the English Teachers of the State of Michigan." Its purpose is to increase the efficiency of the teach- ing of English throughout the state. The chief plan is to hold regular meet- ings during the year in various cities of the state, at which representatives of the various high schools and col- leges will be present. NORTHWESTERN CLUB TO HOLD FIRST SMOKER OF YEAR NOV. 11 The Northwestern club will hold its first smoker of the year Thursday, November 11. Men, who hae lived in the state of Washington, Oregon and Idaho, or who have attended schools there, are cordially invited, and are re- quested to notify Albert Schrimpf, president, as soon as possible. J. L. Buchanan Lectures to Engineers J. L. Buchanan, of the General Elec- tric company, will give an illustrated lecture on "Lightning Protection" at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening in room 348 of the new engineering building. The talk is given under the auspices of the university branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Bishop Visits Illinois Institution Librarian William W. Bishop, of the University library, is absent from the campus this week on a 10 days' trip to Chicago, Urbana and other points in Illinois, on an official tour of in- spection of other libraries. Mr. Bishop left Ann Arbor the latter part of last week and is expected to return Satur- day. NOTHING BUT THE BEST SUGAR BOWL ENJOY THE BEST MUSIC A world of inexpensive pleasure opens to you when you have this toneful player-piano in your house. The terms are such that we can suit on your nexttrp down town come in to the MUSIC SHOP, ALLMENDINGER'S. 120 E. Liberty OPPORTUNITY knocks loudest and longest ati the well dressed mad. .L She's much more likely to be attract- ed to your door if you wear 1 Fitform Clothes U the door of o The perfect style and tailoring of these gar- ments commend the respect of everyone-they will aid you to make a good impression every- where. Finer Suits and Overcoats are not to be had than the beautiful FITFORM CLOTHES we are showing at prices ranging from $15 UP w TOM CORBET 116 EAST LIBERTY. STREET When Down Town try our Lunches, Candies, Sodas THE "CRESCENT - FILLER" -the only self-filler proven by time and usage --16 years on the market and over a million satisfied users. 'After all, that's the only worth-while proof. .11 'Ii ,., TO STAGE HALLOWE'EN PARTY AT UNION ON FRIDAY NIGHT Secial music, decorations and a unique program will feature the Hal- lowe'en party and dance to be given' at the Union Friday night of this week. Ike Fisher's banjorine orches- Self-Filling Fountain Pen - NON-LEAKABLE @r " " ooaoooooooo Leave CopyELeave Copy at at Quarry's and Students' The Delta Supply Store C DERISINE hG ., Prof. L. C. Karpinski on Lecture Tour Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the de- partment of mathematics, left last Saturday oil a lecture tour in the vi- cinity of St. Louis, to be gone until Thursday, He will give a course of lectures on "Practical Mathematics" before high school teachers. During Professor Karpinski's absence his classes will be conducted by Messrs. Nichols and Merrick. Freshman Spread Committee Will Hold Meeting Thursday evening at 6:00 o'clock sharp the Freshman Spread commit- tee will be entertained at a supper in Barbour gymnasium. At that time the 22 sophomore women will make plans for the Freshman spread which will be held on Friday, Decenber 4. At a meeting of the judiciary coun- cil recently held, Helen Brown, '18, was appointed chairman of the com- mittee, and the other vacancies were filled. The "Crescent-Filler" never fails to fill the pen full in 4 seconds from any inkwell. c It is on the outside of the barrel, open and aboveboard, simple, easily get-at-able, poSi- f. tive in action and absolutely trouble- proof. At all leading dealers. The Conklin Pen Mg. Co54 TOLEDO, OHIO, U. S. A. ;! -' Hag...' )niToucb 0 LOST LOST-Fraternity pin. Finder please return to A. W. Fisher. Phone 231. oct2g-27 LOST-Zeta Psi pearl fraternity pin, Thursday or Friday. Finder please 41l 120 or return to 512 South State. LOST-Fountain pen. Finder please phone 1763-J. oct26 LOST-Waterman fountain pen, Fri- day afternoon. Phone 2383. Emaiia Wegener. oct26-27 FOR RENT FOR RENT -.Desirable suite; room- mate ,wanted. Phone 633-R. 413 Thompson. opt26-27-28 WANTED WANTED-White porter for club- house. Hours, 1:00 a. . to 12:00 noon. ct26-2$-29 WANTED-Pair of dull red curtains and buffet for glassware and chin,, Address Box A, Miicligan Daily. oct23-24-26-27 MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. M. C. Palm, teacher of Ger- man and French. Special attention given to conversation. 1320 Cambridge road. Phone 2009. oct23-24-26 Students, attention! Th1ose stu- dents who will want work next sum- mer during vacation will find it to their a vantage to see F. E.Ritzen- lieim at 721 North University Ave., in Dr. Ritet's oflic oct2Gto30 Fresh Medics Elect Officers for Year At a meeting of the fresh medics in the medical amphitheater yesterday, the following men were elected to of- lice for the ensuing year: President, E. W. Sink; .vice-president, Miss' Baehus; secretary, T. L. Squier; treasurer, G. S. Johnston; basketball manager, J. Caffey; baseball manager, J. H. Conklin; track manager, H. H. Donnelly. Debaters to Try Out on November 9 Due to the Cornell game and mass meeting, tryouts for the Central League debate will compete on No- vember 9, instead of on November 6, as previously announced. The literacy test for foreign immigrants will be the subject. Debaters in each of the four campus debating societies are now busy getting their respective team's together for the elimination. If you want any typewriting done, call Miss Stalker, 1010-J. oct23-26 League House Heads to Meet The 22 members of the League House board will be entertained by Dean Jordan at a luncheon in Bar- bour gymnasium on Wednesday. There will be a discussion of plans for the coming year, and each house head will submit the rules of her house to a committee. From' these rules will be formulated a set of model house rules, which the judiciary council is empowered to enforce. This luncheon is an annual affair, and serves to form a close organiza- tion of the various houses. J. T. Naylon Recovers Fromt Operationj John T. Naylgn, '15F, was dis- charged the latter part of last week from Grace hospital, Detroit, where he hadrundergone an operation or appendicitis. He resumed work yes- terday as the 1915-1916 holder of the new fellowship in gas engineering contributed to the engineering col- lege by the Michigan Gas association. Of Interest To Musical Students! We can save you money on all classes of music and musical instruments. OUR PRICES are the lowest, consistent with- quality; visit our new store and learn for yourself--116.So. Main St. GRINNELL BROS. Phone --..- ---...- - :._1707. 1l Ji