THE'MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 Music, Drama, Arts, Letters, and Features .E PAYMENTS, CAUSE CAMPUS SPIRIT CHANGES i I GWLD IMPORTED AND CONTRACTS OF WAR FAIL TO DISTURB ECO-E NO lIC STRENGT' New York, Oct. 25.--Extraordinary economic and financial events whicht attract comparatively little attention are taking place almost daily. Onlyt a few days ago the largest govern-t tment loan in history was placed in this market, and $350,000,000 out of the $490,000,000 due was paid the first day without exciting a ripple in finan- cial circles. Since the beginning of the current year we have imported about $300,- 000,000 in gold, and much more is' criming. Our merchandise exports again broke the record last week,7 amounting to $73,000,000, or $44,000,- 000 in excess of imports for the same period. Russia negotiated a war con-' tract for $60,000,000 and Italy offered' $25,000,000 of notes for war purposes. A new American preparedness policy, costing fully $500,000,000, was an- nounced from Washington without evoking any special interest. That such movements and ideas as these can come and go without dis- turbing our serenity is ample proof bf economic strength and sound men- tal equilibrium. Today the whole business world is depending on Amer- ica for both supplies and credit, and these we are giving without stint, yet amply within the lines of safety. Needless to say that when the war is b er and normal conditions are re- stiied, the United States will be found to ihve made tremendous progress as a'prime factor In the world's mar- k ts. Trhe arrival of gold by the end of the year will probably reach - $400,- 00,000, bringing our stock of the met- al to considerably over $2,000,000,00. This affords an immense basis of credit, which has been further ex- panded by operations of the new re- serve system. The fact is that our leading facilities are superabundant, and were it not for their employment of foreign loans we would be surfeit- ed with funds and in danger of plung- ing into riotous Inflation.. Home business- conditions are growing more and more satisfactory. Under the stimulus of cheap money, good crops and war contracts there has been a very decided revival of commercial activities that has prob- ably not yet reached its maximum. Advices from the west are of an en- coraging nature, and merchants are stocking up more freely in anticipa- tion of a larger fall and winter trade. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Soccer practice will be held tomor- row afternoon at 3:30 o'clock on south Ferry field. Candidates will report to Mr. Fowler. There will be a meeting of the '16 law baseball team--champions for the season of 1915-at Daines & Nichols' studio tomorrow at 1 o'clock for the purpose of having a picture taken. Bring numeral sweaters. Soph lit football practice tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 at Ferry field. Fresh dents football practice at 4:00 o'clock today on south Ferry field. All sophomores wishing to try out for'the editorial staff of the Michigan- Onsian report to the editor at 3:00 o'clock today. Engineering society committeemen are requested to turn in all member- ship books, and all society members who have not done so as yet are asked to have their membership cards made out as soon as possible. Fresh lit football practice today at 3:45 o'clock on south Ferry field. Fresh engineer football practice at 3:45 o'clock on south Ferry field. Senior lit football practice at 4:00 o'clock on south Ferry field. Junior lit football practice at 3:30 o'clock on south Ferry field every day. Soph architects will meet in room 311 of the new engineering building at 5:00 o'clock today. Adelphi to Discuss Literacy Test Adelphi House of Representatives will convene in its third session of the season, in the Adelphi rooms at 7:30 o'clock tonight, when the liter- acy test for foreign immigrants will be under discussion. Representative N. E. Pinney, '16, is the introducer of the bill. New members will probably be voted upon tonight, and visitors are welcome. DAILY, COUNCIL, GARGOYLE, Y. M. C. A. UNION, MUSICAL CLUBS o AND BAND SHIFT ATTITUDES Editor The Michigan Daily: What's happened'to Michigan? 7 Two years ago The Daily foughtI the student council, the Gargoyle0 knocked The Daily, the Union thought the Y. M. C. A. was usurping its func-1 tions; one-half of the student bodyr wanted the Conference, the other half wanted eastern competition. The mu-1 sical clubs were at swords' points with the band. The band itself wasc more or less of a figure-head. Now what do we see? The Daily supports the council, the council The Daily. The Daily openly bestows praise upon the Gargoyle ed- itor. The Union and the Y. M. C. A. see their separate spheres. The mu- sical clubs help the band, even going so far as to give up the Union hall two days before their smoker to allow the band men to hold an important pep meeting. A defeat in football results in the greatest ,mass meeting ever held in Michigan. The Varsity band catches the enthusiasm, and takes its place as really leading Michigan spirit. It never did a finer thing than march off of Ferry field last ~Iturday play- ing "The Victors." Such Michigan sp i and enthusi- astic co-operation on the campus is great! Let's keep it up! POST-GRAD. liiniesota Girl Gets High Honors Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 25.-Miss Rebecca Mason, Minnesota senior, re- cently was informed that she had re- ceived second place in the contest held by Alpha Chi Sigma for the high- est scholarship in the first three years of college. Any student whose work had been up to a certain standard in the chemistry department of the 21 colleges having Alpha Chi Sigma chapters was eligible to compete. First prize went to a Northwestern university student, He received a gold medal as the prize, Bible Classes Organize Palo Alto, Cal., Oct. 25,-Under the direction of the University Y. M. C. A. six graded Bible classes have been or- ganized at Stanford university. Dr. A. T. Murray, head of the department of Greek, will conduct a class In "The Things We Think," conducted entirely for upperclassmen. Among other sub- jects there will be "What is Religion ?" and "God as a Personality." A fair bill at the Majestic theater 17 ll ITI TA'CKS SPIRIT OF ROOT- opens with Reddington and Grant, ERS T SATURDAY'S GAME WITH "Knights of the Road on a Stone 1 A. AC. Wall," presenting an original bound- ng act which is rather entertaining. Editor The Michigan Daily: Josephine Lenharts impersonates in At last Friday night's mass meet- Italian, Scotch and Holland songs, ' and are well given, considering that'ig each one of the speakers empha- she is a child. Dunbar's Ding Dong sized the sportsmanship of every Five furnish some'good harmony and Michigan man at the contests, and we bell-ringing. The Connelly Sisters all expected good sportsmanlike con- "In Songs" are a farce, barely escap- duct on the part of rooters at the M. ing being hissed off the stage. The A. C. game. However, our expecta- Langdons in "A Night on the Boule- tions and the reality were not the yard" is a clever little skit with sev- same, for we do admit that lack of eral amusing incidents. Michigan spirit-unsportsmanlike con- * * * duct--was observed among certain Boyle Woolfolk, Inc., will present rooters in the north stand. Numbers Max Bloom in "The Sunny Side of of students and alumni were much Broadway" the latter part of the week. disappointed and ashamed when they -------- neard son rooters make very un- FOURTH GERMAN ARRESTED FOR plea ant, disagreeable remarks ATTEMPT TO SINK STEA31SIlPl ac'ainst some of the players of the M i ti i Ilerebert Kriendle Admits Conspiracy: Says HIs Invention is Not a Bomb But a itine New York City, Oct. 25.-The fourth arrest was made today in connection with the attempt to blow up steamers to prevent the transporting of muni- tions of war to the allies, when Dr. Herebert Kriendle, of the Kriendle Watch Co., was charged by the fed- eral officials with conspiracy to vio- late the laws infringing on the rights of foreign shipments. He was later taken to jail and held for $25,000 bail. Krlendle admits his' attempt to blow up liners. He is also charged with supplying explosives to Robert Fay, who is held in Weehawkenland in con- nection with the case. Kriendle explained that the appa- ratus, which is of his own invention, should not be called a bomb but a mine. The apparatus is fastened to the rudder of the ship and connected to the propellor in such a way that the motion of the propeller will force wa- ter into the mine and there come in contact with acids, which when wet will cause a terrific explosion. . An announcement made here today by Dr. Edler, secretary to Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, denies any complicity of the count with the conspiracy to blow up the liners CAMPUS STARS TAKE LEADING ROLES IN "CHERRYBLOSSOW" With the musical comedy "Cherry- blossom" well under way, a few of the campus stars again figure prom- inently in what is destined to be one of the biggest successes ever given in Ann Arbor. The work of Frances See- ley, Frank Grover, '18, Morrison Wood, '16, and Chase B. Sikes, well- known campus stars, will find its best expression in this captivating little Papanese production. Grover as Jack, Cherry's American sweetheart, is perfectly at home as a hero, and his tenor voice will be heard to good advantage in his song numbers and duets with Cherry, the part taken by Miss Seeley. The combined work of Olive Hart- sig, '17, and Chase Sikes in the songs, "Down Lover's Lane" and "The Game of Love" promises to be one of the biggest hits of the entire show. George Parsons, as Togo, a Japan- ese politician of high rank, possesses a voice of unusual beauty, and like his brother, Roy Parsons, '15, he is a born actor. As a special feature of this year's production it is stated that 1,000 cop- ies of the song "Cherryblossm," to be sung by Grover, will be given away. DEAN V. C. VAUGHAN RETURNS FROM EXTENDED TRIP TODAY Dean Victor C. Vaughan, of the medical school, will return to Ann Arbor early this morning. Dean Vaughan has been on an extended trip through the states of the middle west during the past month, deliver- ing lectures at many places where he visited. Dean Vaughan was the prin- cipal speaker at the conference of the American Social Hygiene association held at the Congress hotel, Chicago, last night. His subject was, "The l Commercialized Social Evil." , CERCLE FRANCAIS ELECTS TREASURER AND MAKES A. C. team. "Kick that nigger!" "Put that coon out of the game!" etc., werec shamelessly uttered from the mouthst of several freshmen and some upper-c classm2e. To put a player out of the1 anane or penalize him on account ofi an offense depends upon the decision of oficials and not upon some selfishE rooters, Moreover, to male a per- sonal attack on the member of a vis- iting team is most unsportsmanlike1 conduct; especially to make insulting remarks against one particular play-1 er because of difference of color. Each Inenber of both teams was fighting, fighting hard, to bring honor to his! college, and thousands of supporters of both teams are of the same spirit. So let us praise them, cheer whenever a player makes himself star during the game, no matter to what team he belongs. This is our spirit. Let us show this spirit and feel proud that each one of us is a loyal Michigan man. G. N., '17. BIBLE STUDY WOKERS PLAN FOR0BANNER YEAR Prof. W. ). Henderson Chosen to Ifead Years Work at McMillain 1111111 Prof. W. I). Henderson, one of Mich- igan's most widely known speakers, has been selected to head the Bible study work at MeMillan hall for the present year, Plans are well under way for a ban- ner year in this field of activity. The first gun of the year will be fired Thursday, with Rev, M. S. Rice, of Detroit, as the principal speaker of the evening. Rev. Rice has been heard in Adn Arbor several times, and is already famed for his talks at former Michigan mass meetings. Committees consisting of 20 men from all departments of the university, under the direction of W. R. Hunt, are hard at work in order to make Thursday's affair one of the biggest ever held. It is planned to hold a bible school once, and possibly twice a week in McMillan hall. All men will assemble and listen to a talk by Professor Hen- derson on some general theme for 10 or 15 minutes, and then each small group will adjourn for 50 minutes of discussion of the particular problem in which it is interested. Any num- ber of courses will be offered. At a luncheon in Newberry hall to- day the final organization of the com- mittee will take place. George Claa- son, '17L. C. C. Bailey, '17, J. F. Meade, '17E, and Ray Stevens, '17D, head the committees in their own departments. Each has a committee of three men who are aiding in the work. The meeting this noon will be a pre- liminary "explanation meeting" for which Rev. Rice has been especially secred. One hundred and fifty faculty men and students, particularly inter-- ested, have been invited to this meet- ing, at which the general aim and plans for the year will be launched. COMING EVENTS Oct. 27-Mary Antin, Oratorical as- sociation. U. hall. Oct. 30-Syracuse vs. Michigan. Oct. 31- -David Starr Jordan. U. hall. . Nov. 2-Regents meeting. Nov. 3-Concert to send to Pennsy. Till auditorium. Nov. 6-Cornell vs. Michigan. Nov. 13-Penn. vs. Michigan, Phila- delphia, RELATES CRETION TRIP SOCIAL SECRETARY OF MARTHA COOK BUILDING WRITES OF 11EI)ITERRANEAN ISLE "TiE FOUR IN CRETE," by Ger- trude It. Beggs, as published by the Abingdon Press. The popular impression that archeo- logists are dry and stupied persons with interest in nothing but ancient and musty ruins, is completely put to rout for anyone who takes a journey with "The Four in Crete." This is a very delightfully told story of the ad- ventures which the Schwean, the Sage, the ('offee Angel and the West- ern Woman found in the famous lit- tle island, and of the archeological investiations there. A great deal of information about recent discoveries in Crete, as well as about the man- ners and habits of the present gen- eration is embodied in the conversa- tions of the party, while whimsical comments of the Western Woman in particular throw humorous lights on many aspects of Cretan life. Students and story lovers alike will enjoy the easy style, the brief de- scriptive passages, and the pleasant tone of the entire narrative. It is a book distinctly about persons, an- cient and modern, as well as places, but never about lifeless things. The author, Miss Gertrude H. Beggs, social director of the Martha Cook building, is frank to admit that the story, even to the conversations, is a true record of her journey through Crete in 1913. The very detailed ac- count of the trips which she made im- mediately after its completion, was mailed to America and went down with the Titanic. Fortunately, Miss Beggs was able to reconstruct the book from notes and records. The il- lustrations are all made from photo- graphs taken by members of the party who, to judge from the story, were quite unable to exist apart from their cameras and their thermos bottles. SATURDAY CROWD CLOSE TO REC(ORD Although there is no way of telling the exact number of people at last Saturday's game, officials at the Ath- letic association figure that the crowd numbered approximately 20,200. Before the figures on the paid at- tendance were turned in Saturday, the attendance was estimated from 18,000 to 19,000. However, the receipts to- taled slightly over $13,500. This means more than 13,500 paid admissions. The Athletic association officials estimate that the M. A. C. and Michigan students numbered 6,700, which swells the total to 20,200. The receipts were divided 60-40, Michigan, of course, getting the bigger per- centage. Last year the crowd at the Pennsyl- vania game broke the Ferry field rec- ord, numbering slightly more than 23,000. This means that the attend- ance at last Saturday's game was within 3,000 of the record. Pianos to rent, Prices and pianos right, at Sehaeberle & Son's Music House, 110 South Main street. oct8t Insignia Problem Not Hard At All Vast Divergence of Color Represents Various Colleges and Schools of Country NVben convocation time returns and one sees the brilliant and various ar- ray of gowns and hoods, he is quite sure to find that his knowledge of the insignia of the degree world is limited. Every little feature and color has a meaning. Every upperclass man is familiar with the bachelor's or senior gown with its simple lines and plain black color. The greatest difference be- tween it and the master's gown is in the cut of the sleeve which is fuller in the latter. The doctor's gown is designed along lines distinct from the other two and all of the three gowns are distinctive of their type through- out the country. The most characteristic feature of the academic gown is the hood which is decorated with the colors of the university. The shake of the hood is different from the bachelor's, the mas- ter's and the doctor's 'gown. The graduate always wears the gown and hood of the distinctive degree which has always been conferred upon him. A student working for his mas- ter's degree wears his bachelor's gown and not the master's gown. If he has.had his master's degree con- ferred upon him and is working for his doctor's degrea he wears his mas- ter's gown. The great divergance of color seen on the various gowns at; convocation is explained by the fact that while there are only a few de- grees represented there are many dif- ferent universities and colleges by which they have been conferred. L. BRYSON GETS SECONI) STORY IN "LIFE" IN SPACE OF MONTHS ** New York, Oct. 25.-" Life for October 21 contains a short story by Lyman Bryson, the second within the short space of two months to be ac- cepted by that publication. Both ap- peared in a short story contest at present being conducted by "Life." This contest is unique in that every story accepted for publication is paid for at the rate of 10 cents per word for every word under 1,500 words which the author does not write. Out ' of the 30,000 submitted, about 50 have been accepted. It will be some time: before it will be possible to select the prize-winning stories. U. of N. GraduAte Injuredi Reno, Nev., Oct. 25.-Philip S. Cow- gill, graduated from Nevada last year, and now in the employ of the Union Land & Livestock Co., met with a most peculiar accident the other day. In an effort to get a picture of an out- - law horse, Cowgill was forced to go - into a small corral. While adjusting - the camera the wild horse dashed to- - ward him and struck him on the shoulder with his head. The young . engineer was wearing high-heeled boots which stuck in the soft earth. The shock of the collision knocked him down and badly twisted and shat- tered his leg. NEW PLAN'S Members of the Cercle Francais held their first meeting of the year last evening. Rodney A. Parker, '16. was elected treasurer of the organ- ization to take the place of Harold B. Corwin, '171, who did nOt return to school. Plans for the year were outlined by President James Chenot, '16, and com- mittees which will, have charge of the activities of the year, were appointed. The next meeting will be held in the Cercle room at 8:30 o'clock next Mon- day evening. Mexicans Kill American in Texas Raid Brownsville, Texas, Oct. 25.-E. Moore, of the Fourth infantry, sta- tioned near here, died today of wounds received from an attack by Mexican raiders last night. This is the eleventh casualty from Mexican bandits since July. GREAT ENLISTMENT EXPECTED SOON IN ARiHES OF BRITISH Recruiting Offices 3' '141 England Said to be Crowo n 'itl Men Desirous of lighting Eat Your Breakfast at the CRYSTAL, 601 E. Liberty. From 6A. M. to 10 A. M. Thes Oatmeal and Cream.............xoc And any kind of Sandwiches- -sc & xoc Coffee and Rolls................. xoc Coffee and Toast................ zoc Coffee and Doughnuts............ roc Milk and Rolls.................. toe Milk and Toast.................xoc Milk and Doughnuts.............xoc Tea, (black or Green) with Toast. xoc Tea, (Black or Green) with rolls.. xoc Doughnuts......................6c Pancakes and Coffee............,roc Milk Toast ................ ... Iqc Cream Toast.................... 2 Boiled Eggs, Toast, Oatmeal, Coffee.....x.. ....... Ic z Fried Eggs, Toast, Oatmeal, Coffee......... ........15 2 Scrambled Eggs, Toast, Oatmeal Coffee.................... xec 2 Poached Eggs, Toast, Oatmeal, Coffee .....,.............ISC Corn Flakes, Cream, Toast and Coffee ..... ............aoC se are a few of our special breakfast dishes Grape Nuts, Cream, Troast and Coffee .. . ..................aac Shredded Wheat, Cream, Toast and Coffee. . ......... ... ...20C 11am and Eggs, 'oast, Coffee and Oatmeal..............,........2c Bacon and Eggs, Toast, Coffee and Oatmeal...,..............20c Pork Chops, 'roast, Coffee and Oatmeal ..,....... ......... . 20C Voal Chops, 'Coast, Coffee and5 Oatmeal... ... ........20c Small Steak, 'roast, Coffee and Oatmeal......................, 0s c Fried Liver, Toast, Coffee and Oatmeal ......... ......20c Fried Liver and Bacon, 'ICoast, Coffee and Oatmeal...........2oc Fried Bacon, Toast, Coffee and Oatmeal...................20C Fried 11ain,'roast,- Coffee and. Oatmeal.......................20C Pork Sausage, Toast, Coffee and Oatmeal.......... .............20C Hamburger Steak, Toast, Coffee and Oatmeal.................20c London, Oct. 25,-The newspapers here today say that thousands of peo- ple throughout the country are antici- pating a canvass of all unenlisted men. A wave of enlistment has spread among the young men and the recruit- ing offices all over the country are said to be crowded with applicants. As a feature of Saturday's enlist- ments, a number of young men who had been relieved by their employers to serve for their country, arrived at3 the depot. Call "We'll 2255 for a Stark Taxicab. be there." oct5tfl SPECIAL ATTENTION FOR LADIES Meal Tickets $3.00 Value $3.50 Call Lyndon for a good Flashlight. octl4eod-thurs CIVE US A TRIAL 3 w