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June 10, 1916 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-06-10

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THE 'R I(R1l N

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Phones :--Wjtorlal 2414
Business 960

VOL. XXVI. No. 18,,



Music Features Festivities; Gle Club
to Be Stationed on Float in
With "Japanese flashes" "elctrie
showers," "Egyptian shells," "agara
batteries," and "prismatic dragons,"
the fireworks display to be given at
the Water Carnival this evenin by
the University Boat club will surpass
all previous attempts on the prt 01
this organization to make the anual
regatta really worth while.
The bank at the first bead in the
river aboe the boat house has bee
decorated with Japanese lanterns, and
these, together with strings of electric
lights installed by the Edison company
and several large search lights, will
provide illumination for the evenrg's
program. To render the scene still
more effective, large numbers of Jap-
anese lanterns have been provided a
the boat house for the convenience of
those who wish to decorate their ca-
noes. Members of the committee urge
that each canoe carry at least two lan-
Promptly at 7:30 o'clock the festi-
ities will be started with a number
of campus songs by the Glee club, who
will be stationed on a float anchored
in the middle of the stream. The pa-
rade of decorated canoes, the fire-
works display, and the float parade
will then follow in order. The sear -
lights placed at advantageous posi-
tions on the bank will be ud to
throw the individual entries in te
parades into greater relief.
Fraternity booths have been erected
on the grounds to furnish eatables to
the crowd. Parties desiring special
lunches may order them in advance
from the Busy Bee, and they will be
delivered at the river.
The afternoon program will begin
at 3:30 o'clock. Entries in the swim-
ming contests will exceed all pre-
vious records, according to announce-
ment made last night. Further entrias
in both canoe and swimming events
may be made up to noon today at
Huston's; after that to the committee-
men on the grounds. All entrants are
requested to appear at the judges'
stand not later than 3:00 o'clock to
reeive numerals.
Seniors and Uuixersity Band to ( ire
Concert on June 12
Plans are under way to stage a com-
bined senior sing and band concert
on the campus next Wednesda.y night,
June 14, at 7:00 o'clock. Represent-
atives of the two organizations- are
preparing a set program which will
be carried out on that evening. In
addition to the numbers give by the
band and the classes separately, sev-
erel songs will be sung with the band
furnishing the accompaniment
Since June 14 has been set easide
by Governor Ferris as Flag Day, this
event will have more than usual sig-
nificance. It will be practically te

last time the ,present senior ('lasss
will appear in their traditional role cf
campus songsters. Members of the
senior classes will wear their caps
and gowns.

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ILL 3;433 JOBS




_:.Wii Nn
C '' '7 _t ign

Different Nationalities
Lp for Work
at "Y"

All I'
i oil a
''I 'ii
in c~,iItig
i Qi ( oR.
itt nU tit

ii lie a a ctincer-
h~t tik a viii e gir-
0 X',Ia U -liiion for work<
~o: ana w niiiti cajs

;iw he an-
itStt~~~it(UU~itinilr lisioory
a P ~et~ ' i iv olbge
'1te eu l 'co> t'd by
Pre. \ F i 1' o.'c-
to n'iir G-ory bile
The nourse w i~ a aill el wit0
ed ts to yt 0 i these ast b d ys
u ri d st ' ta wi It ilrei Fuo-
01r p articuls'~i wi a et or ns il
ana annucm,
io te pess a tbnpi.ndia-
no id tas at Ib ais o'cok. Fesul'
Eldit on nearly Suild Out
Inimindiate results were obtained by
t he( spIcy nma a-np cf the June Gar-
'oy le. ich weal on sale at 10:00
o'delPk yeNtorda m'nornlng. A limited
('(itiOni Of Cnl 1 3( copies was printed
in, ordI r to assire a , uick sale,and by
no n narlys all of the boots had been
aold. Very 1ew ( op'es; now remain at
anly <U te stands

Jobs have been given out to the
number of 3,433 during the past college
year by the "Y" employment bureau,,
according to the final report of Philip
Lovejoy, '16, employment secretary.
This number will no doubt be in-
(' e;:wed to '3500 by the end of the
semeser, as there are still two weeks
remaining to fill positions. This num-
her is greater by 1142 than the number
given out last year, and according to
Lovejoy should equal or exceed thef
jobs distributed by any other univer-
sity employment bureau in the coun-~
There are 29 different nationalities
represented at the "Y" bureau,' the
list including men from all over the
world. During the past year 755 men
have applied to the bureau for jobs
( ontiued on Page Six)
To Hold Rehearsals for Drill Next
Thursday Evening; Dr. May
in Charge
The following men have been se-f
lected from the senior lit class to act
as members of the guard of honor
whf( h"will form tine escort for thef
Board of Regents and guests. on Comn
iuencemnent Day
Wilson M. Shaer, Isaac Kinsey, Jr..
James M. Blarrett, John W. Finken~-
staedt, W. A. P. John, Boyd M. Comp-
ton, Harvey II. Sprick, Harry W. Kerr,,
Alfred I. Thompson, Arthur H. Tor-
rey, Edward Maguire, Henry C. Duf-
field. Robt. P. Stewart, Russel B.
Stearns, Elliot W. Bisbee, E. P. Wright,
Dudley S. McClure, Russel S. Collins,
Glenn 'l. Coulter, George F. Hurley,
George B. Fox, Frank L. Walters,
Frank P. Surgenor, H. C. Lange,
James W. Thomas, George B. Craw-
ford, N. Earl Pinney, Louis Reimann,
Philip C. Lovejoy, Chas. R. Osborn,
Linton B. Dimond, Ray E. Gleichauf,
Standish W. Robinson, Elbridge R.
Waite, U. Stanley Wilson, Irwin C.
Johnson, Howard M. Warner, John S.
Switzer, David R. Ballentine, Carle-
ton P. Ritdhie, Dwight W. Jennings,
Ralph R. Lounsbury, Albert J. Gans,
Paul M. Bowen.
Rehearsal for the drill was held yes-
terday afternoon on Ferry field. The
next meeting is scheduled for next
Thursday night at 7:00 o'clockat the
same place. The men are working,
under the direction of Dr. George May.
-N e ly Elected Officers Speak of Plans
for 1917 iichiganensian
A banquet at the Union last night
brought to a close the affairs of the
1916 Michiganensian. Both the old
staff and the new one for next year
were present. Louis Bruch, '16L, was'
toastmaster. Glenn M. Coulter, '16,
this year's business manager, gave a
resume of the present season's work.
Edward Walsh, '17, newly elected
managing editor, and Ralph W. Har-
bert, '17, newly elected business mana-
ger, spoke of plans for next year's
The general sale of books for this
year has been very brisk and there
are only a few copies left, which may
be purchased at the Press building.
The Daily Corrects Error Made
Owing to a typographical error yes-
terday's Daily misquoted President
larry B. Hutchins' speech at the "Pt
Michigan First" mass meeting. Pregi-

dent Hutchins- emphasized the fact
that.he was not present in his official

To Dedicate New
Union On June 28
President HIutchins f Break Sod for
New Building; Sior lass
to Be Guard o Hooir
Construction work on the new Michi-
gan Union building will be begun at
the formal exercises to be held upon
the site on the afternoon of June 28.
Following the services to be held in
Hill auditorium in memory of Dr. An-
gell, the senior class will file out of
the building to form a guard of honor
for the alumni present, and headed by
the band, will proceed to the Union
Lawrence Maxwell, '74, of Cincin-
nati, Ohio, will preside at the cere-
mony of dedicating the project to Dr.
Angell. A brief address will be made
by some prominent alumnus of the
university, who has not been selected
as yet.
President Harry B. Hutchins has
consented to break the sod on the
chosen site, and is expected to deliver
a short address. Dean John R. Effin-
ger is in charge of the program.
Following the dedication, the specta-
tors will proceed south on State streetf
to Ferry field, where the Alumni-Var-
sity baseball game will serve as anI
Fellows, Eldridge, and Williams, of '14
Class, Present Sketches at An-
nual Performance
"Hyacinth," a skit written by Leon
Cunningham, '16, will be the feature of
the annual vaudeville performance to
be given under the auspices of the
Michigan Union at 8:30 o'clock Tues-
day night of Commencement week, inl
Hill auditorium. Morrison Wood, Leon
Cunningham. and Earl Pardee will
take the principal parts in the act.3
Flows, Eldridge, and Williams, of
the '14 class, will be out from Detroit
and will give soa; 4t the sketches
which won them the recognition as1
campus entertainers while in the uni-
versity. Leroy Scanlan, '16L, of "Mo-1
vie Song" fame, will contribute sev-1
eral selections at the piano.
The Glee club quartet, under the
directionof U. Stanley Wilson, '16, is
preparing a special program with
which to regale the assembled alumni
and students. In addition, the Varsity
band will be on hand to deliver "The
Victors," "Varsity," and others.
No admission will be charged, but
the lower floor of the auditorium will
be reserved for alumni, who will se-
cure tickets from the alumni secre-
tary. The balconies will be open to
students and visitors. Stanley P.
Smith, '17, is the chairman in charge
of the entertainment.
Summer Paper to Issue Extras During
Commencement Week
Since this is the last issue of The
Daily this year, no more campus pub-
lications will appear until June 29 and
July 1, when the Wolverine, the offi-
cial student publication of the summer

session, will publish two special edi-
tions. The first will be the commence-
ment day issue while the second will
wind up commencement week.
Announcement has been made that
T. C. Reid, '17, has been appointed
associate editor of The Wolverine for
the coming summer. It has also been
announced that the new feature of
having foreign news will appear in
the coming summer's publication. Up
to date about 20 men have signified
their intention of working on the pa-
per, pointing to one of the largest
editorial staffs in the history of The
4. E. Society Elects New Officers
At a meeting of the Civil Engineer-
ing Society,, held at the Engineering
Society rooms yesterday afternoon,
the following officers for the coming
year were elected: President, H. H.
Whittingham; vice-president,. J. Pol-
lock; secretary and treasurer, L. R.
Crandall. A. C. Simons, retiring pres-
ident, nresided.

_____ - --
Select Officers
For Publications
Ralph W. Harbert, '17, and Kenneth
Keyes, '17, Elected Business
At a meeting of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications yesterday
afternoon, Ralph W. Harbert, '17, was
elected business manager of the Mich-
iganensian for next year. Kenneth
Keyes, '17, was picked for the same
office on next year's Inlander.
Marjorie R. McKeown, '18, was chos-
en as literary editor of the Inlander
and H. B. Teegarden, '17, L. E. Water-
bury, '17, M. M. Tyson, '16, F. E. Par-
sons, '16, and E. R. Sylvester, '17, were
elected as consulting editors.
Temporary Committee Will Meet at
Alumni Memorial Hall This
Additional returns have raised the
total pledged to the Michigan Alumni
Trust Fund to $1,539. Other blanks
are believed to be outstanding and
should be returned to J. S. Leonard,
care of The Michigan Daily, either in
person or by mail as soon as possible.
Contributions have been given as
follows: Lits, $811; engineers, $461;
laws, $170; dents, $36; architects, $34;
pharmics, $20; and medics, $7. At
1:30 o'clock this afternoon a meeting
will be held of the temporary com-
mittee composed of the various alumni
class secretaries at the office of Wil-
fred B. Shaw, in the Alumni Memorial
hall. At this meeting the permanent
board will be selected.
Seniors desiring to contribute to
this fund which is so worded as to
begin payment approximately two
years after graduation, may obtain
pledge cards at the office of The Michi-
gan Daily.
- -
Weather forecast for Ann Arbor and
vicinity: Probably showers.
1:00 o'clok-Michigan vs. M. A. C.,
baseball, doubleheader, Ferry field, if
weather permits.
3:30 o'clock-Boat club regatta races
on river above boat house.
7:30 o'clock -Water carnival on
All tryouts for the business staff of
the Inlander call Business Manager
Kenneth Keyes today from 12:00 to
1:00 o'clock.
Any of the seniors who require extra
tickets for Commencement exercises
who are willing to act as ushers, can
secure them by applying to W. P.
Holland, of the university library.
About 25 are needed.
. mmfr n'i~ .na.n .a



Extreme Progressives Object to Jurist
as Candidate, While Others May
Accept Him
Chicago, Ill., June 9.-Following the
results of two ballots taken by the Re-
publican national convention, fore-
casts were freely made that the nomin-
ation for president would go to Asso-
ciate Justice Charles Evans Hughes.
The Roosevelt supporters were much
disappointed at the showing made by
their candidate.
A dispatch received late tonight from
Colonel Roosevelt announced that he
had extracted a pledge from the Pro-
gressive party not to reach a decision
on their candidate until Saturday. The
dispatch was sent after the news of
the two ballots had been received at
Oyster Bay. The colonel refused to
make any statement tonight. On the
receipt of the telegram from Roose-
velt the Progressive convention ad-
journed until 11:00 o'clock tomorrow
morning, without taking a ballot.
The results of the first ballot taken
by the Republicans showed the fol-
lowing: Hughes, 253 1-2; Roosevelt,
65; Root, 103; Burton, 76 1-2; Weeks,
105; Sherman, 66 .1-2; Fairbanks,
73 1-2; Cummins, 84; Brumbaugh, 29;
LaFollette, 25; Knox, 36; Ford, 32,
which included 30 votes from Michi-
gan and two from Nebraska; Taft, 14;
DuPont, 12; Willis, 4; McCall, 1;
Borah, 2. Absent, 2 1-2. Not voting, 1.
On the second ballot one California
delegate and one Pennsylvania dele-
gate did not vote. A new name was
entered when five of the Pennsylvania
votes were cast for John Wanamaker
of Philadelphia. One Texas delegate
voted for McCall, and one for Willis.
One of the New Jersey delegation cast
his vote for General Wood, and one
voted for Harding.
The totals were as follows: Hughes,
328 1-2; Root, 98 1-2; Burton, 76 1-2;
Weeks, 79; DuPont, 13; Fairbanks,
88 1-2; Cummins, 85; Roosevelt, 80;
LaFollette, 25; Brumbaugh, none;
Knox, 37; Wanamaker, 5; Harding; 1;
Wood, 1; McCall, 1; Willis, 1.
The convention adjourned at 9:48
o'clock until 11:00 o'clock tomorrow.
The afternoon and evening sessions
until 8:45 o'clock were devoted sole-
ly to nominating and seconding candi-
dates. The favorite sons and the
Roosevelt supporters worked hard to
prevent more than two ballots being
taken tonight. ' The Roosevelt men
believe that if they can hold together
their feeble forces until Saturday, the
Hughes strength will gradually dis-
The committee on joint conference
promised to get together tonight in
order to seek a definite solution of
the situation. Many of the extreme
Progressives express the opinion that
they would never turn their strength
to Hughes, while others indicated that
they might accept the justice as a can-
didate. Many members of the Repub-
lican conventions do not hope to reach
a decision on the third ballot, but the
Hughes supporters maintain that their
candidate will have a majority of the
votes even then. The fourth ballot at
all events ought to bring a decision.

4 ON

The 1915 Wolverine staf', together IiW . Cut'hary l xamination Resilts
with that of the coming summer, will A a resu t the competitiv e
hold a joint celebration aind reunion at amintt) tr Wheer . poiios iext
Whitmore Lake on Saturday, June 24. y'ar in the (llicers Drill corps held
Swimming, a ball game, and aatomo- recenLX, te fuli''ipg repOrt of those
bile rides will figure in the afternoon h paIe ha s beenimde. 'he men
program, which will be followed by a e ' med I t ii Xhich they
banquet at the Lakeriew hotel at 6:00 passed It Oi txamnatio.)1
o'clock. Among the former staff menm- .. A . Chrry, Ji'., J. D. Lowry, P.
bers to attend will be "IHowdy" MarsX, A. ore, Jr., N. I. Schermer, J. A.
'15, and "Hap" Church, '15, of Detroit. tchi, l. D. Anderson, H. S. Tay-
All intending to be present ' should lor, L '. Toplar I. P Montelus, L.
communicate with any of the follow- I. Iieterik, F. P. Poteman, D. M.
iug: Phil Park, Ward Peterson, or Lithe, . Caipbe l, W. C Lemon, and
- -'-'*Mh N. Friend

Ai memoers or the reshman muse-__
cal clubs who have a refund coming to i. C. JOHNSON, '16, RECEIVES
them will please sign checks waiting APPOINTMENT IN WAR ZONE
for them at the Union.
The last meeting of the attendance Irwin C. Johnson, '16, has received
committee in the College of Literature, an appointment as a special social
Science and the Arts will be on Mon- worker with one of the Allied army
day. All absences , and suspended units in the Suez Canal district in
judgments should be cleared up at Asia under the auspices of the Inter-
this time. Women are to come in national committee of the Y. M. C. A.
the morning, men in the afternoon. He will sail July 5 from New York
Class alumni secretaries meet at for France from whence he will go to
the office of W. B. Shaw in Alumni Me- Bombay, India, the headquarters of
inorial hall at 1:30 o'clock. ' the work.
Men wishing to work on the editor- It is expected that at least two other
ial and reportorial side of The Wol- Michigan studehts will go wIth the
verine 'this summer are requested to American contingent of 38 college
call Verne Burnett at phone 1283-M men who are being chosen from sev-
between 12:30 and 1:30 o'clock any eral eastern colleges. The work is
afternoon this week. For the business of a special relief nature, the men
side- call Verne Sellers at the same accepting the positions under a 14
hnn rt n'hnv 1A490lmnnahn n n .

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