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June 06, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-06-06

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VOL. XXVI. No. 176.





xl F 0 11{) WS


FiIends Hv e Not (l eni ul the Fight
But Colonel's Hfope
Are Slimi.
Chicago, June 5--The arrival in
Chicago today of nearly all of the
delegates to the Republican conven-
tion confirmed the impression that has
existed for several days in regard to
the strength of the movement in favor
of Associate&Justice Hughes.
Strong Hughes sentiment, popped
out plainly not only in the uninstruct-
ed delegates, but in groups that are
* pledged to favorite sons.
Roosevelt's Friends Lose Hope
The disclosure of this feeling among
the delegates has greatly increased
the chances of the Republican conven-
tion naming the juror. At the same
time has come a corresponding let-
down in the talk of Colonel Roosevelt
as the possible Republican nominee. In
fact Mr. Roosevelt's lieutenants are
now nearly convinced that it will be
impossible for him to wrest the nomi-
nation from the Republican conven-
tion. They have not given up the
fight and do not intend to until the
last minute, but they are chiefly con-
cerned now in finding a way to bring
about harmony and at the same time
save their own dignity.
Whie it would seem that little else
than a miracle could change the out-
look for Mr. Roosevelt's nomination,
there is no disposition on the part of
the Republicans to minimize the
power that he wields in the present
situation. Mr. Roosevelt will practi-
cally dictate the important planks in
the Republican platform and his is
likely to be the controlling voice in
the selection of the Republican nomi-
Roosevelt Expresses no Preference
What Colonel Roosevelt's preference
is in regard to a nominee barring him-
self was as uncertain tonight as it
has been at any time since the Re-
publicans and the Progressives began
to arrive in Chicago. Many confer-
ences were held today .between Pro-
gressive and Republican leaders and
between the Bull Moose lieutenants
and the Republicans but tonight the
situation was as badly muddled as
The Republican leaders here in-
sisted upon Hughes or some candi-
date from the favorite son group. The
Roosevelt followers were standing
loyally by the Colonel and state that
Hughes could not be considered by
them until he had made a statement
that would show his views to be in
(Continued on Page Six)
Senior lledics Vote Against Proposed
James Burrill Angell Fund
The senior medical class at their
last meeting decided, by almost a
unanimous vote, not to join the other
senior classes in the proposed James
Burrill Angell Memorial. This was
the second time the proposition had
come up before the class for discus-
sion, the first time being about six
weeks before the consensus of opinion
was so strong for the combined me-
morial, andit was hoped that the feel-
ing had changed in the meantime.
The medics have not definitely de-
cided as yet on their memorial, al-
though it has been proposed to buy
something to be used in the Univer-
sity hospital.

Chicago, June 5.-It is settled that
Governor Whitman will make the
speech -placing Justice Hughes in nonm-
ination. The opposing faction of New
York delegates have agreed not to
quarrel over this point, and the
Hughes men from other states are
quite willing to let the New York ex-
governor represent them on the plat-

Who will take the part of iirya in
"Riders to the Sea," one of he three
Irish plays to be given by ihe Oratori-
cal association toa]orrow night. *
Children 's Part
Held on Saturday

lean Mlyra B. Jordan tiniu ;s
Yougsters it Harlouri


Barbour gymnasium was the scene
Saturday afternoon of the sixteenth
annual Children's Party, given by
Dean Myra B. Jordan, for the children
of faculty members. More than 180 chil-
dren, between the ages of four and 11,
romped all over the gymnasium, climb-
ed the rope ladders, and swung on the
The entire party later saw a special
film at the Arcade, and then returned
to the gymnasium, where huge bricks
of pink ice cream and pink cakes de-
lighted the youthful. guests. At the
table, Dean Jordan was the only per-I
son over 11 years of age.
Last/Ninue News
Lon41o), June . -Te admiralty this
evening made public an additional list
of casualties among petty officers and
men in the naval battle off Gutland, as
reported from ships other than those
sunk. The list shows 116 killed and
233 wounded. A list made public this
morning gave the names of 333 offi-
cers killed.
Rome, via London, June .--The
Sun news service correspondent is as-
sured by a diplomatic source that
events in Greece are bound to lead to
a climax,favorable to the Allies. The
correspondent's informant predicts a
possibility of untangling the Balkan
London, June :.--hle Russians lve
begun a new offensive movement on a
large scale on the Austrian front. Vi-
enna admits the violent bombardment
of the Austrian position, but makes no
admission of capture by the enemy.
Chihuahua( City, June 5.-Pablo Lo-
pez, Villa's chief lieutenant in the raid
upon Columbus, New Mexico, today
paid the penalty for his crime by fac-
ing a firing squad of Constitutionalist
soldiers at Santa Rosa, Chihuahua's
place of execution.
Little Rock, Ark., June 5.-Three
persons were killed and heavy prop-
erty damage was caused by a tornado
that swept over Hot Springs, Arkan-
sas, this afternoon, according to dis-
patches reaching here. A church was
demolished, a skating rink blown
down and the electric light plant dam-
aged. The city was without light or
Chicago, June 5.-Senator Henry
Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, who
will probably be chairman of the reso-
lutions committee that will draft the
Republican platform, arrived here to-
day and immediately entered upon a
conference with George W. Perkins.
The question of the platform was dis-
cussed. It is the supposition now that
Colonel Roosevelt will be consulted in
great detail in regard t.o the platform's
declarations and that they will be
made the chief basis of bringing the

Ibot 1 III F Deni to sle 14 Firewor)1kN
sIic and II lum inated
Float Parade
P 0 4i US T AW'S 7 :30 O'C LO'K
Fireworks, music and illuminated
river parades of canoes and floats
will mark the annual Water Carnival
to 1: ierivCI by the University Boat
club Saturday evening. Following
mneeting of the heads of committees
Sunlay it was announced that both the
Varsity hand and the University Glee
club would furnish the music.
The fireworks display, which is
claimed to be one of the best that has
ever been given on the river, will
take place inmnediately preceding the
parade of floats. A contract has
been closed with a Toledo fireworks
firm who assures those in charge that
the display will be first-class in every
The carnival will begin promptly
at 7:80 o'clock and will be held in
the vicinity of the first bend in the
river above the boat house. Provis-
ion will be made for spectators on
the north bank of the river. A num-
ber of booths maintained by various
(Continued on Page Six)
Pryer, Pinney and MacLean to Per-
form; Rehearsals Under 'Direction
of ilollister and Elch
Several well known campus actors
are represented in the casts of the
three one-act Irish plays to be given
tomorrow evening at 8:00 o'clock in,
University hall under the auspices of
the Oratorical association. Three of
them, Mrs. Lucile Pryer, '1u, N. Earl
Pinney, '16, and Malcolm MacLean,
'16, played in "The Servant in the
House," presented last semester.
The plays to be given are "Riders
to the Sea," a powerful tragedy by
John M. Synge; "The Shadow of the
Glen," a humorous sketch by the same
author; and the "Land of Heart's De-
sire," in which W. B. Yeats has pic-
tured the longing of a young Irish
bride to go to the land of her dreams.
The productions are under the di-
rection of Prof. R. D. T. Hollister and
Dr. Louis Eich and every effort is
being made to make the acting, stag-
ing and costuming as nearly perfect
as possible. Rehearsals have been
carried on almost daily for several
Properties for the three Irish plays
have been planned and collected by
members of the casts. The furnish-
ings will represent the interiors of

OrgizeN ulinaI Boddty to Seenre
aIlot for Sisters in
tither states
i EkElT IN 1('laST4)N E T HlE A TE R
Chicago, June 5.-The voting wom-
en of 12 states, encouraged by delegates
fri neary e ery state in the union,
who crowded the orchestra and bal-
cony of the Blackstone theater, met
in convention tonight to form the Na-
tional Women's party to secure the
ballot for their sisters. The party
started off with the blare and bizarre
effects of a regular party organiza-
The permanent organization of the
arty was completed tonight and tomor-
row the platform committee will pre-
sent for the approval of the women vo-
ters the first platform of the first wom-
en's party of the world. It will pledge
about 4,000,000 voting women to with-
hold their support from candidates
whose party does not stand for the
federal amendment as well as pledge
them to discharge party affiliations of
their own until all the women of the
country secure the privilege of vot-
Reconstruction of Theater, Costing
Nearly $4,000, to Begin
Reconstruction and renovation work
on the Majestic theater, costing nearly
$4,000, and which will virtually con-
vert the campus playhouse into a
new building, will be begun in about
two weeks.
To relieve the congestion at the en-
trance a new door will be built in the
front just north of the present en-
trance, and the canopy over the side-
walk will be extended to cover the
new opening. A new floor will be laid
on the stage, and the present heating
apparatus will be torn out to be re-
placed by a new system. Entirely new
scenery is to be purchased to take the
place of the sets now in use.
The parquet and the balcony aisles
and the stairways will be recarpeted,
and the lobby at the rear of the audi-
torium will be covered with cork mat-
ting. All of the seats are to be re-
upholstered and renovated, and the
entire interior will be repainted and
The theater probably will close June
19 until fall. Next college year when
the vaudeville season starts, the three-
a-day show policy will be discontinued
and only two shows will be given, mat-
inee and evening.
President Hutchins to Give Address
of Welcome
The American Association of Medi-
cal Librarians will meet in this city
on June 13 at 10:00 o'clock in the fac-
ulty room of the Medical building.
President Harry B. Hutchins will give
the address of welcome, followed by a
paper by Mr. William W. Bishop on
"The General Library," and a talk by

Dr. A. S. Warthin on the subject, "The
Medical Library."
The visiting members will be ten-
dered a luncheon at noon at the Union
through the courtesy or the Board of
Regents. The afternoon will be spentj
visiting the library and other depart-
ments. It is expected that between 30
and 40 members will attend.
Practically the entire edition of the
Michiganensian has been sold out in
the two days' sale. There are but
100 copies left and these will be on
sale until noon today in U-hall. Up
to that time subscriptions w-ill.be re-
deemed but not later. Students who
have lost their coupons can arrange
matterĀ§ at the stands.
About ten copies sare left for the
general sale whiclm will start this

Alyard Prize to
George L.Curry
I Iniv4rs'dyl 'F 11)oyee IReceives $5 for
Suggestion Regarding Labor
The first award of a prize offered to
employees of the university for sug-
gestions for the improvement of con-
ditions among the workers went to
George E. Curry, employed at the uni-
versity hospital. The amount was
There were no other prizes given
out although a second and third were
offered. The winning suggestion was,
in brief, that university employees in
the various departments should from
time to time hold conferences with
talks and discussions pointing out the'
necessity of economy, the danger and
expense of carelessness, and such
other matters as could advantageously
be talked over.
Open Oratorical
Contests to All
Debates to Be Thrown Open to Public;
No Admission to Be
At a recent meeting of the Oratorical
board of the Oratorical association it
was decided that next year's contests
would be open to the public and no
admission charged. This affects thel
peace contest, the cup debates, thel
mid-west debate, the central league de-
bate and the university oratorical con-
The association is undertaking the1
work of sending out descriptive litera-
ture to the high schools of the coun-
try in order to bring more and better
material to Michigan. -
Record Sale for
Reception Tickets1
More Sold on Opening Day Than Were
Disposed of in Entire Sale
Last Year
More tickets for the Senior Recep-
tion were sold yesterday, the opening
day of the sale in U-hall, than were
sold all together for this event last
year, according to Philip Lovejoy, '16,
general chairman. All the remaining
tickets will be placed on sale today
from 11:00 to 12:15 o'clock, in U-hall,
and after that may be obtained at
Wahr's or the Union, and from the
following committeemen: Harold Per-
ry, '16E Werner Schroeder, '16L, Har-
ry Sutter, '16L, Harry Lichtig, '16M,
Glen Wilmore, '16M, and Philip Love-
joy, '16, until the 150 have been dis-
posed of.
The committee has decided to allow
underclassmen to purchase the card-
boards, since thre has been such a
great demand for them from that
source. Each ticket will admit two
people, either two men or two women,
or a man and a woman. Visitors' tick-
ets may be obtained at the above men-~
tioned places, for relatives of the grad-
uating classes.
This year's dance promises to be
the most pretentious ever held at

Weather forecast for Ann Arbor and
vicinity: Fair.
7:30 o'clock-Prof. J: C. Parker
speaks to junior and senior engineers,
room 248, Engineering building.
7:30 o'clock-Forestry club meeting,
room 216, Natural Science building.
7:1i o'clock-Meeting of the Zoolog-
ical Journal club.
8:00 o'clock--Oratorical play.
-Ieinbers of the Glee and Mandolin
clubs, meet at the Union at 7:00 o'clock
tonight for a sorority serenade.
Banquet for Choral Union ushers on
Thursday, June 8, at the Merkle
homle on Jefferson avenue at 7:00
o'clock. All members eligible should
obtain tickets of Mr. Holland at the
library before Wednesday noon.
Senior l11 class meeting tomorrow

l)A Y AT 11:00 O'CLOCK
Will Wear Caps and Gowns on Th'arsk
day Instead of Friday; Expect Se-
nior Classes to Dismiss
To further the spirit of "Put Michi-
gan First" among members of the
graduating classes, a mammoth senior
mass meeting will be held at 11:00
o'clock Thursday morning In Univer-
sity hall. At that time matters per-
taining to'a unification of '16 men for
the support of Michigan when they
join the ranks of the alumni will be
discussed by faculty men and senior
All'senior classes at that hour will
in all likelihood be excused to permit
the attendance of both men and wom-
en. Caps and gowns are expected tQ
be worn on Thursday instead of Fri-
day to lend distinction to the occasion,,
which may becometa Michigan custom.
Plans for this meeting were ar-
ranged at a meeting called by the
president of the Student Council at the
Union last night at which the various
senior classes were represented. The
numerous faculty men who have been
approached have given the idea their
hearty approval.
Several matters of extreme import-
ance to the welfare of the university
will be laid before the meeting. The
best means of keeping alumni loyalty
at a level with that exhibited by the
alumni organizations of the great
eastern universities will be consid-
Among other things, the question of
the best way to bring men to Michi-
gan will receive attention. Also a
part of the meeting will be turned
over to the discussion of. the Michi-
gan Alumni Trust Fund, which has
been recently suggested, and which
would be of a similar nature to that
in vogue at Yale and several of the
other big universities of the east.
Since the past football season it
has been frequently urged that Michi-
gan men who were just going out from
the university should give concerted
aid toward the support of the- insti-
tution. The movement found a hearty
support in the speeches on Cap Night,
and Thursday's meeting is hoped to
prove the climax.
President Harry B. Hutchins has
agreed to act as one of the faculty
speakers, and other prominent mem-
bers who are to talk will be announced
The increased zeal with which the
campus greeted the interscholastic
stars last week is a fair barometer
of the attitude of the campus toward
the securing of bigger men for Michi-
gan; and it is hoped that such spirit
will continue after graduation.
W. W. Schroeder, '16, Contributes Ar
tielo on Michigan Athletics
The June number of the Inlander
will make its appearance on the cam-
pus Friday. W. W. Schroeder, '16L,

whose article on the Michigan Union
in the May number aroused much fa-
vorable criticism, has contributed an-
other article concerning athletics at
Michigan. It is a penetrating analysis
of the present. situation, and deals
with questions which will be widely
discussed next fall.
In addition, there is an article by
Harold B. Teegarden, concerning the
performances of the Student Council;
a story, "The Manuscript," by Emily
M. Mack, '19, which won first prize
in the Stylus short story contest; and
a short humorous playlet, "Eden
Again," written by Mary Langhorne,
The number abounds in poetry. Max-
well E. Pitkin, '16L, vividly presents
the picture of the snowbound "Ir-
kutsk," the "Paris of the steppes."
Probably the poem, "A Flirtation," in
the impressionistic style, which is be-


peasant homes of the present

Make Additions to Equipment; Several
Prominent MAen to Visit
One hundred and five men are al-
ready enrolled for Camp Davis this
summer, 14 of these being foresters.
The official opening of the camp will
take place on July 5, and the season
will last eight weeks.
Professor C. T. Johnston is looking
for the best season in the history of
the camp. A 35-foot launch has been
recently purchased and will be put in
Lake Burt, about four miles from
camp. This will open up over 150
miles of inland lakes and rivers, along
which surveying operations can be
extended. Among the distinguished
visitors expected to visit the engineer-
ing "wigwam" this summer, are Presi-
dent Hutchins and Dean Cooley. Dr.
Drury will replace Dr. Stauffer as
camp physician.
Forestry Club to Elect Tomorrow
Election of officers for next year will
be held by the Forestry club of the
university at their meeting to be held
in their rooms in the Natural Science
building tomorrow night. This will
be the last meeting of the year. It
is also expected that a business ihana-
ger for the University of Michigan
Forester, the magazine of the forestry
department, will be elected for next

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