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May 30, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-05-30

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Phones :---Uitorlal 2414
Business 900

VOL. XXVI. No. 170.
-M M
Two Companies of University Officers'
Corps to March with G. A. R.
* *
* Program for Memorial Day *
* Grand parade from court *
house to Soldiers' Monument, *
* starting at 9:30 o'clock.
* P u b 1i c memorial services, *
* Commander Arthur S. Lyons *
* presiding. . *
* Music, "Star Spangled Ban- *
* ner," Varsity' Band accompany- *
* ing. *
* Address, Rev. W. H. Poole. *
* Music, Fischer's orchestra, *
* "Tenting on the Old Camp *
* Ground," "Battle Hymn of the *
* Republic," "The Vacant Chair." *
* Benediction by Post Chap- *
* lain, Comrade Robert Campbell. *
tSalute by Co. 1, Michigan Na- *
tional Guard. *

m . L . -


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* * * *** * * *,~*.*-.* *


Friday night is Michigan tra-
ditional, Cap Night. There are
but, five more days to wear the
emblem of your class, before you
automatically become sopho-
Be real Michigan freshmen!
Traditions Committee.


Faculty Decides to Allow Twso llours
to Students Taking Work in Govern-
ment Summer Camps

Resolutions Adopted in Meeting Last
Night Prohibit Dance Held by
Individual Students

* * * * * * * *


Bandmen will meet at the cor-
ner of Fourth avenue and Huir-
on street at 9.:15 o'clock this
morning for Memorial Day pa-
rade. The uniforms will be the
same as used for campus con-

* * * *

i *


* * * * * * * * * * * II

,* , , ,


FROM $100,000,000 TO


The. annual Memorial Day exercises
will be held this morning at the Sol-
diers' Monument, following a parade
of all G. A. R. veterans from the coun-
ty building to State street and thence
to Jefferson street, to Fifth avenue
and north to William street, from
which street the procession will again
swing back to Main street and the
court house. Rev. W. H. Poole, of
Jackson, recognized as one of the lead-
ing orators of southern Michigan, will
give the address at the services.
Companies A and B of the university
officers' drill corps will march with
the G. A. R. in the parade, and will
occupy a position in the procession di-
rectly behind the Varsity band.
Col. A. C. Pack will act as marshal
of the day and will have as his assist-
ants Major C. E. Wilson, Lieut. Lewis
Armstrong, Commander Gus Sodt, and
Capt. Homer Frost. The order of the
marching column as they have ar-
ranged it, is as follows: University
of Michigan Band, Company 1, 31st In-
fantry, Michigan National Guard, Com-
panies A and B of the university bat-
talions, the G., A, R. veterans, mem-
bers of the W. R. C., city officials in
automobiles, Knights Templar, Com-
pany G of the uniformed rank of the
Knights of the Maccabees, Ladies of
the Maccabees, Perry School band,
Sons and Daughters of the American
Revolution will follow in automobiles,
while 300 school boys will appear with
the Perry School band.
All stores are expected to be closed
and decorated with flags and bunting
for the exercises. In case that wea-
ther interferes with the parade and
outdoor exercises, the armory will be
German Society Names Four to Head
Organization at Last Meeting
At the last meeting of the society,
Deutscher Verein held its annual elec-
tion lof officers. The following per-
sons were named, and will assume
their positions at the beginning of the
fall team: President, Thomas Leh-
mann, '17; vice president, Ethel Vail,
'17; secretary, Margaret M. Henkel,
'17; treasurer, Andrew D. Tiesenga,
'17; auditor, Ralph E. Boice, '18.

Last Minute News
Told in Brief
El Paso, May 29.-Investigation of
reports today that Mexican forces were
scattered in the hills around Juarez
after being strongly re-enforced, and
that they were digging trenches on the
hillsides, proved to be unfounded ac-
cording to official announcements to-
Washington, May 29.-After a fili-
buster of more than two months the
senate this afternoon by a vote of 35
to 32 passed the Rivers and Harbors
bill, appropriating about $44,000,000.
The bill had been furiously denounced
by the Republicans as an old fashion-
ed pork barrel raid on the treasury.
Paris, May 29.-In a five-hour bat-
tle waged last night on the east bank
of the Meuse two violent attacks from
the Corbeaux woods, west of Cumieres
were completely repulsed, the war of-
fice announced today. The Germans
attempted to recapture the trenches
taken by the French in Thursday's
Gallipolls, Ohio, May 29.-Torrential
rains accompanied by heavy winds
caused a partial collapse of the Lan-
tern Slager hotel building here today.
Several persons had narrow escapes
when the walls fell in.
Chicago, May 29.-Colonel Roosevelt
spent a rapturous four hours in Chi-
cago this evening between trains for
Kansas City, where he will make the
memorial address tomorrow. The col-
onel had hardly stepped from the
train that brought him from New
York before a surging crowd of up-
wards of 6,600 persons began to greet
him with the old cry of four years
ago, "We want Teddy."
Schroeder, Pinney and Mack Three
Student Speakers at Annual
"Frank" Murphy, '12-'14L, one of the
most popular and most forceful orators
Michigan ever turned out, has been se-
cured as the alumni speaker for Cap
Night. The other speakers for Friday
night's program were announced yes-
terday, with the exception of the fac-
ulty representative, who has not yet
been chosen. The three student speak-
ers will be "Cap" Schroeder, '16L, N.
E. Pinney, '16, and Francis T. Mack,
The women will not march in the
procession of classes this year. That
satisfactory arrangements to have the
women in the line of procession with
the men could not be made, so the idea
had to be abandoned for the year, stu-
dent councilmen stated last night.
Another innovation at this year's
celebration will be the throwing of the
freshman headgear into the fire be-
fore the singing of "Where, Oh Where
Are the Verdant Freshmen?" instead
of after the song, as has been the cus-
tom in the past. The singing of "The
Yellow and the Blue" will conclude
the ceremonies.
"Bob" Benntt, '18, will be'on hand
to lead the cheering, and U. S. Wil-
son, '16, will conduct the singing of
the various songs.

Two hours credit ,for summer mili-
tary training in United States govern-t
ment camps will be given for students
in the College of Literature, Sciencet
and the Arts, according to the decision
reached at a meeting of the faculty ofr
that department held last night.
Such a training period must be at
least five weeks in length, and int
order to receive credit, the student
must present a government certificatei
to the effect that he has been a regu-2
lar attendant -at the camp. All stu-r
dents intending to attend one ofr
these camps must send in his name
to the Registrar..
A movement was set on foot to in-
crease the number of classes to be held
on Saturday mornings, and week aft-I
ernoons owing to the congestion oft
courses between the hours of, 9:00 andr
12:00 o'clock. Changes will probably
be made next fall only in the freshmanc
A modification of the plan for con-c
ditional examinations was passed
whereby students missing an examina-
tion and wishing to make it up, mustE
put in an application with the Regis-
trar before the end of the second week
of the next term.I
clubs Will GiveR
Varied Concert
W 1
Sikes, Wilson, and Dieterle Gie Solos
During the Evening's En- l
Old and new songs dear to the heart.
of every Michigan student will com-
prise the principal part of the con-
cert by the combined musical clubsl
Thursday, June 1.
Robert Dieterle, '18, who will re-
place Chase Sikes as soloist next year,
will sing the "Friar's Song" from
"Contrary Mary", and U. Stanley Wil-
son, '16, will give the hit of "Awaken- t
ed Rameses", "My Girl from Michi-
gan." Chase Sikes will repeat the songt
that won him such an ovation' in the
last concert here, and frenzied ap-
plause throughout the west. He will
sing "lan Alpine," the war song from
the "Cross of Fire."
The cnmbined clubs will give "Var-
sity," "Victors," "Laudes Atque Car-
mina," and "Men of the Maize and
Frank H. Hitchcock Declares Justice
Would Accept Nomination
Chicago, May 29.-Frank H. Hitch-
cock, postmaster general in the past
cabinet, and erstwhile steam roller
engineer, brought the Charles Evans
Hughes presidential boom to Chicago
today, deposited it tenderly and in an
unrevealed place in candidates' row on
Michigan avenue, and then made the
flat declaration that the Supreme Court
Justice would accept the nomination if
it were tendered to him.
Mr..Hitchcock then volunteered the
information that the name of Justice
Hughes will be the first to be placed'
before the convention, He said ar-
rangements .had been made for Ala-
bama, the first on the list to give way
on the roll call of the convention to
Governor Whitman of New York, who
will place the name of the justice in
nomination. Mr. Hitchcock said Mr.
Hughes would have 57 of the 87 dele-
gates of his home state on the first

Mid-week dances were abolished and
the Junior Hop was authorized as an
annual affair at the special meeting of
the University Senate held last night.
According to members of the fac-
ulty, this reduction in the list of avail-
able nights for dances was the out-
growth of the sentiment expressed by
the Student Council and the Women's
Judiciary Council. These two organ-t
izations some time ago went on record(
as opposed to mid-week dances. Thef
new system will begin in the fall. The(
resolutions passed by the UniversityI
Senate are as follows:a
1. Regulations Concerning Campusf
1. No university organization shallt
hold dances during term time on otherI
than Friday or Saturday night, or thet
night preceding a university holiday.1
2. No student dances shall be con-t
ducted at any time by individual stu-
dents, or by groups of students notk
constituting recognized organizations.
Attendance upon dances promoted pri-
marily for revenue purposes by per-z
sons not connected with the univer-
sity shall be discouraged.r
3. Saturday night dances shall closet
not later than 12:00 midnight. '
4. Friday night dances and dances
on nights preceding holidaysMshall1
close not later than 1:00 A. M., ex-
cept in the following cases:
(a) The Junior Hop and the Senior
Reception, as the most important
dances of the year, may, by special
permission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Aiiairs, continue until 3 A. M.
(b) Certain special dandes may, by
special permission of the Committee1
on Student Affairs, continue until 2:00
A. M.
IL Resolutlons Regarding the Junior
Whereas, the Junior Hop, as con-1
ducted by the Classes of 1916 and
1917, has been free from the abusesl
that led to its discontinuance, be it1
Resolved, that the Senate hereby au-
thorize its restoration as an annual
affair, subject to the control of the
Committee on Student Affairs.
Hold "Tareiell"
Miass fteeting
Hill Auditorium to Be Scene of Big
Yell Fest Saturdayj
As an entirely new innovation in
the history of Michigan mass meet-
ings, Hill auditorium will throw open
its doors Saturday evening to what
promises to be one of the snappiest
yell-fests ever held at the university.
Hundreds of high school athletes
from all over the country will have
finished their competition in the Inter-
scholastic meet at this time, and the
entire student body will unite in the
"Farewell" mass meeting of the year
Seniors of the university will have a
-final opportunity to join in with the
strains of "The Yellow and Blue,"
and to follows the gyrations of a
cheer leader in the old "locomotive"
The committee in charge of Satur-
days' affair has arranged a programof.
speeches and musical features . As
a special attraction, it is hoped that
an arrangement can be made with the
athletic association whereby the "M's"
for track and baseball may be award-
ed, while the cups and trophies won
in the Interscholastic will be pre-
sented to their winners.

Vulgars Invade
Greek Territory
Fighting Occurs Along Frontier; War
Party Again Is Active
in Greece
London, May 29.-Fierce fighting be-
tween the Greeks and the Bulgars oc-
curred at several points along the
frontier today, following the invasion
of the Greek territory by the Bulgars.
A detachment from the Greek garrison
at Fort Rupel fired on the Bulgars be-
fore evacuating their position.
The Greeks were justified, according
to Saloniki dispatches, because the
Bulgars entered the fort before the
time they had stipulated for its evac-
uation expired. The Bulgars returned
the fire, the Greeks withdrawing with-
out serious casualties on either side.
The Greek government has warned
border commanders to take every pre-
caution to prevent serious encounters.
The Greek war party, led by ex-Pre-
mier Venizelos, is using the Bulgar in-
vasion to the best advantage in re-
newing the demand that Greece enter
the war on the side of the Allies. It
is believed here, however, that King
Constantine is unwilling to plunge
his country into war.
Marine Engineering Society Initiates
Quartet of New Members
The. Quarterdeck, marinee ngineer-
ing society, initiated four new mem-
bers last night. The initiates were C.
S. Curtis, '16E, J. M. Mpnson, '19E,
M. Murphy, '17E, and G. H. Scheibel,
A banquet was held at the Catalpa
Inn after the initiation. The speakers
were Prof. H. P. Sadler, Prof. E. M.
Bragg, M. L. Goldstein, '16E, E. M.
Murphy, '17E, and K. W. Heinrich,
Weather for Ann Arbor and vicin-
ity: Probably showers.

Great NortherR Railway to Stop All
Traftle for Period as Tribute
to Creator
St. Paul, Minn., May 29-James J.
Hill died at 9:30 o'clock this morning
at his home on Summit avenue. From
that place his funeral will take place
Wednesday at 2:00 o'clock when for
five minutes every activity on. the
Great Northern railroad will be stop-
ped in tribute to its creator.
His wealth is estirnted all way
from $100,000,000 to 300,000, 0. It
probably is nearer the former figure
than the latter. The best estimate of
Mr. Hill's wealth was made when the
European war broke out in July, 1914.
At that time Mr. Hill called bankers
together from the First National bank
and Northwestern Trust Co., when he
assembled a mass of his securities,
more than $100,000,000 was said to be
in the boxes that he laid before
the bankers. "There should be no
trouble," said Mr. Hill, "but if there
is this amount is at your disposal."
The First National bank then bor-
rowed from Mr. Hill $10,000,000 worth
of Great Northern railroad bonds.
These' were placed with the treasury
department in Washington and $6,-
000,000 worth of emergency currency
under the Aldrich act was credited at
once to the First National bank. It was
found necessary to place only $125,000
of this in circulation. In ,a few weeks
the entire amount was returned to
Controlled Great Financial Companies
Mr. Hill had absolute control of
the First National bank and North-
western Trust company with heavy
combined capital and surplus of $6,-
He was a large owner of stock
in the Case National bank of New
York, First, National bank of Chicago,
and the Northwestern National bank
of Minneapolis.re was a large owner
of the Great Northern Pacific Steam-
ship company stocks. The greatest
portion of his wealth, however,
lies in the stocks and bonds of the
Great Northern, Northern Pacific, and
Burlington railroads.
Power Passes to His Son
The great power held by Mr. Hill
'will' pass to Lewis W. Hill, his son,
who hassbeen closely associated with
him in business for ten years. The
estate will be held intact through the
Northwestern Trust company and the
various heirs will be given life in-
Mr. Hill had been unconscious since
6:00 o'clock Sunday night and even
before that time the attending phy-
sicians had practically despaired of
his recovery. At his bedside were eight
of his nine children, Lewis W., James
M., Walter, Mrs. Geo. T. Slade, Mrs. E
Boeckmann, Mrs. Michael Gavin, Mrs.
Samuel Hill, and Miss Clara Hill.
Curtiss Attains 'Highest Score of Year
At a meeting of the Rifle -club held
yesterday noon, Guy C. Curtiss, '16E,
was awarded the honor of having at-
tained the highest percentage during
the present year. W. J. Schoepfe, '17E,
was the second highest.
Keystone Club Elects Officers
At a recent meeting the Keystone
club elected the following officers:
President, T. C. Hill, '17E; vice-presi-
dent, B. Glenn, '19E; secretary, F. C.
Bell, '19; treasurer, Carl P. Griesmer,
'17D. The club reports a very suc-
cessful year financially and socially.

2:00 o'clock-All-Fresh vs.
lanti, baseball, Ferry field.


4:00 o'clock-J-lits vs. senior engi-
neers, baseball, South Ferry field.
7:00 o'clock-Canadian club smoker
at Union; purpose, election of officers.
Band meets this morning at 9:15
o'clock, corner Fourth avenue and
Huron street. Men must wear blue
The general library will be open to-
day, the hours being the same as on
any week day.'
Company B of the officers' corps will
meet at 8:50 A. M. Engineering arch.
Company A will meet at 8:50 A. M. on
S. University between Thayer and In-
galls streets. All men are expected to
turn out rain or shine.
Varsity practice called for today is
off on account of Freshman-Ypsilanti
Glee club serenade scheduled for
tonight postponed one week.
4:00 o'clock-Frank E. W. Bright,
managing editor of Detroit Times,
speaks, room 202, West hall.


Admission, 25c




ormal vs. I

Playing Off Saturday's Tie

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