'.'.... THZ MrCHIQMANvD AIL T BOAT HOUSE. BULLE TIN R by the 'way 'of the Mediterranean~ stopping- off at _differeiit ' s tations along the route. Some~ of the men will go to EastAfrca. others to the Orient and India, while at- least two will be sent to Mesopotamia. ADRIAN EDITOJR SPEAKt" IERE~ ~. H. erry, 'of Telegram," Addlresses Classes In Journalism Taking for his subject "The Edit- ing of a Country Newspaper," Stuart H. Perry, managing editor of thef Adrian Telegram, yesterday addressed the classes in journalism.' Mr. Perry began his lecture with the assertion that the lessons derived f'rom the' daily episodes and happenings connected with his work were of more' value' to himi than any amount of theory. "There are several sourcesv of news," said 'the speaker,. "which might iSl 44i 4 /' 0 r 4.J .<"? 7&.~~V4&~ jv ~ '4 4- Arm4 ' - --Turk s1T the world's ts, tobacco for . ;, , ,,: REMEM) tobacco Z6miosl fan ,. ! 14 P -;,a Y 4 - 4 <;4;4 kRT BIG CAMPAIGN TO 'LL GLEE CLUB TICKETS AT THETi- TOIA! Ma.!estIc-Elcano "I'hree Weeks.", WEATERS* Y* or Glyn's Play, -* 4 4' :.1 Reserve Special Section for Towspope -I ~. A reade---1ary ,miles, Minter in t "Each man get a hundred men." iils This slogan was adopted by the 51 Orle -Laelawin"e* committeemen who have undertaken , to rill Hill auditorium for the final* appearance of the Glee and Mandolin * * *. .* , * . * * * trip clubs on June 1. ~~Mjsi Yestrdaysaw he monter am- The medium of motion pictures has paigni begun in all the fraternities, so- enbogtitopa npeae rorities, residence halls, league houses bentbroghtintobleyfinture pared- mnessointthecremurkableafeaturenphoto- aind on the camusttemrnea numddir play entitled "How Uncle Sam Works", tionto he cmmiteeen, nuberat the Majestic Friday and. Saturday. of freshmen who are striving for the In the United States ,the. subject of, position of assistant manager of the preparedness is treated by former musicl clubs, have been set to work Secretary of War Garrison, Major-Gen- itlietce-sligefreral teLeonard Wood, and Major-Gen- J~oe Palma, '18, in charge of the Ann eral Scott, the latter of the general Arbor sales division, has placed a safo h ntdSae ry i~~mstaf of tickets at Grinell Bros. for orthmiddiedSmaries aresow tiw ownseopl, wich dmitthein activity; our longshoremen as they purchasers to a section reserved forarbouhinosettepyc- the. people of Ann Arbor. All eseats. logical moment. The big man-of-war, TheJ beam en fts. cmite e- the associate destroyers, the torpedo The amesof he cmmitee em-craft, are revealed plowing through; bers follow: General chairmian, Elmer the trubulent" waters of the deep- C. Schacht, '18E; campus sales mana- ger, Charles W. Fischer, '18; adver- pouring forth their metal missiles of ti~n maager Kik Whte,'17;Anndestruction. The aerial craft-squad- tisig mnage, Krk Wite '17Annrons of bird men-scouting the skies, arbor sales manager, Joe Palma, '18; lni n esaepcue nata women's sales manager, Grace Rayns- f ight n ea-r itre nata ford, '18; ticket sales committee chair -__________________ 'eHerbert Gustin, '18, Rex St. Clair, Rathbun,. '18E, Fred Hough, '18E,; T., '1.8E, Robert Dieterle, '18, A. McCor- MacAllister, '18, Homer Biery, '18, R. mick.t '19, H,. S. Hatch, '18, H. A. Bennett, '18, A. Shearer, '18, C. Meyers., . ,, _ ' t ice;: . ... . ;: L a Y f tai : ,, . _ c . .Y. 5 ti t , st n i.. .G' l 4- - 4 '44 ~44 <