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October 22, 1915 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-10-22

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Employing M. A. C. Formations, BaK
is Pushed Through Varsity Line
With Success
Michigan's scrubs (let it be writ
in capital letters) were "scrubs" in
name only during yesteray's scrim-
mage. They scored five touchdowns
on the Varsity;. which information is
sufflicient for one paragraph.
Coach Yostt gave them the ball on
the 20-yard line, to test the Varsity
defense against M. A. C. formations.
The scrubs didn't act the least bit
abashed or humble, and they soon
pushed the leather over for the first
touchdown of the afternoon.
Coach Yost ordered operations to
resume on the 20-yard line again, and
the scrubs duplicate. This per-
formance was repeated thrice more,
and on each separate and distinct oc-
casion the scrubs pushed the Varsity
back over the line. True, the scrubs
weren't coiipelled to relinquish the
ball on downs, but even if such had
been the case they wouldn't have suf-
fered particularly.
Reserves Couldn't be Held
Employing a split buck, with Biber
carrying the ball, the reserves simply
couldn't be checked. Weske, playing
tackle for the scrubs, also played a
prominent part, plunging through the
Varsity line on tackle around forma-
tions for consistent advances. The
scrubs rarely resorted to passes.
They also scorned end runs for the
most part, devoting the greater por-
tion of their energies to straight, old
style, army football, and they were
entirely too successful.
Varsity Scores Once
The Varsity scored once, marching
the length of the field for their only
count of the afternoon. Geiger, play-
ing quarter for the first string men,
was the most powerful factor in the
offense, bearing the brunt of the work.
Following the scrimmage, the coach
staged a signal practice under the
electric lights.
The line which operated against the
scrubs yesterday was composed of:
Norton, center; Cochran and Rehor,
guards; Watson and Boyd, tackles;
Ingham and Whalen, ends. Niemann
and Warner were injected into the
lineup before the scrimmage was over,
"Walt" giving a fairly good account
of himself during his time in the fray.
Raymond, Sharpe and Wickham com-
posed the backs, with Zeiger running
the team.
Showing Not Inspiring to Coach
Although the showing that the
Michigan aggregation made yesterday
was not one to inspire the coach with
particular enthusiasm, perhaps it
was a good thing to let the boys rid
their system of all the bad football
that remained. Certainly M. A. C.
will not rip through that line Satur-
day with such telling effect. It isn't
in the rules. Yesterday's slaughter
should merely serve to put the Var-
sity on edge and in fighting humnor
for those Aggies.
Yesterday's Work Fast Signal Prac-
tice Following Scrimmage; Men
Dismissed Early

di ' T r :i ig For Race; Veterans
C ti ig EtACondition for
L A. 4C .- ames
Everything is set for the novice run
to be held at 9:45 o'clockstomorrow
morning. The men will start from
the gym and will take the following
course: Twelfth street to Felch park,
through the park and up Glen to the
new boulevard, to Geddes, down
Geddes to Forest, over Forest to South
University, and back by way of East
University, finishing at the gym. Di-
rector P. G. Bartelme, Coach "Steve"
Farrell, Intramural Director F. A.
Rowe and Dr. George May will be
the officials of the race.
There have been a number of men
training regularly for the race and
the winners will probably be from
among that number though it would
not be surprising if a dark horse cop-,
ped the first place. On their showing
so far the likely candidates are:
George Murphy, C. E. Fuess, H. Den-
nee, T. R. Maynard, G. R. Mattson and
sf. McManus.
The veterans who have been get-
ting in condition for the M. A. C.
races, scheduled for November 6 at
East Lansing, are: Captain Carroll,
Vance, Fox, Kuivinen and Donnelly.
The Varsity team will probably be
composed largely of these men though
any other men above the freshman
class, who show sufficient stamina to
beat out any of the veterans will un-
doubtedly receive careful considera-
If the freshmen show class and are
considered good enough, they also
will be taken as the freshman team.
It is hoped that a large number of
first r men will go out for the
novice .ces so that if possible a team
may be formed from their number.
Princeton Squad Has Secret Practice
Princeton, N. J., Oct. 21.-For the
first time in weeks, part of today's
practice was of the secret variety. In
addition to this drill which was held
on Alumni field, the varsity appeared
before the entire student body which
was gathered in the stadium for the
purpose of rehearsing songs and
cheers in preparation for the coming
big games. Halsey started at tackle
today in place of Kaufman, who has
been playing there previously during
this season.
New Schedule for Intramural League
to Appear at the Beginning of
!Next Week

Mack, Switzer, Sherwood and Oster
the Dour Who)Will Fight it
Out for Title


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Semi-finals in the All-Comers' ten-
nis tournament for the championship
of the university will begin this aft-
ernoon, the four men left in the fight
at present being Mack and Switzer of
last year's tennis team, Sherwood of
last year's All-Fresh, and Oster, the
Cleveland freshman who eliminated
Captain Crawford in the third round
of the tournament.
By defeating Ohmacher, 3-6, 8-6,
6-2, yesterday in the third round, and
by a 6-0, 6-1 victory over Shartel,
Sherwood won the right to compete
in the semi-final round. Sherwood's
match with Ohmacher was a delayed
affair, the first two sets being held
on Wednesday afternoon. The last
set, which Sherwood won without any
difficulty, was played just before the
sophomore went up against Shartel.
Shartel was below his usual form,
and Sherwood, playing the best game
he has shown this fall, was forced
to allow his opponent but one game.
Sherwood's defeat of Shartel puts
him up against Oster in the next to
the last stanza of the tennis swan
song for 1915. The match is sched-
uled for play at 2:30 o'clock this aft-
Mack to Meet Switzer
The second match in the semi-final
round is between two Varsity men,
Mack and Switzer. Mack defeated
Easely, 6-3, 6-0, yesterday. Easely
took the first game, his serve, and
split even with Mack up to the sev-
enth game, when the champions broke
through and ran out the set and
match in short order. Mack's steadi-
ness, which won him the title last
year, was too much for his opponent,
and Easely's game went to pieces be-
fore Mack's invariable returns,
Switzer was in a thin way for a
while in his match with Steketee, the
Varsity player being on the short end
of a 5-1 score in the first set, but
Switzer pulled himself together, and
taking the next six games in succes-
sion, won the set. Steketee kept a
steady backfire of returns which al-
most wore his man out, but Switzer
was playing his brilliant game and
took the second set more easily than
he had the first, the match closing
with the final score in favor of the
Varsity man, 7-5, 6-3.
Expect Close Tussles
Today's matches between Switzer
and Mack and between Oster and
Sherwood bid fair to be tussles be-
tween steadiness and brilliancy.
Switzer when at his best is almost
unbeatable, but in Mack he will find
a man who will give him the kind of
opposition most likely to upset his
game. Mack's play is of the steady
variety which rarely misses a shot,
and the placing ability which the
champion has developed must surely
make Switzer play his best game or
go down to defeat.
In Sherwood Oster meets a man
who is in good physical condition and
whose game in the last few days has
been at the top of form. Even if
Sherwood plays the tennis he has
shown in the recent rounds of the
tournament, he will have a hard time
beating the freshman. Unless the for-
mer All-Fresh star can play way
above the game he has shown it looks
as though a freshman would fight out
the campus championship with last
year's champion in the final round.
Rifle Club to Go to Outdoor Range
Michigan's Rifle club will meet at
the corner of State and Packard
streets at 1:05 o'clock tomorrow and
take the car for the outdoor rifle
range. Mr. Rowe will be at the club
house on Ferry field from 12:45
o'clock until the car goes in order
to give out guns and ammunition to
the men who will make the trip.
To the man who makes the best

record this season, both indoors and
out, the club will give. a present in
the shape of a rifle.

One of
Our Betty

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'We are certain young Ivomen ]pili
be pleased ivith our sholving of)


Distinctive new styles made up in fine quality Navy
blue Serge. Pretty rounded, lay down collars of
self material, plaid Taffeta, or white bengaline; may
have little velvet bows and are lavishly trimmed
with bone buttons. Plain circular or pleated skirts.
Most of skirts with side or lapel pockets, three
"Betty Wales" models are shown.


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When interviewed last night fol- midget quarter was the only thing be-
lowing yesterday's scrimmage, Coach tween the runner and the goal on a
Yost remarked, "Oh, fudge!?" couple of occasions, but the story
The tackle around formation that ended right there.
Weske used yesterday is Giddeon Coach Yost looked glum last night
Smith's own favorite little play. Last and said that despite the fact that
year the Wolverines stopped the big rumors of bear stories were going

negro every time.
Those that saw Weske and Biber
perform yesterday afternoon are
thankful that neither of these boys
are registered u - atipe agricultural
Every time scu ething happens
down here, M. A. C. comes back with
a bigger story. We assume now that
tomorrow morning we can read all

around the Michigan team would
really be crippled. "Neither Dunne,
Staatz nor Smith will be in the game
Saturday," he said. "They can't walk."
We read that "Bull" Dunne was in
Chicago on account of a "death in the
family." The loss to the Dunne f n-
ily was his sister Eileen, who was
carried into the sacred bonds of mat-
rimony. What's the difference?

Lieut. Thomas T. Parker, West
Point graduate, will give an exhibi-
tion of fancy shooting under the aus-
pices of the University Rifle club on
south Ferry Field at 3:30 o'clock on
Friday, October 29. The exhibition
should prove of unusual interest to
rifle enthusiasts, as Lieut. Parker is
considered one of the best rifle shots
in the country.
He will perform' such stunts as
shooting washers and pennies thrown
in the air, shooting a clay pipe out
of the mouth, and, with sight covered,
cutting a cardboard, held between the
fingers, in two equal pieces. With two
pistols held in either hand, and shoot-
ing mat an angle, Lieut. Parker will
duplicate the same performance.
With a pump shotgun he will shoot
four oranges thrown in the air be-
fore any of them alight. With the
same weapon he will shoot one milk
bottle first set on the top of another,
breaking the second before it strikes
the ground.

about how the scrubs at Lansing We might remark that that M. A.
score eight touchdowns from the 30- C. bunch would think that there was
yard line. nothing left for them in the world if
Blake Miller will play against they beat Michigan, and that Macklin
Michigan for the fourth time this sea- would be like Alexander the Great and
son. M. A. C. rooters loudly assert sigh for more worlds to conquer. At
that after the game is over, Michigan any rate, the East Lansing school is
will be convinced more firmly than not going to let the Varsity band slip
ever that the three-year rule should anything over, and they are bringing
be adopted universally. reinforcements for their organization
Zeiger played in excellent style yes- in the shape of the Reo and Second
terday afternoon, doing much of the Artillery bands of Lansing. Count
gaining on offense, and proving to be 'em, boys. One -- two - three - and.
a most valuable unit on defense. The that Michigan band makes four.
H E3 careful har
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Coach Douglass chooses to disagree
with Yost for this week at least.
However, Douglass can well afford to
differ with the Varsity tutor, for his
men have nothing to worry them this
woek, except to learn how "Maullie"
hits the line in tomorrow's affair and
to practice this same thing the bal-
ance of the season.
Two second string teams lined ilp
against each other yesterday after-
noon for a short scrimmage. In the
backfield Snider was the only man
from the first team who was allowed
to show his wares against the second
squad, while most of the regular line
had to be content with watching the
skirmish from the side-lines. Fast
signal practice was held after the
scrimmage, the men being allowed to I
go into the clubhouse shortly after
five o'clock.

Owing to the lateness of the class
elections, the games scheduled for
Saturday in the intramural football
league will not be played then. Sev-
eral of the classes have not yet elect-
ed football managers, . so that teams
could not be organized and regular
practice started.
A new schedule will in all prob-
ability come out the first of next
week. The former one will not be
used at all, as changes may be made
in regard to teams and their respec-
tive opponents as given in the orig-
inal chart.
On the first day of practice, yes-
terday, the junior engineers had 16
men out. Scrimmage was held with
the purpose of running signals under
Fi re.
Three other teams were working
yesterday, the J-lits, the senior lits
and the junior laws. The junior lits
are doped to have a heavy team as
well as a fast one, and are expected
to give trouble to campus champion-
ship aspirants.
R. B. Stearns, All-Campus halfback
last year, turned out to boost the se-

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uaucung te care-
f ul hand pressing-all
these things make for
a well dressed appear-
ance, while thundering
sewingmachines, cut-
ting wheels and press-
ing machines donot_


of C S instead

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Custom tailoring alone pro-
vides these true and superior
processes of making -well
dressed men are always custom
tailored men.
Continental Tailored to Measure
clothes are the finest obtainable

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nior lits on to campus honors yes-
terday. His specialty is forward-
passing and line-plunging, and he is
expected to carry the ball for big
gains, to the terror of all opponents.
J. M. Cork was elected captain of the
senior lit team.


any student in college.

S. O



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