0 1I SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY -I WHAT IS YOUR IDEA OF A DESIRABLE SPRING SUIT? IS IT something in a snappy, English model of sparkling newness and graceful lines, showing those clever little touches of intensified fashion, or IS IT something of a stylish yet conservative cut with just a hint of waist lines and roll lapels- the kind of style that permanently pleases, or POSSIBLY you prefer a style in which dignity -. is the prominent feature - a garment in which high class tailoring insures its popularity. WHATEVER your ideas may be you'll find something to your liking in our wonderful stock of spring "MALCOLM QUALITY CLOTHES" J. K. MALCOLM, Malcolm Block .. 604 E. Liberty St. This advertisement tied for second place in Prof'ssor Moriarity's Advertising Clas last semester. G O ULYNDONJ For FRESH Eastman Films GUARANTEED Film Developing Best VELOX Prints i Ann Arbor Distributor of Kodaks All the Latest Models 719 N. University "At the Sign of the Kodak" HOME RULE FOR IRISH, WOULD EXCLUDE ULSTER Matinees Tue., Thu. Sat. GARRICK Week DETROIT "ALONG CAME RUTH" Premier States Full Particulars Rebellion Pact Will Be Presented of I Swain 713 E. University Takes Group pictures-Families, Asso- ciations, Fraternities, Sororities - any where, any time, any size up to and in- cluding II x 14. Enlargements made any size you want. Would you like to engage in Business in Detroit-"Where Life is Worth Living"? A Business I Where merit counts and work wins! Where the system of work insures success in due time. Where a thorough business training will teach you independence and give you initiative! Where your income will increase with your efforts and results! Where supervision will guide and assist your daily work! Where System is a Fact and not a Theory ! A real help and not a hindrance. Where you can investigate these state- menfs personally and prove them, and meet those who have succeeded! If so-write to CHARLES A.MACAULEY State Agent 512-520 Majestic Building, Detroit 6LIFF..INSURANCE COMPANY O rBOSTON MASSACHUSETTS Incorporated 1862 London, May 22.-Influences are working for a settlement of the Irish question by giving home rule at the earliest possible minute, with the clear-cut exclusion of Ulster from its operation, according to the Evening Standard. In the interim, the newspa- per says, the Premier may propose a temporary government of Ireland by an advisory board consisting of Irish- men belonging to both parties. A statement giving full particulars of the pact for which 15r participants in the Irish rebellion have been exe- cuted was being prepared and would be presented Thursday, Premier As- quith told a questioner in the House of Commons today. The Premier added in reply to a further question that he was anxious because of misunder- standing in America on the subject, that the statement should be strongly presented. Jeremiah Lynch, the naturalized American who was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment by a court mar- tial in Dublin last week, was original- ly sentenced to death. The British military authorities commuted the death sentence to imprisonment after consideration of a request by the State department at Washington. The court martial opened today in Dublin in private on the case of John Michael, president of the Sinn Fein volunteers. TROOPS (ET BACK FROM :MEXICO SOIL (Continued front Page One) a running fight near San Anita, Coa- huila, 10 days ago. There were two other prisoners captured at the time, but these had been so badly wounded in the fight that they were left at El Pino by Major Langhorne. It is be- lieved that they will die. Confirmation was received here to- day of the report that two United States troopers in some of the Rio Grande fighting were fired at five times from the Mexican side. The soldiers, neither of whom was wound- ed, scrambled for their rifles to re- turn the fire, but could not locate their attackers. Mexican Econoinic Stojtion Grave Washington, May 2.-The economic situation in Mexico is extremely grave, according to an official advice today from the State department. With the monetary problem already acute, the food shortage in Mexico City and vi- cinity continuing without any pros- pects of immediate relief, and with the labor strike extending over 'virtually all of the Mexican railway lines,sthe de facto government is facing a seri- ous domestic fight. First hand reports as to the situa- tion in northern Mexico will reach the State department tomorrow . Consul Letcher from Chihuahua City is en- route to Washington, presumably bringing with him a synopsis of a report of five other consuls who re- cently were ordered to the border to talk over conditions with military of- ficials there. The attitude of Mexican officials to- ward the United States has been de- scribed as more friendly since the bor- der conferences between Generals Scott and Obregon. PICK TEAM WHICH WILL COM- PETE IN INTERCOLLEGIATES (Continued front Page One) rell expects them to get in a workout at the scene of the big meet the same afternoon. The athletes whose names appear above constitute the largest track squad that has ever represented Michi- gan at the Intercollegiates. Last year the Wolverine coach took 12 men alongtwith him to the scene at1Phila- delphia. Seven of .the 15 who are making the trip to the big classic made the trip to the Quaker City last year. This list includes Captain Smith, Carroll, Donnelly, O'Brien, Cross, Ufer, and Fox. Friday afternoon nearly every one of the- squad will be called upon to qualify in the preliminaries. This year trials will be held in every event RCADE Shows at 3:oo, 6:3o. 8:oo, 9:_0 T'e.-23-Jane Cwey in " Man and His Angel," and Bud Fisher's Mult & Jeff. Zed.-24-House Peters in "The Closed Road' and Bud Fisher, Mut and Jeff' Cartoon. Thur.-Mary Miles Minter in "Dimples' and Drew Comedy. rpheum Theatre The Home of Paramount and Trianale Photoplays Matinees, 2 oO, 3:t5 evening, 6:45, 8:oo 9:1, Saturdays -Holidays Continuous Tue.-23-Jon Emerso n in "The hying Torpedo." (Trriangl e Comei dy). 15c. Wed.-2,1-Dorothy Gishi in Old Hleidel- berg. (Triangle Comnedy) Thur.-Fri.-25-26-Hazel Dawn in "The Saleslady." T and PA A FOR STRAW HAT DAY AT' THE ii THE MICHIGAN DAILY for the balance of the year MAILED OR LOCAL Offices: Press Bldg. Maynard St. OUR DOWN JOWN [LORAL SH0! Fresh Cut Flowers and Potted Plants SeUsFrCorsage Boquets a Specialty Also a Full Line of Decorative Plants 225B. LbertySt. ood wfloral Company Phone 1321 Stoward's Attention. FACTORY HAT STORE Near Allenel hotel i j S El, Huron St. 3 -7 and 8:3 P. M. Today and Tonight Greatest Play Ever Seen "The Natto's Peril" EARL METCALFE ORM1 HAWI:EY AND A Stupendous Cast Thousands of Soldiers, Sailors and Marines U, S. Atlantic Fleet Shaking a Ship by Shell Fire I Before placing your order for future de- livery it will pay you to consult us. (We can handle your business in any quantity. KYER & WHITKER I Hake Progress in Waite trial All New York Records for Quick Pro- cedure Broken in Mur- der Case New York, May 22.-All local rec- ords in the trial of an important mur- der case were broken today, when in six hours the jury that is to try Dr. Arthur Warren Waite on the charge! of murdering his father-in-law, John E. Peck, had been selected. District Attorney Swann had opened the case for the prosecution, and the examina- tion of the first witnesses had pro- gressed, until now there remains but little further cross-examination. CAP NIGH .T PLANS BEING COM- PLETIED; SET COMMITTEES (Continued from Page One) '18; C. Fischer, '18; G. Mack, '18; S. Pratt, '18E; D. De Butts, '18E; H. Knowlsoh, '18E; R. Patterson, '18E; H. Biery, '18; C. Scribner, '18E; H. Westbrook, '18E; J. Brill, '18E; A. Livingston, '18E; R. Langley, '18E; S. Dinwiddie, '18E; D. Mittlesdorf, '18E; E. Dudley, '18E; N. Ibsen, '18E; R. Sprague, '1SE; W. A. Bangs, '18E; J. Hibbard, '18E; R. Kimberley, '18E; S. Stephen, '18E, and J. Schermer- horn, Jr., '18. "Y" 'DEPUTATIONTEAMS MAKE 21 TRIPS DIURING COLLEGE YEAR .. ' .... AMl. SEA'IS :-: 10 cents More Paul Jones' Middies for Athletic Girls There are now hundreds of cool, white $i.oo middies of. serviceable galatea; long and short sleeved models with red, white, blue or pink collars. The $1.25 and $t.5o middies are heavier and usually decor- ated with various nautical de- vices. Silk middies, at $2.98 and $5, are plain white with front and side laces. Methodist Conservatives Score Heavily Saratoga, May 22.-The conserva- tives scored heavily in the Methodist conference today when the more radi- cal delegates introduced a resolution striking atthe foundation of the epis- copacy. The resolution, which was introduced by former Governor Hanly of Indiana and signed by a dozen oth- ers, requested the abolition of the of- fice of missionary bishop. If it had been adopted the resolution would have automatically raised to the rank of bishop all of the present mission- ary bishops and created a new bishop instead of two missionary bishops. FLECK DISCOVERS VALUABLE PROCESSI (Continued from Page One) ingredient of salvarsan, to go two- fifths further than the German manu- facturers of the drug are able to make it go. Since atoxyl is the most expensive material used in producing the syphilis remedy, great saving in manufacture results. Fleck has been working on his pro- cess for about a year. It is reported that Dr. Udo J. Wile, professor of sypilology and dermatology in the medical school, will make use of the salvarsan prepared by Fleck in treat- ing the next syphilitic patient who en- ters the university hospital. Fleck will likely turn his process "over to the chemistry department in order that the drug may be manufactured for the local hospitals, and eventually for other institutions. Fleck's discovery has come at a most opportune time. Since the be- ginning of the war it has been prac- tically impossible to get any salvarsan into this country from Germany, which country controls its manufac- ture. Polish Seminary Quits U. of Detroit Orchard Lake, Mich., May 22.-Ath- letic relations between the Polish Seminary and the University of De- troit have been severed as a result of a decision of the Seminary athletic association today. The break was caused by the cancellation of two ath- letic dates at the last minute by the Detroiters this spring without suffi- cient excuse. except the mile and two-mile runs. Tentative plans were made last night to give the squad a rousing send- off. As the plans now stand, the band will be out, a speaker will be secured to inject some of the old "pep" into the crowd, while "Bob" Bennett, '18, will act as the yell-master. Students will meet at 2:00 o'clock to- morrow afternoon in front of Univer- sity hall, and together with the band will march down State street to the Michigan Central station. Those who are in charge of the send- off are making preparations for a large crowd of enthusiasts, in order that the team may leave Ann Arbor with enough fight to last them over Sat- urday. Prof. Robbs to Speak Before Socialists Prof. W. H. Hobbs will speak be- fore the socialist society in Newberry hall Thursday evening. His subject will be "Preparedness. For quick service, call 2255. tf It required just three hours to agree Twenty-one trips were made to 14 on the 12 men, and but 35 minutes for different towns during the past col- the deliverance of Judge Swann's nar- lege year by "Y" deputation commit- rative on which he will base his ar- tees, according to the report given out gument for a verdict of death for the by Philip Lovejoy yesterday. Only 16 defendant. In thearemaining two hours men were used to carry out this work, and 25 minutes, actual court 'Lime, Dr. but. great, results were accomplished. A. A. Moore was examined, and his Approximately 3500 boys listened to cross-examination was nearly com- what the Michigan men had to tell pleted. them in the various towns, and out of Dr. Waite today seemed to take lit- that number 92 were induced to take tie interest in theetrial lie watched the "forward step.' By taking the the selection of the jury in a noncha- forward step is meant that these boys lant way and even cracked jokes with promised to stop smoking, swearing, etc. his attorney while the witnesses were being questioned. Although no more trips will be made -_ this year, pjans are already under way Advertizers in The Michigan Daily to carry on the work next, year -on a much larger scale, so that more are the reliable business men of the places may be reached and more boys city. It is to your interest to trade influenced to lead the right kind of with tnem. * a life. Morse's Gilbert's ekF ILMs ke Our Store Your Headquarters S DEVELOPED FOR toe Penants a nvd PillowV Tops 1111 S. UNIVERSITY OPPOSITE ENG. ARCH N'PONE 11 F, r