e Mich gan Daily I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESbAY, OCTOBER 21, 1914. PRICE FIVI 11:111 IEr CLES A PPEiNT FO CF / a ,lFFICER RS YFAR e w sm LL-FRESH 6-3 COUNT and But he Varsity prac- the scribes were e of the barred ere given a light ots of blocking bied by three old have returned ing for Syracuse, a and Cornell. Washington, one nond, '08, of Hugh White, n oid takle. team that n winning a the Wol- 266 to 14 rd oaptain- played the also the famous 1901 the point a min- Heston days, and coached at Michi- een back several with the teams of on in TODAY Cercle Francais meeting, Cercle rooms, No Majorties Secured For Vice.- noon. President of 1915 Lits or Deutscher Verein meeting, Verein Leader of Junior room, 8:00 o'clock. Engineers Freshmen dinner, Michigan Union, 6:00 o'clock. HARRY GAULT CHOSEN TO HEAD Meeting of health service representa- ACADEMIC COLLEGE SENIORS tives, medical building, 7:30 o'clock. t George Mclahon Selected As Guide TOMORROW For Junior Lit Band Concert, Hill. auditorium, 8:00 Students o'clock. Junior engineer assembly, room 348, Elections were held by eight classes engineering building, at 10:00 yesterday. No majorities were secured o'clock. for vice-president of the senior lits and for president of the junior eng- inders. Re-elections will be held later in the week. Following is the list of elected officers: Senior lits: president, Harry Gault; secretary, Helen Morse; treasurer, Enos Bradner; baseball manager. H. R. Rice; football manager, G. C. Adams; track manager, Carlton Niue Contributions Received By Men Jenks; oratorical delegate, R. R. Fe on Committee to Judge lars. Compositions Junior lits: president, George P. McMahon; vice-president, Honor W. TO ANNOUNCE DECISIONS SOON Gaines; secretary, Gertrude W. Roos; Contributions from nine men have treasurer, M. Bentley; football mana- been submitted in the contest for ge, F. P. Surgenor; baseball manager, writing the music for the 1915 Mchi- . C. Duffield; track manager, A. J. gan Union opera, which will be staged Gans; basketball manager, H. Warner; late in March. Of the nine who hand- women's basketball manager, Ruth El- ed in manuscripts, five of them turn- lott; oratorical delegate, N. E. Pin- ed in a complete set, that is, contribu- sne. tions for the ten songs in the show, in Soph idt , p r nt, W y;s sece . addition to the opening and closing vice-president, Frances Way; secre- choruses. The other four only sub- tary, Margaret Long; treasurer, W. A. mitted particular songs. Stevenson; football manager, Lee Jos- The work turned in will be present- lyn; baseball manager, John Codd; ed to the committee of judges, consist- track manager, Lester Waterbury; ing of Prof. A. A. Stanley, Prof. Theo- basketball manager, Edward Barthel; dore Harrison, and Earl V. Moore, '12, women's basketball. manager, Irene of the University School of Music. In Leichman; oratorical delegate, rank' addition to these men S. S. Grosner, Nesbit.t '14L, authof of the 1915 opera and K. Junior engineers: vice-president, H.E S. Baxter, '15E, general chairman, will Buell; secretary, Howard Phillips; be present at the final judging. treasurer, R. W. Hadley; basketballI Within a few days, the writers of manager, W. A. Reichle; baseball man-f music will .be .rquested to appear be- lger, T. Weaver; track' manager, . fore the committee to play their offer- P. Carritte. ings. Shortly afterward the committee Junior dents: president, . R. E. will announce its 'decision. Nothing Moran; vice-president, J. L. Lambert; is known as to the quality of the mu- secretary, H. H. Jackson; treasurer, sie submitted, but the chairman is op- F. J. Kane; basketball manager, L. P. timistic, in view of the fact that sev- Fisher; baseball manager, J. H. Bar- eral of the writers have had experi- ringer; football manager, F. G. Bratz. ence in composing for past produc- Senior architects: president, L. L. tions. Holmes; vice-president, J. B. Jewell;l secretary-treasurer, A. V. Morringer;" INITIATION BANQUET HELD BY athletic manager, D. L. Perkins; ser-t MEMBERS OF COMMERCE CLUB' geant-at-rms, A. F. Berg'. Junior architects: president,, R. S. Talks Given By Professors Friday Westbrook; vice-president, L. F. Voor-l and Sharfman, and Also hees; secretary, C.. G .Henninger; By Students treasurer, H. L. Corsett; athletic man-1 ager, G P. Everson; sergeant-at-arms,e At the initiation banquet of the Com- A. C. Irvin.. merce club at the Michigan Union last Soph architects: president, Fred J. evening, talks were given by- Profes- Kolb; vice-president, E. H. Trysell; sors David Friday and Leo Sharfman, secretary, Ruby Macomber; treasurer,E and also by H. M. Lacy, '15, and L. H. G. A. Sprague; athletic manager, H.t Dunton, '16L. Chester Lang, '15, was E. Wilson; sergeant-at-arms, G. L. toastmaster of the occasion. Chaffy. . The following men were taken into the club last evning: C. E. Fyan, '16, PROFESSOR TEALDI SAYS WORK Raymond Bleickhaus, Ralph Bleick- GAINS IN LANDSCAPE DESIGN haus, Howard Griffith, '16, F. L. Wal- ters, '16, R. C. McIntyre, '15, M. J. Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, of the landscape Gregory, '17, H. C. Lange, '16, L. D. design department, says that work In t Benedict, '15, H. M. Hawley, '15, E. J. the department is steadily on the in-1 Bartz, '15, and H. Marsh, '15. Last crease, and everything in connectionr spring 12 men were elected members, with it seems favorable for its con- and they were initiated with the above tinued development. With the addi-l men at the banquet last evening. They tion this year of Mr. H. O. Whittemore, are: W. E. Matthews, '15, B. Speers, as instructor, Professor Tealdi states '15, J. M. Whittey, '15, C. S. Markham, that the work in the department canc '15, H. B. Hayden, '16, C. E. Ufer, '16, be carried on in greater fullness andf L. W. Raabe, '15, H. R. Rice, '15, A. O. with much more ease.t Olson, '15, L. S. Harris, '15, H. M. Mr. Whittemore has been preparingI Lacy, '15, and W. B. Adams, '15. for this work for some time. He stud-t The Commerce club has for its ob- ied for several years in the east, andI ject social and educational advantages. has spent the last two years workingf In addition, however, it aims to give under Professor Tealdi. Mr. Whit- its members an all round development temore studied office methods with 0. that will make them efficient business C. Simonds and Company, of Chicago,3 men. It is also the part of the club to and is the first man who has received assist 'its members in securing posi- a master's' degree in landscape de- tions after graduation. sign from the University of Michigan. i 4 ' w I_ c ,. , ,g 1'. ':H s 'b f; F f a r i, d a 3 t 3 t a a e s d t b n a a 0 f t v t' F f c 3 SELECTIONS FOR GIRL'S GLEE CLUB SWELLS LIST ON ROLLS DN'UNION O Final tryouts for the Girls' Glee TO TICK TS OW OLD the selection of 28 new memrs TICKETS DW SOLO' ~club yesterday afternoon resulted in GVteslcino 8nwmmes Because of the Limited Number of ther~eby boosting the membership of Durward Grinstead, '14, Will Aj Seats in Dining Room, No the club to 50 women. The material In Singing and Dancing More Cards Will of this year, according to Miss Hunt, Role at Concert Be Issued of the School of Music, is the best that Toworrow has ever been had. PRESIDENT HUTCHINS WILL BE Officers for the coming year are as "BANMD BOUNCE" WILL PRESE PRINCIPAL SPEAKER OF EVENT follows: president, Helen Malcomson, VARIED PROGRAM TO STUDI '15; vice-president, Florence Mid- P. D. !Koontz and H.I B. Carpenter daugh, '15; secretary, Aris Van Den- Fred Lawton 'Will Impersonate Y Also to Talk, and A. M. sen, '16; treasurer, Marcia Munsell, Talk To Team At Former Reed to Preside '15.Penn Game Every member is urged to be pres-. Tickets for the All-Freshman din- ent at the first rehearsal, to be held That Michigan's Varsity band ner at the Union tonight had all been at 5:00 o'clock next Monday after- go to Harvard is no longer ope disposed of yesterday noon, and be- noon in Barbour gym. cause of the limited accommodations conjecture, for urwardGrns which the big dining room of the Un- '14, Michigan's Mrs. Castle, has ion affords, it will be impossible to sented to shave off his mustache, Issue more. The dinner will start IIU E.VL LOIIEJ has ordered from his dressmak promptly at .6:00 o'clock, and thosegwtUtEsn who attend are urged to be present tgoon time, in order that the program ness, which will be worn for the may be finished early. T M E TONICI time at the "band bounce," tomo: President Harry B. Hutchins will be evening, at Hill auditorium. the principal speaker on the program. Door Canfield Will Talk to Body of "Powder and Puff Balls" is the x Patrick D. Koontz, '14-'17L, president Representatives on Subject of Grinstead's newest dancing of the Michigan Union, is scheduled to of "Throat Infections" singing sketch, which will be sb give a talk on behalf of the Union. H. for the first time tomorrow. The Beach Carpenter, '14-'17L, managing WILL ELECT YEAR'S OFFICERS .has been given an appropriate , editor of The Michigan Daily, will al- time name and in reality will re so address the company. A. M. Reed, Representatives of the university sent the siege of a Paris creatio '13-'15L, will act as toastmaster. Mu- health service will- hold their first four johnnies in open face, arm sical numbers will be furnished by . plate suits, armed with Broadway meeting of the year at 7:30 o'clock in mets, monacles and canes. All : Sterling Wckwire, '18E, Ernest Zieg- the medical building, and the perma- nighters will be on hand to hear her, '18, and F. W. Becker, '18.niheswlbeohadthar The committee in charge of the af- nent organization of the body will be -new songs, which' will be used fair consists of J. C. Leonard, '17L, perfected. The movement to better the first time. G. M. Luther, '18, Elbridge Dudley, the health standards in houses where J, Fred Lawton, '11, of Detroit,' forwarded his repetoire for Thurs '18E, R. L. Kirkpatrick, '18, C. A. Cos- groups of students live, was informal- night. Both his impersonation grove, '17D, G. E. Kunzie, '18, Robert ly launched last spring, and a tem- Coach Yost, and his football sk Bennett, '18,. F. J. Theme, '18E, Wil- kahYsadhsfobl k B tam Wood, '18, C. W. Fischer, '18, and porary organization with a constitu- from "Strongheart" were well kn Bernard Kraus, '18,dtion was formed. on the campus a number of years This dinner is the first event of its Dr. R. B. Canfield of the university but Lawton has consented to kind ever held, and the idea was fos- hospital staff will be the speaker at eration o f 'Michigan stude tered by the Michigan Union. The the meeting tonight, and will address few of whom have h e a sale of all of the tickets indicates the the 'delegates present on "Throat In- them. The former is a talk made approval with which it was received fections," a subject which has proven Coach Yost to his team between by the freshmen. The dinner is given to be one of the greatest dangers be- halves of the Pennsylvania game for freshmen of all departments. setting large rooming houses. 1909. Michigan's football fortunes In addition to the talk by Doctor that moment were at the lowest e VARSITY BAND MANAGER HOLDS Canfield, there will be an election of She had drawn out of the west, LETTER FROM BOSTON ALUMNUS officers of the general organization, threatened to be' frozen out of and of one doctor to serve on the ad- east. The team had met reverse a Plans For Entertaining Musicians and visory staff with Dr. H. H. Cummings reverse, and the Penn game was Visiting Graduates Are of the university health service. decide whether Pennsylvania we Considered Dr. Reuben Peterson, of the univer- renew her contract with Michigan sity hospital staff, has been secured to the first half the score was aga Samuel J. Hoexter,, managr of the speak at the second meeting of the Michigan, but after the Coach's t band, receivedt the following letter representatives, to be held some time eleven Maize and Blue warriors w from E. R. Hurst, of Boston, secretary during the month of November. Doc- ed out on Marshall field and von of the University of Michigan club of tor Peterson's subject will be "A New (lay. Seven days later the team New England: and Rational Method of Caring for travelled 1,500 miles to Minneap ~I have for acknowledgment your Contagious Diseases." and defeated the conference cha: letter of October 8, and am glad to ions by a decisive score. Lwt learn that negotiations are so far un- ALL-COMERS TENNIS-MATHES third number will be a tempera der way whereby the band will be song in lighter vein. able to be at Cambridge on October ALMOST FINISH THIRD ROUND Another important number sec 31. by the committee, yesterday, wa "As you know, the New England Play in the all-comers tenis tour- recital of Poe's "Raven" to be gi Alumni plan to put on the smoker at nament yesterday almost brought the by . L. Nutting, '15L, presiden the Copley-Plaza the night of October series up to the semi-final roud. Only the Comedy club, who starred in " 30 without making tany charge at all two matches remain~i to be played in Scarecrow" last year. The auditor to the visiting alumni. There are only the third round, and the men sched- will be darkened, and the nun about 500 alumni in New England, uled to play in these will play two given with a play of weird lights, and these are widely scattered. I am matches today, and catch up. to a piano accompaiment by Fr enclosing a circular letter which we Yesterday morning J. B. Angell, '16, Taber, ofthe School of Music. sent to all these alumni in ouren- defeated H. M. K. Grylls, '16E, in a C. Stanley Lamb, '18, will giv deavor to raise the funds necessary for continuation of their match which had number of vaudeville stunts, C the smoker. It will be some time yet been called on account of darkness Sikes, '16E, will sing "College 'Da before we shall know exactly how Monday. The final score in the match the glee and mandolin clubs will much we can depend on from our was 6-4, 6-4. In the afternoon, Angell "The Victors," "Varsity;" and alumni; as we have it planned at took two sets away from R. A. Nord, "Cecelie Waltz," and the bandi present, our expenses for the smoker '16L, of last year's all-fresh team. play "Adele" and "Light Caval alone will be about $600. N'ord was distinclysoff form, and An- Other numbers will be given b "Concerning the band: It has been gell won without an effort, 6-0, 6-1. string quartet, "The Midnight So our intention all along to do something The committee announces that there a vocai quartet, and a saxaphone d for the band, either in the line of en- are still some entry fees outstanding, David Levinson, '17, is ahead in tertainment or anything else the band and these may be paid at the athletic race for the $10 prize offered for would most appreciate; the extent of association office to Intramural Direc- one selling the most tickets.. Up this entertainment, however, will de- tor Rowe or to any members of the last night Levinson had disposed pend upon how much we can raise committee. 206 tickets: All ticket sellers from our alumni. The following matches are sched- asked to report progress each da: "I ksuled for play today: third round- 3:00 o'clock at headquarters, and "I think perhaps in a bweek or ten Alexander vs. Cohen, Crawford vs. settle in full at or before 6:00 o'cl days we shall be better able to tell Judd; fourth round-White vs. Mack, Thursday evening. just what we can do." Switzer vs. winner of Alexander-Co- Any wishing to sell tickets may Yours very truly, hen match, Angell vs. winner Craw- cure them at headquarters on theE E. R. HURST, Secretary. ford-Judd match. nd floor of the engineering shops Wat-I ;ndi, nu;uU, uebel, Maul- Catlett, Bush- plawn, Dunne, Norton, Ben- rarsity practiced on the Reserves defeated the i scrappy scrimmage by . Cole's men won on a from "Bill" Davidson to ay working for a touch- rd, the substitute year- ck, drop-kicked the goal )uglas' men their points. ughitt, the injured vet- e to be on the field last h his arm is still in chances for his getting a rd game seem brighter Professors Write for Engineer Paper . Michigan professors are represented with two papers, while a third relates to an Ann Arbor plant, in the October number of "The Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry." Examina- tion of Chinese Wood Oil," by Prof. E. E. Ware, is the same paper that was read yesterday at the meeting of the American Chemical society. "Oxi- dation of Sulphur Compounds of Coal and of Nitrogen," written by Prof. Samuel H. Regester, who died last June, shortly before he was to have received his doctor's degree, also ap- pears in the Journal. The third pa- per relating to the university, "Water Purification by. Ozone," with the report of the Ann Arbor plant, was written by R. W. Pryer. Mr. Pryer spent some time in Ann Arbor in connection with the plant, and has written this article explaining the impracticability of the plant and the reasons for its failure. has ,ys, giv th wi] ry. by ns, duel th th p t d c ar y a d t ocli ySE sec S. RED LAWTON MPERSONATING YOST HASE SIKES AND THE GLEE CLUB HIll Auditorium Twenty-five Cents ARE YOU GOING TO THE C. S. LAMB FRESH FROM VAUDEVILLE H. L. NUTTING OF CHATAUQUA FAME BA D BOV E SAN'S V BAND GLEE AND Mandolin Clu Send the Band to Harvard Tomorrow Night, Eight o'clock